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Dave Hunt

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Dave" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDavid (disambiguation).
This article is about the inker. For the actor, seeDavid Hunt.
I put myself on the cover of People magazine!

Dave Hunt(bornAugust 2,1942-March 25,2017) is a comic book artist, known primarily for his inking work. His original choice of career was research scientist, but in the process of his studies, he realized he had a preference for art and took up painting. This led to him venturing into the field of comic art. Starting withMarvelin1972,before switching to DC Comics in1975,Hunt has alternated back and forth between the big two and inked numerous and varied titles. He inkedJosé Delbo's pencil work on the USTransformerscomic series starting withissue #38,semi-regularly inking on the title untilissue #63and the arrival of UK comic artists.

Inking work


Extended Dave Hunt gallery

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