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Circuit (circuit)

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The name or term "Circuit" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeCircuit (disambiguation).

Circuitsare an essential part of the anatomy of mechanical beings, especiallyTransformers.They regulate a diverse range of functions, not all of which are equally applicable in differing eras of Cybertronian history. However, they all share acommon nemesis.


Circuit types


The function of bio-circuits is not explicitly stated, though by context it can be inferred that they are vital to a Transformer's continued functioning. AfterStarscreamalmost accidentally destroyed theSolar Needle,Megatronthreatened to permanently deactivate his bio-circuits.Changing Gears

Brain circuits

See also:Brain module

Brain circuits are sometimes known ascerebro-circuits.

Brain circuits are vital circuits which maintain a Transformer's intelligence as well as a part of their personality.Grimlockonce causedOptimus Primeto be late for a very important meeting withTommy Kennedy(well...not really, Prime was just upset he was late), so theAutobot leaderintended to have Grimlock's brain circuits upgraded. Good luck with that, Prime.

In theMarvel G1 comic,brain circuits were sometimes referred to as cerebro-circuits.Toy Soldiers!

Overkillreinstalled his cerebro-circuitry from his diminutivemini-cassetteform into a larger, more dangerous body.[1]

Inrobot modeEjectcarried twoelectric overload riflesthat shorted out the cerebro-circuitry in a target'sneural cluster.Eject'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile

Chameleon circuits

Not a London police box.

Chameleon circuits are advanced circuitry that allows a Transformer to better disguise themselves from detection by others.Soundwave's varioussymbiotspossess chameleon circuitry to better avoid detection by the Autobots.Ravagepossesses special "umbra" chameleon circuits that allow him to blend into the shadows.[2]

Conflict circuits

Apparently the part of a Transformer's brain that decides how to respond to a challenge. At the opening of theBeast Wars,whenRattrapwas teasingCheetorinto a frenzy,Optimus Primalordered them to "moderate [their] conflict circuits."Beast Wars (Part 1)

Electro circuits

The electro circuits are a component within Transformer anatomy, but their purpose is unclear.Anti-electronsattack such circuits and cause severe glitches to occur in a Transformer.Grimlock's New Brain

Since all circuitry is electric, it's likely that the term refers to all kinds of circuits present in a Transformer's body.

Equilibrium circuits

Equilibrium circuits control a Transformer's sense of balance. They also prevent Transformers from enjoying carnival rides.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1

Logic circuits

Logic circuits are a component of Transformer anatomy that is charged with intelligence and reasoning out confusing situations. In theBeast Warsseries,these circuits were especially important due to the increased reliance onbeast modes.With the acquisition of beast modes, there came instances of the beast modes' instincts influencing the logic circuits. WhenInfernocame online, his beast mode convinced him that he was a real fire ant and that hisstasis podwas his colony.Spider's GameLater, thePredaconsstole the shielding system of theAxalon,forcing theMaximalsto remain in beast mode to avoidEnergonbuildup, all while under bombardment and suffering from sleep deprivation. Eventually, their beast modes came to override their logic circuits. Only withTigatron's help did they overcome their baser instincts.Call of the Wild

Inearlier days,Red Alert'sparanoia had been amplified to dangerous levels by damage to his logic circuits.Auto Berserk

Skywarponce toldThundercrackerto "tighten his logic circuits", because Thundercracker said flying too close to unrefinedEnergoncould cause damage to the body.

Implying that another Transformer has no logic circuits is a common (mild) slur on their character.Double Jeopardy

Memory circuits

See also:Memory core

Memory circuits, also called identity circuits, are a component of Transformer anatomy that allows access to memories. They can be bypassed in order to make a Transformer "forget" certain things, such as who their enemies are.

In theGeneration 1 series,Soundwavewas hit after he downloaded the contents of a computer mainframe, which caused him to lose the information he'd collected.The Insecticon Syndrome

As well, after capturing theDinobotsonCybertron,theDecepticonsbypassed the Dinobots' memory circuits in order to make them willing slaves in theCybertonium Pits.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2

In theBeast Warscartoon,Tigatron's revival from hisstasis podleft him with damaged identity circuits and made him believe that he was an animal likeSnowstalker.Fallen Comrades

Contaminated oil resulted in theConstructiconsdamaging their memory circuits, thus causing them to completely forget previous events.Rise of the Constructicons

Auxiliary memory circuits

Located in the chest. Transformers may download their memories and personalities to this location before removing their head in order to becomeHeadmasters.The Rebirth, Part 1

Morale circuits

Morale circuits when powered up, can be connected to other systems around a Transformer's body to provide a boost to those systems, as well as a feeling of general well-being.Transformers Universe


At least some of a Transformer's nervecircuits are found in the head. They are affected by the uploading ofcircuit boosters,sometimes resulting in paralysis for the user.Post Hoc

Chirolinguisticsis a form of communication in which the "speaker" stimulates the nervecircuits in the "listener's" fingers, wrist and palm.Twenty Plus One

Neural circuits

In robot mode Eject wielded anoverload gunwhich disabled its target's neural circuitry by releasing a powerful burst of electricity.Eject'sUniverseprofile

When theWreckerswere forced to abandon their ship beforeMegatrondestroyed it,Broadsidesuffered damage to his neural circuits, leaving him in "La-La-Land".Loose Ends #2

Oral circuits

See also:Voice box

A Transformer's oral circuits are related to vocalization. In the UK MarvelTransformerscomic,Prowlcleared his oral circuits to cover up his daydreaming during one of Optimus Prime's boring lectures.The Magnificent Six!

In the live-action movie,Bumblebeeis described as having had his "vocal processor"damaged in a battle with theDecepticons,rendering him unable to communicate with other species, though still able to communicate overinter-Autobot frequencies.Ratchethad been having trouble fixing them ever since.Transformers (film)

It is unknown how, if at all, the vocal processor and oral circuits are related. They may coexist, or they may be different devices which serve the same purpose.

Personality circuits

Once, when theDinobotswere acting particularly uncooperative,Wheeljackmade a mental note to work on their personality circuits.Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1

Reason circuits

Reason circuits are a component of Transformer anatomy that governs their capacity to reason. They are evidently distinct from logic circuits. In theoriginalThe Transformerscartoon,after being hit by a missile fromRumble,Red Alertbecame increasingly paranoid (far more so even than usual) due to damage made to both his logic and reason circuits.Auto Berserk

Security circuits

A Transformer's security circuits prevent outside intrusion onto their computers.

Security circuits briefly remain offline after aprotoformgoes through itsactivation sequence.Megatrontook advantage of this to changeQuickstrikeandSilverbolt'sactivation codesby remote override in order to make them believe they werePredacons.Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)

Servo circuits

Servo circuits are essential for a Transformer to remain standing. Without them, Transformers collapse as if paralyzed.

AmongRattrap's bag of tricks was a key-sized device which could disrupt another Transformer's servo circuits and disabletransformation.The device worked only atextremelyclose range and appeared to be single-use, as Rattrap threw it away afterward.Double Jeopardy

Shielding circuitry

In order to better disguise themselves on Earth,Wheeljackinstalled shielding circuitry into the Autobots. These circuits allowed the Autobots to slide a metal sheet over their Autobotinsigniasinalternate mode,hiding them from view.Rock and Roll-Out!

Transform circuits

Transform circuitsortransformation circuitsapparently govern the electronic activation of a Transformer's conversion into anyalternate mode(s). Damage to them may make a Transformer unable to initiate a change, or successfully complete one.

Skyfirehad his transform circuits damaged by one ofKickback's powerful kicks.A Plague of Insecticons

Truth circuits

Truth circuits measure and assess the accuracy (or possibly credulity) of spoken statements (kinda like Pinocchio's nose, but more high-tech).

Optimus Primal once refrained from offeringMegatronthe conversational pleasantry "glad to see you" rather than risk burning his own out.Before the Storm

CliffjumperbelievedMiragewas lying as hisCybro polygraphwas going off, but whether this relates to truth circuits is not known.Traitor

See also


  1. Special EditionOverkill's on-package bio.
  2. Transformers: The Ultimate Guide
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