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Darth Vader

From Transformers Wiki

Darth Vader is ahumanfromStar Wars.
"Does Darth Vader have to choke a bitch?" is always a rhetorical question.

Darth Vaderwas once a man namedAnakin Skywalkerwho converted to the dark side. He is possessed of great power, cunning, and speed. Once he calledObi-Wan Kenobi"master", although the exact nature of that relationship (could such a powerful being have once been a Jedi's slave?) and how it ended remain a mystery. He's been a member of theJedihimself, and has been called "the most gifted pilot in the galaxy". He flies a variety of ships, at some point even an odd spherical "Death Star",all of which can transform into a humanoid robot designed in his own image. Despite all the imposing weapons at his disposal, he is a very powerful man, one of the most powerful masters of theForcein his own right, and is known to fightCybertronianson foot.

He is presumably related to the similarly namedLuke Skywalkerin some way.



Star Wars Transformers

"I clapped when I sawDARTH VADER!"

As a Jedi, Anakin Skywalker fought on the side of theGalactic Republicduring theClone Wars.With his unrivalled piloting skills, control of theForceand a variety of transformingJedi Starfightersto choose from, he cleared some of the most challenging missions available without breaking a sweat.[1]At some point, Anakin ended up onTethand found theTwilight,a freighter ship which he modified into another transforming mech.[2]Using aY-wing,he later freed a number of hostages captured byCad BaneonCoruscant,then did battle with the bounty hunter.[3]

Shortly after being converted from his previous beliefs to theSithfaction, Darth Vader was given the task of crushing all resistance to theEmperoracross the galaxy. Piloting his new, heavily modified Sith Starfighter and wielding dark power, he morphed his spacecraft into an imposing combat robot.[4]

Later, as a sinister Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader was on a mission to crush the Rebels and bring youngLuke Skywalkerbefore the Emperor. Vader combed the galaxy for Skywalker in his TIE Advanced Fighter, another spacecraft able to morph into a humanoid robot, destroying all Rebel ships, pirate fleets, and asteroids that got in his way.[5]

Using his advanced TIE mecha once more, Vader participated in a shattering starship battle with his former master. Unable to best his opponent in giant robot combat, Darth Vader was forced to fall back on his ship's vehicle mode's missile defenses. LikePrimusandUnicronbefore them, the conflict between these two powerful force users was enough to rock an entire galaxy.[6]

Darth Vader was also in command of the transformingDeath Starbattle station, which he used in the battle against theRebel Alliance.[7]

DreamwaveTransformers/G.I. Joecomics

Upon seeingBarbecuein his heat-resistant equipment,Shipwreckwondered whenG.I. Joehad recruited Darth Vader.Targets of Opportunity

Ask Vector Prime

TheOptimus PrimeofIocus 606.0 Betabattled against Darth Vader in an "Intergalactic Showdown". Since Optimus Prime has travelled to planets and places within theMilky Way,one can only assume that Darth Vader hails from another galaxy, perhaps one that is far, far away.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/24



Damn kids, GET OFF the LAWN!
  • Intergalactic Showdown(Multi-pack, 2006)
Darth Vader comes in a set with Luke Skywalker, an AT-RT non-humanoid piloted robot withdriver,Optimus Prime,Megatron,andOmega Sentinel.
Darth Vader also has four otherAttacktixfigures not sold inTransformerspackaging, designated "Starter Set", "Series 1", "Series 2", and "Series 3". The Starter Set figure reveals him to be the same person as Anakin Skywalker!

Star Wars Transformers

What kind ofegomaniachas the ships he pilots made to lookjust like him?
  • Darth Vader / TIE Advanced(2006)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers/missiles, 2 solar panels/shield & cape, Darth Vader figure
Darth Vader's first mecha transforms into aTIE Advanced Starfighter,featuring twin spring-loaded missile launchers. These missiles become "lightsaber"melee weapons for the robot mode. One of the vehicle mode's solar panel arrays forms a" cape "for the robot mode, the other a large deflector shield. Like allStar Wars Transformerstoys, it comes with a tiny mini-figure of its pilot - also Darth Vader - that fits into the ship's cockpit.

"Spoilers? This ship doesn't have—ohhhh, that kind of spoilers".
  • Anakin Skywalker / Jedi Starfighter(2006)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers/missiles, Anakin Skywalker figure
Aredecoandretoolingof theObi-Wan Jedi Starfighter,Anakin's mech transforms into anEta-2 Actis interceptorwith twin spring-loaded "lightsaber" missile launchers, and flip-upS-foils.The dorsal left side also has a non-removable astromech droidR2-D2.
This mold was also retooled to make a new Vader ship as well asMace Windu's craft.

Help! I've gone black and I can't go back!
  • Darth Vader / Sith Starfighter(2006)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers/missiles, Darth Vader figure
Another incarnation of the Eta-2 mold, this one has beenretooledandredecoedinto Anakin's new persona as Darth Vader. It retains all of the same gimmicks as previous versions of the mold. The head is different from all other Vader Transformer molds, having a more stylized robotic look as opposed to the direct translation of the TIE Advanced mold. This ship features an inbuiltR4-K5droid in place of the previous R2-D2.[9]

Great, now the "vs.Unicron"debates will never end.
  • Darth Vader / Death Star(2007)
    • Accessories:Gun, missile, lightsaber, cape, 3 TIE Fighters, 3 Stormtrooper figures, Darth Vader figure
The imposing, sole Supreme-class figure of theStar Wars Transformerstoyline, this gigantic Darth Vader mech transforms into the planet-destroyingDeath Star.Featuring excellentarticulation,it has ratchet joints at the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees, with swivel joints taking up the remaining few. In both modes, it has a spring loaded missile launcher that fires a small, translucent green projectile; the very tip of the barrel of the launcher can come off for unknown reasons. It also features lights and sounds, with several clips taken from the movie. In robot mode, it has a seriously gigantic lightsaber which can be illuminated by a red LED light in his right fist. The lightsaber lights and sound effects are activated if you push the right fist in. Taped inside the package is a cloth cape which can be attached to the back of the figure in robot mode (be careful not to throw it away). He's also onehellof aShellformer,with all of his various Death Star chunks hanging off his body. His head in Mech mode has a small silver-painted Sith symbol molded into the back.
Darth Vader and his bitches—er, that is, Stormtroopers.
Like all figures in theStar Wars Transformersline, it comes with a pilot figure of the character the toy depicts. Additionally, it comes with three more figures, all of which are genericStormtroopers.ThreeTIE Fightersare also included, which also have a Mech Mode (which is merely a small head with a red optic pushed up from inside). Oddly, the instructions and description on the box refer to them asMini-Cons.In both modes, panels on the back open to reveal storage compartments for the pilots and TIE Fighters, while in Mech mode there are several smaller compartments on the legs and shoulders for the pilots.
The instructions give no suggestion as to where to put the lightsaber in vehicle mode, but the intended storage is to slide the blade of the saber through a small "c" shaped clip sculpted into the underside of the back of the blaster. This places it neatly across the empty space behind the space station's cannon. Additionally, the compartments on either side of the back seem at first barely large enough to accommodate more than one TIE at a time without disassembling the solar arrays, but it is actually possible to fit two of them as a whole in one case with some careful positioning. The cape can also be rolled up and stored in either back compartment.

  • Galactic Showdown(2-pack, 2007)
A redeco of the TIE Advanced Fighter in a light Imperial gray (as opposed to his original dark blue), this version of Vader was released in a Wal-MartExclusivetwo-pack with a redeco of theObi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Starfighter.The set did not change either mold, and both came with their original pilot mini-figures. The set saw poor distribution, and was primarily seen in west coast stores. The set was only available in Super Wal-mart locations.


"I don't like retooling. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
  • Jedi Starfighter to Anakin Skywalker(2008)
    • Accessories:2 hyperdrive ring parts, 2 hyperdrive engines/missile launchers, 2 lightsabers/missiles
Aretoolof theSaesee TiinDelta-7 interceptormold into aDelta-7B(the difference being that theastromech droidis in the center of the craft instead of on the left wing) and featuring a new head. Anakin once again comes with two lightsabers/missiles, this time fired from the thrusters on the starfighter's hyperdrive ring. Unlike the toys released under theStar Wars Transformersbanner, this toy does not come with a tiny pilot figure. The robot head is the same sculpt used on the Eta class Anakin toy.
This version of the mold was retooled with new heads to makeAhsoka TanoandKit Fisto's Jedi Starfighters, while the original Saesee Tiin version was also used to makeObi-Wan KenobiandPlo Koon.

  • Darth Vader to TIE Advanced X1 Starfighter(2009/2010)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers/missiles, 2 solar panels/shield & cape
A repackaging of the very first transforming Darth Vader toy. While the toy is identical to the previous release, the mini-figure accessory was removed for this release.
This toy was first made available under theCrossoversbanner in 2009 in white and blue packaging, and later in the summer of 2010 in black and blue packaging.

And so theLionbreastfell in love with the lamb.
  • Anakin Skywalker to TheTwilight(2010)
    • Accessories:Missile launcher, lightsaber/missile, small blaster
Released in the ninth wave ofTransformers: Crossovers,this version of Anakin transforms from a robot with asymmetrical arms to the equally asymmetrical starship known as theTwilight.He comes withR2-D2,who converts into the large engine pod on the left side of the starship. Like someStar Wars Crossoverstoys, this version of Anakin relies on a fair amount ofpartsformingas you need to remove the wing, R2-D2/thruster, and the rooftop and bottom wing cannons in order to change between modes.
The figure's lightsaber doubles as a missile, which can be fired from a handheld launcher in robot mode, or from the starship's rooftop gun. The blaster at the end of the folding bottom wing can be used by Anakin as a handgun.
Having been designed explicitly for the Star Wars Crossovers line, this mold does not feature an opening cockpit to fit a mini-figure, unlike many previous designs which were either carryovers or re-used from the Star Wars Transformers toyline.

"You are so... beautiful."
"So love has blinded you?"
  • Anakin Skywalker to Y-wing Bomber(2010)
    • Accessories:Vehicle nose/gun, missile, lightsaber, 2x blaster pistols
Anakin is aretoolof theY-wing Pilottoy with a new head and chestplate, transforming into a white and yellow Y-wing bomber. The nose of the craft can fire a two-pronged missile, and detaches to become a handheld gun in robot mode. The figure also carries a lightsaber and two small blaster pistols that fit into holster's on Anakin's hips. Earlystock photosdidn't show Anakin's lightsaber, leading to the belief that the toy lacked one, but the weapon was present when the toy was eventually released. As the Y-wing mold wasn't designed with a lightsaber in mind, it has nowhere to store in vehicle mode.

"A remold with fewer accessories? I see through the lies ofthe Jedi!"
  • Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Starfighter(2010)
    • Accessories:Lightsaber
This Anakin toy is the same as his 2008 Jedi Starfighter toy, except it has fewer accessories. Like the 2010Obi-Wan Kenobitoy, Anakin doesn't come with his hyperdrive ring and has only one lightsaber.Unlike Obi-Wan, he retains the same head mold, hand molds and paint layout as the original toy.

"You're shorter than I expected."
  • Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Starfighter(2011)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers
Part of the first wave of a smaller, simpler class (similar to theCyberverseCommander class) ofCrossoverstoys, this new Anakin mold again transforms into an Eta-2 Actis interceptor. Interestingly, the instructions neglect to mention that the figure has storage for its lightsabers. The sabers can clip on within 2 clips underneath the legs, which form the front sections of the ship. He features a panel on his chest (one that is similar to the ones found on class III Darth Vader/Anakin's turbine cannons) which flips up to act as a handle for class III figures to hold him in ship mode as a weapon (though it ends up just looking like he's just holding a starfighter).
This mold was retooled into Obi-Wan Kenobi.

My Sith counterpart is nearby...
  • Darth Vader to Star Destroyer(2011)
    • Accessories:2 blue lightsabers, red lightsaber, 2 missiles, 2 hull halves, 2 thrusters/guns
The sole 'Class III' toy released in the 2011 revival ofStar Wars Transformers,the figure can change between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader personas via a rotating assembly in his abdomen. The ship can transform into both aStar Destroyeror aRepublic Attack Cruiser(called a Jedi Cruiser on the box), however the toy is both a heavyshellformerAND apartformeras large chunks of one ship's shell need to be detached and reattached elsewhere to form the other or either robot mode.
The Vader and Anakin modes have distinct sounds, dialogue, and lights for each respective robot and starship mode, activated via a button on his belt, either missile launcher trigger on top of the Republic Cruiser mode bridge, or button in near the Star Destroyer bridge tower. His Darth Vader voice is provided byMatt Sloan(ofChad Vaderfame) and his Anakin Skywalker voice is provided byJon Bailey.He is EXTREMELY back-heavy in both robot modes, requiring his cape flap (which is also present in either robot mode, albeit in different shapes) to keep him upright. Bewilderingly, the robot mode feet are sculpted in such a way that the figure alsoleansbackward by default on a flat surface. The thrusters of the Republic Cruiser mode are large cannons that his two blue lightsabers or Cruiser bridge missiles can be loaded into and fired as projectiles. The thrusters can either combine together and mount on the side of the robot arms or held individually via flip-down handles concealed in the ship panel detailing.
In Republic Cruiser mode, the ship's bridge can fire two projectiles from its front. These missiles can still be accessed in Star Destroyer mode, but they don't really make sense.
As an odd undocumented feature, concurrently released Class IStar Wars Transformersfigures all have small tabs than can unfold on the underside of their alternate modes so that they can be held as some form of weapon by this larger figure, though it just looks like the larger figure is holding a starfighter-shaped pistol with lightsabers coming out of it.

I have altered the toy. Pray I do not alter it further.
  • Darth Vader to Sith Starfighter(2011)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers
A retool of the smaller and simpler Jedi Starfighter mold with a new head, Darth Vader transforms into a Sith Starfighter for the second time. He retains the handle flip on his chest.

"From my point of view, the retools are evil!"
  • Anakin Skywalker to Jedi Starfighter(2012)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers
A retool of the smaller size class Obi-Wan Kenobi toy, Anakin transforms into a Delta-7B again. He features a simplified transformation and two blue lightsabers. The two lightsabers can be stored in small brackets within the rear flaps of his vehicle mode, however the blades of the sabers stick out straight forward to look like laser fire. He still retains the handle in his chest, just like the previous versions of the mold. The robot head is the same sculpt as the smaller Eta class Anakin toy.
This mold was also used to makeSaesee Tiin.

Transforms from moody savior of the Force to Y-Do-They-Keep-Making-These-Wing.
  • Anakin Skywalker to Y-wing Fighter(2012)
    • Accessories:Lightsaber
A retool of the smaller size classY-wing Pilottoy, Anakin transforms into a Y-wing. He comes with a lightsaber instead of the original toy's rifle. He features a panel on his underside (one that is similar to the ones found on class III Darth Vader/Anakin's turbine cannons) which flips up to act as a handle for class III figures to hold him in ship mode as a weapon (though it ends up just looking like he's just holding a starfighter).

  • Darth Vader / TIE Advanced X1 Starfighter(2012)
    • Accessories:2 lightsabers/missiles, 2 solar panels/shield & cape
A re-release (redeco?) of the first Darth Vader mecha figure, minus the small Darth Vader figurine.

Star Wars/Transformers

Be careful not tochokeon your design aspirations, Takara.
  • TIE Advanced x1(3-31-2018)
    • Accessories:Lightsaber, Darth Vader minifigure, 5 Stormtrooper minifigures
The first release in the 2018Star Wars/Transformersline, TIE Advanced x1 converts from amovie-accuratestarfighter into a more stylized mech based on Darth Vader, and like earlyStar Wars Transformerstoys, comes with a minifigure pilot that can be seated in the cockpit. It also includes fiveStormtrooperminifigures as an initial release bonus.
The lightsaber can be clipped onto the lower inside wing panel for storage while the figure is in vehicle mode.


  • The Darth Vader/Death Star Transformer was at one point going to be based around the incomplete second Death Star shown inReturn of the Jediand had a similarly incomplete robot mode with one shattered eye.[10]This was eschewed in favor of using the complete Death Star and robot mode. It is otherwise identical to the concept art.
  • Darth Vader was voiced byPhil LaMarr,Brian Dobson,Fred Tatasciore,andRyan Andesin severalStar Warsmedia, whileKirby Morrowvoiced him in his Anakin Skywalker days. In the Japanese market,Taitem Kusunokiserves as the current voice for the character since 2016.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Darth Vader(ダース・ベイダーDāsu Beidā)
  • French:Dark Vador(Europe)


  1. Star Wars TransformersAnakin Skywalker Jedi Starfighter package
  2. CrossoversAnakin Skywalker to theTwilightpackage
  3. CrossoversCad Bane to theXanadu Bloodpackage
  4. Star Wars TransformersDarth Vader Sith Starfighter package
  5. Star Wars TransformersDarth Vader TIE Advanced Fighter package
  6. Star Wars TransformersDarth Vader "Galactic Showdown" set
  7. Star Wars TransformersDarth Vader Death Star package
  8. 9,2024InterviewwithHasbrodesignerBrian Parrishon the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.
  9. R4-K5at Wookiepedia
  10. Hasbro Design Sketchbook Volume 1 - 2008, p 12-13

External links

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