From Transformers Wiki
- The Conclave is aDecepticongroup from the2005 IDW portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
TheConclaveis a group of high-ranking Decepticons, seemingly second only toMegatronhimself.
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2005 IDW continuity
Either Megatron or one of the Conclave had to be present for theceremonyinvolved with becoming a Decepticon.Life After the Big BangTarnspeculated thatBlack Shadowcould have been a member of the Conclave if he hadn't betrayed the Decepticons.Rules of DisengagementTheSecret ServiceofficerBanzaitronkept files on all Decepticons, including members of the Conclave.Who's Afraid of the DJD?
Transformers Roleplaying Game
The Conclave made up the innermost circle of Decepticon leadership, a decorated group of veterans that served as Megatron's advisers. Known members includedSoundwave,Shockwave,Scorponok,andDeathsaurus.Decepticon Directive