Cataclysm (GoBots)
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The name or term "Cataclysm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeCataclysm (disambiguation). |
TheCataclysmthreatens theGargent 984.08 Alphauniverse, bringingoldenemiestogether to find a solution. It began whenPrimax 207.0 Epsilonsplit off fromPrimax 984.0 Gamma,which began to replace the GoBots' universe.
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With the end of the universe looming over him,Doctor Bused hisDimensional Interfacerto trace the source of the Cataclysm to anotheruniverse.A team of GoBots composed of Guardians and Renegades was sent to investigate that universe.
However, the team was waylaid in theTransTechcity ofAxiom Nexus,snatched from their inter-dimensional travels.Rhinox,the city's Minister of Higher Dimensional Sciences, was able to partially explain the Cataclysm. He stated thatuniversal streamPrimax 984.0 Gammahad split off several tangent universal streams. This was caused by the appearance and subsequent destruction ofUnicron,the destruction ofPrimus'savatar,as well as a taintedMatrix.One such tangential universe,Primax 207.0 Epsilon,was guilty of overwriting the GoBots' home dimension. This new, destructive universe, Rhinox claimed, split off from Primax 984.0 Gammabeforethe event that caused the other tangential universes, but from the TransTech's perspective, it happened 16 yearsafterthe splitting event. The TransTechs explained that they could not aid the GoBots in their quest.
Shortly after, one member of the team,Bug Bite,spirited off. He traveled to the originally intended universe, arriving before the Cataclysm started, hoping to prevent its creation. He discovered thatMegatronwas the previously-unknown factor that sparked the Cataclysm, and so hoped to usurp the tyrant and use his resources to continue with the GoBots' plan. Alas, he was unable to locate Megatron, finding only an abandonedAutobotshipinCanada.He then went into space with theDecepticonsfor a number of years, researching, until he learned of Megatron's return.Withered HopeBug Bite went back to Earth, but was again unsuccessful in his plan to defeat Megatron.Games of Deception
A week later, from Bug Bite's perspective, the rest of the GoBot team finally made it to Earth in the desired dimension. Bug Bite explained what he'd been up to in intervening 15 years, and that he'd detected a second team of GoBots who'd arrived just a few hours ago.Withered Hope
The AllSpark Almanac
Through a plot froma negative polarity universe,Primax 207.0 Epsilon was destroyed, allowing Gargent 984.08 Alpha to finally begin to repair itself, although many of its population had already departed at this point.The Complete AllSpark Almanac
- In other words, theClassicsuniverse, which split off from the U.S. Marvel Comics universe, is replacing theGoBotsuniverse.
- Rhinox described three events that lead to the splintering of the U.S. Marvel Comics universe:
- The tainted Matrix refers toThunderwing's time with the Matrix, a story begun in "Bird of Prey!".
- The destruction of Primus' avatar refers to Emirate Xaaron (whom Primus was using as a willing puppet) being killed by Unicron in "On the Edge of Extinction!".
- The appearance of Unicron was caused by the accidental awakening of Primus in "Primal Scream".The destruction of Unicron comes in" On the Edge of Extinction! ", afterOptimus Primerecovers the Matrix from Thunderwing.
- Rhinox says that theClassicsuniverse has already consumed universal streamPrimax 1291.0 Zeta,which is the story "Another Time & Place".
Foreign names
- Japanese:Hametsutekina Kiki( phá diệt đích な nguy cơ, "Catastrophic Crisis" )