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Cobra Commander issue 1

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Cobra Commander#1
Cobra Commander 1 Cover A.jpg
Publisher Image Comics
Skybound Entertainment
First published January 17,2024
Cover date January 2024
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Andrea Milana
Colors by Annalisa Leoni
Letters by Rus Wooton
Editors Sean Mackiewicz&Jonathan Manning
Continuity Energon Universe

An ambitious man begins his journey to ensnare the world in his coils.



A mysterious man in a mask and trenchcoatwalks into theNo Man's Landtruck stop on the outskirts of a mountain range and tells the bartender he needs a vehicle. One of the patrons,Jimmy,teases the stranger over his hiss-like "lisp" and wishes him luck before heading out to his truck. The stranger follows Jimmy and tells him that his vehicle will do nicely, using—as Jimmy describes it "some kind of toy" —to attack him. The bartender follows after Jimmy to collect his pay... only to find Jimmy's bloody remains in the snow, next to the image of acobradrawn in blood.

In the secret society ofCobra-La,an angry mob gathers outside of a science lab, angry at the scientists for bringing a "monstrosity" into the city. One of the scientists insists that they retreat, but he is shot in the head by their commander, who insists no one retreats. He orders the other scientists to protect their research and hands them weaponized spores to combat the mob. The commander begins fighting back as the doors to the lab opens, but the other scientists hesitate. One of them asks the commander if she should also throw her spore, which promptly explodes in the commander's face.

Once the commander recovers from the explosion, he is given a reflective metal helmet to hide his shame.Pythonaappears and tells him to put it on; he has been summoned. The commander is brought before LordGolobulus,the leader of Cobra-La who first brought him into Cobra-La when he was wandering the world without purpose. Golobulus castigates him for his actions; the people of Cobra-La respect organic life above all else, yet the commander has cost the lives of their people experimenting with "the specimen" and its "blasphemous technology". The commander balks at this, believing his work of such value that he should be given a position of leadership within Cobra-La. Golobulus reveals he knows the commander is responsible for leaking information about the specimen and instigating the riots, and that the only reason he was healed was so that Golobulus could personally oversee his execution. TheRoyal Guardsattack the commander, but he uses a series of small, insectoid robots to attack, infest, and kill them from within. The commander tells Golobulus that Cobra-La is a powder keg, cut off from the world so long that their resources are dwindling and civil war is imminent, but with this technology, they can make Cobra-La strong again. If Golobulus wants to further his control of the world, he must let the commander live to pursue a special mission in the outside world.

The commander returns to the science compound where they are keeping the "specimen" in question:Megatron!Thinking out loud to the inactivate robot, he reflects that while Cobra-La is advanced for Earth, they are nothing compared to what awaits in space. While the other scientists tried to communicate with Megatron, the commander opts for a more direct approach, activating a machine that (quite painfully) extracts theenergonfrom Megatron's body. This also reveals to him that there are other energy signatures similar to Megatron's in the outside world. The commander decides he will track down these others and learn the secrets of the energy that fuels them. Then no power in Cobra-La or any world will be able to stop Golobulus's army—an armyheshall lead. As the commander exits the laboratory, Megatron looks up and smiles.

The commander watches a sunset fall over a lake when he is confronted by theenforcerGolobulus sent to keep an eye on the him during his mission. The enforcer insists they keep moving and recommends taking on a disguise so as to draw less attention. The commander doesn't care. Hewantsthe attention. They have a long journey ahead of them toFlorida,and by the time they are done, the world will fear the name of...Cobra Commander!

Meanwhile, a small cabin on the edge of a swamp awaits, the door marked with a logo and name: "Dreadnoks"!

Featured characters

Characters initalic textappear only in flashbacks.
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Cobra/Cobra-La Others


"HA!How the hell you get all the way out here without a truck, buddy?! And what's with thelisp?Dangcircusis in town, and no one told us, boys. "

Jimmy's (unwise) response to Cobra Commander asking for help in procuring a vehicle.

"Put it on. Hide yourshame.You have been summoned. "

Pythonaorders the recently-revived science officer.

"LIES.I knowyouinstigated the riots. I will not tolerate your betrayal. I healed you... because I wanted to watch you die with my owneyes."

Golobulustakes the commanding science officer to task.

"Your sacrifice has shown me that there areotherenergy signatures similar to yours in the outside world. I will track them down and learn about this energy that fuels you. It does not merely power... it istransformative.Once I unlock its secrets... Golobulus will have hisarmy.ThatIwill lead. And no force in Cobra-La, or in any world, will be able to stop us. "

Cobra Commanderrants to Megatron about his plans.


Continuity notes

  • Much like how the first issue of sister miniseriesDukejumps forward in time,Cobra Commander's first issue is largely comprised of a flashback, showing us Cobra Commander's final days in Cobra-La before venturing out into the wider world to form what will become Cobra.
  • Cobra-La was previously foreshadowed by a conspiracy theorist inDuke#1,who spoke of "a secret society in the ice".
  • #WhereIsMegatron? In the depths of Cobra-La, apparently! Though the issue doesn't say exactly, it would appear that this story takes placeafterour first look at theDecepticonleader frozen in the ice inTransformers#4.We would later discover how Megatron ended up here in theTransformerssegmentof theEnergon Universe Special 2024.
  • When Cobra Commander siphons the energon from Megatron, the electric effect is colored yellow. While this could just be a representation of electricity, it's worth noting that we've previously seen yellow energon inVoid Rivals#1whenDarakandSolilaused it to repowerJetfire(a detail kept forTransformers#1.)
  • The fact that Cobra Commander detects more energy signatures like Megatron's indicates that this issue takes place after theAutobotsand Decepticons have awoken in the pages ofTransformers,but when exactly is not clear.
  • One of the monitors showcasing the knowledge Cobra Commander was able to extract from Megatron has an image of Optimus Prime missing an eye. Presumably a reference to the fight Megatron and Optimus had during the Ark crash, which was seen in a flashback inTransformers#2.

G.I. Joe references

  • The rather-boxy truck that Cobra Commander steals has the treads and colors of aH.I.S.S. tank.
  • COBRA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!!!The secret society of snake-people—including Golobulus, Pythona, and the Royal Guard—made their debut inG.I. Joe: The Movie,where we learn that they were responsible for the creation of Cobra and that Cobra Commander hails from them. While often maligned by fans, personally despised byLarry Hama,and excised from most re-imaginings ofG.I. Joe,their inclusion here continues the Energon Universe's trend of basing their mythology on theSunbow Productionscartoons. As he elaborates in the letter to the reader at the end of the issue, writer Joshua Williamson also incorporated Cobra-Laexplicitlydue to its weirdness and fandom reputation.
  • Cobra Commander is established to be a normal human who Cobra-La took in, something glimpsed by his Caucasian skin tone while recovering, marrying his more typical backstories in other media with his Sunbow origin. Whether this CC was a used car salesman remains to be seen.
  • In a clever subversion of expectations, the Cobra-La scientist yelling to retreat is drawn to resemble Cobra Commander’s pre-mutated form fromG.I. Joe: The Movie,making the reader think this is the classic Cobra Commander we know and love... only to be shot by our actual Commander.
  • Cobra Commander's science officer armor is based on his1991 action figure.Avery cooldetail is that some of Commander's facial features are faintly visible through his mask in a couple panels, replicating similar detailing from the original figure.
  • The Dreadnoks are a gang of bikers and mercenaries, often led by the master of disguise,Zartan,and who frequently find themselves in the employ of Cobra. Like in theG.I. Joecomics published byMarvel ComicsandDevil's Due,they're holed up somewhere in Florida.

Transformers references

  • The pistol Cobra Commander's holding on Cover A greatly resembles Megatron in gun mode (minus theThe Man from U.N.C.L.E.-inspired silencer and stock attachments). This led tolotsof speculation as to whether or not he was going to show up here, andsure enough...
  • The outfit Cobra Commander wears as he enters the outside world draws heavily from his "Old Snake" guise from theGeneration 1 cartoonepisode "Only Human".
  • The "Megatron being captive and used for research" plotline returns again. Given what we already know aboutthisMegatron, it's safe to assume the Energon Universe is again drawing its influences from thefirst live-action movie.
  • In the panel featuring a look atCybertron,we also glimpse a few cameos, including aGuardian,anInsecticon,and several tetrajetSeekersthat are colored after theRainmakers.
    • The involvement of a certainbig, blue and white robotin the war on Cybertron begs some questions, namely, what do wecallthis robot? Are they a "Guardian?" An "Omega Sentinel?" A "GADEP," even? Considering theSunbow Productionsinfluence pervasive across the Energon Universe and the more recent usage of both "Guardian" and "Guardian Robot" in places like theWar for Cybertron Trilogyanimated series andGenerations Selectstoyline, we'll just use "Guardian" to refer to this guy.

Real-world references


  • Just as withDuke#1, the back cover of the comic is patterned after a classified file (this time in red). However, it features the same grammatical errors, reading: "The contents of this bookletisconfidential.Thisunauthorized disclosure of information within is prohibited. "

Other trivia


  • Cover A:Cobra Commander emerges as theArkcrashes behind him, by Andrea Milana and Annalisa Leoni.
  • Cover B:Cobra Commander stands with his machines, byDavid Aja.
  • Cover C (1:10 Copy Incentive):Cobra Commander in a dark and snowy night, byChris BurnhamandBrian Reber.
  • Cover D (1:25 Copy Incentive):Cobra Commander on explosion background, bySteve Epting.
  • Cover E (1:50 Copy Incentive):Cobra Commander holds his beloved pet cobra, byAndrea SorrentinoandSofie Dodgson.
  • Cover F:Cobra Commander and the captive Megatron, byJonboy Meyers.
  • Cover G:Blank sketch cover.
  • Cover H (1:250 Copy Incentive):byDavid Mack.
  • Wanted Comix / Rupps Comics / JJ's Comics & Art / Big Clutch cover A:byMaria WolfandMike Spicer.
  • Wanted Comix / Rupps Comics / JJ's Comics & Art / Big Clutch cover B:Virgin Foil variant.
  • The Comic Mint cover:Cobra Commander sends out his insectoid robots, byVincenzo Federici.
  • Southern Comics Cartel cover:Cobra Commander sits with his pets, bySanta Fung.
  • Bird City Comics cover:Cobra Commander, byJohn Giang.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover A:byJason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover B:by Jason Howard.
  • Second Printing Variant Cover C:by Andrea Milana.


  • Explore the Energon Universe inDuke#2,Transformers#5,andCobra Commander#2!
  • A new era for G.I. Joe starts inG.I. Joe: A Real American Hero#301!
  • KromabyLorenzo de Felici
  • Arcade Kings


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