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Transformers: All SparkEpisode 9
All Spark chpt 09 title.jpg
Quyết trứ
Publisher Kadokawa
Published in Kerokero Ace#69
First published July 26,2013
Cover date September 2013
Manga by Naoto Tsushima
Collaborators TakaraTomy

Things draw to a head...



Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Decepticons Humans Others


Transformers references

  • The news agency that Carly reports for isTFAS,which are the initials of the manga in English.
  • In the panel of Spike introducing Carly to the Autobots, Hot Rod can be seen holding a piece ofenergon gum.[3]


  1. "だーれだ?"—Naoto Tsushima, Twitter, 2013/07/28
  2. "だぁ~れだ?"—Naoto Tsushima, Twitter, 2013/07/28
  3. "ロディマスがもってるのは エネルゴンで tác られたガムです"—Naoto Tsushima, Twitter, 2013/08/02

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