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Matrix of Leadership

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(Redirected fromCreation Matrix)
This article is about the lore object. For the titular cartoon episode, seeMatrix of Leadership (episode).For a list of other meanings, seeMatrix (disambiguation).

This article is afeatured article,and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki.

You put the life in the coconut.

TheAutobot Matrix of Leadership(also known as theCreation Matrixor rarely, theLeadership Matrix,[1]theAutobot Matrix of Power,[2]or theMatrix of Light[3]) is anartifact of great power,traditionally carried by theleaderof theAutobots.Although its appearance differs slightly fromuniversal streamto universal stream, it generally appears as a glowing crystal sphere encased within ahollow metal shell,with a handle on either side.

By most accounts, the Matrix is a conduit for the power ofPrimus,the creator-god of theTransformers,serving as a means of access to theTransformer afterlife,through which it can either bestow new Transformer life, or provide its wielder with a means of communicating with the deceased leaders who have come before them. These divine powers put it at the centre of much Autobotreligion,spirituality, and prophecy; while manyDecepticonsare less inclined to believe in its divinity, they certainly covet the increased physical power it is known to convey upon its holders, and several have made obtaining the Matrix one of their primary goals. As one of the embodiments of the power of Primus, the Matrix is antithesis toUnicron,and one of the very few things the chaos-bringer fears.

But one day... an Autobot shall rise from our ranks... and use the power of the Matrix... to light... ourdarkest hour.

—Adying Optimus Prime,The Transformers: The Movie


Conceptual history

The Matrix made its fictional debut whenOptimus Primetransferred it toBuster Witwicky,an event recounted in this scene from "Second Generation!".

The Matrix and the concepts associated with it have continuously evolved over the history of the brand, with different pieces ofTransformersfiction creating new ideas centred on it, which have in turn influenced its representation inotherfiction, and so on. The current nature of the Matrix as it is understood is beholden to quite a few different sources, and its development is described here to minimize confusion. For the specifics on the different interpretations of the Matrix in various continuities, see the "Fiction" section below.

The concept of the Matrix originates from the brain ofMarvel ComicswriterBob Budianskyand is a result of the "no girls" / "no gender" policy enforced byHasbroregarding their then-new robot brand. Because there were no female robots/the robots had no gender, Budiansky came up with an asexual method of reproduction in the form of the Creation Matrix, a "Primal Program"housed within theAutobot leaderthat could bring new Transformers to life, which would also prove a helpful plot device when he was required to introduce new characters to the series.[4][5][6]

The appearance of the Matrix in theGeneration 1 animated seriesoriginated with early script drafts ofThe Transformers: The Movie,which introduced the idea of "Life Sparks", very similar to thesparksthat would later be introduced withBeast Wars.The Matrix was not present in the earliest known incarnation of the movie; instead, upon his death,Optimus Primetransferred his own Life Spark toUltra Magnus,with the implication that this was standard practise among Autobot leaders. This idea was eventually discarded, replaced with a physical object known as the "Matrix of Leadership", which evidently derived its name from the Creation Matrix of the comic book. The episode "Cosmic Rust"attempted to introduce the concept of the Matrix to the animated universe before the movie, but the dialogue containing the reference was deleted during production. The line, which dated the creation of the Matrix to 4.5 million years ago, would ultimately have conflicted greatly with what would be learned of the Matrix in the future.

Zeta Primeinherits the Matrix fromGuardian Primein the first recounting of the Prime lineage from "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4.

Virtually nothing of the Matrix's nature was actually divulged in the finished film, where it was treated as simply a magic talisman of prophecy that was the antithesis ofUnicron.The idea that had originated with the Life Spark concept—that of dying Autobot leaders merging their lifeforces with others—remained, albeit in a vague way, as Optimus Prime intoned upon his deathbed that he would soon be "one with the Matrix". The mini-series "Five Faces of Darkness"fully expanded on the meaning of his line, revealing that the Matrix contained the lifeforces of all the deceasedAutobot leaderswho had previously held it, collectively known as the "Wisdom of the Ages," which could be consulted for aid in moments of need.

The dyingSentinel Primepasses the Matrix to Optimus Prime in this flashback scene from "The Legacy of Unicron!".

Having already cannibalized many of the movie's best elements for use in his comic book stories, writerSimon Furmancontradicted Bob Budiansky's US comic book stories by presenting the Matrix as it had appeared in the film, as a physical object, in his own UK storylines, and carried this over to the US comic when he later began writing it. This alteration was also reflected in aUniverseprofile written for Powermaster Optimus Prime around the time, where Budiansky's "program" concept and the cartoon's "physical object" idea were merged with the explanation that the program was encoded in light patterns in the Matrix's crystal core. As Furman's run progressed, the "lifeforces of previous holders" concept was also adapted into the comics, with the Matrix possessing a genetic memory of those that had held it. Most notably, in both UK and US books, Furman crafted astoryto explain the origins of the Matrix, why Unicron was vulnerable to it, and how it could create new life, ultimately revealing it to be the essence of the Transformers' creator-god,Primus.

It was theBeast WarsandBeast Machinesanimated series that made the next big addition to the growing mythology of the Matrix when they introduced theTransformer afterlife,the extradimensional source of all Transformers sparks living or dead, which was also named "the Matrix." While not explicitly related to the Matrix seen in the Generation 1 cartoons or comics, the implication was obvious—rather thancontainanything, the physical Matrix object from those continuities was agatewayto the Matrix dimension. Where the animated "Matrix of Leadership" and the comic book "Creation Matrix" had previously seemed incompatible, this revelation united them conceptually—the lifeforces of the dead from the cartoon and the ability to bring new life from the comics could now both be tied to the features of the Matrix dimension.Dreamwave Productions' comics proceeded to cement this concept, depicting a Matrix of Leadership that possessed both these traits, and explicitly identifying it not as a holder of Primus's power, but aconduitfor it.

The Matrix took something of a back seat in major fiction in the latter years of the 2000s, effectively replaced in the worlds of thelive-action moviesandTransformers Animatedby theAllSpark—a mystical object that, while physically distinct from the Matrix, possessed its life-giving powers and record of Transformer history. Before long, however, both these continuities reintroduced the idea of the Matrix: In both universes, the AllSpark was destroyed and its knowledge and power was reincarnated in an object either specifically named, or designed to look like, the Matrix, thereby bringing the whole concept full-circle.

Finally, the more recent revelation (implied in the movies, confirmed byFun Publications' "Crossing Over",and reiterated inTransformers: Exodus) that the energy that is the basis of Transformer life is actually the rarefied form of the Transformers' fuel,energonitself, suggests that the energy of the Matrix is also (a form of) energon. This had actually been portrayed as the case in some formerly-questionable pieces of fiction such asThe Transformers Trilogynovels, which retroactively make sense now.


Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics
Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.
Intel Inside!

When Primus created the Transformer race, before entering voluntary systems shutdown, he bestowed upon them a genetic matrix containing his essence and the majority of his power, which could be used to give life to more Transformers so that the race might grow without his direct involvement.The Primal ScreamLater named the "Creation Matrix", this divine gift took the form of a "Primal Program"encoded in intricate patterns of light within a crystal,[7]which was passed from leader to leader down through the millennia. The first holder of the Creation Matrix was the first Transformer,Prima,then subsequentlyPrime Nova,Sentinel Primeand in the modern era,Optimus Prime.Dark CreationThe Autobot leaders evidently elected to keep the true nature of the Matrix a secret, since most other Transformers were shown to believe it was a program stored within the mind of Optimus Prime himself, rather than housed within a separate physical object. This mistaken belief gave rise to a legend that claimed that the Program was encoded into a new Autobot leader once every ten millennia.The New Order

WhoseLifeforce prime and longtooth.jpg

At one point during his tenure as Autobot leader, Optimus Prime came acrossLongtoothstruggling to save the life ofa fallen comradeon the battlefield after a particularly ferocious conflict. Mistakenly believing he was witnessing a great show of Autobot spirit (when in actuality, Longtooth was simply terrified of being the last one left alive), Prime extracted a tiny portion of the Creation Matrix's energy and gave it to Longtooth, telling him to use it wisely. Once Prime had left, however, Longtooth gave into his fear and kept the Matrix energy for himself, to serve as a "spare life" that allowed him to be daring and brave on the battlefield without fearing death.Whose Lifeforce Is It Anyway?

DisintegratedCircuits buster uses matrix.jpg

When the Transformers' war moved toEarthin1984,current Decepticon leaderShockwaveelected to increase his forces by creating new Transformers with the power of the Creation Matrix. Capturing theAutobotsand decapitating Optimus Prime, Shockwave tapped the energies of the Matrix and brought theConstructiconsto life.The Next Best Thing to Being There!Prime was able to transfer the Matrix into the mind of the Autobots' human ally,Buster Witwicky,The Worse of Two Evils!thereby preventing Shockwave from animating his newest construct,Jetfire,but the presence of the Matrix within Buster's mind gave the boy incredible powers over machinery.DIS-Integrated Circuits!Brainstorm!Deducing that Buster possessed the Matrix, Shockwave programmed the unliving Jetfire to capture the boy, but Buster used the Matrix to bring Jetfire under his control and used him to thwart Shockwave's plan and save Optimus Prime. With Prime and the Autobots rescued, Buster transferred the Creation Matrix back to the Autobot leader,Prime Time!and Prime subsequently used the Matrix to give Jetfire true life.Rock and Roll-Out!

Residual energy from the Matrix that lingered in Buster's brain soon began to give the youth nightmarish visions, causing him to black out and create strange images of previously-unheard of Transformers.Devastation Derby!Seeking to help Buster, the Autobots hooked him up to equipment that would allow them to monitor his dreams, and discovered that the Matrix was showing them all them a vision of the future, and the creation of theSpecial Teams.Second Generation!

If the Autobots were Jewish, it would have burned another six days.

The Matrix was also known to have an analog on Cybertron, theMatrix Flame,which burned constantly as long as the Matrix still existed, no matter where in the universe it was. It could also be used to channel the energy of the Matrix, which the Autobots on Cybertron did to bring life to their new warrior,Ultra Magnus.[8]Not long after, however, the Matrix Flame flickered out when Optimus Prime was shunted intolimboby time-travelling Decepticons, leading the Autobots on Cybertron to send Magnus to Earth to investigate. Prime was returned in due time, and the Matrix Flame re-ignited.Target: 2006

Following the earlier vision from the Matrix,the Autobots created theAerialbots,and Optimus Prime used the Matrix to bring them to life. Little did the Autobots realise, however, thatMegatronhad deduced a way to usurp the Matrix's power, using acerebro-shellpreviously planted in Prime's body byBombshellto siphon off some of the life-giving energy, which he employed it to animate his own new creations, theStunticons.Heavy Traffic!

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When Optimus Prime died following a video-game duel with Megatron a short time later,Afterdeath!,the Autobots loaded his body into a funeral bier and launched it into space in accordance with Cybertronian tradition.Funeral for a Friend!Unfortunately, having been unaware of the existence of the physical Creation Matrix crystal within the corpse's chest, this meant that they unwittingly set the sacred lifeforce of their race adrift in the sea of stars. After some time, the craft eventually crashed on the distant moon ofVsQs,where it lay undisturbed for a time. Left in solitude, the rudimentary consciousness of the Matrix formed from the genetic memory of its past holders began to desire new sensations.Dark Creation

It got its chance when aDeathbringer,a medical mechanoid created to painlessly end the life of the terminally ill, crashed on VsQs. Critically wounded, the dying robot reached out to touch the Matrix, and in its hunger for new experiences, the talisman used its powers of creation to disassemble and rebuild the Deathbringer, inadvertently warping its programming and transforming it into a powerful being who sought to destroyalllife. A trace of its energy remaining in its body, the Matrix revelled in its first experience of "evil" as the Deathbringer cut a swathe of destruction across the galaxy, ultimately finding its way to Earth.Sensing the Matrix's power within the creature, Optimus Prime—since resurrected by the technology ofNebulos—was hesitant to destroy the only link they had discovered to the lost Matrix, butNightbeatsolved the problem by convincing the Deathbringer that since the Matrix's power was eating away at it, it should destroy itself.Deathbringer

The Creation Matrix was the Leader-1's-head of the Marvel comic. Can't be drawn the same way twice.

Back on VsQs, the Matrix's curiosity found new expression when an insectoid creature crawled into Prime's corpse's chest cavity and became the next recipient of the Matrix's power. Dissecting and studying the beast, the Matrix was fascinated that the creature seemed to be meant to do nothing but destroy, so it re-created the thing into alarger, more powerful predator.Dark CreationThe monster attacked a team of astronauts that had set up a research station on VsQs, killing nearly all of them, but at least one escaped and crashed in the seas of the nearby planetPequod.His body infused with Matrix energy from the beast that had attacked him, the astronaut was swallowed by aklud,which ingested the energy.Deadly Obsession

Meanwhile, Optimus Prime became aware of the threat of Unicron, and, realizing that the Matrix would be necessary to defeat the Chaos-Bringer, arranged for search parties to scour the cosmos for any trace of it.Longtooth was among the Autobots recruited for the search mission, and was forced for the first time to truly confront the selfishness of what he had done with the Matrix energy Prime had given him millennia before. In hopes of redemption, he loaded the energy fragment into a pod and sent it back to Optimus Prime.Whose Lifeforce Is It Anyway?
Primus says it's my turn on the Matrix.
Prime agonized over how to best use the Matrix energy, knowing that it had the power to revive only one of the deactivated Autobots on theArk,and ultimately, elected to disperse it into the Earth's atmosphere to rejuvenate damage done to the ecosystem by the Transformers' warring on the planet.The Greatest Gift of All!

In the meantime, the search parties seeking the Matrix had piqued the curiosity of new Decepticon leaderThunderwing,who possessed an affinity with the Matrix and a desire to possess its power for his own. As the opposing teams dodged each other, they eventually set their sights on Pequod, where the klud had been attracting attention because its species was supposed to have been extinct. Thunderwing used his Matrix affinity to psychically link with the Matrix-infused beast and see the memory of swallowing the dying scientist. Recognizing the "VsQs" stamp on his equipment, Thunderwing set out for that moon.Deadly ObsessionOnce there, both sides battled the creature the Matrix had created, which had grown to enormous size, with Thunderwing ultimately killing the beast and taking the Matrix.Dark CreationThe Decepticon immediately attacked the spaceborne Ark, manifesting the Matrix power in the form of a giant, vaguely humanoid energy field around himself. Soon, however, the Matrix began to speak through Thunderwing, delighting in the firsthand experience of evil, and the Decepticon realized he was being possessed. Thunderwing tried to mentally battle the Matrix, to no avail, but the Autobots exploited his erratic behaviour to impale him with aharpoonand blow him out the Ark's airlock into space.All Fall Down

It cures what ails ya.

Thunderwing's body came to rest on the surface of a planet, where the Matrix began to heal his battered frame.Out of Time!Repairs took time, but once completed, the Matrix set out for Cybertron,The Void!coincidentally arriving just as Unicron was trying to destroy the planet. The Matrix-creature fought Unicron, but Unicron soon realized that the Matrix had been tainted with evil, and that it was no longer a threat to him, given the infinitely greater magnitude of his own evil nature. Thunderwing was destroyed by Unicron's attack and Optimus Prime was able to recover the Matrix, cleansing it of the taint of evil and restoring its purity. Rocketing into Unicron's gaping maw, Prime released the Matrix's energy within the planet-eater's body, destroying him.On the Edge of Extinction!The explosion should have killed Prime as well, but his devastated body was saturated with Matrix energy, keeping it alive long enough for the suffering Prime to pass on leadership of the Autobots toGrimlock.Still Life!

Marvel UK future timelines
"Will I become a great Autobot leader?"
"All signs point to no."

In an alternate future timeline, a dying Optimus Prime passed the Matrix to Ultra Magnus in2006.The Planet-Eater!It was then used byHot Rodto destroy Unicron, in the process transforming the young Autobot into Rodimus Prime.The Final Battle!

In the year2008,Unicron attempted to engineer his resurrection by mentally controlling theJunkionsinto building him a new body. Drawn into the conflict byDeath's Head,Rodimus Prime used the power of the Matrix to battle Unicron on his own mindscape, whileWreck-Garset explosives to destroy the portion of Unicron's body that had been constructed. The explosion tore Unicron's body apart, but did not destroy him; instead, with no physical shell to inhabit, his essence wound up trapped within the Matrix.The Legacy of Unicron!


Later in 2008, theQuintessonsinvaded and conqueredAutobot Citywhile Rodimus Prime was absent, and set a trap for the Autobot leader by leaving the woundedArceeat the city entrance. Arriving to find the one-time object of his affections in dire straits, Rodimus opened his chest cavity in order to heal Arcee with the energy of the Creation Matrix, only to be blindsided by the Quintessons and have the Matrix plucked from him, transforming him back into Hot Rod. The Matrix wound up the hands of QuintessonGeneral Ghyrik,who was able to harness its power and boost his strength for a throwdown with Hot Rod. A bout of impromptu ventriloquism from the young Autobot distracted Ghyrik, allowing Hot Rod to rip the Matrix from his body and transform back into Rodimus Prime, handing Ghyrik an ignominious defeat.Space Pirates!

When disruption to the fabric of space and time forced Rodimus and several other Autobots to travel back in time from2009to1989in order to discover the source of the disturbance, the presence of the Matrix within his body required that Optimus Prime once again be shunted into limbo in order to maintain balance. Rodimus was able to use the power of the Matrix they shared to allow Optimus to communicate with the other Autobots, and when Rodimus was then defeated in battle, Optimus risked the security of the space-time continuum by using the Matrix as a stepping stone to return to reality for a final battle withGalvatron.Time Wars

I honestly can't tell if it's the Matrix, or a weird kind of saucepan...

Returning to Cybertron after their time-travel adventure, Rodimus and the Autobots found that the disruption of space and time had altered their future, and that Galvatron was waiting for them. Galvatron attempted to force Rodimus Prime into a savage battle, hoping to force him to unleash his basest, most violent impulses, and by extension, lead them to corrupt the Matrix. Fortunately, Rodimus realized his plan and stopped.Aspects of Evil!However, it soon became apparent that the Matrix required no external corruption; Unicron's essence, still trapped within the talisman following the events of 2008, slowly began to take hold of Rodimus Prime's mind, forcing him to sabotage the guidance systems of the Autobots' craft when they were on a hyperspace trip to Earth in2010.The Void!Edge of ImpactRodimus battled within Unicron inside the Matrix in an attempt to win back control of his mind and body, but it tookKupdeducing what was going on and wrenching the Matrix from Rodimus's chest to free him from the chaos-bringer's influence. But now, Rodimus knew that the evil of Unicron would be waiting for him within it...Shadow of EvilWhite Fire

Alas, later in 2010, Unicron's essence succeeded in taking over Rodimus's body, transforming it into a duplicate of his own and attacking Cybertron once more, until Rodimus was able to defeat him from within and re-seal him within the Matrix.Aspects of Evil!

When last seen, in the far future of2356,Unicron's essence remained sealed within the Matrix, causing Rodimus's body to steadily wither and weaken.Aspects of Evil!

MarvelGeneration 2comic
Don't do Matrix, kids. Not even once.

When Optimus Prime was recreated by theLast Autobot,the Matrix was also restored.End of the Road!Generation 2 #8 letters pageYears later, it became a target for Megatron, who required it to bring to life an army of new warriors created byBludgeon.Besting Prime in battle, Megatron tore the Matrix from his body with an energy siphon,The Gathering Darknessand used it to give life to theLaser RodsandRotor Force.New Dawn

Subsequently, Prime and Megatron were forced into an uneasy alliance against the massed forces of theCybertronian Empire,andStarscreamexploited the chaos of the huge battle to take the power of the Matrix for himself. Using it, he merged his mind and body with the Decepticons'Warworld,becoming a colossal living weapon able to reshape himself at will.Tales of Earth, Part SevenHowever, unlike with Thunderwing, Starscream found his own evil being subverted by the Matrix's goodness,Tales of Earth, Part Eightand he returned the Matrix to Prime, for fear of being changed beyond recognition.

Soon after, when Prime was consumed by theSwarm,he channelled the Matrix's energy into the dark force, enlightening and completing it with the purity of Primus's vision. Suddenly transformed from a destructive force into a force for life, the Swarm re-created Prime and departed into space.A Rage in Heaven!

Regeneration One
Regeneration Onecontinues from theMarvel US series,and does not include theUK storiesor any subsequently published stories.

With the Creation Matrix lost following the destruction of Unicron, the last reservoir of Matrix energy the Autobots had access to consisted of what traces still clung to the remains of Thunderwing, stored within the high-securityHall of Silence.WhenSoundwavewas able to penetrate the Hall in2012,acting commanderHot Rodanguished over whether or not to follow protocol and destroy the Hall, and the last of the Matrix's energy with it. He was convinced it was necessary byGrapple,but Soundwave was able to teleport out with Thunderwing just before the building blew.Natural Selection, Part OneHe delivered the remains to Bludgeon, who used the Matrix energy within them to animate his new army of self-regeneratingBlitz Engines.Destiny, Part One

After Primus revealed to Hot Rod that he still existed, and sent Hot Rod through a portal intoZero Space,Destiny, Part Fourthe young Autobot found himself tumbling through time and space. He observed the battle with the Deathbringer, only to discover that the fragment of corrupted Matrix energy survived the battle. After observing two more time periods, Hot Rod found himself on aplanet of junk,witnessing the final confrontation betweenGalvatronand "Rodimus Prime" —an alternate version of himself! As Rodimus fell at the hands of Galvatron, the Matrix landed at the feet of Hot Rod, who reached for it...

... only to find himself back in his own time and place, on the deck of Bludgeon'sWarworld,having himself been transformed into Rodimus Prime!Less Than Zero


The Matrix was destroyed along with Unicron. Decades later, while displaced in another universe,Ultra Magnusbriefly confused theOrigin Matrixfor the Creation Matrix while speaking withDepth Charge.Shattered Paths

Unite Warriors
Baldigus Chapter Galvatron II.jpg

Galvatron IIstole the Creation Matrix in his native universe and carried it with him to another reality, where its power allowed him to endure as a ghost when his body was destroyed. Unfortunately, it also made him a target ofGrand Scourge,who, as a Matrix Hunter, could manhandle even ghosts if they were in possession of a Matrix. While Scourge was fighting Galvatron for the Creation Matrix, both of them were knocked into a rift in space-time byMegaempress,and the Matrix disappeared along with them to places unknown.Ruination Chapter, Part Two

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon
"This Ming... is a psy-cho."

The origins of the Matrix of Leadership are almost entirely unknown. The only hint of its beginnings was given in an account from near the dawn of time, soon after the ancient geniusPrimacronandhis assistantcreated the colossal robot, Unicron. Unicron turned on his creators and destroyed the assistant's body, but seen to rise from his remains and disappear into space was an object that appeared identical to the Matrix. If this was truly the Matrix, it is wholly unknown how it came to be held by the Autobots and how it was elevated to the position of power it became known for.Call of the Primitives

However it came to be in Autobot hands, the Matrix came to be at the centre of the robots' belief system and was safeguarded by each successive generation of Autobot leaders. Upon the passing of its holder, the Matrix became a receptacle for the deceased Autobot's lifeforce, which cumulatively became known as the "Wisdom of the Ages", a storehouse of knowledge and experience stretching back to the dawn of Cybertronian history (and potentially beyond) that could be consulted by the Matrix's living wielders in times of need. The spirits of many Autobots have been seen within the Matrix, but the names of only a select few are known: The oldest entity within the Matrix is known only as "It"The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2;
My preciousssss!
following this entity, the next oldest known wasPrimon,who possessed the Matrix in the early days of the Cybertronian race around twelve million years ago;Primabore it at the height of their oppression by theQuintessonsabout a million years later;Prime Novawas its wielder during the eventual rebellion against the five-faced aliens;Guardian Primeand his successorZeta Primecarried it during the first war between the Autobots and Decepticons, before it was passed to Sentinel Prime, under whose leadership the war came to an end.

Around nine million years ago, the Autobot/Decepticon war was reignited by the creation ofMegatron,who killed Sentinel Prime as one of his first actions. In his death throes, Sentinel entrusted the Matrix to the ancient AutobotAlpha Trion,who kept it hidden until a damaged young robot was brought to his workshop, another victim of Megatron's wrath. Trion recreated him asOptimus Prime,new leader of the Autobots, and gave him the Matrix.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4


Fatally wounded by Megatron in the year2005,Optimus Prime passed the Matrix and leadership of the Autobots to his chosen successor,Ultra Magnus.Before passing away, Prime spoke of a prophecy—that one day, a "Chosen One" would rise from the ranks of the Autobots, and use the power of the Matrix to light the Transformers' darkest hour. When Prime's strength faltered at the last moment and he dropped the Matrix, the young AutobotHot Rodstooped to catch it before it hit the floor. The Matrix glowed brightly in response to his touch, signifying what none of the Autobots present would realize until later: that Hot Rod was the Chosen One.


When word of Unicron's approach on Cybertron reached the Autobots on Earth, Ultra Magnus believed (and Hot Rod agreed, based on nothing more than a feeling) that the Matrix might be able to stop the world-eater. Knowing that this was indeed the case, Unicron recreated Megatron asGalvatronand dispatched him to steal the Matrix, leading to a confrontation on thePlanet of Junkin which Ultra Magnus tried in vain to open the Matrix and use it to fend off the attacking Decepticons. Galvatron bested him and took the Matrix, believing he could use it to subjugate Unicron himself, but he had no more luck opening it than Magnus did. Unicron swallowed Galvatron whole as punishment, and it was within Unicron's body that the Decepticon leader engaged Hot Rod in the battle that saw the young Autobot claim his destiny. Seizing the Matrix from around Galvatron's neck, Hot Rod was transformed by its power into Rodimus Prime, then proceeded to fulfil the prophecy by opening the talisman and releasing its power, which tore Unicron apart from within.The Transformers: The Movie

Later, when injured in battle, Rodimus's consciousness briefly entered the Matrix itself and witnessed a vision that led him to believe that the answer to the mystery of the alien Quintessons currently plaguing the Autobots was held within it.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2To find his answer, Rodimus deliberately short-circuited himself and entered the Matrix a second time. Guided by the ancient Autobots within, Rodimus was shown the history of Cybertron and discovered the Quintessons' role in the creation of the Transformers.Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

The zombified Optimus Prime reacts in pain from the light of the Matrix.

The burden of leadership weighed heavily upon Rodimus, and he was all too eager to return the Matrix to Optimus Prime when it seemed that the Autobot leader had returned from the dead in2006.It soon transpired, however, that Optimus had been reanimated by the Quintessons as "a roboticzombie"so he would lure theAutobot fleetinto a fatal trap. When Rodimus went to confront his mentor on the Autobot flagship, the Matrix's energy made Optimus too powerful to defeat in single combat but also overrode the malicious coding that the Quintessons had installed within him, properly restoring Optimus to life. His mind cleared, Optimus returned the Matrix to Rodimus before apparently sacrificing himself again to trigger the Quintessons' trap alone.Dark Awakening

BurdenHardest Hot Rod retrieves matrix.jpg

Still struggling with leadership, Rodimus tried to forget his woes with a bout of drag-racing in the hills ofJapan,only to be ambushed byDead EndandWildrider.The two Stunticons stole the Matrix and brought it back to Galvatron, but when the Decepticon leader attempted to use its energy to power his cannon, he was instead tormented by the spirits of the Autobots within it. The terrified Galvatron instructedScourgeto dispose of the Matrix, but Scourge grasped the true nature of its power where his leader could not, and instead placed it within his own chest. The Matrix's energies warped his body into a powerful, misshapen hulk, increasing his power to the point that he was able to oust Galvatron and take control of the Decepticons himself. Scourge proceeded to lead the Decepticons in an attack on Earth, only to be bested by Hot Rod, who had since learned the importance of "the burden hardest to bear", and reclaimed the Matrix once more.The Burden Hardest to Bear


When Optimus Prime was at last truly resurrected, he was forced to battle theHate Plague-infected Rodimus in order to reclaim the Matrix from him, in hopes of consulting the Wisdom of the Ages to find a cure for the disease. Communicating with the mysterious It, he learned that the only way combat the madness of the plague was with wisdom, and opened the Matrix, expelling all of the wisdom within it to extinguish the disease (in the process claiming that this was also the Autobots' "darkest hour" ). Although the Matrix was emptied, leaving only a shell, Optimus claimed they would have to start filling it with wisdom again, from that moment on.The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2

In2007,Optimus Prime used the shell of the Matrix as a substitute key to accessVector Sigma,where he consulted Alpha Trion on the mystery of thePlasma Energy Chamber.The Rebirth, Part 2

MadmanThe Transformerscomic
Optimus's proposal to Hot Rod.

The significance of the Matrix to the Autobots was such that when Optimus Prime prepared to lead the Autobots in an evacuation of Cybertron in the year 2001, he hid the Matrix in a bunker at the construction site of the future Autobot City. Unfortunately,Soundwavehad monitored the Autobot leader's meeting with Ultra Magnus, and moved to steal the Matrix for the Decepticons. Fate intervened in the form of Hot Rod, who defeated the Decepticons and took back the ancient Autobot relic, and at the same time received a vision of his future as the Autobot who would light Cybertron's darkest hour.The Transformers

Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

After their adventure onQuintessa,while Hot Rod,Kupand theDinobotswere searching space for Ultra Magnus's team, they were attacked byCyclonus.A flash of ancient knowledge he had received from the Matrix upon catching it when Optimus Prime had passed it to Magnus inspired Hot Rod to invoke theChallenge of Aria-Bellum.Rodimus vs. Cyclonus

Wings Universe
Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Nine million years ago, the Matrix of Leadership was being transported aboard the Autobot cargo haulerVan De Graaffwhen the ship was attacked by the Quintessons and crash-landed on the planetBeta-Nine.All aboard perished, but the Matrix was soon recovered by the crew of theEight Track,who safely delivered it back to Cybertron. There, the Matrix was passed into the care of Alpha Trion, who granted it to his new choice for Autobot leader, Optimus Prime.Wings of Honor


After viewing the massive death toll atAutobot City,Hot Rodclaimed all the deceased had found peace in the Matrix.Kupslapped him upside the head for speaking blasphemy about the Matrix. WhenUnicronarrived at Cybertron, he made a baragin withStarscreamthat the newly minted Decepticon leader would destroy the Matrix in exchange for upgrades.En routeto Cybertron, Hot Rod confessed toDanielthat whenever he came near Optimus, he saw visions of the Prime dying as if the Matrix was trying to tell him something. Starscream, now "Megascream", then attacked but withdrew when Unicron devouredMoonbase One.The Autobots regrouped onMoonbase Twowhen Unicron began attacking Cybertron directly where Optimus Prime took a shuttle to the Chaos Bringer's shell, believing the Matrix could stop him. Still haunted by visions, Hot Rod secretly climbed aboard. Megascream was waiting for Optimus and combined with several of his troops to steal the Matrix. Hot Rod saved Prime from certain death and teleported him away before he opened the Matrix, destroying Unicron at the cost his own life and the talisman. In the aftermath, Optimus Prime saw a vision ofAlpha Trionand the newest addition to the rank of great Autobots within the Matrix: Rodimus Prime.Transformers: Deviations

Japanese cartoon continuity
The events of the Generation 1 cartoon occur in Japanese animated continuity as described above, except that the events of 2006 are moved forward to 2010, and "The Rebirth" does not occur. A 2007retconbuilt upon the original cartoon's confusing hints to create a full origin for the Matrix in this continuity.

Kup piece.gif
You left a piece out!

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What's needed:Generations Selects Special Comic Finale

What would become known as the Matrix was a device created by Primacron to convert its wielders' accumulated experiences and wisdom into a powerful all-purpose energy. It was originally built into his assistant (also known as the "Oracle" ) who was then targeted and destroyed by Unicron when he realized the power of the Matrix was a threat to him. However, the Oracle's lifeforce persisted within the Matrix and fled to a dead world at the centre of the galaxy, which he used his powers to transform into a lush, green world. In time, however, the alien Quintessons came to the Oracle's world and were able to bring him under their power, transforming him into the mega-computer, Vector Sigma. Using theKey to Vector Sigma,the Quintessons cyber-formed the Oracle's world intoCybertron,and the Oracle's life-giving powers were harnessed to produce a race of robotic slaves. They also found and held onto the now empty shell of the Matrix, which absorbed their malevolent brand of wisdom and filled up with corrupted, evil energy. When the Quintessons were kicked off the planet by the robots that would become the Autobots, they claimed the Matrix and, repulsed by its contents, emptied it out again. The discarded energy would one day grow sentient and becomeDevil Z.2007 TakaraTomy Transformers timelineBonus Edition Vol. EX

The Battle of the Star Gate

In the mid-1990s, Optimus Prime put the power of the Matrix to an unconventional use when a battle in space forced him to team up with Megatron in order to stop the rampage ofStarscream,who had fused himself with the space station known as theTrigger.With Megatron in gun mode clutched in his arms, Prime summoned up the Matrix's energy and channelled it through his body, into the Decepticon leader, who unleashed it all in one colossal shot of cosmic proportions. The blast obliterated Starscream's newTrigger-body, but the backwash of the explosion was so great that it sent Prime, Megatron, and all the Transformers observing the battle on a fiery plummet into Earth's atmosphere.The Battle of the Star Gate

Story of Binaltech

In a parallel timeline that diverged off from this one thanks to the flow of history being altered by the time-tossedRavage,Optimus Prime did not die in2005,and was prepared to confront Unicron himself. However, after sustaining serious injuries in the opening salvo of the battle with the chaos-bringer, Prime passed the Matrix to Ultra Magnus. Despite knowing he was not the Chosen One, Magnus bravely petitioned the Matrix to allow him to wield its power anyway, as otherwise, the Autobots' destruction was assured. The Matrix granted Magnus his wish, and its energy was used to destroy Unicron.Binal Time

Kiss Players

After inheriting the Matrix in 2005, Rodimus Prime was horrified to discover that when he threw Galvatron out of Unicron, the Decepticon leader had wound up crash-landing on Earth, destroyingTokyo.Seeking to atone for his sins, Rodimus returned the Matrix to Ultra Magnus and became Hot Rod again, leaving both the talisman and the role of leadership in Magnus's handsTonight's Big Catch!?for five years until he returned to his post in2010.

The Headmasterscartoon

After emptying the Matrix to cure the Hate Plague, Optimus Prime sought to restore the lifeforce that had been lost by filling it with energy drawn from the lifeforce ofEarthitself. To this end, the Matrix was secreted away in the lower levels of one of many Autobot energy-gathering facilities on Earth, where Prime hoped it would steadily recharge. Whether or not this odd-sounding plan would haveworkedis an area of some debate, but ultimately, a different set of circumstances soon came into play...

Alpha Trion's spirit re-enters the Matrix, recharging it.

In the year2011,a catastrophic side-effect of the Matrix's energy being released became apparent—without the Matrix to act as a controlling force, Vector Sigma began to destabilize, putting all of Cybertron in great danger. The Decepticons took this opportunity to invade the planet, hoping to take control of the unstable computer and by extension, the planet itself.Four Warriors Come out of the SkyDuring the battle that followed, Optimus Prime headed for Vector Sigma's chamber to try and bring the computer back under control, but without the Matrix—which remained hidden on Earth, its location known only to Prime himself—the only recourse would be to give up his own life. To stop Prime from making this sacrifice, Hot Rod led the AutobotHeadmastersin a methodical search across Earth, checking every Autobot energy facility.The Mystery of Planet MasterAfter successfully locating the Matrix in the last possible hiding place and evading his pursuers, Hot Rod returned to Cybertron, arriving in Vector Sigma's chamber just as Optimus Prime was facing off against the Decepticons. The ghost of Alpha Trion, who had survived the emptying of the Matrix and who had led Prime safely to the computer chamber, merged with the Matrix, restoring its lost lifeforce and giving it the power to once again transform Hot Rod into Rodimus Prime. The two Primes dispatched the Decepticons, but before Rodimus could use the Matrix to stabilize Vector Sigma, Optimus Prime sacrificed himself by merging with the computer to bring it back under control.Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime

Some time later, when Cybertron was subsequently devastated thanks to the machinations of Decepticon Headmaster leaderScorponok,Rodimus Prime voyaged into space to search for a new homeworld for the Transformers, taking the Matrix with him.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

The Headmasterscomic

On his many travels through space, the Matrix gave Rodimus Prime courage to face every challenge that presented itself. In addition to the teachings of the ancient Autobots, the energy of Earth's lifeforce that now dwelled within the Matrix as well truly opened Rodimus's eyes to the beauty of Earth and humanity. Believing that Transformers should aspire to be more like human beings, he returned to Earth and announced his desire for humans and Transformers to live and work together to move forward and evolve.The Headmasters #8

G-2story pages and pack-in manga

Presumably, Rodimus Prime must have returned the Matrix to Optimus Prime when he was restored to life as Star Convoy, since Prime had the talisman back in his chest when he adopted his "Hero" body at the beginning of the renewed war against Megatron some number of years after 2025.G-2 Part 1A research team led byJetfire,Wheeljack,andPerceptorlater discovered new properties of the Matrix, which prompted Megatron to duel Optimus Prime in theMirtonian constellationin order to steal the Matrix for himself.G-2 Part 4Megatron fatally wounded Prime, but the ancient Autobots within the Matrix were able to restore him thanks to the newly discovered power Jetfire's team had learned of: theReconfiguration Matrix,which repaired and restored Prime in a new Laser Rod body.G-2 Part 5

e-HOBBY storyline

Having briefly held the Matrix, Ultra Magnus's spark was among the chosen few which retained autonomy within the Allspark. Sensing the threatGalvatron IIposed to the universe with his fleet ofWarworlds,Magnus used the powers of the Reconfiguration Matrix to resurrect himself in a new body based on Prime's Laser Rod form so that he could battle the Decepticon leader. It didn't go very well.Hybrid Style Convoy Black Version


Alpha Trion and the Matrix played a role in Hot Rod's conversion to aMicromaster.Tailgate/G1 Mini-Con ChapterDuring the rise of Galvatron II, Optimus Prime contacted the spirit of Alpha Trion within the Matrix and asked him to locate and bring back Ultra Magnus's spark. The process of resurrecting Magnus also brought Trion himself back in a diminutive body connected to the powers of the Matrix.Resurrection ChapterScourge later captured Alpha Trion to draw upon the Matrix's energy, but it ended up overloading histranstector,which exploded.Bonus Edition Vol. 26

Start Your Own Decoy Collection

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Through unknown means, the Decepticons were able to steal the Creation Matrix and holed it up in their headquarters. In order to stage a recovery, the Autobots created an army ofDecoysto distract the Decepticon forces, while Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, Kup andBlurrsecretly penetrated the base. Fighting their way through a slew ofSharkticons,the team discovered the Matrix in a transparent case. Blurr blasted it open at Hot Rod's direction, and the Autobots successfully escaped with the talisman back in their possession.The Decepticon Deception

Beast Era

Beast Warscartoon
The similarity between Prime's "spark holder" and the Matrix was a source of some confusion.

Several enigmatic references were made to the Matrix by theBeast Warriorsat various points, though it is never precisely clear if they are referring to the Matrix of Leadership, the Allspark dimension,the protoform production facility on Cybertronthat also goes by that name, or some theoretical conglomeration of any of the above that they only speak of out of misconception.

When the body of Optimus Prime was fatally wounded byMegatron,Optimus Primalopened Prime's chest compartment in order to take the Autobot leader's spark into his own body for safety. Prime's spark was shown to be contained within a holder shaped just like the Matrix of Leadership, and Rhinox remarked that Prime's spark had "the Matrix with it".Optimal Situation

3H comics

While experiencing a swirl of visions from throughout history, theCovenantwitnessed the Matrix being torn by theLiege Maximofrom the body of the enigmaticPrimon,its first holder.Covenant

The Matrix, beneath Prime's "spark holder".

The confusion surrounding the Matrix-like "spark holder" in Prime's chest and its relation to the actual Matrix of Leadership was clarified when it was revealed that the Matrix was actually concealed in a compartment beneath Prime's own spark, a deception specifically designed to protect the Matrix and keep it from those who would misuse its power.

I'm not sure how I'll get this in my chest. Maybe I'll carry it with a sheath of some sort?

Following the end of the Beast Wars, the deceasedTarantulaswas resurrected, having harnessed the powers of the alienVokwith the intention of stealing the Matrix and delivering it to his master, Unicron. Seeking to keep the Matrix out of Tarantulas's hands, the Vok took the talisman from the sleeping Optimus Prime and used its power to transform the discarded control suit thePredaconshad previously used to manipulate Optimus Primal intoPrimal Prime.Primal Prime was made guardian of the Matrix, and filled with all the wisdom of the past leaders within it.Primeval Dawn Part 1Unfortunately, the Vok had miscalculated: While it was within Optimus Prime, the Matrix had been safe, but once they had broken the forces that had bound it to Prime in order to transfer it to their creation, it had become vulnerable. This was proven in drastic fashion when, in the following battle, Tarantulas was able to overpower Primal Prime and rip the Matrix from his body.Primeval Dawn Part 2The shock threw Primal Prime into a comatose state, while Tarantulas took the Matrix back to his lab to await the completion of thetranswarpportal that would take him and his prize to Unicron.Primeval Dawn Part 3

"Primeval Dawn" was never finished as a result of3H Productionslosing the Transformers license. Obviously enough, its finale would have seen our heroes recover the Matrix from Tarantulas and replace it in Optimus Prime's chest.

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

The Matrix-shaped platform above the Oracle Tank.

Most modern Cybertronians eschew the mythology of the Matrix as set out by theCouncil of Ancients,which claims that it is a conduit for the energies of Primus, choosing instead to believe inatechnogenesis.Despite this, Transformer society still holds the Matrix itself in great reverence, as, product of a deity or not, it is indisputably the most effective source of new Transformer life. Many conflicting stories and rumors swirl about the Matrix's true nature, born of claims that the Council actively prevented Alpha Trion from telling the general public more about it, but whatisknown about the talisman is that it is a virtually limitless source of energy. Only those with an affinity for the Matrix can wield its power; these Transformers are typically those chosen to be the next Prime, who often receive physical augmentation when the Matrix is taken into their bodies.More Than Meets The Eye #8The Ancients claim that the Matrix contains the wisdom of all sparks that return to it after death, though they do keep a more tangible version of that sort of thing in the form of agolden diskthat holds the knowledge of past Primes.The War Within #6

150 points to Gryffindor!

The earliest known bearer of the Matrix wasAlpha Prime,who was succeeded by Guardian Prime, and then Sentinel Prime.More Than Meets The Eye #8Around 8.2 million years ago, seeking to use the Matrix to power the planetary turbine engines he had discovered beneath Cybertron's surface, Megatron attacked and killed Sentinel Prime, only to discover upon tearing his victim open that the Matrix was gone, having already been given by Sentinel Prime to the Council of Ancients for unknown reasons (perhaps having foreseen his own death). The Council subsequently chose a data archivist named Optronix to be the new bearer of the Matrix, and brought him to theOracle Tank,in which both he and the Matrix were immersed. Optronix was enlarged and strengthened by the Matrix, and transformed into Optimus Prime.The War Within #1

Soon after, Megatron attacked Prime in the catacombs beneath Cybertron and cracked open his form, exposing the Matrix. A blinding flash burst from the Matrix, showing Prime and Megatron visions of future conflicts on Earth andNebulos,but it was implied that Optimus somehow used the Matrix to force Megatron to forget these visions. How much knowledge he himself retained is unknown.The War Within #5

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Millions of years later, after their war on Earth, the Transformers were set to return to Cybertron aboard theArk IIin 1999, at which point Optimus Prime gaveSpike Witwickya piece of the Matrix as a promise that he would be back.Prime Directive #2The Ark II proved to have been sabotaged, however, and exploded in mid-flight, leaving the world to believe that the Transformers were dead until 2002, when the terroristLazarusrecovered several of their bodies and reprogrammed them for use as weapons that he would sell on the black market. The American military recovered the body of Optimus Prime andGeneral Hallodrafted Spike to help in bringing him back to life,Prime Directive #1which Spike accomplished by returning the portion of the Matrix Prime had given him. Thus restored, Prime revived the other surviving Autobots by casting the light of the Matrix across the Arctic landscape where their bodies lay, melting away the ice that held them and bringing them back online.Prime Directive #2

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When the Autobots and Decepticons were finally able to return to Cybertron, a chain of events ultimately led Optimus Prime into a confrontation with Shockwave in Vector Sigma's chamber. Knocking Prime out and blasting his chest open, Shockwave harnessed the energy of the Matrix and used it to access Vector Sigma's databanks in an attempt to learn all of the dark secrets at the heart of Cybertron.Countdown to ExtinctionBefore Shockwave could complete his dark experiments, enemy forces converged on his lab, so the Decepticon logician tore the Matrix from Prime's body, intending to flee, only to be stopped and defeated byUltra Magnus.Grimlock recovered the Matrix and returned it to Prime,Revelationbut the trauma of its forceful removal necessitated that Prime spend an extended session in aCR chamberto recover.Black Sunshine

The Transformers Trilogynovels

Captured by the enigmatic aliens known as theKeepersand imprisoned inside their giant techno-organic bodies, Optimus Prime found himself forced into a suicide ploy, using a torrent of energon from the Matrix to destroy the creatures from within, willing to take himself with it. The gateway back to Earth was opened by Spike at the last moment, allowing Prime to hold off on his sacrifice, but unfortunately, the Keepers came through the portal as well.HardwiredDuring the battle that ensued against the Keepers inLas Vegas,a pool of pure energon was uncovered beneath the city, which Prime combined with the energon of the Matrix to temporarily imbue himself with incredible power. Simultaneously, the American government launched a nuclear missile at Las Vegas in order to destroy both the Transformers and the Keepers, but the super-charged Prime was able to capture the missile's explosion in a net of Matrix energy, hurling it at the Keepers and blasting them through their portal.Annihilation

Following the Keepers' apparent defeat, Megatron called Prime in on a favour he had extracted from him in order to ensure his co-operation when they had been captives of the Keepers: Prime was to hand over the Matrix itself. Prime complied, partially out of honor, and partially due to the fact that he knew Megatron, as a Decepticon, would be unable to use the Matrix's power. Unfortunately, Prime had not reckoned with Megatron's giant soldier,Omega Sentinel,who was actually a reprogrammed Autobot whose non-Decepticon circuitry could interface with the Matrix to some extent. Omega Sentinel used his new Matrix-powered strength to destroy the White House, but the talisman's effect on his systems was immediately apparent by the fact that no life was lost in the attack. When the Sentinel refused to kill the Keeper-controlledBluestreakand Starscream on Megatron's orders, the Decepticon leader realized that the Matrix was influencing the giant and had him remove it from his body. The Matrix was recovered by the Keepers' agentFranklin Townsendand brought to the pocket-dimension into which the aliens had been transported, but Optimus Prime pursued Townsend and recovered the Matrix, once again intending to use it to destroy his alien enemies by collapsing the pocket dimension, at the cost of his own life. And once again the portal opened, leaving Prime content to force the Keepers back with the Matrix's light while he himself returned to Earth. However, Prime was unable to shut the portal off, required as he was to devote his attention to using the Matrix to keep the creatures from passing through the gateway. Salvation came in the form of the Omega Sentinel, the Matrix's effect on his systems persisting even after its removal: the giant threw himself andDevastatorinto the portal just as Prime shut off the Matrix, collapsing the gate and sealing the Keepers away forever.Fusion

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

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Optimus Prime was formerly a simple data archivist until the Matrix chose him to be the new leader of the Autobots.The Art of War #2

Renegade military artificial intelligenceSerpent O.R.learned about the Matrix whilst downloading information on the history of Cybertron from Soundwave, andreallyliked the bit about "bestowing great power".The Art of War #1He subsequently captured Optimus Prime and tried to convince him to give up the Matrix peacefully. From Serpent O.R.'s point of view, he was a great and respected leader too, so surely the Matrix would deem him a worthy bearer. In addition, he was sure the ancient relic would provide him with a spark so he could finally understand what life and death really meant.The Art of War #4

My God... the Matrix has given us eye lasers!

Unfortunately, Prime disagreed, so Serpent O.R. ended up having to take the Matrix by force. As he had planned, the Matrix did deem him worthy and did give him a soul, all while transforming him into a new form to boot. However, with his newfound wisdom, "Serpentor Prime" quickly saw the error of his ways, and would've committed suicide if it weren't forCobra Commanderhijacking his body. In order to stop the commander,Hawktried to take the Matrix away from him, and was deemed worthy of it as well. This caused a power feedback that destroyed Serpent O.R., fried Cobra Commander's mind, and imbued Hawk with all the knowledge of the Matrix. While the artifact was unharmed and was returned to Optimus Prime when everything was over, the knowledge that now filled Hawk's mind gave him visions of future conflicts to come.The Art of War #5

In addition to vision, the Matrix also gave Hawk the ability to control machinery with his mind, converse with Transformers telepathically, and force enough information into Transformers to incapacitate them with a single touch. Unfortunately, it also gave him recurring nightmares about anangry god.Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2

Transformers/G.I. Joe

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As the Autobots and Decepticons on Earth lay deactivated among theFera Islands,the Matrix was discovered by localhumans,and became the sacred relic of a group of monks, who built it into the chest of a statue. Unfortunately, a rumour spread that the glowing blue orb possessed by the monks was an "ultimate weapon", and in 1938,Cobramassacred the monks and stole the Matrix. WhenMajor Bluddtouched the relic, the Decepticons who laid dormant on the island were reactivated.The Line

The Matrix subsequently came into the possession ofCobra Commander,who learned that he could use it to hurt and weakenMegatron.Using this method, he blackmailed the Decepticons into serving him.Trial by FireIn the end, Cobra Commander was killed, andSnake-Eyesgrabbed the Matrix. By this time, the Autobots andJoeswere under attack by the unstoppableBruticus,soOptimus Primeurged Snake-Eyes to smash the Matrix, in hopes that the destruction of the life-giving artifact would take away Bruticus's lifeforce. Snake-Eyes complied and let Bruticus crush the Matrix with his wildly swinging fists, causing a flash of blue light that killed all Transformers present.The Iron Fist

2005 IDW continuity

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According to religious legend, the core of the Matrix was created fromSolomus,the god of wisdom, trapped in the form of a crystal byMortilus,the god of death. Following the defeat of Mortilus, Solomus managed to transform his crystal prison into the Matrix—a conduit for the energies ofPrimus,who had himself transformed into the life-giving computer Vector Sigma.You, Me, and Other RevelationsThe God War

In actuality, the Matrix was created byPrimus,The Unrememberingand passed onto theKnights of Cybertronwhen they left to explore new worlds.You Are HereLegend says that they called it the "Creation Matrix" for the life-giving abilities they believed its connection to Vector Sigma granted it.Chaos Theory Part 2When the Knights landed on the medical hub ofMederi,the moon's telepathic field, intended to induce happiness in euthanasia patients so they could die in peace, inadvertently convinced them they had discovered a perfect mechanical world, which they dubbed "Cyberutopia."To share this discovery with their homeworld, they inscribed a map to Mederi inside the Matrix's crystal core, and sent it back to Cybertron (via currently-unknown means), hoping the rest of their kind would follow it and join them in eternal happiness.You Are Here

It was, perhaps, fortunate that this roadmap to a peaceful death was never discovered by contemporary Cybertronians; upon its return to Cybertron, the Matrix was used bySolus Primein the construction of the mightyStar Sabersword, becoming the jewel on the hilt of the blade, which came to be wielded byPrima.The First Who Was NamedThe Matrix's integration into the Saber survived in the folklore of both Cybertron andCaminus,To Walk Among the Chosenwith the latter culture regarding it as the "Matrix of Light".The Sum and Its PartsLagrangeVictorion profile in Revolution #3InVelocitronianculture, the device remained known as the Creation Matrix.Primeless, Part 2

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Those capable of bearing the Matrix within them are marked by certainsigns of affinity:having optics the same shade of "liberty blue" as theMatrix Flame,findingsentio metallicowet to the touch, becoming giddy when standing on ahot spot,and the ability to make aphotonic crystal"snap" when placed in their chest.Journey's End

The cruel supremacistNova Prime,a former lieutenant of Prima's, is the earliest known bearer of the Matrix in recent history, though exactly how he came to carry it after Prima's death is unknown. Nova observed that the pulsewaves from Vector Sigma which generated new sparks from the substance of Cybertron and its moon were lessening in regularity, and, fearing (correctly) that they would one day stop entirely, tasked his scientists with studying the Matrix, hoping that the life-giving power the legends said it possessed could be tapped into. A team led byTyrestset to the task, and succeeded in finding a way to generate sparks from the Matrix in abundance, producing a vast reservoir of them which were stockpiled and steadily rolled out into society as new bodies were constructed for them. The true origin of these "Matrixed" sparks was hidden from the general public, and a cover story was put into place that claimed they were created via "spark splicing", using the energy of an existing spark to ignite a new one. Transformers created in this manner were described as "constructed cold", while those born naturally were "forged".The Divided Self

Eventually, the Matrix would yield no more sparks, causing Tyrest and his team to believe it had run dry. In reality, one of the scientists had had an attack of conscience and stolen the Matrix, replacing it with a facsimile and hiding the real one away in the subterranean labyrinth of theUndergrid.The Divided SelfOnce Nova Prime left the planet aboard theArk-1and vanished into theBenzuli Expanse,[9]the fake Matrix was protected by the presumably-unwittingPrimal Vanguard,carried by its leaderDelta Magnusduring a period known as theInterregnumuntil a new bearer was chosen.An Intimate BeheadingNominus Primeis the earliest recorded Matrix-bearer after Nova, but whether he was his direct successor or not is unknown. It's also unclear whether Nominus Prime was aware that the Matrix was a fake. It's likely he did, since Nominus presumably falsified an "affinity for the Matrix" somehow in order to be named Prime.

Many Transformers embraced the religion surrounding the Matrix during the time of Nominus's reign, though with exceptions, such as police captainOrion Pax,who remained sceptical of its touted divinity. Some Transformers would eventattooan image of the Matrix on their bodies as evidence of their faith, such Orion's co-workerSpringarmChaos Theory Part 2and the trainee theoreticianSkids.An Intimate BeheadingNominus's reign was a time of great civil unrest, however; a senator namedShockwavehoped that a new Matrix-bearer might steer the planet off the path to self-destruction the corruptSenatehad placed it upon, and so began selecting promising young Cybertronians likeZetaand Orion Pax, befriending and rebuilding them with Matrix chambers in their chests.Chaos Theory Part 2An Intimate Beheading

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In order to take control of the Matrix's life-giving powers, the corrupt forces within the Senate arranged for an attack upon Nominus Prime, moving him into hiding so they could gain unfettered access to the talisman.Chaos Theory Part 2Upon opening Nominus's chest, however, the Senate at last discovered that the Matrix had been replaced with a fake. Furious, they had Nominus killed, establishing a cover story that he had died of a rust infection, and announcing that their security headSentinelwas showing signs of Matrix affinity, paving the way for him to become Sentinel Prime.Post HocThe fake Matrix was then transformed into a bomb as part of a plot to incriminate and round up the burgeoning Decepticon faction,Patternismbut a team led by Orion Pax uncovered the scheme, broke into thePrimal Basilicaand removed the Matrix-bomb, which Orion then detonated to win a battle with theHeavies.An Intimate BeheadingIt was not long after this that tensions exploded in the outbreak of theGreat War;Post HocMegatron Originwhen reflecting back on this time,Kupdistilled the reasons behind the outbreak of the conflict down to blaming the Matrix as the root cause.All Hail Megatron #6

Megatron,I needed that!

Sentinel was succeeded by Zeta Prime, who much like his predecessor used a new fake Matrix (with lights installed!) to claim the title, and only those involved with Sentinel's scheme were aware of the truth.To Walk Among the ChosenDance Among the ShadowsZeta was subsequently killed byMegatron,who then hurled Orion Pax into the Undergrid, where Orion found the hiding place of the true Matrix. The damaged Pax was called out to by the Matrix, which asked him to take hold of it. Upon doing so, he was linked to the sparks of every single Cybertronian alive and was overcome by the pain, fear and loneliness his people were experiencing. As power of the Matrix repaired his body, he realized that it was not only a symbol of leadership or creation, but a "Matrix of our sparks" in whichall were one.With his newfound clarity and the Matrix in his chest, Orion declared his name to be Optimus Prime and set out to bring freedom to Cybertron.TransformationJust thereafter, the Matrix guided him to the ruins ofNyonand allowed him to sense and awaken the dormant lifeforce ofMetroplex,who was in deep slumber below the city.Rise

Optimus Prime would later try to unleash the power of the Matrix in an attempt to vanquish the ancient monsterTrypticon,but was for some reason unable to open it.AnnihilationHe revealed his possession of the Matrix toOmega Supremeas proof of his Primehood,Primacy #1and later used its cleansing powers to purge the influence ofPentius's spark from Megatron's body.Primacy #4At some point Prime took a sabbatical and left the Matrix in the care ofThunderclash,whom it took to so well legend says it had to be surgically removed from his chest.Little Victories

After the Transformers' conflict moved to Earth in the present day, Megatron determined to separate Optimus Prime from the Matrix. He was unaware of what the Matrix was actually capable of, but viewed any unknown element as a potential threat, and reasoned that even if he could not use it himself, it would still be safer in his hands than in those of his enemies.Altered CarbonTo this end, Megatron staged a trap for the Autobots with the aid of the traitorousSunstreaker,catching them off-guard with his newly created gestaltDevastator.Defeated, the Autobots were dumped via space bridge in the ruins of Cybertron, but not before Megatron tore the Matrix from Prime's chest himself.All Hail Megatron #7

This seems familiar...

When Megatron was defeated a year later and his forces were routed off of Earth,Starscreamtook up the role of leader and "inherited" the captive Matrix. Frustrated by his failure to find any "ultimate power" within it after several cycles of study, he decided to throw it away, only to be caught byShrapneljust before blowing it out an airlock. Scrabbling for an explanation as to why he had the Matrix and reminded by theInsecticonof its massive symbolic importance to the Autobots, Starscream claimed he had been "chosen" by the talisman and now wielded its power. He went on to make this declaration before all the Decepticons, boosting morale and rallying them beneath him, but immediately regretted the decision.Uneasy Lies the HeadAnd rightfully so: with the Matrix hung around his neck on a chain, its subtle influence on his mind over the next three years made the Decepticon air commander subdued and withdrawn, lost in contemplation of its mysteries, lashing out violently at any Decepticons who tried to touch it. This left him open to a brash attack byHot Rod,who infiltrated the Decepticons' asteroid base in order to recover the Matrix. Hot Rod actuallyshotthe Matrix to cause a discharge of energy that knocked Starscream out, then attempted to escape with the Matrix in hand, but was confronted by the newly repaired Megatron. He proceeded to blast both the Matrix and Hot Rod through the base wall, setting them adrift in the void of space.Heart Like a WheelStarscream's possession of the "potentially threatening" Matrix had previously made Megatron hesitant to take back leadership of the Decepticons, but with the artifact lost in space, he had nothing to fear and quickly reclaimed his position.Altered Carbon

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As they drifted through space together, the Matrix fused itself to Hot Rod's chest, keeping him alive and healing the damage Megatron had done. Eventually, Hot Rod crash-landed on the planetLV-118,where he was taken captive by theIlxian"Admiral",a stranded alien who sought to use the Matrix as a power source for his ship. With help fromWheelie,another Autobot stranded on the planet, Hot Rod was able to seize control of the Admiral's ship, and allowed Wheelie to tap the energy of the Matrix to get them off the planet.The Stars My DestinationKnocked unconscious by the process, Hot Rod awoke some time later to find that Wheelie had been able to remove the Matrix from his chest, and had piloted the ship to Cybertron. Knowing that the planet was overrun by theInsecticon swarm,Hot Rod tried to convince Wheelie that they needed to leave right away, but that proved impossible, as the Matrix had ceased providing power to the ship. Things on Cybertron turned out to be better than Hot Rod had thought, though, as they met up withIronhideand Sunstreaker, who provided a fuel cell for their ship.Out of the Silent PlanetThe entire group returned to Earth, where Hot Rod made his first duty the return of the Matrix to Optimus Prime.Orphans of the Helix

Departing for Cybertron aboardOmega Supremewith Megatron a captive, Prime removed the Matrix from his chest in order to prove to himself that even without its wisdom, he still had the ability to make rational judgements under his own power.Ratchetwatched over the talisman while Prime deliberated on Megatron's fate, and was holding it while he examined the damaged Sunstreaker, whose ability to walk was suddenly restored by its power. Although Prime ultimately concluded that Megatron's fate should be left for Megatron himself to decide, he did experience one disquieting revelation: Hot Rod revealed that when the Matrix had bonded with him, he had experienced not pain, as Optimus had felt, but unbridled elation.Chaos Theory Part 2

"Where'd you get the Matrix?"
"We found it."
"Found it? In Altihex? The Matrix is tropical!"

Upon the Autobots' return to Cybertron, they were faced with the threat ofGalvatron,latest carrier of theHeart of Darkness,who combined it with Vector Sigma in order to allowD-Voidto emerge into the universe through Cybertron. To prevent this, Optimus Prime opened the Matrix, which succeeded in stopping D-Void, but also left the Matrix spent, its crystal core darkened and split in two.GenesisWith unrest growing between the Autobots and the unaligned Transformers in the process of returning to the planet, Prime brought the two halves of the Matrix toPerceptorfor study, and the scientist discovered that the crystal was artificial, designed tosplit in two,and contained a map of the stars.Driftbelieved the map would lead the way to the long-lostKnights of Cybertron,and Rodimus elected to gather a crew and follow the path it charted, much to acting leaderBumblebee's consternation. Optimus Prime gave each of them one of the Matrix-halves, before departing Cybertron himself in hopes of ending the civil unrest.The Death of Optimus PrimeOptimus kept the shell of the Matrix and returned it to within his chest cavity.First Contact

When Rodimus set foot onLuna 1,a billion sparks suddenly lit up on the moon's surface, something he credited to the Matrix half he was carrying.The Fecund MoonHaving developed a belief that Cybertronians born from the Matrix were inherently evil, Tyrest used his knowledge of the talisman to construct theuniversal killswitch—a device capable of killing all cold constructed Transformers in existence by scrambling their unique sparkcode. Rodimus was able to put a stop to the process by hooking himself up to the machine and using his Matrix half to reinstate the code, but the crystal was shattered in the process.This Calamitous LifeHe later scattered the dust of the Matrix on Luna 1 in honor of the sparks that were lost before they could be harvested.The Sound of Breaking GlassOptimus was...displeased when he learned of this.Towards Peace


The other half of the Matrix remained in Bumblebee's care until his death, after which it fell back into the hands of Optimus Prime.Detonation BoulevardOn his anniversary of becoming Prime, he returned to where he had found it all those years ago, hoping to find some of the same hope to press forward.Forever Is a Long Time ComingHe later spoke withWindbladeabout the Matrix where she said if the Matrix chose him, it had a good reason.First ContactWhen contact withCaminuswas established, Optimus was unwilling to let Starscream exploit it and all the other colonies. With Windblade at his side he passed throughMetroplex'sspacebridgeto the chamber of theForgefire Parliamentwhere Windblade proclaimed him to be a Prime. TheMistress of Flamedemanded proof of this and Optimus revealed the glowing Matrix to all. The natives of the planet bowed in his presence and revered him as a god, equal toPrimusand theThirteenPrimes.The Sum and Its PartsAfter being immobilized byVictorion,Optimus recounted the history of the Matrix but stated he believed it to simply be a piece of advanced technology not a mystical artifact while also expressing confusion over why it had flared on Caminus.Lagrange


When Optimus had his chest ripped open by a mutatedBaron Karza,the Matrix shone through the damages.Valley Forge

Atop theMatterhorn,waiting foran alien spacecraft,Optimus regarded the Matrix only for it to suddenly glow. An unimpressedPyra Magnarevealed that the Matrix was simply reacting to the nearbyOre-13deposits.To Walk Among the ChosenWhen talking toAileron,Optimus again expressed that he did not believe the Matrix to be a divine artifact, calling it a "pulsewave generator". He noted however that could he use its symbolic importance to do good. Pyra Magna overheard his comment and was... displeased.Dance Among the ShadowsAfter the Autobots and Junkions had gone to war, Optimus realized the precariousness of the situation and revealed the Matrix to all, allowing the assembled species to begin a peaceful resolution to the conflict.Feel Safe Without Regrets

When Optimus Prime was thrown into theCrystal Cityblack hole,Starscream watched with amusement as the Matrix was ripped apart by the gravitational forces.The HallowingThough the physical object had been destroyed, the powerful idea that the Matrix represented survived with Optimus when he found himself ininfraspace.Realizing the symbolism that the artifact carried could represent a means to escape the realm of pure information, Optimus began to channel its power,Endless Foreverexpanding the black hole and allowing his and Bumblebee's minds to escape infraspace. This came at the heavy cost of disintegrating the Matrix's avatar, destroying the talisman once and for all.UnforgivableLast Stand

They've got the power!!! Yeah!

Though the original Matrix was no more, Primus—now going by the name Rung—would rediscover his ancient memories and his alternate mode's ability to manufacture more Matrices. Though theOmega Guardianspushed for him to forge three duplicates as part of their evil plan to blow up the Functionist Council's false Primus avatar,Team Rodimushit on the plan to use twelve duplicates to overloadVector Sigmavia thehot spots.The UnrememberingThough Rung managed to produce the Matrices, doing so claimed his life. His sacrifice would not be in vain, however, as all twelve were opened and used to free Cybertron from the council's tyranny.A Spark Among Embers

In Megatron'sGalactic Councilpresided trial, Rodimus would falsely testify that Megatron had opened one of the duplicate Matrices, swaying some of the more religious races on the jury.How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2

The Functionist Universe

When theFunctionist Counciloverthrew theSenate,Twelve-of-Twelveobtained the false Matrix from Nominus and gave it toSix-of-Twelve.After obsessively studying the artifact, Six-of-Twelve came to believe Primus was speaking to him through it and integrated it into his head casing.A World Misplaced

When the council discovered Rung's ability to producephotonic crystals,Six-of-Twelve tried to tap the Matrix to reignite Nova Prime's old cold construction program, but discovered that the Matrix was a useless fake. Undaunted, he turned the Matrix into a weapon that was able to suspend Cybertronians in a field of agonizing energy. When Rodimus was caught in this field, he immediately knew that Six-of-Twelve's Matrix was a false due to being familiar with the energies of the genuine article.Modes of Production

Henkei! Henkei! BunBunmanga


When the dementedGalvatronwent on a rampage inHoshinochō,Optimus Primeand his Autobots were forced to abandoned the secrecy with which they had been operating on Earth in order to confront the villain and save the human lives he was threatening. Just as Galvatron targeted the Autobots' human allyWataru Hoshinoumi,Optimus Prime threw himself into the path of the villain's attack, and was knocked unconscious by the force of the attack. In addition to rendering Prime insensate, however, Galvatron's blow had also shattered his chest, exposing the Matrix of Leadership that was kept within. Responding to Wataru's ability to manipulateenergon,the Matrix surged to life, restoring Prime and boosting his strength. The light of the Matrix also revealed an unexpected deception: the Autobots were not merely fighting Galvatron, butCyclonus,possessed by Galvatron's disembodied spark!A Nightmare, Once AgainSummoning up the Matrix's energy, Prime struck Cyclonus with one almighty Matrix-powered punch, utterly obliterating his body and causing Galvatron's spark to dissipate.To the Sea of Stars

Robot Heroes

By the power of Grayskull! I AM OPTIMUS PRIME!

The Matrix is a glowing crystal that gives the Autobots knowledge. It was created by the first Transformer, Primus, who gave it to Optimus Prime.I Am Optimus Prime

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

The Matrix was passed down toOptimus PrimebyAlpha Trionbefore his death.Everybody Hates MetroplexMegatronlater defeated Prime and stole the Matrix, which he bonded with hisblack holespark and used to subjugatePrimushimself, allowing him to shape Cybertron according to his wishes.Pax Megatronus

Atop the Dyson Sphere above the Sun,Ultra Magnusmanaged to rip the Matrix from Megatron before a reborn Optimus Prime hurled Megatron into the sun. The Decepticon managed to hold onto the Matrix however, taking it with him only forStarscreamto seize the Matrix for himself. It was then snatched byLaserbeakbeginning a game of "hot potato" beforeBumblebeemanaged to return it to Optimus.The War Never Ends

Beast Wars: Uprising

To save Earth from theSwarm,Optimus Prime sacrificed himself and the Matrix.Book of LogosWith the talisman lost to the Transformers,Unicronwas instead felled by thePoint One Percenters,promptingDelugeto genetically engineer more of them.The Inexorable March

Of Masters and Mayhem

During the Great War, the Decepticon scientists made attempts to recreate the power of the Creation Matrix, using a reasonable facsimile, or the genuine article to create Jetfire.Toxitronwas an attempt to grow a Matrix shell, an experiment which eventually led to the creation of theMatrix of Malice.Deadly Aim

Prime Wars Trilogycartoons

In the aftermath of theCombiner Wars,Rodimus Primeno longer felt worthy to carry the Matrix of Leadership and instead decided to return it to theChorus of the Primes,reverting to Hot Rod.Aftermath and RebirthTheMistress of Flamecriticized his decision, claiming they would need the Matrix to stopTrypticon's rampage.Our Heroes RespondThe Matrix projected a message to Optimus Prime, granting him a vision of future events, including the role the Matrix itself would play, prompting Optimus to head back towards the battlefield.The Fight BeginsLearning fromPerceptorthat Rodimus had given up the Matrix, Optimus entered the Chorus chamber in thePrimal Basilicaand asked to take back the Matrix, which the Chorus obliged.Desperate ActionsGuiding Perceptor to a secret exit below the Basilica, Optimus asked him to take the Matrix and get as far away as possible, lest Trypticon obtain it and use its power to become unstoppable.Run for Our Lives

After running only a short while, the Matrix spoke to Perceptor and detailed its own plan; despite his apprehension, Perceptor did as it asked and tricked Trypticon into swallowing both himself and the Matrix.ConsumedHowever, because the Matrix could only be used by its chosen wielder, Trypticon could not contain its power and ejected it and Perceptor from his body, along with the previously swallowedVictorionand theEnigma of Combinationand the ghost ofStarscreampossessing the Titan. Before Victorion could reclaim the Matrix and Enigma, they were surrounded by a barrier of flame asMegatronusrevealed himself. After killing Optimus and issuing a series of vague threats, Megatronus grabbed the Matrix and the Enigma for himself and blasted off into the sky.All Things Must Pass

Megatronus later removed the Matrix from its storage and installed it and the Enigma into an unknown device in theWell of Sparks.Without WarningMegatron eventually realized that Megatronus planned to use the Enigma to merge the Matrix's energy with theRequiem Blaster,creating a weapon capable of killing every Transformer in the universe. Learning of Megatronus's use of the Matrix, the Unicron-controlled Rodimus Cron turned on him, declaring the Matrix must be destroyed.ConsequencesMegatronus returned to theWell of Sparksand installed the Blaster into his doomsday weapon, beginning siphoning the life force from every Transformer's spark. Perceptor attempted to remove the Matrix and the other relics, but his efforts proved unsuccessful as Solus Prime began to return.Collision CourseUnicron appeared, now fully in possession of Rodimus, and attempted to take the Matrix while Megatronus attempted to stop him.Optimus Primal,WindbladeandGrimlockresumed attacking the machine until it finally released the relics, and the Matrix interfaced with Primal, creating a shield protecting them from Megatronus. Having been chosen by the Matrix as its new bearer, Primal placed it in his chest, transforming him into Optimal Optimus.Megatronus Unleashed

In the aftermath of Megatronus's and Unicron's defeats, Optimus Prime was resurrected thanks to his connection to the Matrix. He praised the Matrix's choice of Optimal as the new Prime, and agreed to guide him in his newfound role as the leader of Cybertron.Saga's End

Star Trek vs. Transformers

While mind-melded with Optimus Prime,Spockglimpsed a memory of the Matrix.Prime's Directive, Part Two

2019 IDW continuity


Perhaps the greatest of theArtifacts of the Primes,the Matrix of Leadership was forged bySolus Primein an act that was said to be guided byPrimus.It was a manifestation of theAllsparkgiven form, with all thesparksof the deceased returning to the Matrix and bringing with them their experiences. When the Age of Primes came to end, the other artifacts disappeared from Cybertronian society but the Matrix persisted. Several Cybertronians would go on to carry the talisman, earning the title ofPrimewhen they did so, but they were only stewards until the Matrix found its true bearer, theThirteenth Prime.Prime

In the modern era, the Matrix of Leadership had come to be held by the founder of the Autobots. Subsequently, holding the Matrix would denote the bearer as the Autobot leader.TitansUpon his death, Nominus Prime had passed it to Sentinel Prime. When Sentinel felt that Orion Pax was overstepping his authority, he gave his subordinate a verbal slap and reminded him who carried the Matrix as well as promising to pass it onto Ultra Magnus, not Orion.All Fall Down

Not long afterwards, when Sentinel Prime met his end at the hand of theRainmakers,the Matrix ejected itself from him to begin the search for its next bearer. Though Orion Pax sought to bring it to Ultra Magnus, the talisman reacted to and bonded with Orion. Greeting him in the form of his mentorCodexa,the Matrix'sMediatorsoftware educated Orion on its power and offered him the choice to not bear it. Accepting the burden, the Matrix sealed itself within the Senator, renaming him as Optimus Prime.Prime

Following the unleashing of therust worms,the Matrix's Mediator software summoned Optimus into it, offering him a warning of the future.Radical TimeNot long afterwards, Megatron demanded that Optimus surrender the Matrix to him. When the Prime refused, Megatron lashed out at him, attempting to physically remove the talisman from the Prime, yielding only when he was confronted withComputron.Fate of Cybertron

War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity

War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon

Alpha Trion was the first known Cybertronian to hold the Matrix of Leadership. Eons ago, he was confronted bySky Lynxwho arrogantly demanded the Matrix. When it became clear that Sky Lynx would not back down from this request, Trion was forced to use theStaff of Solusto banish the draconian to theDead Universe.Earthrise episode 5


After Megatron had murdered Alpha Trion, the Matrix of Leadership was "thrusted" onto Optimus Prime.Siege episode 6Agreeing that holding it and theAlpha Trion Protocolswould give Optimus too much power, the program was instead given to Ultra Magnus.Siege episode 4


When theArkfound itself in the Dead Universe, Sky Lynx, humbled by his exile, mentored Optimus in how to properly connect with the Matrix and channel its power. At the same time, theNemesiswas boarded bya new Decepticonwho instructed Megatron to claim the Matrix at all costs. When theNemesiscaught up with theArk,Optimus used the Matrix to open a rift back to normal space.Earthrise episode 5

When both ships emerged back in their universe, the Decepticons boarded theArkwhere Megatron managed to fulfill his guide's directive and claim the Matrix from Optimus.Earthrise episode 6

Kup piece.gif
You left a piece out!

This article is astuband is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

What's needed:Kingdom

War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material

In a possible destiny recorded on theVoyagerGolden Disk,Megatron became Galvatron and wore the Matrix of Leadership chained around his neck.KingdomGolden Disk cards

Energon Universe

The Matrix was a source of energy that channeled the spirit of its host, capable of repairing the injuries of its host and others,Transformers #1as well as activating electronics cut off from their power sources.Transformers #4However, while the Matrix could heal, if a Cybertronian was too badly injured, even its power could not prevent their death. In addition, as its power is also directly connected with its bearer's life force, overusing the Matrix risked killing the bearer.Transformers #2

It was gifted toOptimus Prime"many years" before he came toEarth.Transformers #4After being reactivated on Earth, Prime thought to use the Matrix to heal the mortally woundedJetfire,only forRatchetto inform Optimus that Jetfire was too far gone even for the Matrix. Shortly after, Jetfire succumbed to his wounds.Transformers #1

Soon afterwards, Ratchet used the last of the Autobots' stockpiled energon to reactivateCliffjumper.When Optimus suggested pooling Ratchet and Cliffjumper's internal energon, the medic informed him that that might allow for the reactivation of another in an hour. Unsatisfied with the response, Optimus considered using the Matrix to help replenish their energon reserves only to be immediately vetoed by Ratchet due to the risk of Prime depleting his own life force when using it, and Ratchet considered Optimus himself too valuable for the Autobots to lose.Transformers #2

Using the Matrix's light at a dark hour and emptying it in the fourth issue of a new continuity? It'sanothernew record, Primey!

Not long afterwards,Starscreamopened fire on the local hospital, damaging the power generator. After learning the injuredSpikeand many other patients who needed breathing machines would die without power, Optimus emptied the Matrix, over Ratchet's protests, using it to power the hospital and prevent more deaths.

With the power restored, Spike was stabilized and able to breathe again, though he remained in a coma. WhenSparkyasked if Prime was able to use the Matrix again to bring his son back all the way, he was informed that the Matrix had been fully drained of its energy. After Ratchet managed to repair the hospital's generator, the medic scolded Optimus for wasting the Matrix's power on saving the humans instead of repairing himself. While Optimus initially dismissed him, saying that the Matrix would be fine, Ratchet reiterated that if Optimus died – either from using the Matrix or from wounds that he could have used the Matrix to repair – the war would be lost, and the Decepticons would be free to harm humanity as much as they wanted. Optimus defended his actions as he ultimately saved innocent lives, even if it was at the cost of the Matrix.Transformers #4

Following an ambush by the Decepticons as the Autobots attempted to take back theArk,Transformers #5Optimus found himself heavily damaged byDevastatorto the point where the Matrix was visibly showing under his chest panels. Despite being taken to a repair bay, Ratchet quickly diagnosed Prime's wounds as fatal. Feeling his spark fading, Optimus opened his chest and removed the Matrix, calling upon one of the Autobots to take it, dropping it as Devastator's blows shook the ship.

Don't tellSteel Jawthe Matrix runs onBiofuel.

Before any of them could take the Matrix, Sparky knelt in front of it, thinking of how when something bad happened to his fellow soldiers or his sons, he wished he could've been in their place instead. Knowing that Optimus would care for Earth just like Sparky had cared for his boys, Sparky asked Optimus to tell Spike that he was proud of him before entering the Matrix's core, vanishing as he became one with it. The Matrix, now recharged, instantly repaired Optimus' body, and as he put the talisman back into his chest, Optimus swore his friend would not be forgotten. Promising to protect Spike and the whole Earth, Optimus immediately started doing so by taking down Devastator and Thundercracker.Transformers #6

This section covers fiction that isongoing.It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help byupdating it.

2001Robots in Disguisecontinuity family

2001Robots in Disguisecartoon

InCar Robots,the original Japanese version ofRobots in Disguise,"Fire Convoy" does not possess a version of the Matrix of Leadership, instead carrying anEnergon Matrix.
My chestplate glows for you, Hotrod

Simply known as just 'the Matrix',[10]Optimus Primewas chosen by Vector Sigma to be its bearer and lead the Autobots as Commander-in-Chief of Cybertron.Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!Less a physical object and more an energy that suffused his form, Prime could call on the power of the Matrix in moments of great emotion, at which point his body would glow with its green light.The Test

I set my chestplate from studly to kill. Go nipple blasters!

Unfortunately for Prime, his brotherUltra Magnuswas furious at being passed over for the leadership role, and about halfway through Prime's campaign againstMegatronon Earth, Magnus arrived on the planet with the intent to take the Matrix for himself.Ultra MagnusWhen he attempted to absorb the energy of the Matrix from Prime's body, however, a bizarre fusion occurred instead, merging the two brothers intoOmega Primeand revealing that the intention had always been for them tosharethe energy of the Matrix between them.Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!Magnus later inadvertently used this link to channel the energy of the Matrix into theAutobot Brothers,supercharging them.The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus

In the final battle against Megatron—now Galvatron—at theEarth's core,Fortress Maximuschanneled all his energy into Omega Prime to give his leader the power boost that he hoped would ensure triumph. The extra energy combined with that of the Matrix and it burst forth, coalescing into the colossalMatrix Blade,which Omega Prime used to claim victory.The Final Battle

"Oops! Sorry, that's never happened to me before..."

Teleported into the midst of a battle in another universe, Prime and Magnus found themselves on Cybertron, where the evilNemesis Primewas attempting to use hisDead Matrixto destroy Primus. The brothers took him down, then separated so that Optimus could use his own Matrix to negate the evil energies released by the Dead Matrix. Opening the chamber in his Super Mode chest, he projected a beam of the Matrix's pure light into the Dead Matrix's swirling darkness, eliminating it.Revelations Part 1

Shell Game

After theOptimus PrimeofViron 704.31 Epsilonwas killed byMegazarak,once-leader of theProtection TeamHot Spotwas given the Matrix of Leadership byUltra Trion,becoming his team's combined formDefensorhimself.Ask Vector Prime, 07/09/2015Megazarak sought theOracle,believing that it would yield the location ofBase Sigma,the last outpost of Autobot resistance and the hiding place of the Matrix-bearer. He failed, being slightly delayed by Ultra Trion's final gambit.Shell GameDefensor would eventually triumph over Megazarak and begin to rebuild his world. However, the Matrix gave him visions of another Megazarak, one who had succeeded in conqueringhis own universeand was spreading out to other universes. Defensor felt the duty to seek out this Megazarak and stop him as well.Ask Vector Prime, 07/09/2015

Unicron Trilogy continuity family

Plot points derived only from the original Japanese versions of the Unicron Trilogy cartoons, lost to the slipshod dubbing that plagued the series, are in italics.


Optimus said that I could drive this up somewhere....

WhenMegatronthreatened to destroy the Earth with theHydra Cannon,Optimus Prime,not expecting to survive the battle ahead, tried to pass the Matrix on toHot Shotbefore entering the conflict. Hot Shot refused, not feeling himself worthy, and Prime subsequently died throwing himself into the path of the Hydra Cannon blast meant for Earth. Prime's body was reduced to ashes, and the Matrix was all that remained, clung onto by hisMini-ConpartnerSparkplug,floating helplessly until rescued.Crisis

in your eyes, the light, the heat
in your eyes, I am complete

Not long thereafter, as the Autobots and Decepticons battled in space on their way back to Cybertron, Sparkplug andPerceptorpresented the Matrix to the large armada of Mini-Cons who had joined the Autobots on their journey. Many Mini-Cons plunged themselves into the Matrix, using their powers to recreate Prime's body and restore him to life.Miracle

Some time later, in the midst of the Transformers' battle with Unicron, Optimus Prime was confronted by the evil demi-god with the suggestion that, on some level, he enjoyed the thrill of combat as much as Megatron did,and that the only difference between the two leaders was the Matrix in Prime's chest.OriginFollowing Unicron's defeat, when Megatron (now Galvatron) challenged Optimus to one final battle, these words led Prime to discard the Matrix, that he might battle Galvatron not as the leader of the Autobots,but as an individual, and the equal of his foe.

A unicorn designed this. (See the pretty rainbows?)

Prime flung the Matrix through Unicron's hide, out into space, where it later drifted by the two combatants as their fight moved to Unicron's surface. Soon, however, it became apparent that Prime and Galvatron's fight was sustaining and re-energizing Unicron, and Galvatron allowed himself to die into order to destroy the chaos-bringer. As the battered Prime hung in space afterwards, the Matrix floated past him. Prime turned to look at it, but, having revelled in his battle with Galvatron and in a way proven Unicron correct, shifted his glance away, pronouncing himself unworthy to carry it.

Prime did not return to his fellow Autobots immediately, as Cybertron was now at peace. Instead, he apparently embarked on some sort of soul-searching space voyage, seeking to find worthiness once again.Mortal Combat


Also, it does not go anywhere in the robot mode. Get outta here, blaster. No one likes your style.

Prime returned to reclaim the Matrix and leadership of the Autobots at some point over the next ten years.Despite the talisman being back in his hands once more, its power was employed but once during the war forenergonof 2020, when Prime was badly injured byStarscreamduring a battle on Earth's Moon and fell unconscious. When Prime was infused with a massive jolt of Energon in an attempt by theOmniconSkyblastto revive him, the interaction of the element with the Matrix brought forth theEnergon Blaster,which coalesced out of a sphere of light that burst out of Prime's chest. Prime considered the weapon a gift from the previous commanders within the Matrix and fended off the Decepticons with it, then proceeded to never use or even mention it again.Starscream the Mysterious Mercenary


Good grief, Prime! There are KIDS present!

A further ten years later, during the quest to stop theUnicron Singularityin2030,Optimus Prime used the Matrix of Leadership in concert withVector Prime'sswordto open dimension gates to the various colony worlds that held theCyber Planet Keys.It was only through the stabilizing powers of both objects that safe transit through the gates was made possible.LandmineThe Matrix influenced Optimus Prime'sCyber Key,giving it a unique shape that mimicked the Matrix's own as opposed to the standard design shared by the other Autobots.Savage

The Matrix is made up ofburning spirit!

After the Autobots had obtained the Cyber Planet Keys fromVelocitron,Jungle Planetand Earth and placed them in theOmega Lockon Cybertron, Optimus Prime substituted the energy of the Matrix for the still-missing fourth key. This proved enough to initiate Cybertron's transformation into the body of Primus, but without the key fromGigantion,the god's power remained at an ebb, unable to close the black hole.CybertronBefore departing for Gigantion to obtain the final key, the Autobots were able to develop a method that allowed Primus to use the energy of the three keys and the Matrix to at least halt the singularity's growth, giving them the time they needed to complete their mission.TitansIn order for the Autobots to safely traverse the tunnel in space-time that led to Gigantion,Red Alertcreated a "vaccine" program based on the stabilizing properties of the Matrix and Vector Prime's sword.Family

The Matrix would often glow with energy when Prime poised himself to unleash powerful combat moves; during his final battle with Galvatron, the golden glow of the Matrix surrounded Prime's entire body.Unfinished

Ask Vector Prime

InAurex 404.11 Kappa,Vector Prime held the Matrix during Cybertron'sGolden Age.He led the Autobots for many years until he received a higher calling from theChronarchitectto lead theTime Warriorsin protecting space and time. Vector passed the Matrix on to his trusty lieutenant,Guardian Major.Ask Vector Prime, 12/07/2015

Galaxy Forcemanga


With the Earth besieged by theAncient Decepticonsunder the command ofStarscream,and the treacherous air commander himself transformed into a skyscraper-sized giant by the power of Primus, things were looking grim for the Autobots. Taking a direct hit from the giant Starscream,Optimus Prime's chest was smashed open, exposing the Matrix within. Reviving after only a few moments of unconsciousness to find thatWing Saberhad arrived on the planet with news that Primus had reawakened, Prime doubted how important he was to the battle if their god was now restored. Wing Saber pointed to his open chest, telling him that the Matrix within him signified him as the true leader of the Autobots, and Prime, his resolve restored, plucked the talisman from within himself and called upon its power to initiate his and Wing Saber's combination into Sonic Wing Mode for the first time.Galaxy Force Mission.9

Hot Shot's Bot Thoughts

During an interview withShockwave,Hot Shot proved it was easy to get hold of a Matrix by telling Optimus Prime that his shoes were untied, and then yonking the Matrix right out of his chest while he was distracted. The Matrix upgraded Hot Shot into Shotimus Prime. During a later interview withTarantulas,the exasperated interviewee grabbed the Matrix, reverting Shotimus back to Hot Shot, and then beat him with it.Hot Shot's Bot Thoughts

Live-action film series

(thumbnail) do you open this thing, dammit?

Created by theDynasty of Primes,theMatrix of Leadershipis required to operate theStar Harvester.It can only be properly utilized by one who shares the lineage of the Primes.

Sector Seven ARG

The Matrix was mentioned in passing.[citation needed]Sector Seven

Titan movie comic

According toStarscream,Optimus Primecarries the Matrix of Leadership. Not quite yet, he doesn't, Screamer!Star Screams #2

Revenge of the Fallenfilm

And Unicron breathed a sigh of relief.

TheSeven Primeshad agreed never to use aStar Harvesteron aSunthat fed intelligent life. But in 17,000 BC,the Fallenchose to activate it onEarth,for he hatedhumans,so the other Primes fought him and stole the Matrix. They sealed it away in atombmade of their own bodies in a secret location. In 2009 AD, following the death ofOptimus Prime,the last Prime, the Fallen had returned to Earth and was seeking the Matrix to finish what he'd started.

Hot Rod's gonna have trouble gettin' his fingers in this one.

Sam Witwicky,having deciphered the only clue to the tomb's location, found the Matrix inPetra,but it crumbled to dust. He stuffed its remains into a sock and took it to thePyramidsofEgypt,where he still hoped it could resurrect Optimus, who was being protected by the human-Autobot allianceNEST.The Fallen's pupil,Megatron,shot and killed Sam, but thesparksof the Primes came and revived him. They also revealed the Matrix could not be found but only earned, and they restored its shape. Sam then used the Matrix to resurrect Optimus by shoving its sharp end into his chest. Almost immediately afterward, the Fallen teleported in and stole the Matrix, then used it to activate the Harvester.Revenge of the Fallen

Thenovelizationreveals the Matrix was created by the AllSpark to help the Primes in their search for energon. After Sam Witwicky conversed with the Dynasty of Primes in the afterlife, the intent was that the power and knowledge of the AllSpark moved from his mind into the remains of the Matrix, reconstituting it;this,then, was why it was able to bring Prime back to life. In turn, this essentially transforms this universe's version of the Matrix (initially entirely distinct from the other depictions of the object seen in this article) into the same life-giving, knowledge-holding object from other Transformers fiction. Additionally, Prime was to recover the Matrix from the sun harvester and carry it within himself in traditional Matrix fashion. While none of these events were seen to play out explicitly on-screen, the Matrix's continued presence inDark of the Moon,within Prime's body, and the reverence it receives suggests that these events still "happened" within the continuity of the films, even if they didn't explicitly talk about them.

Dark of the Moonfilm

You thought they forgot about it already, didn't you?

After the dormant body ofSentinel Primewas retrieved from themoon,the Autobots' former leader was brought toNESTheadquarters on Earth. Optimus Prime removed the Matrix of Leadership from his chest (which he was able to manipulate as it hovered through the air) and inserted it into Sentinel Prime's chest, similarly to how Sam Witwicky used it to resurrect Optimus three years prior.

Optimus later offered it to Sentinel, as he felt that Sentinel was the rightful leader of the Autobots. Sentinel refused it, citing that he was the wiser on their own homeworld, but on this strange new planet, Optimus was the more experienced.

Megatron later explained to Starscream that he wanted Prime to use the Matrix on Sentinel as he was vital to Megatron's plan for invasion.Dark of the Moon


Check out my necklace!

FollowingProwlandJazz's successful reconstruction of a substantial portion of the shatteredAllSpark,Optimus Primeused theMagnus Hammerto forge a new containment vessel for the crystal sphere. He termed the resultant holder the "AllSpark Matrix",and wore it on a chain around his neck upon the Autobots' return to Cybertron.Endgame, Part IIThe AllSpark Almanac II

Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

The Matrix was created by the Primes sometime after Unicron's defeat and before the War of the Primes, though according toAlpha Trionit was a very different device at its creation than in the present day. It formed the hilt of theStar SaberbutPrimasurrendered it toPrimusin theCoreafter the Primes fought.

During theAge of Rust,Alpha Trion went toVector Sigmato try and retrieve the Matrix in hopes that it could reignite the fire of Cybertronian society. The supercomputer denied his request saying the time was not right, but it gave him theBadge of Vector Prime.

WhenMegatronhad poisoned the core of Cybertron withDark Energon,Primus inserted a portion of his Spark into the Matrix and gave it toOptimus Primeto carry and guard. This had the effect of restoring Optimus' memories of his earlier life among theThirteen.The Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

Prime lucked out. Feel bad for the guy who has to carry that blade around in his chest.

Originally the jewel in the hilt ofPrima'sStar Sabersword in the distant past of Cybertron, the Matrix had been missing for billions of cycles by the time data clerkOrion Paxmet the charismatic gladiator namedMegatron.Unbeknownst to Orion, Megatron plotted revolution, and, desiring the Matrix's power to fuel his ambition, hadSoundwavesendRumbleandFrenzyto search for the Matrix inCrystal Cityto no avail.

Later, when theHigh Councilappointed Orion as Cybertron's leader, Optimus Prime, they ordered him to find the Matrix, and Megatron's true motives stood revealed as he also declared it would be his. War erupted across Cybertron and raged for millions of years, until, during the conflict's dying days, Optimus purged Cybertron'scoreof aDark Energoninfection that Megatron had wrought upon it. Speaking directly into Prime's mind, the core explained that Prime's predecessor,Sentinel Prime,had been unworthy of the Matrix, but as long as he had survived inKaon's prisons, Optimus was technically notPrimeand could not receive it. With Sentinel's death and the core's purification, however, the time had at last come: the Matrix emerged from the core, and Optimus accepted it into his body. Subsequently, the Autobots left Cybertron on theArk,but Optimus knew that the Matrix would guide them home one day, where it would act in concert with the core to fully restore their ravaged homeworld.Exodus

After theArkhad passed through aspace bridge,the Matrix projected a map to the nearbycolonyofVelocitron.After fleeing Velocitron, theArkfound its way toJunkion,the Matrix's energies clearing the minds of thenativesenough for them to help the Autobots repair theArk.The Matrix then projected another map, leading Optimus to a space bridge to the tomb ofSolus Prime.When Megatron caught up to Optimus on Junkion, the Matrix sent a vision of the AllSpark's location to Optimus, preventing him from dealing the killing blow.Exiles

Continued pulls from the Matrix led theArkto the planetAquatron,even as it plagued Optimus with visions of Cybertronians being oppressed. When the Autobots ventured to the planet's surface, the Matrix sent Optimus a vision of his former self, Orion Pax, being menaced by enslavers. The senior physician,Xeros,took the chance to, eagerly, scan the Matrix when Optimus convulsed. When it was revealed that Aquatron was ruled by theQuintessons,they put the Autobots and Decepticons on trial, the Matrix providing Optimus with his repressed memories to convince him that the aliens were lying. Learning that the Matrix was fighting off remote hacking attempts by the Quintessons, Optimus switched off the genuine article, only to be forced to reactivate it so and Megatron could escape the labyrinthine corridors. The Matrix led the two leaders to the source of the interference: theSharkticon Matrix of Leadership,a duplicate created by the Quintessons following their studying of Matrix's technology. Shortly thereafter, the Sharkticon Matrix was destroyed, restoring the Matrix to normal operating status.Retribution


Care Bear Stare!

During the Great War, the core of Cybertron, which contained the Spark of the Transformers' creator Primus, became poisoned withDark Energon.Orion Pax journeyed there hoping to cure the god, but instead was given the Matrix of Leadership by Primus himself, becomingOptimus,the last of the Primes.One Shall Rise, Part 3

When the Autobots discovered thatUnicrondwelt at the center of the Earth, Optimus Prime gambled that the Matrix held the power to destroy the dark god.One Shall Rise, Part 2Led to the core of the planet byMegatron,Prime emptied the full power of the Matrix into Unicron's spark.
OrionPax3 Matrix of Leadership.jpg
The chaos-bringer responded by possessing Megatron in an attempt to stop him, but the Matrix generated a shield to protect Prime so that the mission could be completed, and Unicron was successfully returned to stasis. Unfortunately, in draining the Matrix of its energy, Optimus lost not merely the wisdom of the Primes, but all of his own memories since becoming a Prime.One Shall Rise, Part 3Anticipating this, Optimus had left a solution to this problem in the hands of the Autobot's human allyJack Darby:theKey to Vector Sigma,which would allow the Matrix to be refilled, and Optimus's memory restored, via the mega-computer Vector Sigma on Cybertron.Orion Pax, Part 1Jack andArceetravelled to Cybertron to load the key, then returned to Earth in the midst of a battle between Orion and Megatron. Though the archivist was hesitant at first, Jack convinced him that he was in fact worthy and used the key to restore the Matrix's power and Optimus's memories.Orion Pax, Part 3

When Optimus Prime lay dying after the destruction of the Autobot base, he toldSmokescreenthat the Matrix would choose someone else to be leader, whom he believed to be Smokescreen. When Optimus did die, his chest ejected the Matrix as it began to search for a successor, only for Smokescreen simply to place theForge of Solus Primein Optimus's hand which, combined with the Matrix, revived and reformatted Optimus, though at the cost of draining the Forge of all its power.Rebellion

When the Great War ended and Cybertron was restored, Optimus used the Matrix of Leadership to guide him to the location of theAllSpark,in the hazardous system ofTheta Scorpii.To safeguard the AllSpark from Unicron, Optimus merged it with the Matrix. In doing so however, he rendered his ownsparkinseparable from all those within the AllSpark, ultimately sacrificing himself and the Matrix to theCoreto reignite it, ending the age of Primes.Predacons Rising

Rescue Botscartoon

OddBotOut Optimus Matrix.jpg

When Optimus located theLiquefier,its energies out of control and threateningGriffin Rock,he used the Matrix to shut it down.Odd Bot Out

Knights of Unicron

Dark Side of the Matrix album cover.jpg

The Matrix of Leadership served as inspiration for the legendary rock band theKnights of Unicron,immortalized on the cover of their studio album "Dark Side of the Matrix".Knights of Unicron



The Matrix of Leadership was an artifact of theThirteen.Within, it held the accumulated wisdom of not only the original Primes, but all those who'd borne it, allowing for its current bearer to access this wisdom in times of crisis. Conversely, these spirits could bring the bearer before them through the Matrix.Dweller In The Depths

In the modern era, the Matrix was safeguarded byAlpha Trion.In the early days of theGreat War,Megatronmurdered all of theHigh Councilsave Trion who had been mortally wounded by the attack. WhenOptimuswas brought before his ailing mentor, Trion bestowed the Matrix onto his protege. Despite Optimus's hesitations, he accepted the talisman and became Optimus Prime, the last sight Trion witnessed before he passed. The power of the Matrix allowed Optimus to manifest a powerful blue shield in the likeness of the Autobot insignia.Matrix of Leadership

After claiming that one of hisscrapletswas a reborn Alpha Trion,Starscreamhad others reveal the Matrix for him to claim. Before he could,Cheetorpounced on the Seeker and disabled his scarplet horde.Starscream's ChildrenPrime would later get his own back on Starscream by separating the treacherous Seeker from the AllSpark with a blast from the Matrix, the energies sending both intostasis lock.I Am The AllsparkStarscream awoke in a prison cell while Prime remained in coma with a vision of the Matrix. It closed on him and he later woke up as a turbolaser barrage from theNemesiswas ripping theArkapart.Escape From Earth

When theQuintessonsinvaded Cybertron, Optimus combined the power of the Matrix with one from another reality, stolen by Megatron, to overwhelm the nowJudgeStarscream, finally killing him and ending the invasion.The End Of The Universe IV

Not long afterwards, Cybertron was invaded by Megatron X, the owner of Megatron's stolen Matrix, whom Optimus engaged in a duel of Matrices. When Windblade sabotaged the alternate Megatron's Matrix, Optimus' beam prevailed, its energy short-circuiting the tyrant.The Other One

The Matrix was last seen being used by Optimus and a small group of his allies to open the chamber to theCortex HelmonOnyx Prime'sfloating island after aDecepticon supersoldiernamedTarnmanipulated them into helping him reach the artifact.The Perfect Decepticon

Alternate universe

In another world, upon realizing that Optimus would forever oppose him,Megatronkilled Optimus outright before he stole his Matrix.Megatron Is My HeroThe Other One

Untold years later, Megatron's universe was visited by an alternate version of himself who managed to steal his Matrix and flee. Knowing that his counterpart would eventually track him down, the alternate Megatron tried to access the Matrix's wisdom but the Primes refused to speak to him.Silent StrikeThe Primes of this reality imparted onto their Optimus a directive to destroy this otherwordly Matrix.Dweller In The Depths

A psychic shard of the nativeWindbladewound up lodged in the Matrix, being met by Optimus' spirit who told her to destroy the Matrix. Eventually, Megatron located the reality and reclaimed his property only to be engaged in a Matrix duel by the native Optimus. Though Megatron initially held the advantage, Windblade followed Optimus' orders and destroyed the psychic pillars of the Primes, short-circuiting the Matrix.The Other One



For cycles, energon flowed freely through the Matrix of Leadership's power, untilSentinel Primebetrayed thePrimesthrough a deal made with theQuintessons.Prying it out ofZeta Prime'scorpse, Sentinel was horrified when the artifact rejected him and vanished. As a result, Cybertron's energon supply dried up, leading to Sentinel removing the transformation cogs from newly born Transformers so they could mine energon as tribute for the Quintessons.

After fifty cycles, the young miner,Orion Pax,would often break into the archives in Iacon in an attempt to find information about what had become of the long lost relic. Orion dreamed about being the one to deliver the Matrix to Sentinel, who would often lead expeditions to the surface to search for it. However, these searches were merely a cover-up for Sentinel's true dealings, delivering the Quintessons their tribute of energon. One such exchange was witnessed by Orion, his best friendD-16,Elita-1,andB-127,who had come to surface after having found a beacon containing the possible location of the Matrix. Granted transformation cogs byAlpha Trion,the four raced back to Iacon to reveal the truth about Sentinel to the city.

TFone OptimusRaisesMatrix.jpg

Allying with the former CybertronHigh Guard,the quartet led an attack on Sentinel's tower, ending with D-16 dropping Orion into Cybertron's core after the latter had attempted to stop him from executing Sentinel. Orion was met with the spirits of the Primes and, having been judged worthy by Primus, was bestowed the Matrix and upgraded into Optimus Prime. Granted powerful new armor and weaponry, Optimus returned to the surface and put a stop to D-16, who had renamed himself "Megatron". Slicing Megatron'sFusion cannonin half with his newEnergon axeOptimus banished him and his new followers from Iacon. With the return of the Matrix, energon flowed throughout the planet once more and all the cogless miners were given transformation cogs, becoming fully autonomous "Autobots".One


Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals(N64)

In one of several possible timelines, the Matrix was destroyed millions of years in the past, along with Optimus Prime, by the time-travellingMegatron.Unfortunately, its destruction meant the Decepticons had no surefire way of defeating Unicron when he attacked Cybertron in 2005.Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

The Transformers(PS2)

TFPS2 matrix.jpg

The quest for theZel Quartz,a powerful crystal upon which the fate of the future hinged, led groups of Autobots and Decepticons from both the present day and time-travellers from the near-future to converge on the planet Zel Samine, culminating in a two-way showdown between Optimus Prime, Rodimus Prime, Megatron and Galvatron in the complex housing the planetary power generatorELTA.When the battle threatened to cause the computer to overload, it appeared that all four Transformers were doomed, until the twin Primes opened both their Matrices, using their power to bring the computer under control and win the day.The Transformers

Transformers Battle Universe


The Matrix would appear following the successful defeat of an opponent. Picking it up would initiate the next round of combat, accompanied by a burst of music fromBeast Wars.Transformers Battle Universe

Transformers: War for Cybertron(Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

How are you supposed to hold it up and release its cleansing flame if the handles aren't even attached to the sphere?

ThoughOptimus Primeand his Autobots helped purge theCore of Cybertronof theDark Energoninfection, its spark had been corrupted and had to shut itself down completely if it was to survive. For the millions of years that this process would take, Cybertron would be left cold and barren, meaning the Transformers would be forced to take to the stars. However, the Core bestowed a portion of its spark within the Matrix of Leadership to Optimus Prime, leader of the free Autobots. For as long as the Matrix survived, Cybertron's spark would remain.Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark(console)

Among the many rumours that circled the origins of theDark Sparkwas that it was the natural antithesis to the Matrix of Leadership.

In the midst of theGreat Exodus,Megatron managed to acquire the Dark Spark and bond it to himself, forcing Optimus to personally confront him in the labs ofKolkular.After fighting a horde of AutobotTerrorcons,Optimus unleashed the power of the Matrix against the Dark Spark, his superior experience in wielding the artefact granting him victory and blasting the Dark Spark off of Cybertron.Rise of the Dark Spark

Angry Birds Transformers


The Matrix can be unlocked as an accessory that when equipped; grants an effect to several characters.Angry Birds Transformers

Accessory Body Part Rarity GemCost Base Effect Notes
RedasOptimus Prime Chest Epic 325Free Incendiary Rounds Became a free Accessory in June 2017
Red asUltra Magnus Chest Legendary 900 +10% Fire Rate
Red asEnergon Optimus Prime Chest Epic 650 +10% Fire Rate
Red asUltimate Optimus Prime Chest Uncommon 100 +10% Defense

Transformers: Devastation

In the past,Nova Primebore the Matrix of Leadership but parted with the artifact when he left Cybertron aboard theProudstar.When Optimus Prime explored the scuttledProudstarmillions of years later, the Matrix reacted toa dark presencein the ship, shutting down for a second. As the Autobots ventured deeper into the ship,Teletraan Alphaused the Matrix to see their future. As the Autobots neared the ship's core and discovered the same dark presence, the Matrix allowed Optimus to learn that the entity responsible for corrupting Nova was searching and destroying its way to Cybertron.Transformers: Devastation

Transformers Roleplaying Game

The Matrix of Leadership held the concentrated essence of heroism and valour, in the same way that theEnigma of Combinationpossessed the pure essence of cooperation.The Enigma of Combination

Commercial appearances


Secret Lair stop motion video



Strings connect the Matrix's core to its holder in the Generation 1 cartoon.
  • Bob Budiansky's original pitch for the Transformers comic book included an event known as the "Ceremony of the Unending Circuit",held by the Autobots every ten millennia to commemorate the passing of the Creation Matrix from one Autobot leader to the next, according to Autobot Law. If an Autobot is not brave, strong, or wise enough, the program would either drive him insane or lobotomize him.[11]Although the "ten millennia" bit made it into the comic, the rest of it was never realized. (Budiansky also left a note that the Matrix isn't the only way of making new Transformers, which is not touched on in English comic media untilGeneration 2.)
  • Floro Derywas inspired by a thermonuclear bomb in designing the Matrix of Leadership forThe Movie.[12]"Light our darkest hour", indeed.
  • Blink and you'll miss it—the crystal core of the original Generation 1 cartoon incarnation of the Matrix is connected to the two halves of its holder by a string! This oddity of design is visible during the two instances the Matrix is opened in the cartoon, inThe Transformers: The Movieand "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2".
  • By pure coincidence, theretconmade inPrimeval Dawn(and technicallyBeast Wars) that created the idea of there being two Matrix-shaped objects in Optimus Prime's chest also fits with ananimation errorinThe Transformers: The Moviewhere—on his deathbed—Prime is seen removing the Matrix, while an uncolored "empty" Matrix is shown still inside his chest just before his colors fade.
  • The dub ofArmadarefers to the artifact as the Matrix of Leadership when it's first introduced and for a few episodes after, but then switches to calling it the "Matrix of the Commander" for the rest of the series afterward. This is likely a result of direct translation from the genericshireikan no Matrix( tư lệnh quan のマトリクス) in Japanese.
  • The body-mod shop "Swindle, Swindle and Swindle"has empty Generation 1 Matrix containers for sale, as seen in an illustration from the prose story"I, Lowtech".
  • The Matrix of Leadershipmakes a cameoas one ofAnimatedLockdown's possessions in "A Few Loose Strands".
  • In earlier drafts ofRevelation,the Matrix would have been corrupted by its time in theDead Universe(possibly similar to theDark Matrixentity), butdevelopmentsled to its role being filled by theDarkness.[13]
  • InMy Little Pony:The Mangavolume 3, the Matrix is included as part of a scavenger hunt thatFluttershyorganizes.
  • A lighting fixture resembling the Generation 1 Matrix of Leadership can be seen atSwerve's Loungeat Universal Studios Beijing'sTransformers Metrobase

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Matrix(マトリクスMatorikusu),Leader no Matrix(Revenge,リーダーのマトリクス, "Matrix of Leader" ),Matrix of Leadership(マトリックスオブリーダーシップMatorikkusu obu Rīdāshippu),Creation Matrix(クリエーションマトリクスKuriēshon matorikusu)
  • Arabic:Masfufat Alqiada(مصفوفة القيادة, "Command Matrix" )
  • English:Power Pack(Omni Productionsdub)
  • Hungarian:Teremtő Mátrix( "Creator Matrix" ),Vezetés Mátrixa( "Matrix of Leadership" ),Irányítás Mátrixa( "Matrix of Control",Revenge of the Fallen),Vezéri Mátrix( "Leader Matrix",The Movie1st dub),Mátrix( "Matrix",The Movie2nd dub)
  • French:Matrice de Commandement( "Command Matrix" ),Matrice de Création(EarthSpark,"Matrix of Creation" )
  • German:Hauptprogramm( "Core Program", used once in fiction),Matrix der Führerschaft( "Matrix of Leadership" )
  • Indonesian:Matriks Kepemimpinan( "Matrix of Leadership" )
  • Italian:Matrice( "Matrix" ),Scettro del Comando(firstThe Transformersdub, "Scepter of Command" ),Matrix(secondThe Transformersdub),Matrice del Comando(Generations,"Matrix of Command" )
  • Mandarin:Mǔtǐ(Taiwan, mẫu thể, "Matrix" or "Mother Body" ),Jǔzhèn(China Mainland, củ trận, "Matrix" ),Lǐngdǎo Mókuài(China Mainland, lĩnh đạo mô khối, "Module of Leader" )
  • Cantonese:Yuen Nang Gui Zaan(Hong Kong, nguyên năng củ trận )
  • Polish:Matryca Przywództwa,Matryca Przywódcy(War for Cybertron,"Matrix of Leadership" )
  • Portuguese:Matriz da Liderança( "Matrix of Leadership" ),Matrix da Liderança(EarthSpark),Matriz de Liderança(Transformers One)
  • Russian:Matritsa Liderstva(Матрица Лидерства, "Matrix of Leadership" )
  • Spanish:Matriz de Liderazgo( "Matrix of Leadership" )
  • Ukrainian:Enerhoblok(ICTV, Енергоблок, "Power unit" )
  • Turkish:Liderlik Matriksi( "Matrix of Leadership" )


  1. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2
  2. The Autobots Have a Special Mission for:
  3. For the majority of theTransformers: The Moviesticker book (see image), though it is also referred to as the "Matrix of Leadership" once or twice.
  4. "If you can use the Creation Matrix to create new Transformers, you could put out a lot more toys. I mean, it was basically a way to introduce new toys into the storyline by saying okay, I think was it Jetfire? That was the one I used the Creation Matrix on first? See?" —Bob Budiansky, Ben's World of Transformers, "Interviews: Bob Budiansky (February 2004)", 2022/02/11
  5. "One of the first questions that I asked Hasbro when I took over writing the Transformers character profiles was were any of these characters female? The answer was no, this is a boys’ toy, so there shouldn’t be any female characters. As a result, I came up with asexual ways for new Transformers to be created, like the Creation Matrix." —Bob Budiansky, Metal Machine, "Behind the Scenes with Bob Budiansky on the Transformers", 2009/11/21
  6. "Creation Matrix, I'm fairly confident the Creation Matrix was a concept that I originated. I'm not sure if I originated the Matrix of Leadership. I might have, I don't remember. The Creation Matrix was another example of trying a couple of ways to explain new Transformers, you know to try to create, invent and introduce new Transformers." —Bob Budiansky, Rusting Carcass, 2009/07/25(archive link)
  7. Powermaster Optimus Prime's Marvel comic profile
  8. Ultra Magnus profile page in Marvel UK#81
  9. Author Simon Furman implied in aDecember 2007 Q&A on his blogand in the narration ofSpotlight: Galvatronthat in his original plans for this story, Novadidtake the Matrix into the Dead Universe (Optimus Prime is never shown to carry it in Furman's stories), where it would have "become" something. Presumably, it was his intention for it to become the Darkness itself, which would not have been the separate entity it was in the finished story. These plans were cut short and wrapped up when Furman left the series, and subsequent writers established that Optimus had indeed been carrying the Matrix all along.
  10. The Matrix is never termed as the "Matrix of Leadership" in theRobots in Disguisedub. Though it is initially called Optimus Prime's "Cyber Matrix" in "The Test",it is never again referred to as such afterward. It would not be until Optimus's profile published inThe Official Transformers Collectors' Club Magazine#1that this Matrix would be formally referred to as the "Matrix of Leadership".
  11. griffin's 2010 BotCon report
  12. "Can you tell us some trivias or story behind the Matrix of Leadership?"
    "The inspiration for the Matrix of Leadership is a thermonuclear bomb." —Floro Dery, Transformers Philippines, "Interview With Floro Dery", 2007/06/18
  13. "Well, we’ve yet to actually meet the Matrix in the IDW/TF-verse. So we may be getting ahead of ourselves here. What do we know about it so far? Well, according to Spotlight Galvatron, the Matrix was (and maybe is) “carried” by Nova Prime, and he (Nova Prime) disappeared into the Dead Universe (along with the Matrix, we assume). Nova describes a bottomless well and a resonant tug on the Matrix. What happened next we don’t know (yet). But what is the Matrix (hm, that sounds familiar somehow)? Not telling. Not yet. But ’08 holds the answers: what it is, where it came from, what is does (then and now!). The Matrix (and what it’s become) will figure large in all that happens post-Devastation. The Matrix has been gone from the IDW/TF-verse for a long time, and its return will not necessarily be a thing of celebration. "—Simon Furman, Simon Furman: The Blog, "A(NOTHER) QUICK Q&A…", 2007/12/12
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