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Cindersaur (Prime)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about thePrimePredacon. For the Generation 1 Decepticon, seeCindersaur (G1).
Cindersaur is aPredaconfrom theAligned continuity family.
Standing in for all your Rippersnapper needs.

How can you tell the difference between the lumberingCindersaurand a locomotive boiler? The boiler is both less likely to burn you and considerably more intelligent.



  • Cindersaur / Smokescreen(Cyberverse Legion Class 2-pack, 2013)
  • Accessories:Bow
AredecoofPrime: Beast HuntersSeries 3CyberverseRippersnapper,Cindersaur transforms into a robo-land-shark thing. He comes with a bow which he can hold via its three3mm posts,and he and the weapon feature numerous 3mm mounting points.
Though not called out in theinstructions,Cindersaur can also transform into a leg mode for theCyberverseHun-Gurrrmold to use in itscombinermode.
He was only available as part of theBeast Hunters: Predacons Risingsubline imprint,coming in a two-pack with aGeneration 1-inspired redeco ofSmokescreen.This set is aTargetexclusivein theUnited StatesandCanada,and aTescoexclusive in theUnited Kingdom.
His bow accessory was also used, in varying colors, byBumblebee,Airachnid,Rippersnapper, andWindrazor.
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
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