Copy Bighorn
From Transformers Wiki
- Copy Bighorn is an evil clone from theBeast Wars IIportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Copy Bighorn(コピービッグホーンKopī Bigguhōn)[1]is a black and evil clone ofBighorn.
Beast Wars IIcartoon
- Voice actor:Masami Iwasaki(Japanese)
Amysterious devicecreated the nefarious clone ofLio Convoy,"Copy Convoy".Copy Convoy escaped theMaximals,taking the camera with him. Copy Convoy laid a trap for the Maximals, waiting below a waterfall for them to arrive—then stepped aside to reveal the copy machine, which scanned the Maximals and created evil copies of Bighorn,Tasmania Kid,ApacheandScuba.
Copy Apache,Copy Bighorn,Copy Scuba,andCopy Tasmania Kidequally matched their Maximal counterparts. Fortunately, Copy Convoy did not notice that one Maximal,Diver,was strangely absent. The waterfall Copy Convoy had chosen for his ambush was in fact theNiagara Base,Diver's concealed outpost. Triggering snares to hold the copies in place, Diver bombarded the black Maximals other than Copy Convoy and caused them to vanish from existence.The Black Lio Convoy