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Deluge (G2)

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The name or term "Deluge" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDeluge (disambiguation).
Deluge is aDecepticonColor Changerfrom theGeneration 2portion of theGeneration 1continuity family.

Delugeis afully qualifiedmad scientist,equipped with all the intelligence, skills, and egotistic depravity that such a position requires. He may or may not have a mad cackling laugh or a Siamese cat, but his chinplate does perhaps resemble a goatee.

He is officially a scientific consultant, but prefers to shun the mundane workaday world and spend his days plotting Evil Schemes and designing Doomsday Weapons. His preferred instruments of destruction are not the tried and true missiles or energy weapons otherTransformersuse, no no. An evil genius must maintain his image, you know. Deluge would rather tear apart his enemies withhigh-pressure fluid jets.How delightfully eccentric of him.

If he ever meets thatAutobot do-gooderwho shares his name, Deluge will probably use his powers to see that he is torn apart, limb from limb, but not until he reveals his secret, secret plan! HAhaHaHAEha!



2005 IDW continuity

First appearance:All Hail Megatron#7

A member of thescientific class,the perceived under-appreciation he and his colleagues were receiving enticed Deluge to join the nascentDecepticonmovement. After joining, he found a kindred spirit inJetfirewith the two developing a close friendship.What It's Really LikeHowever, when Jetfire was found to be associating with the police, Deluge joined in assaulting him, only to cheese it whena pair of lightsshined on them.The Next Day, and the NextThe next day, Deluge got drunk when Jetfire tracked him down. Apologizing for his earlier behaviour, the two friends had a philosophical discussion about helping their species before deciding to get even more drunk.What It's Really Like

Job satisfaction!

Circa 2007, Deluge was part of the project to weaponize Cybertron's naturalInsecticon swarm.Though the project managed to create three sentientInsecticons,starting withBombshell,it spawned three thousand feral clones as a side effect. By this point in his life, Deluge had developed a habit of giggling mid-sentence, the weirdo.

A year later, he escorted many Autobots toCybertronvia a portal and with onlyone other Decepticon,so the instant the portal went down they were trapped on the planet with their very angry "prisoners".All Hail Megatron #7Deluge and Dirge were soon abandoned by the Autobots and the scientist was killed by the Insecticon swarm.Stick Together

In 2018, when interviewed byThundercrackeron what the Decepticons had meant to him, Dirge had few kind words to say, citing having to watch Deluge be torn apart by his own creations as when he'd lost faith in the cause.Starscream: The Movie

Wings Universe

Sure, I'm a mad scientist, but I also moonlight as a common thug.

When astrange Autobot visitorand hisQuintesson companionwandered into the wrong part ofCybertron,Deluge joinedJetstormand theBattlechargersin intimidating the pair. Unfortunately for Deluge and the other Decepticons, their foe wasway, way more powerfulthan they suspected and they were left defeated in a pile.The Coming Storm: Part 1

Deluge and Jetstorm later returned to Earth and hooked up withClenchand his Decepticon Syndicate. They battled againstAquafendandGobotsat theLarge Hadron Colliderin Switzerland when the forestonite gas escaped and mutated theirCNA.Generation 2: Redux

Beast Wars: Uprising

In theBeast Wars: Uprisingcontinuity,Deluge the Autobotand Deluge the Decepticon are one and the same.

Deluge was an Autobot scientist, working on defensive measures. At some point he defected, and fought alongside the likes of thePredacons.He witnessed the many bots who sacrificed themselves againstUnicron,mostly to no avail, and began to researchPoint One Percenters.Many subjects died due to his experimentation. He was close when peace was imposed by theHuman Confederacyand had to abandon his research, for a time. But whenPredaconsandMaximalsemerged, he resumed his research, lest they some day be needed. Once again he had many horrible failures, but this time succeeded in creatingProtoform XandTrans-Mutate.The Inexorable March

TheHuman Confederacywas aware of Deluge's reputation as a scientist.Chakfigured that if anyone would be able to take DoctorŌgaki's work on superstring resonance fatlines and apply to them Cybertronian tech, it'd be him orSpanner.Intersectionality

A year after the end of theGrand Uprising,the elderly and decrepit Deluge continued his work, now experimenting on someVehicondrones. Protoform X, now calling himself Rampage, tracked Deluge down to ask him why. Deluge explained himself, and pointed to theVehicon Apocalypseas justification for his actions. Rampage was not impressed; he murdered his 'father' and destroyed his research. Deluge thanked him for the quick death he was granted.The Inexorable March


Deluge was present withGalvatron IIand his G-2 Decepticon faction when they attacked the planetBeast.Grotusque Chapter

Transformers '84

Deluge was one of the Decepticon scientists who was working onProject DreadnoughtwhenCounterpunchentered the control hub forShockwave.Secrets & Lies #1

Commercial appearances

Deluge dueled withDrenchon Cybertron.Color Changers commercial


Transformers Legends

Shockwaveand Deluge were dispatched to rein in the Constructicons when the team started getting friendly with the Autobots.The Master Builders

Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class:Special
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 star
  • Highest Star Rating:5 star
  • Ability: Scientific Superiority:A chosen ally is made invisible for 2.00 seconds. Every 2 seconds during this, enemies nearby the chosen bot will be hacked for 2 seconds


The Transformers

G2-toy DelugeUK.jpg
  • Deluge(Aquaspeeder, 1993)
Beast Wars: Uprisingrepurposed this Deluge as also being the Decepticon one.
Deluge transforms into aMazda 787B Le Mans-style race car.As anAquaspeeder,he has a double-barreledwater-cannonthat uses a plastic bellows to store water, which is usable in both vehicle and robot modes. His hood/chestchangesfrom dark green to a milky-white with temperature changes, but faster in cold or warm water.
Deluge was only available in various European markets during the two-year "transitional" period marking the changeover fromthe original toylinetoGeneration 2;in the original line's final year (1993), the toys were given redesigned Autobot and Decepticon symbols, but it wasn't until 1994 that "Generation 2" appeared on the packaging.
This mold wasredecoedto make the USColor ChangerDrench.It was also used as the basis for the non-toyShattered GlassDrench.

Generation 2

  • Deluge(Color Change, 1993)
Aredecoof the EuropeanAutobotAquaspeederSpeedstream,Deluge transforms into a Formula 1-style race car, seemingly based on theWilliams FW14.His front half is covered intemperature-sensitive paint,going pale white if hit with warm water (or if he just gets warm by other methods). His weapon is a single-barreledwater pistolformed from his car-mode spoiler/engine. He also has stickers on each side of the driver's seat that read "M. Edminson".
There is a tooling variation of this toy. Some have a water-cannon with the spoiler attached by a single bar, with a wider, shorter bellows attached to a raised base. Other versions use a two-peg connector for the spoiler with a thinner, taller bellows, and the attachment "base" is missing. It is unknown which version of the toy came first, and to complicate the issue, Speedstream's cannon uses a two-peg/thin-bellows setup, but has a (slightly different) raised attachment base.

  • Deluge(Aquaspeeder, 1994)
  • Accessories:Double water cannon
This release is identical to the original European Autobot Le Mans toy above, only this time in packaging specifically brandedGeneration 2.


  • Like all the Color Changers, AmericanGeneration 2Deluge is a hodgepodge of various elements of two different European-market Aquaspeeders, as well as one of the European-marketStormtroopers:His toy is redecoed from European Aquaspeeder Speedstream, his name comes from European Aquaspeeder Deluge, and hisbioand motto both come from European StormtrooperHydradread.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Deluge(デリュージDeryūji)


  1. E.J. Su:I did work on the redesign, but [Deluge] was specifically named in the script.
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