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Delta Team

From Transformers Wiki

Delta Team is anAutobotgroup in thePrimeportion of theAligned continuity family.

Delta Teamwas the teamArceeserved with before transferring toTeam Prime.Tailgatewas also a member of the team.



During a battle onCybertron,Arcee requested rendezvous points from Team Delta, while bantering with Tailgate: he had failed to tag a sniper at an artillery depot, forcing her to break rank and engage the enemy hand-to-hand. Before she could regroup at his position, Arcee was captured byAirachnidand tortured for information. She proved too resilient, so Airachnid brought in the wounded Tailgate and killed him, despite her desperate pleas that she knew nothing about what the Decepticon wanted. As Airachnid was about to dispense with Arcee,BumblebeeandCliffjumperburst in, forcing her to take flight. As the duo took away Arcee, she was in hysterics about her inability to save her partner.Predatory

Arcee and Cliffjumper used a net work that Arcee claimed Delta Team had used earlier in the war to stopShockwave's Space Bridge plan.Out of the Past

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