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The Hub, a galactic-scale feat of cyberforming

Even though Cybertronian life-forms are quite capable of surviving on purely organic worlds, they sometimes resort tocyberformingto feel more at home. Cyberforming is the process of converting a planet into an environment hospitable to mechanical lifeforms, particularly those from Cybertron. It can be performed rapidly through devices capable of converting organic matter to technological matter, such as theKey to Vector Sigma.It can also be performed manually in a much more gradual process, such as that performed by the Cybertronian Empire in the construction of theHub.

It is also known aseco-structuring,exo-structuring,ormechaforming.

Thenewcomerslooked out upon thelushnessand saw onlyfilth.They looked atbalanceand saw onlyweakness.They looked atus.... and sawnothing at all.The newcomers were undying creatures built from theunyielding shimmer... and they remadeourland intheirimage.Native Devisenstoryteller,"Time Will Rust"



Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelGeneration 2comic

TheCybertronian Empire,believing organic life to be little more than bacteria and viewing mechanical life as the pinnacle, spent untold millennia eco-structuring worlds. They believed this to be construction rather than genocide. The indigenous lifeforms were clinically exterminated, and a metal casing for the planet was manually built. This apparently could be done quite quickly.

When they first reported their findings toOptimus Prime,Grimlockand hisFirestormerteam had encountered seventeen "little Cybertrons".War Without End!

Regeneration One

Over twelve thousand meta-cycles, the rogue SenatorJhiaxushad mecha-formed countless worlds into theHub Network.Upon his return to Cybertron, he offered to integrate Cybertron into the network.Rodimus Primerealized that sheer number of planets meant some had to have been mecha-formed preexisting planets and asked how many had supported life to which Jhiaxus responded that it depended on how one classified life.The War to End All Wars, Part 2

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon
The energies of the Key to Vector Sigma turn Earth soil into Cybertronian metal.

TheDecepticonsattempted to manually reconstructNew York Cityinto an environment more akin to Cybertron, imaginatively dubbedNew Cybertron,before the Autobots thwarted them and New York was returned to its normal self.City of Steel

After creating theStunticons,Megatrondiscovered that theKey to Vector Sigmapossessed the ability to turn organic matter into Cybertronian metal and attempted to use this feature to cyberform Earth.Silverboltwould later destroy the Key which undid the cyberforming.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Wings Universe
Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Setting up a secret base on the unremarkable and barren planetoidQreas part of his experiments towards restoring the Cybertronian Empire, Jhiaxus transformed at least a portion of Qre's surface into a metal-covered one much like that of Cybertron.A Flash Forward, Part 4

Generations Selects Special Comic

Under the reign ofIt,theQuintessonsdeveloped a cyberforming ray which they tested out on a rocky planet. Their invention proved successful and they dubbed their new outpost "Cybertron".Finale

Beast Machinescartoon

In the time ofMegatron'sVehicon-powered rule over Cybertron,the Oraclerevealed that evenCybertronitself was not originally technological, but had been an organic world cyberformed.Survivor

After the consciousness ofRhinoxwas reawakened withinTankor,he extracted the coding for the Key to Vector Sigma intending to use its powers to cyberform thefossil chamberto make Cybertron completely metallic before the energies of the Key overloaded him.The KeyMegatron later had the Key program uploaded to all theTank Dronesso that they could use it to purge Cybertron of anything organic or technorganic. The drones fired the Key's energy onto a vine grown from the fossil chamber, the cyberforming energies being carried down deeper into Cybertron only for theMaximalsto sever the vine before the cyberforming reached theorganic core.The Catalyst

On the cusp of victory, Megatron rematerialized the Key to Vector Sigma and used its energies to cyberform the organic core before he was shoved into the core by Optimus Primal who used hisOraclegiven powers to reformat the core, and thus Cybertron itself, into atechnorganicworld.Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Megatronreleased ametallic virusthat converted everything it touched — land, machines, people — into metal in an effort to remake Earth more like Cybertron.Prime Directive #3

2005 IDW continuity

During Cybertron's first period of interstellar expansion during the reign of theThirteen,those Transformers who left Cybertron were known to rebuild newly colonized planets to varying degrees. While some Transformer civilizations — such as thebeast modeTransformers who foundedEukaris— were happy to coexist with the ecosystems of their worlds, other expeditions, such as those Transformers who colonizedDevisiun,aggressively cyberformed their planet and nearly quashed the native biosphere in the process.Time Will Rust

During theGreat Warbetween the Autobots and Decepticons, the Decepticons reached their zenith when they established theConstellate,a string of conquered and cyberformed worlds.Who's Afraid of the DJD?Megatronhandpicked thePhase SixerBlack Shadowto sterilize planets in anticipation of the cyberforming process,Rules of Disengagementwhich involved specialists such asDeathsaurussourcing raw material from distant regions of the galaxy,Journey's Endand using it to rebuild the sterilized worlds into shiny new "mini-Cybertrons."The Permanent Revolution

One such planet wasB'lahr 39,whereFulcrumserved as project manager during the conversion. The process was interrupted by an Autobot attack and may not have been completed.Who's Afraid of the DJD?

The plans of the Cybertronian scientistJhiaxus,under the guidance ofNova Primeculminated in theGorlamitesofGorlam Primeundergoing a final leap from organic to mechanical life, with the rocky world undergoing a restructuring into a mechanical world not unlike Cybertron.Spotlight: Hardhead

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

AfterMegatronhad used theMatrix of Leadershipto pervertPrimus,Pax MegatronusVector Sigmabegan reshaping Cybertron into a massive spaceship that would cyberform the entire galaxy. Simply by making physical contact with themoon,Mars,andSaturn,Cybertron was able to infect them with a cyberforming virus.Expelled from the GardenCobra Commanderhowever was able to bargain with Megatron to halt the cyberforming of Mars in exchange for the killcode to thegreen bombsenveloping the Decepticon emperor.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Beast Wars: Uprising

During the space-based phase of theGreat War,the Autobots eco-structured several worlds to form theAutobot Commonwealth.Broken Windshields

Of Masters and Mayhem

After contactingBluestreak,theTeklaansattempted to re-cyberform the war-ravaged Cybertron, using the biodata of theWreckersto reconstruct the biosphere. As the prodding happened, Fractyl remembered that the Teklaans' last creation had fallen victim to a virus, implanted by the Teklaans themselves, and died off in a few generations. After convincing Bluestreak to aid them, the Wreckers confronted the Teklaans only to learn that the cyberforming had already begun. After incorporating Bluestreak and Impactor intoWreckage,the combiner destroyed the Teklaan ship, the central node of the cyberforming, and sent thealiensrunning. Upon leaving Cybertron, Impactor assured Bluestreak that his plan had been a good one but until Thunder Mayhem was defeated, it wasn't viable.Lively Pursuit


TheCyber Planet Keyspossessed the power to remake planets.

Live-action film series

Titan movie comic

In adivergent timeline,the Decepticons succeeded at Mission City and conquered the United States.Megatronused theAllSparkto begin a cyberforming effort, gradually turning Earth into a new Cybertron.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 1The cyberforming was halted when the Autobots blew up the facility that the AllSpark was in, shattering the cube.Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 5

Age of Extinctionfilm

Instead of cyberforming entire planets, theCreatorsused the Seeds to create masses of cybeformedtransformiumto mine and use later.

The detonation of aseedcyberformed anything caught in its blast radius. Circa 65 million B.C.E., the "Creators"detonated seeds upon thousands of planets to create vast quantities oftransformium.On Earth, their cyberforming campaign triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. In the present day, Transformer bounty hunterLockdown,having been hired by the Creators, entered into a deal with the human corporationKSIandHarold Attinger's corrupt CIA taskforceCemetery Wind:captureOptimus Primein exchange for a seed. After the deal was complete, the revenant Decepticon leaderGalvatrontried to steal the seed in order to build a new Decepticon army and destroy humankind, but he was ultimately foiled by the Autobots and their human allies. Optimus Prime then took the seed with him into space so that it could never be used for evil.Age of Extinction

Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

With the advent of Space Bridge technology, the Cybertronians were able to use aconversion beamto cyberform 200 distant planets into pristine "miniature Cybertrons".The Covenant of Primus


Cybermatterfired from the Omega Lock creates Darkmount on Earth.

Megatronplanned on cyberforming the Earth using theOmega Lockinto another metallic planet so that he could rule both Cybertron and Earth. The first energy pulse to be fired from the Omega Lock created the fortressDarkmountinJasper,Nevada. However, Megatron's plan was thereafter foiled byOptimus Prime,who destroyed the Lock to protect Earth.Darkest Hour

When an attempt to clone an army ofPredaconswent awry,EvolutionShockwavediscovered that their remains mixed withsynthetic Energoncreated an imperfect form ofcyber-matter.Megatron subsequently revived his old plan of using the Omega Lock to cyberform Earth,Minus Oneand withRatchet's help in perfecting the synthetic Energon,PersuasionSynthesishe nearly succeeded until he was killed in a final battle for both Cybertron and Earth.Deadlock


After reawakening and acquiring theLegendiscs,the Predacon EmperorDragotronbegan using their power to start turning Earth into a metal planet. However,Isami TatewakiandTobio Fūmahad copied the power of the Legendiscs into their own hearts and enabled theSwordbotsto eventually defeat Dragotron, with a little help fromOptimus Exprime.The cyberforming disappeared, and the Autobots then sealed Dragotron away once more.Final Battle! Link-Up Triple Combination DaiKenzan!Final Battle! Link-Up Triple Combination DaiGekisou!


Transformers: Devastation

Signals emitted from large towers direct the Insecticons to channel plasma energy into a planet's environment, converting it to metal.

During Cybertron'sGolden Age,Nova Prime and his crew set out aboard theProudstarto seek out uninhabited planets and useplasma energycombined with theInsecticonsto cyberform them, making them capable of supporting robotic life in a bid to create furtherCybertronian colonies.However, exposure to adark forcecorrupted most of the crew, and they began cyberforming worlds already supporting indigenous life forms as well. The project was ultimately stopped whenKranixforced the ship to crash into the Earth. In the present day,Megatrondiscovered theProudstarand attempted to use it to Cyberform Earth, with much ofNew York Citybeing encased in metal until the procedure was stopped byOptimus Primedestroying theFerrotaxis.Transformers: Devastation


  • This process was initially referred to as "eco-structuring" in the 1993 MarvelGeneration 2comic series before being prominently called "cyberforming" in the 2010Primeanimated series and 2014Age of Extinctionfilm.
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