From Transformers Wiki
Acyber-tickis a very small Cybertronian lifeform. They're not well-liked and might be related toastro ticksand/ormech-ticks.
It is confirmed that they are (at least in one universe) sentient.
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Titan movie comics
Incineratorexpected to be shook offCybertronlike a bad case of cyber-ticks.Return to Cybertron: Part 3
IDWRevenge of the Fallenadaptation
RampagethreatenedSam Witwickyto crushhisparentslike cyber-ticks unless he handed him over theMatrix.Revenge of the Fallen #4
2015Robots in Disguisecartoon
Among the prisoners on theAlchemorwas a cyber-tick namedMinitronwho was able to control other bots by biting them. He did so withGrimlock,using the largeDinobotto stealUnderbite'sstasis podforSteeljaw.True Colors