Combaticon (G1)
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The name or term "Combaticon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeCombaticon (disambiguation). |
- The Combaticons are aDecepticonsubgroupfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
TheCombaticonsare a unit of fierce Decepticon soldiers, operating with (mostly) military precision under the watchful eye of the tactically brilliant Onslaught. They sometimes operate out oftheir own headquarters.
The Combaticons consist of:
- The tacticianOnslaught(leader)
- The violentBrawl
- The egotisticalBlast Off
- The con manSwindle
- The unhingedVortex
They combine to form the highly powerful, but extremely stupidBruticus.
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformerscartoon
WhenStarscreamwas banished from the Decepticons for Yet Another Failed Coup AgainstMegatron,he was deposited on the island ofGuadalcanal,the site of one of the major battles between theUnited States of AmericaandImperial JapanduringWorld War II.There he found and rebuilt several abandoned US military vehicles to pass the time. After he finished, he decided that if Megatron can have a Decepticon army, then so can he!
After bluffing his way pastSkywarpandThundercrackerto use thespace bridge,he travelled to adetention centeronCybertronand liberated thepersonality componentsof severalDecepticon political prisonersbefore destroying the rest. Back onEarth,Starscream installed the components into the rusting military vehicles and ordered them to transform.
The reborn Combaticons were less than pleased with their "new," primitive bodies, nor were they particularly thankful to Starscream for freeing them after millions of years of imprisonment. That is, until the former Decepticon Air Commander revealed that he had neglected to installenergy absorberunits into their bodies, so they would have no way of refueling. As he was the only one with the knowledge and expertise to install them, he demanded their allegiance in his aim to overthrow Megatron. The Combaticons agreed to obey Starscream, for now.
Under Starscream's leadership, the Combaticons managed to capture several prisoners, then used their energy absorbers to recharge themselves at a power plant. Unfortunately, Megatron and the Decepticons attacked, while the Autobots rescued their comrades. TheConstructiconsformedDevastator,who was quickly defeated by the Combaticons' much more powerful, but dull-witted combined form, Bruticus. Starscream ordered Bruticus to grab Megatron, forcing his former commander to acknowledge Starscream as the new leader of the Decepticons. Under duress, Megatron did so as theStunticonswatched nearby. The latter group, deciding that Starscream would be too dangerous as a leader, quickly formedMenasorand defeated Bruticus with a single attack. Starscream and the Combaticons were banished from Earth on a small asteroid, left to wallow in their own misery and blame each other for their failures.Starscream's Brigade
Starscream and the Combaticons quickly had a falling-out. After Starscream left, the Combaticons attacked Cybertron, easily defeatingShockwaveand hisdrones.Thirsting for revenge, Onslaught reprogrammed the space bridge to pull Earth closer to theSun,in the hopes of destroying it and every Transformer there. The Autobots and Decepticons temporarily joined forces to retake Cybertron and prevent Earth's destruction, and with Starscream's help, they deactivated the Combaticons once they formed Bruticus through a failsafe device built into the treacherous giant's back. Optimus Prime and Megatron agreed that Bruticus must be destroyed, but the Decepticon leader fooled the Autobots by using Shockwave'sholographic projectorto make it appear as though Bruticus was destroyed, when in reality the combiner was reprogrammed to be loyal only to Megatron.The Revenge of Bruticus
Soon afterwards, during Megatron's latest scheme on Earth involving the theft of fighter aircraft using Middle-Eastern criminals, the Combaticons were called into service to defend Megatron'sGiant Purple Griffin,a large... thing that apparently pumpedoil.Or something. Struggling against theAerialbots,the Combaticons formed Bruticus, yet were still knocked over when the Aerialbots twisted a tow cable around his legs. The Decepticon combiner was finally defeated when the Aerialbots ignited the nearby oil wells, causing a massive explosion that sent Megatron,Rumble,Bruticus and gas prices flying away.Aerial Assault
While attacking a human city, Bruticus was destroyed in battle withDefensor(man, this guy can't seem to catch a break). Only Swindle survived, and he sold the remains of his comrades to various mercenaries andthird-world dictator-types,only to be forced to locate and rebuild the Combaticons by Megatron. The reformed Bruticus was then defeated when Megatron's disruptor cannon was overloaded by the human-builtB.O.T.,once again sending the Decepticon flying into the sky.B.O.T.
After the great battle atAutobot City,the Combaticons were among the battered Decepticon forces who withdrew toChaar.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1Swindle was instrumental in negotiating an alliance with theQuintessons;Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2the Combaticons later participated in a Quintesson-led assault on the Autobots onGoo.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4
A lone Blast Off later attacked aSkuxxoidwho was usingdeath crystalsto blow stuff up in Decepticon territory, and forced the alien to tell him where he got the ammunition. When a group of Autobots tried to find the crystals as well, Blast Off attacked them alongsideRunamuck.ChaosThe Combaticons later failed to assassinate Decepticon exileOctaneatAutobot City,Starscream's Ghostthen succeeded in shooting up a shuttle meant to take human delegates to an interstellar peace conference.Surprise Party
During a Decepticon attack on theNetherlands,Swindle infiltratedMetroplexand stole histransformation cog,whilst Vortex was charged with guardingTrypticon.The Ultimate WeaponThe Combaticons later participated in the assault onParadron,where they guarded the imprisoned Paradronians, among other things.Fight or FleeWhen the Earth was infected by theHate Plague,the Combaticons (Bruticus) were among those infected. Brawl was seen driving along the road and infectingHeadstrongwho, in turn, infectedRazorclawwhile Vortex attacked a civilian plane on a runway.The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1
UnderGalvatron's directions, the Combaticons constructed a giant planetary rocket engine that was used to propel Cybertron into orbit around Earth. They also dragged away the bodies of defeated Autobots to use as fuel for the engine. Once Scorponok and Fortress Maximus began to fight the Combaticons ran away. They presumably left Cybertron with Galvatron in ScorponokThe Rebirth, Part 3
Japanese cartoon continuity
Scramble City
When the Stunticons were dispatched to hinder the Autobots from constructingScramble City,they were attacked by the Aerialbots and did not fare too well. The Combaticons arrived to help, and together Bruticus and Menasor easily overpowered Superion. However, Scramble City itself soon arrived and blasted both combiners away.Scramble City: Mobilization
The Headmasterscartoon
The Combaticons participated in an all-out Decepticon attack on Cybertron,Four Warriors Come out of the SkyuntilFortress Maximusarrived and drove them away.The Mystery of Planet MasterShortly afterwards,Hot Rodset out to find theMatrix of Leadershipand bring it to Optimus Prime, and the Combaticons were among the troops sent out to stop him. They were ambushed by the Protectobots, and defeated when Defensor buried Bruticus in a rockfall.Birth of the Fantastic Double PrimeNot long after that, the Combaticons defendedTrypticonagainstTwincast's attempted infiltration, but failed when theAerialbotsarrived and distracted them.The Great Cassette Operation
The Combaticons were later part ofanotherattack on Cybertron, during which they killed plenty ofsoldiersbefore getting into another fight with Defensor.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1They lost.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2When the Decepticons planted a giant carnivorous plant inSan Francisco,the Combaticons and Stunticons were ordered to with attack any Autobots who arrived to kill it. When the Aerialbots andTrainbotsdid just that, Bruticus got into an energy-sword fight withRaiden.Head On!! Fortress MaximusSixshot later sent the Combaticons,TerrorconsandHorrorconsto attack an Autobot energy facility inMiami,in order to lure Autobot troops away fromAutobot City.Ultra Magnus Dies!!
The Combaticons were present whenScorponokheld a speech about Galvatron's recent death and took control of the Decepticons.I Risk My Life for EarthBruticus was later part of a small group of Decepticons who tried to lead Fortress Maximus away from the Decepticon base onMaster.The Zarak Shield Turns the TideHe then stood by and laughed asPredakingsank the luxury linerQueen Worldin the Atlantic Ocean, before being stationed at one of Scorponok'sDeath Towersin Canberra,Australia.He defended the tower against Defensor until it activated, at which pointWingspanandPounceordered him to withdraw.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)
Bruticus participated in the final battle with the Autobots at the North Pole, and foughtComputronalongsideAbominus.As Scorponok's energy-absorbing satellite started tearing the Earth apart, Bruticus retreated into the atmosphere to watch the results alongside the rest of the Decepticon forces.The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
ZoneOVA, manga, and story pages
Seeking to create aDecepticon Zoneto counter theAutobot Zone,Decepticon EmperorViolengiguargathered together theNine Great Demon Generals,upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. The Combaticons were of those summoned, but only in the form of Bruticus.Zone Part 1ZoneEnter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
TV Magazinecomic continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerscomic
Bruticus arrived to help theStunticonsfightDefensorandSuperionat a baseball stadium inJapan.He quickly defeated Defensor, injuringhis torsoand preventing him from combining. In response, Superion disabled Brawl and Swindle using hiselectrostatic discharger rifle,allowingFirst AidandStreetwiseto steal their places as Bruticus's legs. Taking control of the giant's flight systems, the two Protectobots flew off with Bruticus asKenjicheered at them to drop the Combaticons into the sea.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5Onslaught later joined the Stunticons in a scheme to defame the Autobots by destroying factories around Japan whilst wearing Autobotinsignias.When confronted by the real Autobots, he "combined" with fellowDecepticon Trailer CorpsmemberMotormaster,but they were defeated and sent packing byOptimus PrimeandUltra Magnus.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7
The Combaticons' next mission was to hunt downan escaped dogthat Megatron had experimented on, imbuing it with powerful energy. Brawl managed to fatally injure the animal, much to Onslaught's annoyance as they were supposed to capture it alive. The AutobotPowerglidesoon arrived to put a halt to their activities, and the dog expressed its gratitude by using its powers to energize Powerglide withScramble Power.As Powerglide used the power to combine with his fellowMinibots,the Combaticons responded by forming Bruticus. He proved weaker than this newMinibot combiner,however, as it used the "Minibot Warrior Spiral Attack" to drill straight through Bruticus' chest, defeating him.
The dog still died, though.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers
The Combaticons emerged as Bruticus alongside the other Decepticon super-warriors, ready to storm the Autobot energy tower on the planetFeminia.Galvatron and his men laughed off the presence of Superion, Defensor andOmega Supreme... but theOmnibots?Carrying a length of thread?! Oh, the horror.Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5
The Great Transformer War
The Combaticons and Stunticons were working out of Trypticon where the kidnapped scientist DoctorDaltonwas being forced to work for Galvatron's evil ends. When the Aerialbots and Protectobots arrived to save the scientist, Onslaught and Motormaster combined with Trypticon in their deployment launcher modes. Hurtling their fellow Decepticons at Superion did such damage that the Aerialbots were forced to disassemble. Somehow, however, the remaining Protectobots managed to hold off both Bruticus and Menasor long enough forHot Spotto repair the Aerialbots, and forBladesto sneak past the Decepticons and retrieve Dalton.The Great Transformer War #1
Super-God Masterforcecomic
Brawl and Blast Off participated in an attack onAtheniaby forming the right limbs ofScramble 7,a Decepticon combiner using various combiner team members in a supposedly "ideal" configuration. Despite being so great, however, Scramble 7 was defeated bySuper Ginrai,Lightfoot,andRangerthanks to their use ofChōkon Power.The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army
Marvel Comics continuity
MarvelThe Transformerscomics
The Combaticons and their fellowSpecial Teamswere first conceived withinBuster Witwicky's mind shortly after the human had relinquished control of theCreation MatrixtoOptimus Prime.Shockwavewas able to view this data remotely and prepare for their development.Second Generation!
On their first mission on Earth, the Combaticons followedMegatronto retrieve the humanhydrothermoclineplant. When they arrived, they faced Optimus Prime and theProtectobotswaiting for them. The Combaticons formed Bruticus and stared downDefensorwhen a nearby human namedEthan Zacharysuggested that they play avideo gameover the plant instead. Optimus Prime and Megatron both agreed, and the Combaticons were sent into the game to attack the Protectobots. However, they lost every battle due to not taking the "wildlife" AI into account.Afterdeath!These events were observed by thetime travellingDicet Alpha-zero.The Quest!After this, the Combaticons didn't do much but follow Megatron around, even when their mentally unstable leader heavily damaged Brawl for mouthing off.Gone but Not Forgotten!
Later,Soundwaveled the Combaticons to killGalvatron—and co-incidentallyUltra Magnus—while they were trapped in the cooled lava flow ofMount Verona.After making short work of the human military encamped on the site, the Combaticons set up explosive charges around the volcano to obliterate the entire area but their operation was met with resistance thanks tothreehumanwomen,as well asGoldbugand theThrottlebots.When the Combaticons retreated to detonate their explosives, their remote signal was jammed byBlaster.Ladies' NightIn response to that humiliation,the Combaticons would later attack theThrottlebotsin a used car lot, only for the Protectobots and Blaster to interfere and force them to retreat.Used AutobotsShortly afterwards, the group decided to ambush the Protectobots on their way to theArk.This time, Bruticus claimed victory over Defensor by hitting him with a train, but was soon tricked and broken into his component parts by Blaster. After this, Blaster took control of Blast Off and flew into space, separating the shuttle from the other Combaticons.Child's PlayAlong with most of the Decepticon army, the Combaticons later ambushed the Autobots on theMoon,only to be beaten back by Blaster andGrimlock.Totaled!
At some point thereafter, the Combaticons worked withDarkwingandDreadwindunder the command ofScorponokto steal a backup of thefloppy diskcontaining Optimus Prime's personality.Prime Bomb!
MarvelGeneration 2comic
After Bludgeon's defeat, Swindle took the returning Decepticon leader Megatron on a tour of theWarworldbattleship he had inherited.The Gathering DarknessSoon after, Brawl and Blast Off were among the Decepticons preparing to charge into battle against theCybertronians.New DawnVortex was seen with various other Decepticons attacking theCybertroniansonEthos.Escalation!As the alliance progressed, Onslaught was struck by empathic pains as his apparent spawnMindsetwas consumed by theSwarm.Swarm
During the final battle atEarth,all the Combaticons later attempted to defend the Warworld against a Cybertronian boarding party led by the treacherous Starscream. Despite Onslaught's emphatic orders of "maximum firepower", they didn't do so well.Total War!
Transformers Comic-Magazin
Young Corgi continuity
When the fleshlings discovered a mysterious lost civilization buried underneath the ice, the Combaticons Brawl, Vortex and Blast Off joinedRavagein seeking whatever treasures the hidden city might have. They were confronted by the Aerialbots namedSkydiveandSlingshot,and fought on the surface over the city. Little did they know that thecity-dwellerswere robots themselves, remotely storing and copying images of the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons, imprinting themselves with the skills of warfare. They were only stopped by the unlikely duo of Ravage andHot Rod.After the city-dwellers were defeated, the Autobots granted safe passage to their one-time Decepticon allies. Blast Off expanded to his maximum size to transport his fellow 'Cons back to Decepticon headquarters.Battle Beneath the Ice
DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
The five soldiers who would one day become the Combaticons were early participants in the Decepticons' war effort. While Onslaught and the others joined Shockwave in attackingIaconand theHigh Council Pavilionsbeing protected by the Autobots, Swindle chose to throw in with Starscream, helping him to disableLaserbeakand assume temporary control over Megatron's planetary juggernaut project.The War Within
At some later date, these five warriors were officially brought together as a combiner team, given the ability to form Bruticus. Like the other Combiners, they were banned from operating together on any given faction during the Dark Ages, by decree of theCrisis Intervention Accordto prevent any more devastation to the planet at the hands of the super-robot combiners.Transformers: The Ultimate GuideThe Combaticons were still authorized to operate individually and separately among the various Decepticon factions. Given his previous efforts helpingMotormasterand theBattlechargerswith Starscream's coup, Swindle may have joined them as a member of thePredacons,although this was never stated.War Within: The Dark Ages
By the modern era, the Combaticons had been declared war criminals by the united Cybertronian government under Shockwave andUltra Magnus.The details of their crimes and why they were singled-out for imprisonment is unclear—Shockwave may have been intentionally eliminatingpotential rivalsorloose cannons,or may simply have allowed their imprisonment as a token showing of cooperation with the Autobot High Council. Once the Transformers from Earth were contacted, and uprisings began taking place on Cybertron, Starscream managed to worm his way into theDetention Banksand recover the five stasis pods containing the Combaticons. He loaded them onto his stolen transport and brought them back to Earth with him and the rest of his hand-picked crew.Revelation
On Earth, Starscream reactivated the Combaticons as his personal "brigade", scanning Earth military vehicles for their alternate modes. Using the Combaticons as shock troops, he made a two-staged assault on the Ark, and successfully took five of the seven remaining Autobots off-line.Night of the CombaticonsStarscream and Bruticus' efforts to complete their set were interrupted by the arrival ofSunstorm,Starscream's crazed clone-brother, and Bruticus was damaged in the melee.Black SunshineAfter the battle with Sunstorm, Starscream attempted to train the Combaticons into better military shape, using the Autobot prisonerSky Lynxas a "tackling dummy". His training efforts were interrupted by the return of Megatron and his combiner team, thePredacons.Even as Bruticus, the Combaticons quickly fell before the might ofPredaking.The Route of All Evil
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
The Combaticons were among the Decepticons under control of "the Son of Megatron",Serpent O.R..Onslaught tried to protect his leader from a vengeful Optimus Prime while Brawl, Vortex and Blast Off were seen fighting against a combined Autobot-G.I. Joearmy. Swindle, however, was nowhere to be found.The Art of War #5
2005 IDW continuity
Early in thewar,Brawl and Onslaught were part of an armored division led byBlitzwing.They participated in the defense of theCitadelbut were overwhelmed by theDynobots.EndgameWhenMegatronwas overthrown byScorponok,the Combaticons were among the Decepticons who refused to their new leader and left Cybertron to do their own thing. While breaking into an armory at thePresidium,they were approached byStarscreamand offered ample payment for their return to the frontlines.Primacy #2They accepted, and Onslaught and Brawl were later seen participating in Megatron's attack onIacon.Primacy #3Primacy #4
During the warSwindlebecame one of the worst violators of theTyrest Accord,constantly selling Transformers technology to alien races, and had gone AWOL from the Decepticons, hunted by both sides of the war.Spotlight: Ultra MagnusThe other four remained Combaticons, and were a dangerous tactical unit capable of taking on and beating superior numbers (even ones backed up bytotal loonies). Under orders fromBanzaitron,they successfully raided theGarrus-9Autobot prison and abductedthe six newest inmates,the gestalt Transformers, despite taking some damage from a high threat convict, Arcee, who was released to stop them.Spotlight: ArceeSoon afterwards, the Combaticons were among the only survivors of an attack by theDead UniverseTransformers, who activated the gestalt combined form,Monstructor,inside Banzaitron's base.Spotlight: HardheadAfter a deal was negotiated between Arcee and Banzaitron; the Combaticons, remainingDSSmembers and the crazed Autobot fought Monstructor onRotan.Spotlight: Sideswipe
Two years after the fall of Megatron, the Combaticons were among the Decepticons left behind on Earth. Swindle joined up with a small band of roaming Decepticons,New Arrivals, Old Encounterswhile Onslaught was one of many Transformers captured bySkywatchusing their reverse-engineered energon and Cybertronian technology. He and several other Decepticons were rescued from Skywatch custody by Swindle's team, who removed the mode-locks placed on them by Skywatch's restraint tech.A Rude AwakeningAfter Swindle failed to take advantage of some rebellious Autobots in an attempt to get off Earth, he disappeared.Earthworks
Fleeing toNorth Korea,Swindle made a deal withKim Jong Du,the leader of the nation, offering him the Combaticons as an invasion force in exchange for energon. He left when he got the energy he needed, but the other Combaticons remained.A Second Chance at EdenSoon enough, Onslaught, Brawl and Vortex were invadingSouth Koreafor their employer (Blast Off's whereabouts were unknown: Skywatch noted that the Koreans had enough energon for five Transformers, but he might just have left Earth on his own)."The Land Ironclads"They ended up in a brawl with both the Autobots (allied with Skywatch) andPredacons(allied withChina), but were ultimately defeated. Luckily for them, the Autobots didn't have the resources at hand to take them captive."All My Sins Remembered"
Brawl later tried to killProwlon Swindle's behalf, but failed and was captured by the Autobots.Only ForwardSwindle himself was taken in shortly afterwards when his latest scheme failed.A Second Chance at EdenThe captured Combaticons, and likely the others as well, ended up being forced to work for the Autobots on a restored Cybertron once the war was declared over.The Autonomy LessonThe Decepticons felt oppressed under a provisional government of Autobots, Non-Aligned Cybertronians, and Starscream. Starscream approached Onslaught to buy the Combaticons' services as he made his play for Iacon's leadership. In exchange for protecting him from those like theDecepticon Justice Divisionor unruly bots, Starscream would allow the group a position of power when the time came.Applicable Skills
Blast Off and Brawl were among those brought by Starscream to pressure Prowl into revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground. Later underground, they witnessed a Titan declare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. They and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream.Primus: All Good ThingsLater, most of the Combaticons were involved in the rioting that began when Megatron returned, although Swindle, along withDirge,offered their testimony on Prowl's murder ofBombshelland theConstructicons.City on FireThe VergeSome time later, when Starscream successfully became the ruler of Iacon, he reneged on his deal with Onslaught, who was furious over the betrayal.Applicable Skills
After Megatron's defection to the Autobots,GalvatronandSoundwavetook command of the Decepticons and led a contingent back to Earth, which included Brawl, where they formed an alliance with theEarth Defense Commandagainst the Autobots.Earthfall Part 1: Hello Cruel WorldBack on Cybertron, with Metroplex's installation as Cybertron's new capital, Onslaught and many other disgruntled Decepticons chose to live in slums outside the city instead. When they caught Optimus Prime making his way through their territory, many of them formed a mob and attacked him.City of SteelBlast Off joined the riot for Metroplex's space bridge under Swindle's claims that a better life was possible onCaminus.You, Me, and the UniverseSwindle himself would be blasted in the back by Starscream in order to keep him from revealing his role in the attack on Caminus, and apparently expired.All That Remains
Onslaught later skulked by as a group of Camiens were passing out fliers regarding Optimus Prime's divinity in the district. Brawl returned from Earth at this time to help rally the Decepticons for Galvatron's campaign.The TransgressorsThe Combaticons soon reunited and stewed over Starscream's leadership. Upon throwing an energon canister at a viewscreen promoting Starscream's success in uniting some of the lost colonies, Onslaught declared that they wouldn't let Starscream forget the past, not without having to go through them first. They sprayed "SWINDLE LIVES" on a wallThe Will of the Fewthanks to Onslaught being informed by an anonymous informant, "DC-357",that Swindle was alive and had damaging info on Starscream.07:00:00Brawl, Blast Off, and Vortex got Onslaught a new grenade in light if the newly declared "Chosen One Day".Choose Me
Brawl rejoinedNeedlenoseandDreadwingto prepare for Galvatron's conquest of Earth. Brawl and Needlenose led a team of Decepticons, including Onslaught, to the Space Bridge nexus, where they transported aboard theArk-7to overpower the Autobots in Earth orbit.LagrangeBrawl, Onslaught and the Decepticons engaged Arcee,SideswipeandAlpha Trionbefore the ship crashed into Shanghai, China.PerihelionThe Earth Defense Command's "mindbomb" felled several of the Decepticons within the first minute of the battle. After the Chinese Mecha Force began tearing through the Decepticons, Brawl was taken through the space bridge by Ironhide, but began fighting his way through the Autobots in a panic and reignited the fight at the other end. Barely surviving an attack byDevastator,he and several Decepticons were able to slip away.Once Upon a Time on Earth
Onslaught continued to search the underbelly of Cybertron for the missing Swindle, and as theBadgelessbegan to brutalise Decepticons for information, he became sure DC-357 was onto something. However, the other Combaticons, particularly Blast Off, became worried he was too focused on finding Swindle, costing them paying jobs. The idea of dropping the search made Onslaught storm off in a huff, failing to notice a new message from DC-357. Blast Off did catch it, however, and soon he donned a Badgeless disguise, joined a patrol, and as soon as he got a chance he shot a Decepticon dead and sent footage of it to the press.07:00:00With riots breaking out, Vortex and Brawl were eager to join in, but Onslaught held them back until Blast Off returned. Onslaught suspected the situation was orchestrated by Starscream so that the colonists would be made to turn against their cause, until Blast Off admitted to doing the killing by following DC-357's suggestion to provoke an uprising. Onslaught hit upon a sneaky plan: he started a large protest that marched on Starscream to shake the tree and see what happened, and when what happened was Ironhide was made head of the cops and opened them up to anyone who wanted. Onslaught then started a fight so that Blast Off could 'stop him' and 'denounce' his plans, thus getting into the police as someone Ironhide would trust.Applicable Skills
Blast Off was able to use his position to eventually uncover surveillance footage ofWheeljackandRattraptaking Swindle. While Onslaught took Brawl and went to Rattrap's, Blast Off and Vortex barged into Wheeljack's home, and ultimately threatened to killChromiaunless Wheeljack talked. Wheeljack admitted that he and Rattrap had tried to save Swindle, but he was currently brain dead. Onslaught was unperturbed by Swindle's condition, and forced Rattrap to retrieve theEnigma of Combination.Things We Said We'd Never DoOnslaught used the Enigma on himself and his team, formingBruticus,hoping that he might be able to access the dirt Swindle had on Starscream. As Bruticus rampaged through Iacon, within the combiner's psyche, Vortex reveled in the power that they wielded as Bruticus, Brawl was wallowing in pain after feeling Swindle's death, and Blast Off struggled to keep them all together. Eventually Onslaught found what he was looking for, and he, Brawl and Vortex began reveling in their path of destruction despite Blast Off's protests. ThoughWindbladetried to appeal to the Combaticon combiner to help her take down Starscream with their evidence, it was to no avail. Eventually Ironhide was forced to fire a rocket at Bruticus' head, and the shock forced the Combaticons to disconnect. Windblade frantically tried to get the Combaticons to wake up to share what they had learned, but failed.The Line Between Us
The Combaticons were imprisoned and awaiting trial, though Ironhide was reluctant to prosecute them if their mental scarring proved too great.PingThey were still comatose when Starscream told theEukarianmnemosurgeonAirachnidto turn them to his side as one of his combiners. Though the Combaticons minds had imprinted on each other during their combination, making them susceptible to the process, one of the Combaticons was required to be aware of the deception in order to cover any holes in their story should the others get suspicious. Blast Off was chosen and bribed into accepting the deal after Starscream reminded him that Onslaught would never let the past go or ever take any real interest in him. As a result, the others Combaticons were made to believe that Onslaught's original deal with Starscream had worked out, with them having been his secret and loyal bodyguards, and that their forming of Bruticus had been a last-ditch attempt to save Swindle's life with Starscream's approval. Starscream informed Ironhide that Airachnid would be testifying that the Combaticons had not been responsible for their actions as Bruticus.The Price of YouSoon the Combaticons "resumed" their work of protecting Starscream, and Onslaught and Blast Off arranged a date. Shortly afterwards, Swindle was restored, with his memories manipulated as well.If I Know You
The Combaticons later provided security for the ceremony to welcome Earth into the Council of Worlds. Whena group of human assailantsattacked, the Combaticons mobilized to fight back and evacuate Starscream.First Strike #1
Onslaught and Vortex later ushered Circuit and Longtooth out of the Council chambers during Windblade's official return to her post, with Vortex daring the two reporters to resist. When Windblade invited people to speak with her one-on-one during her campaign to become the new leader of Cybertron, Brawl was an unexpected supporter of her war-free vision. Vortex and Blast Off later stood guard outside Starscream's office as Windblade confronted Starscream, and Blast Off was disturbed at Vortex's ideas for what they were doing. During the final debate, Starscream revealed all of his crimes to the public, including the manipulation of the Combaticons. As a result, all of the Combaticons were imprisoned for their rampage as Bruticus, and Blast Off was ostracized by the others for his role in their manipulation.The Chosen One
Wings Universe
The Combaticons were anElite Guardspecial ops unit created byMagnumto take out the variousleadersof the new Decepticon faction, in the hopes of ending the war quickly.The Coming Storm: Part 2After they ended up getting captured byDeathsaurus,the silver-tongued Decepticon manipulated the Combaticons to join him so they could prove their superiority over the rest of the Elite Guard. In return, he modified them so they could combine into Bruticus.The Coming Storm: Part 4
They attacked Elite Guard HQ, using their new combined formThe Coming Storm: Part 5and managed to slaughter most of the Elite Guard defenders, untilDioninjured the giant, forcing them to separate. They departed the scene, assuming everyone to be dead.The Coming Storm: Part 6Returning to Deathsaurus's base, they underwent repairs, though they were startled to learn that Deathsaurus could control their merging remotely.Battle Lines, Part 2As the remnants of the Elite Guard tried to attack the base, the Combaticons joined the other Decepticons in defending it. However, as they tried to merge into Bruticus, they were blasted by some new arrivalsBattle Lines, Part 3who were, it turned out, even more survivors of the massacre. Blast Off was captured and bound bySide Burn,meaning the Combaticons were unable to form Bruticus for the rest of the battle. After Deathsaurus called a retreat, the team was slow to comply, and as a result were captured by the Elite Guard.Battle Lines, Part 4
In the hands of the compromisedGyronian Sentry Team,the Combaticons were whisked away to Deathsaurus's fortress, now under Megatron's control. Though Megatron gave them the option, none of them cared to help Deathsaurus, and they were imprisoned and their personality components subsequently interred in the Decepticon Detention Center.Battle Lines, Part 5
Kre-Oonline comic
Summoned byStarscreamto act as his elite squad (whose first mission, of course, was to overthrowMegatron), Onslaught, Brawl, Swindle, and a repainted Vortex rolled onto the scene. After they all declared their specialties, Onslaught, Brawl, and Swindle were irritated when Vortex offered to stay behind and guard the base. Even though the Combaticons combined into Bruticus, Vortex's constant worry for the base's safety compelled the team to withdraw. When Starscream, under imminent threat of a beating from Megatron, contacted the team to demand to know where they were, the Combaticons happily informed their illustrious leader they were all protecting the base together. Aww.New Military Unit Combaticon! Bruticus, Combine!
Swindle was able to stealMetroplex'stransformation cog,but his looking forward to being rewarded was interrupted when theProtectobotstracked him down to take back his loot. The Combaticons combined to form Bruticus, but were defeated by the Protectobots' own combined form,Defensor,and taken back to the Autobot base to have his injuries treated by the gentleFirst Aid.Bad at Fighting? Rescue Team Protectobots, Dispatch!
2019 IDW continuity
During the interwar period between theWar of the Threefold Sparkand theGreat War,the Combaticons; Onslaught, Blast Off, Vortex and Brawl; were agents ofThe RiseunderShockwave's command. After the devastation ofMayalx,the Combaticons were sent to the colony to collect a bounty ofenergon cubes.Constructicons Rising, Part 4
WhenExarchonreturned, the Combaticons were summoned to Shockwave's bunker to meet with the ancient warlord. Though Blast Off had rocketed away after receiving a message, the other three pledged their loyalty to the Threefold Spark.War's End Part OneNo sooner had they arrived to reinforce him at his fortress in theSonic Canyonsdid the Decepticons arrive and the Combaticons engaged them with the help of Exarchon's swarm ofSkywarp drones.War's End Part TwoTheCompanionsshowed up to try and stop Exarchon only for all hostiles to retreat whenDevastatorarrived.War's End Part ThreeWhen the Autobots and Decepticons returned for a united attack, the Combaticons rushed to Exarchon's defense only for the Threefold Spark to ultimately be trapped and destroyed. In the aftermath, Onslaught, Vortex and Brawl surrendered and were taken into Decepticon custody.War's End Part Four
Having been invited to join him on the damagedWinged MoonbyCosmos,Blast Off helped his friend repair the satellite, managing to get the lights on by the time the Autobots arrived to seek refuge.Fate of Cybertron
Energon Universe
Stationed inShockwave's fortress,Transformers #11the Combaticons pursuedElita Onewhen she tried to rescueUltra Magnus.After gunning down Vortex, Elita managed to flee with Magnus through aspace bridgeto Earth. Giving chase, Onsluaght ordered the Combaticons to combine only for Elita to damage the space bridge, resulting in Brawl being bisected at the waist and him and Onslaught being cut off from the other Combaticons as the portal shut down.Transformers #9
Dragging Brawl out of the way, Onslaught largely kept to himself as he waited for repairs to be affected to the space bridge.Transformers #10
After the space bridge was repaired,Shockwavebriefly returned to Cybertron, being greeted by Vortex, Blast Off and Swindle. Shockwave quickly brushed aside their concerns and ordered them to battle stations for when the fortress' high energon signature attracted Autobot rebels.Transformers #11
Standing guard at the space bridge, the Combaticons were at ground zero whenCliffjumperwas kicked through. After Shockwave returned, he ordered the three to dispose of Cliffjumper before Optimus Prime arrived. Finding themselves outmatched by the Autobot leader, the Combaticons quickly fled the area.Transformers #12
After Optimus Prime had severed the space bridge link between Cybertron and Earth, a chunk of Cybertron broke off and landed in Earth's oceans, causing a tidal wave. Caught up in the event, Onslaught and Brawl were rescued byStarscreamandAstrotrain.Landing at the fragment of Cybertron, the two reunited with the other Combaticons, the group pledging fealty to Starscream.Transformers #14
After being fully repaired, the Combaticons were deployed into battle against Soundwave's faction, forming Bruticus as their opening salvo.Transformers #15
Transformers Roleplaying Game
The Combaticons were a tight-knit unit of elite soldiers.Decepticon Directive
The Transformers
- Japanese ID number:D-69
- As aScramble City-stylecombinerteam, the Combaticon team includes four small toys, sold carded at the $5 price point, and one large leader toy, sold boxed for $12 or so and including all the combinerkibble.They were available as part of the 1986 and 1987 assortments. In most markets, the Combaticons were only sold as individuals; the combinedgiftsetwas only available in Japan and Italy.
- Like their counterparts, theProtectobots,the four small Combaticons feature unique transformation schemes. All have attachable weapons for their vehicle modes. Posability varies from figure to figure; Brawl and Swindle have knee and "elbow" joints (their shoulder joints are halfway down their arms), but their legs are conjoined at the knees. Blast Off and Vortex feature an early use ofball jointsin their shoulders, giving them near-universal range of motion, but are otherwise similarly limited.
- Like the other three original Scramble City teams, the small limbs can attach toMetroplex's robot mode, while the leader can be used to make an additional ramp/platform for Metroplex orTrypticon.
- The Combaticon molds have been frequently redecoed (and slightly retooled) over the years; they have been used to makeOperation CombinationBattle Gaia,2001Robots in DisguiseRuination,andUniverseRuination. They are also a favorite forbootlegtoy manufacturers to copy, sometimes sold with bizarre new names likeTugging Gun,Copter,Secpmdary,Steel Generals,Secondary Brain,Panzer,Armament,andSteel Hetman.
Generation 2
- Combaticons(1993)
- Onslaught
- Brawl
- Blast Off
- Swindle
- Vortex
- A redeco of the Generation 1 molds that looks like they just went through a paintball war... and lost. They all combine and kick Superion's behind as the big, bad, battling Bruticus.
- Bruticus(Box set, 2012)
- Known designers:Andrew Franks(deco artist)
- Bruticus is a G2-styled giftsetexclusivetoAmazonandBigBadToyStore,containingredecoesof theFall of CybertronCombaticons in theirGeneration 2colors with G2-style Decepticon insignia. This may be considered a tie-in to Amazon's preorder bonus for the game: a "Generation 2"-themed skin for Bruticus.
- Swindle(2004)
- Onslaught(Legends of Cybertron, 2008)
- Onslaught(Ultra, 2008)
- Bruticus Maximus(2008)
- TheUniverseCombaticons areredecosof theEnergonDestruction Team.In this incarnation, Swindle is a helicopter and Blast Off is a tank, while their combined form is known as Bruticus Maximus fortrademarkreasons. They were only available as a Bruticus Maximus multi-pack.
- The Combaticons are identical to theRevenge of the FallenCombaticons.
- Bruticus Maximus(2012)
- Released exclusively in Takara's Asian markets, this redeco of theEnergonBruticus Maximus set has colours similar to the previousUniverse(2008)/Revenge of the Fallenrelease, but with a much greater emphasis on G1-accuracy. Additionally, the hand/feet/weapons previously cast in translucent coloured plastic are now opaque grey.
- Decepticon Bruticus(Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
- Set number:A2225
- One of the firstKre-OMicro-Changercombiner sets, Bruticus includes fourKreons:Onslaught,Brawl,VortexandSwindle.These four component Kreons can be rebuilt into their alternate modes or taken apart and combined into Bruticus. While he is not included in the set,Blast Offwas made available through the first wave of blind-bagged Micro-Changers and can be built onto Bruticus if you're feeling creative.
Combiner Wars
- Onslaught(Voyager Class,2016)
- Decepticon Blast Off(Deluxe Class, 2016)
- Brawl(Deluxe Class, 2016)
- Swindle(Deluxe Class, 2016)
- Decepticon Vortex(Deluxe Class, 2016)
- Decepticon Shockwave(Legends Class, 2016)
- Known designers:Shogo Hasui(TakaraTomy)
- Designed in the "Scramble City" style, all four Deluxe Combaticons can each become either an arm or a leg, and come with double-barrelled guns that can transform into either a foot or a fist to complete the limb. The stock photography shows Blast Off and Vortex as arms and Swindle and Brawl as legs. Notably, he is the first 'classic' combiner in theCombiner Warsseries to not have a 'replacement' member. Continuing the aforementioned theme, however, Blast Off is a jet (a redeco ofQuickslinger) instead of a space shuttle or a tank. Shockwave transforms into the combiner robot's handheld weapon.
- Originally there were plans to have a running change in Onslaught's colors; initial shipments were to feature the Bruticus chest cast in silver for a Bruticus-accurate color scheme, while a tan Onslaught-accurate color scheme was also revealed. However, the tan variant never made it to retail.
- LikeDefensorbefore them, all four limbs were released in the same wave, making it much easier to complete a set.
- Bruticus(Collection Pack, 2016)
- Accessories:Weapons/combiner extremities, Onslaught's two guns, Blast Off's gun, Vortex's gun, Brawl's barrel rifle, Swindle's gun
- The whole
metamorphin' Dudicusbig, bad, battlin' Bruticus team was redecoed in theirGeneration 2colors, packed with a sorta-genericallyGeneration 2-esque, vaguely-Action Master-version-ish deco'd version ofShockwave.However, despite being (broadly) accurate in their base colors, all of the Combaticons have Generation 1 insignias, while Shockwave comes with the movie version of the Decepticon faction symbol.
- There is noGeneration 2-colored version of the Space Shuttle Blast Off toy, sorry. You only get the jet.
- Weirdly, thebacksof the antennae on Bruticus's head are painted silver, rather than the front where they'd be far more noticeable/make any amount of sense. On the other hand, the originalGeneration 2Bruticus had unpainted antennae, so hey.
- This version of the combiner was only sold as a complete team in a big box set, which also included a poster and a collector card based on the packaging art. This set was sold "exclusively" through multiple online outlets, though it eventually found its way to closeout retailers like TJ Maxx and Ross the following holiday season for well below its original price, alongside more or less all of the other "Collection Pack" semi-exclusives in the line.
- Decepticon Blast Off(Special Edition Deluxe,2018)
- Accessories:Blaster, gun/fist/foot,MegatronusPrime Master
- Combiner WarsSpecial Edition Blast Off is a redeco of hisUnite Warriorsmold,featuring a dark brown deco more accurate to his original toy (essentially, plastic colors almost identical to the originalCombiner Warsjet figure), as well as Shuttler's reverse chest as compared to theUnite Warriorsrelease. If desired, his torso can be disassembled and reassembled in the same configuration as theUnite Warriorsrelease. As part of a trio of "Special Edition" toys celebrating thePrime Wars Trilogy,he is packaged in a premium window box and includes a redeco of theMegatronusPrime Master(sansBomb-Burstdecoy suit) cast in translucent red plastic.
- Blast Off was first publicly revealed via preorder listings on Amazon and several Asia-based toy retailers without prior announcement from Hasbro.
Unite Warriors
- Combatron Combined Soldier Bruticus(giftset,June 25,2016)
- ID number:UW-07
- English name:Decepticon Combaticons Combiner Bruticus
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy)
- TheUnite Warriorsrelease of the set includes a cartoon-accurate color scheme, and a new Blast Off mold.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the tenth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Guardian"(with his componentsBlades,First Aid,Hot Spot,Groove,andStreetwise) andBruticus(withhiscomponentsBlast Off,Vortex,Onslaught,SwindleandBrawl) along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.
- The Generation 1 cartooncharacter modelsfor the Combaticons lookverylittle like their toys, much like theStunticons.This would seem to have spawned fromearly patent draftsthat featured thebareminimum of details, which were then used as the basis for the early, non-final Combaticon models (pictured at right). From there, the models were revised to the point where the finished character designs and toys had very little in common. Unlike the Stunticons, however; the finished Combaticon modelsdoreplace the original head designs with toy-accurate ones, which were likely based on the figures'package art.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Combatron(コンバットロンKonbattoron),Combaticon(コンバッティコンKonbattikon)
- Mandarin:Zhàn Chē Duì(China, chiến xa đội, "Combat Vehicles Team" )
- French:Combatican(Europe, "Combaticon" )
- Hungarian:Csatarobot( "Battle-robot" )
- Italian:Combacticon
- Portuguese:Combatantes
- Russian:Boevikon(Боевикон, "Thrillercon" )