Demolishor (Armada)
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The name or term "Demolishor" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDemolishor (disambiguation). |
- Demolishor is aDecepticonfrom theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Demolishoris not the brightest soldier inMegatron's ranks, but he is one of the most reliable. He holds very true-to-sparkvalues concerning loyalty and devotion to the Decepticon cause; to him, a leader is to be obeyed without hesitation, and he will give his all on any battefield he may be ordered onto. His values, however, sometimes collide with Megatron's ultimately selfish goals, and though Demolishor does not necessarilyresenthis leader for sometimes acting contrary to what he sees as the principles of his faction, he does occasionally find himself struggling to reconcile the two. Ultimately, Demolishor may find that devotion to the Decepticon way of life is not the same thing as devotion to Megatron.
HisMini-Conpartner isBlackout,although sometimes he likes the added boost of firepower thatBonecrushergives him.
“ | No matter what the order, I know Demolishor will accept it--gladly, even. | ” |
—Megatron, "More than Meets the Eye: Transformers: Armada #1" |
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
- Voice actor:Alvin Sanders(English),Dale Wilson(English dubbing error, "Union"only),Kōji Yusa(Japanese),Anders Öjebo(Swedish),Christoph Jablonka(German),Antonio Angrisano(Italian),Vesa Hämes(Finnish),Michel Dodane(French),Francisco Andrés Valdivia(Castilian Spanish),Guillermo Martínez(Latin-American Spanish),Jorge Vasconcellos(Brazilian Portuguese)
Alerted by a signal beacon to the reactivation of the long-lostMini-ConsonEarth,Demolishor joinedMegatronandStarscreamin warping to the planet. While his leader was busy battlingOptimus Prime,who had followed them there, Demolishor and Starscream took an interest in the nearbyhumanchildren who had had been responsible for activating the beacon, but were prevented from grabbing them by the appearance of AutobotRed AlertandHot Shot.The Decepticons withdrew to their base of operations within the wreck of theMini-Con spaceshipon themoonto regroup, where Demolishor soon picked up the signals of two more Mini-Cons the children had activated. Returning to Earth, now outfitted with a missile-tankalternate mode,Demolishor joined the Decepticons in attempting to capture the children and the Mini-Cons, but found themselves obstructed by the Autobots once again. Demolishor went up against Optimus Prime himself, physically trying to restrain the Autobot leader while in his truck mode, but got blasted and run over for his efforts.MetamorphosisDuring the battle that followed, another two Mini-Cons were uncovered and retrieved byCyclonus,one of which he kept for himself, and the other which he presented to Megatron. After retreating back to the moon, Demolishor and Starscream duelled to prove themselves worthy of being given the Mini-Con; their contest was something of a draw, but Megatron gave the Mini-Con,Blackout,to Demolishor.Base
Demolishor took part in the search for a new Mini-Con in theGrand Canyon,during which he menaced Red Alert andCarlos Lopez,Comradeand later squared off against Red Alert and Hot Shot alongside the other Decepticons in the Arctic, only to retreat when Optimus Prime joined the fight.SoldierWhile on a mission in a heavy forest, Demolishor used Blackout to track the location of a hidden Mini-Con, and spent most of the time teasing Starscream over his lack of a Mini-Con.JungleThe tables were soon turned, though, when the Decepticons experienced some downtime, and everyone began mocking Demolishor for how clumsy and useless he was outside of a combat situation. About to slug Starscream for the insults, Demolishor only wound up proving everyone right when he tripped overLeader-1and fell through the base wall.Carnival
Demolishor stood guard while the other Decepticons searched the endless wastes of theSahara desertfor a new Mini-Con signal, and nearly blasted Cyclonus when he mistook him for an enemy combatant. Actual enemies were soon to arrive in the form of the Autobots, but in the shoot-out that ensued, a subsidence caused Demolishor and the Autobots' human allies to disappear beneath the shifting sands. They all wound up in a ruined subterranean palace full of anachronistically high-tech defences that they discovered had been created through the power of theMini-Con storage panelthe temple was built around. Demolishor pursued the kids through the ruins, fighting off robotic spider-sentries, and managed to claim the Mini-Con for his own. Escaping even as the ruins collapsed around him, Demolishor activated the Mini-Con,Bonecrusher,and used its power to send the Autobots packing. Unfortunately, Megatron forced him to give Bonecrusher up because he had "disobeyed" orders by abandoning his guard post.Palace
Demolishor was not optimistic when the Decepticons captured the Autobots' human friendsBillyandFred,and he was right, as hostage negotiations went wrong thanks to an act of rebellion by Leader-1.ConfrontationA Mini-Con search in the catacombs beneath a human city fared a little better; though he needed to send Blackout to search the narrower spots, Demolishor was able to join in beating up new AutobotSmokescreenbefore the Decepticons secured the Mini-Con and withdrew.UndergroundSoon after, during a mission to a sunken underwater city, Demolishor kept the Autobots busy while Megatron searched the ruins and successfully located another Mini-Con.RuinFollowing a failed attempt to secure another Mini-Con from a volcanic island, Demolishor watched as Megatron forcibly awoke the Mini-Con from the underwater ruins, which turned out to be one of atriowho could together form the legendaryStar Sabersword.PrehistoryIn a failed attempt to obtain the other two sword components, presently in Autobot custody, the Decepticons staged a raid on the Autobots' base, during which Demolishor was ambushed and strung up by Smokescreen.Swoop
Demolishor's alternate mode did not prove conducive to mountain-climbing when a new Mini-Con signal was detected on a high peak. Hot Shot proceeded to slice Demolishor's shoulder cannons off with the Star Saber, which made him reluctant enough to plead with Megatron not to attack the Autobots' base in hopes of retrieving the sword. He was prepared to take Hot Shot on again soon after, but was probably grateful when Starscream stepped in to challenge the young Autobot to a one-on-one duel instead.OvermatchLater, Demolishor stood guard when the Decepticons began tunnelling beneath a human highway for a Minicon, ordering Cyclonus into action when Blackout detecting the approaching Autobots. While the other Decepticons were busy in battle, Demolishor got stuck with digging duties, but failed to unearth the Mini-Con before the Autobots surrounded them and forced a retreat.GaleThe chance for a rematch with Hot Shot soon came in a fight that carried from Earth back to the Decepticons' moonbase, which ended when the enigmaticSidewayshelped the Decepticons reclaim the Star Saber. With Hot Shot disarmed, Demolishor and Cyclonus gave him a brutal stomping and dumped his body back on Earth.Credulous
The Star Saber ended up in Starscream's hands, and he swaggered around the base with it, mocking Demolishor and trying to taunt him into fights he couldn't win. Knowing that simply taking the sword would cause dissension in the ranks, Megatron used Leader-1 to trick Starscream into accidentally attacking Demolishor with the blade. Demolishor and the others were given cause to question Starscream's competency with the sword, forcing him to hand it over to Megatron.Conspiracy
When Starscream voiced his concerns that Scavenger might have went and joined the Autobots after deserting the Decepticons, Cyclonus and Demolishor pointed out that there was no evidence that the mercenary had actually switched sides. Seeing him among the Autobot ranks changed Demolishor's mind. The turncoat's tactics allowed the Autobots to thoroughly outsmart the Decepticons on the battlefield, giving them their first defeat in a long time.TrustDemolishor then got chased around the moon by Megatron wielding the Star Saber in a supposed "training exercise".VacationThings seemed to be going Demolishor's way when he successfully dug up the next Mini-Con, but it was then blasted out of his hands by new Autobot arrivalBlurrjust as he warped out. A slash to his arm from the Star Saber was his punishment, which made him redouble his efforts on the next Mini-Con hunt. The Mini-Con recovered was the final member of theRace Team,and Demolishor watched alongside the other Decepticons as the tiny 'bots formed theSkyboom shieldfor the first time.ReinforcementWhen Megatron engineered a decisive battle between himself and the Autobots, bringing both Star Saber and Skyboom to bear, Demolishor helped out by raining fire down on the Autobots and engaging in a back-and-forth bout of boulder slinging with Smokescreen.Decisive Battle
When Megatron concocted a plan to divide and conquer the Autobots using the Decepticons' warp system, Demolishor was charged with coordinating the operation of the warp gates from the moon base.VowThis plan failed, as did their next offensive, and Megatron decided to take out his frustrations on Starscream. Fearing that Megatron wouldkillthe younger 'bot, Demolishor actually blasted through the door his leader had locked in order to stop him. Observing the Decepticons' morale faltering all around him, Demolishor tried to reinvigorate his comrades, but was blind to the fact that they were all being manipulated by Sideways, who was seeking to shake up their ranks. When Sideways goaded Starscream into trying to destroy the warp gate, Demolishor stopped him, but Starscream merely redirected his anger and challenged Megatron to a duel instead. Demolishor woke the sleeping Cyclonus, and the pair watched as their two comrades duked it out, with Megatron's inevitable victory providing the renewal of morale and vigor the 'Cons required.Rebellion
The arrival of boastful Decepticon tacticianThrustwas a source of great frustration to Demolishor, who found his position as Megatron's closest confidant usurped by the newcomer. Already publicly embarrassed by Thrust when he used his invisibility powers to trip him up, Demolishor groused his way through Thrust's first mission plan,Tacticianand spent a lot of energy loudly blaming Thrust when it failed. It didn't break Megatron's trust in his new minion, however, and Thrust soon had another plan put together, but that one went awry when Optimus Prime andJetfirerevealed their power to combine. Demolishor was grabbed by the powered-up Autobot leader and dumped in the ocean.LinkupDemolishor's hatred of Thrust was soon exploited by Sideways, who tricked him into trying to destroy Thrust in another attempt to manipulate the Decepticons to his own ends. But both Sideways and Demolishor had been duped themselves: Thrust knew Sideways was working against them in service of a mysterious master, and allowed the scenario to play out, then all the Decepticons, including a confused and angry Demolishor, turned on Sideways and expelled him from their ranks.Detection
During a later battle on a beach, Demolishor was nearly squashed when the giant Decepticon battleshipTidal Wavearrived on the scene.AwakeningWhile Megatron merged with Tidal Wave to battle Optimus Prime and Jetfire, Demolishor led the Decepticons' Mini-Cons in a charge to keep the other Autobots busy.DesperateSome uneventful downtime followed, during which Demolishor just stood around and watched as Megatron got repaired and Thrust went off a Mini-Con search of his own (to be fair, Demolishor had wanted to go too... Thrust simply didn't bother telling him he was leaving).Runaway
Demolishor was on hand whenWheeljackwas welcomed into Megatron's forces.Past IIFollowing this, the Decepticons had Starscream and the Star Saber lure the Autobots out of their base, with Demolishor watching them through binoculars to check that they had brought the third Mini-Con weapon, theRequiem Blasterwith them. Once the Decepticons learned the Autobots had purposely left it at the base, Demolishor took part in an attack on the undermanned Autobot headquarters to steal the Blaster.SacrificeUnfortunately, they didn't tell Starscream they would be doing this, and he was furious at being abandoned on the battlefield; when Demolishor tried to take the Star Saber from him for Megatron, they nearly came to blows until Demolishor backed down. The enraged Starscream proceeded to defect to the Autobots, and provided them with access codes that allowed them to invade the Decepticons' moonbase.RegenerationDemolishor watched gape-mouthed as the Autobots materialized through the Decepticons' warp gate, but managed to compose himself long enough to sound the alarm.In the resulting battle, Demolishor chased downPerceptor,but was prevented from destroying the Mini-Con combiner when a precision strike byLaserbeakblinded him long enough for Hot Shot to take him out.RescueThe Autobots successfully freed all the Decepticons' captive Mini-Cons, so Demolishor and the others were stuck filling in for the tiny 'bots, picking up where they'd left off on the construction of a spaceship, and cutting into the time the Decepticons would have otherwise spent gossiping and watching Megatron vent his anger by destroying the lunar landscape.MarsHe was part of the Decepticons' next battle, which was actually a carefully constructed scheme by Thrust to bring Starscream, the Star Saber and the Skyboom back to the Decepticon fold.CrackOnce Starscream was back in their ranks, however, Demolishor observed him dragging Thrust off for a private "chat"; he tried to tattle on him to Megatron, but the Decepticon leader wasn't interested. The three Mini-Cons weapons were subsequently used to power the Decepticons' completed spaceship, and Demolishor was charged with piloting the vessel, struggling but eventually succeeding in mastering the proper flow of power from the weapons to achieve successful liftoff.ThreatenWhen Optimus Prime and Jetfire arrived to stop the ship from using itsHydra Cannonagainst Earth, Demolishor, Cyclonus and Wheeljack dealt with Jetfire, pinning him down and leaving him unable to stop Optimus from sacrificing himself to stop the cannon's blast.Crisis
With Optimus destroyed, Demolishor and the other Decepticons set course back to Cybertron,Remorsebut soon found themselves pursued by the Autobots in ashipof their own.DepartDemolishor tracked the Autobots' approach, and participated in the space battle that followed, grappling withScavenger.The combat reached a surprising climax when Optimus Prime was returned to life by the Mini-Cons,Miraclebut no sooner had it ended than a worm hole suddenly appeared that sucked several of the Autobots away. Tracking the lost Autobots to a sterile alien world, Demolishor ventured down to the planet's surface with Megatron and Starscream, where they all wound up embroiled in a fierce battle withNemesis Prime,a dark clone of Optimus. Gravely wounded by the evil creature, Demolishor, Megatron, Starscream, Hot Shot, and Red Alert were saved by their Mini-Cons, who combined their energy to give their partners a power boost,fusing their armor into new colorsin the process.Puppet
Returning to Cybertron ahead of the Autobots, Demolishor and the Decepticons quickly subjugated the planet using the power of the Mini-Con weapons. When the Autobots arrived, they brought warning of the coming of a mysterious cosmic enemy known asUnicron;Demolishor was concerned by their story, but Megatron (now "Galvatron" after his Mini-Con power-up) refused to believe it.UprisingSoon after, when Hot Shot burst into the Decepticon base in an attempt to make Galvatron see reason, Demolishor and Cyclonus tried to stop him, but Wheeljack, being an old friend of the Autobot's, let him pass. During Hot Shot's explanation, Thrust was revealed to be an agent of Unicron himself, and absconded into Cybertron's depths with the Skyboom and Requiem Blaster;DashDemolishor gave chase, but when he reported back that he had lost Thrust's trail, he was ordered at Star Saber-point by an angry Galvatron to continue searching.DriftThe search for Thrust was a failure, however, Demolishor resumed his military duties, monitoring Autobot troop movements.Portent
Despite the revelation that Unicron was very real, having been hiding in plain sight as Cybertron's moon, Galvatron still refused to acknowledge his threat, and preferring to press on against the Autobots. Demolishor was busy in battle and did not witness Starscream sacrificing himself to prove Unicron's power to Galvatron.CrampDemolishor was unmoved by his death, but supported Galvatron in his decision to at last ally the Decepticons with the Autobots against Unicron. Demolishor attended the formal alliance ceremony, hesitantly shaking hands with Hot Shot. He and Cyclonus subsequently joined Hot Shot andSide Swipeon a reconnaissance mission to Unicron's surface, where Demolishor became separated from Blackout when Unicron began transforming. Believing his Mini-Con lost, Demolishor returned to the landing site in preparation for withdrawal, but an attack by a swarm ofDead End Dronesstymied them. Demolishor was taken aback when the two Autobots willingly covered him so he could help Cyclonus out of a chasm, and was given pause to reconsider his feelings towards them when Hot Shot presented him with Blackout, whom he had safely recovered for him.AllianceAnalyzing the data that Blackout had gathered on Unicron's surface, Demolishor located a weak spot on the planet-sized monster's neck. While their troops attacked this sensitive area, Optimus Prime and Galvatron were able to insert themselves inside Unicron's body.UnionGathering on the bridge of the Autobots'Axalonwith the others, Demolishor watched and waited; when Unicron became non-functional, he voted against attacking in fear that they would hurt Galvatron, still within. Soon, he observed as Galvatron and Prime emerged from the giant, engaged in brutal one-to-one combat, and Galvatron sacrificed himself to end the cycle of hatred that was fuelling Unicron.Mortal CombatCloud
At some point afterSide Swipejoined the Autobots on Earth, Starscream encountered a small group of Transformers who had travelled to their world from the other-dimensionalCloud World.This caused him to miss a scheduled check-in with the Decepticon base, and Demolishor and Cyclonus were dispatched to see what had happened. They arrived after the otherworldly travellers had left, and faced off against the trio ofHot Shot,Scavenger,and Side Swipe.Return
- Voice actor:Alvin Sanders(English), unknown stand-in actor (English, "Scorpinok","Starscream the Mysterious Mercenary"only),Doron Bell, Jr.(English, "Distribution","The Omega Train","Decepticon Army"and"Ironhide Team"only),Kōji Yusa(Japanese),Anders Öjebo(Swedish),Christoph Jablonka(German),Csaba Tokaji(Hungarian),Vesa Hämes(Finnish),Francisco Andrés Valdivia(Castilian Spanish),Guillermo Martínez(Latin-American Spanish),Michel Dodane(French),Antonio Angrisano(Italian),Adam Bauman(Polish)
Following Megatron and Unicron's apparent destruction at the climax of theUnicron Battles,the alliance between the Decepticons and Autobots continued. Together, over the next ten years, they rebuilt Cybertron, and allied with humankind to establish theCybertron Citiesto mineenergonon Earth. Demolishor was assigned toOcean City,where he guarded the city's main gate. Though he was as prone to grumbling as ever, and still put a lot of significance on the fact that he remained a Decepticon despite the alliance, Demolishor developed something of a friendship with his new allies and grew into his role.
Demolishor probably figured it was going to be another regular duty shift the day rebellious humanKicker Jonesraised Ocean City from its usual resting place beneath the sea. Trying to stop the young punk from leaving the city without authorization, Demolishor was outmaneuvered, and didn't take kindly to Hot Shot making fun of him for it. As such, when Kicker tried to leave a second time, Demolishor was extra-dedicated to stopping him... but still failed to prevent him getting past. Kicker's second trip outside, however, had been brought on by the impending arrival of an Energon-stealingTerrorconhorde, which Demolishor then helped fend off.Cybertron CityReports soon came in of a Terrorcon attack onAsteroid Cityout in space, andLunar Cityon the moon, where Demolishor's old comrades Tidal Wave and Cyclonus were stationed, respectively. When they disappeared in the attacks, Demolishor angrily claimed the Autobots would have worked harder to search for them if they had been Autobots.Energon StarsTidal Wave soon reappeared, but had fallen in with the Terrorcon forces, claiming that their masterAlpha Qwas planning to revive Megatron for them—an allegation that shocked Demolishor and forced him to think hard on his loyalties.Scorpinok
When Cyclonus returned to Earth soon after, Demolishor was overjoyed to see that his friend had survived, and the pair immediately indulged in some friendly sparring,while Demolishor shared the news of Megatron's potential rebirth.Full of vigor, the duo were keen to help defendPlains Citywhen the Terrorcon horde attacked it, but things took a turn when the Terrorcon leaderScorponokrevealed a sword that Alpha Q had forged from Megatron's ownspark.Sensing his old leader's lifeforce in the blade, Cyclonus immediately turned on the Autobots to join the Terrorcon crusade, but Demolishor was much more conflicted; when the blade was sent flying during the fighting and landed in front of him, his fear and uncertainty caused him to hesitate before picking it up, and Tidal Wave snatched it away.Megatron's Sword
Demolishor was part of the unit sent to the Arctic to help establishBlizzard City,but was too distracted by what he had experienced to do much work. This led to him arguing with the AutobotIronhide,who didn't trust him because he was a Decepticon, and who he in turn teased over being a rookie, but when Kicker got lost in a blizzard, the two had to join forces to search for him. Working with Ironhide to fend off a Terrorcon attack, Demolishor rejected the chance to join Cyclonus and Tidal Wave, still unconvinced that Megatron wasreallyalive.The New Cybertron CityBut the truth was soon to reveal itself, when Megatron, reborn from within Unicron by the power of energon, launched a massive attack on Ocean City. After only a moment to process this revelation, Demolishor submitted himself to Megatron's leadership once more, but his time in the Autobots meant the transition was not easy: he knocked Ironhide out himself rather than let him risk his life against Megatron, and hesitated to open the door to the city when Megatron commanded it. To force him to pick one absolute loyalty, Megatron dared Demolishor to fire his weapons at him, but he could not, and reluctantly blew the door to the city open. After Megatron's forces raided the city's energon stores, Ironhide pleaded with Demolishor not to leave with them, but he departed in silence with his fellow Decepticons.Megatron Raid
Not wholly convinced of Demolishor's loyalty, Megatron left him to stand guard over the Decepticons' base—the dormant body of Unicron itself, stolen from Alpha Q—while the villains departed on their next mission.Starscream the Mysterious MercenaryWhen the Decepticons tried searching the remains of Asteroid City for more energon, Demolishor was unable to find any; Megatron started bludgeoning him for his failure until he suggested they check out Lunar City. He joined Megatron and Cyclonus in raiding the moonbase, then confronted the Autobots in a brief battle in theasteroid belt.Battle of the Asteroid BeltDemolishor was slightly taken aback to learn that Ocean City would be their next attack target, but he participated in the assault nonetheless, reluctantly squaring off against an angry, vengeful Ironhide.Energon TowerReturning to Unicron, they discovered Alpha Q had stolen a chunk of their energon stockpile in their absence, and had one more surprise for them: he had revived Starscream as an "energon ghost" and sent him to kill Megatron. Demolishor tried to hold off the mind-wiped spectre of his former teammate, but was helpless to stop him. Fortunately, Megatron used the power of Unicron to bring Starscream under his control,The Legend of Rodimusand Demolishor looked on as Megatron welcomed him back to the Decepticon ranks.Crisis in Jungle City
After the Autobots protected their Cybertron Cities with newenergon towers,Megatron took out his frustrations on Demolishor and Cyclonus, and tried to pry from them information onhowthe Autobots found energon deposits in the first place. It took Starscream's blade pressed to his throat before Demolishor would reveal the existence of Kicker's extrasensory ability to detect energon, but with that information, Megatron formulated a plan. While the Autobots were visiting the remains of Lunar City, Demolishor approached Ironhide and Kicker with the story that he had abandoned Megatron, in an attempt to lure Kicker back to the Decepticons' mobile base for capture. The plan went wrong when Scorponok, secretly working for Alpha Q, took off with the base, and Demolishor and Cyclonus's subsequent attempt to snatch Kicker was thwarted by the unseen intervention ofTeam Rodimus.Kicker Beware!Demolishor was aghast at Megatron's response to this failure: to simply destroy the Cybertron Cities remotely with an orbital bombardment. He tried to make his leader understand that doing so would kill many humans as well, struggling to explain that humans did not have immortal sparks like Transformers, but Megatron was immovable, and Demolishor was forced to stand by his side as the assault began. Fortunately, the Autobots erected a planetwideenergon gridthat shielded Earth from the attack.Energon Grid
Demolishor was a little concerned for Cyclonus's mental state when Megatron used the power of Unicron to heal injuries he had sustained, in the process reformatting him into "Snow Cat"; Megatron brushed off his concerns, and instead excoriated his troops for their failure to locate the interfering Alpha Q.Rodimus Friend or Foe?An attempt to flush Alpha Q out only brought the Decepticons into conflict with Team Rodimus, a battle from which Demolishor convinced Megatron to retreat. Soon after, the Decepticons attacked the Autobot shipMiranda II,which activated its personalenergon griddefense system during the battle. Observing that the distracted Megatron was directly in the path of the grid, Demolishor was galvanized into making a final, fateful decision about where his loyalties lay: diving into action, he pushed his leader out of the way and took the force of the grid's blast himself.With his final words, Demolishor entreated the horrified Ironhide to remember him,and then exploded.Go for Unicron!
Though Demolishor's body was destroyed, his spark persisted and was salvaged by Megatron. Using his control over Unicron's powers to fashion a new body for Demolishor, Megatron took the extra step of wiping his mind, removing any trace of his conflicted nature and degenerating him into a simple-minded, ape-like creature, easily excited and prone to grunting and jumping around. He first saw action in his new form on a blizzard-swept planet, where he and Snow Cat successfully seized an energon deposit from the Autobots, but were sent packing by a swarm of Alpha Q's newCruellockTerrorcons.The Return of DemolishorHe subsequently joined the Decepticon effort to prevent the Autobots from reaching Unicron's body,A Tale of Two Herosand engagedInfernoin a vehicle-mode battle on theMiranda II'shull as both the ship and Unicron returned to Cybertron viaspace bridge.The Decepticons were forced to warp away when the Autobots turned the planet's energon grid on, inflicting massive damage onto Unicron's body.Battle StationsThe sight of Unicron in the skies of Cybertron led the Decepticons on the planet to revolt—news that Demolishor and Snow Cat happily brought to Megatron, though he wasn't particularly bothered.Alpha Q: Identity
Demolishor was part of the unit sent down to Cybertron's surface to recruit Decepticon war criminalShockblast.Shockblast: RampageUpon returning, he had to contend with an energon-starved Unicron's automatic defense attempting to impale him with huge spikes.Survival InstinctsOnce that situation was under control, Demolishor was part of the team sent back down to Cybertron to create an opening in the planet's energon grid by destroying energon towers,Each One Fights...then helped hold off the Autobots while Terrorcons gathered energon from the planet's core. This energon re-powered Unicron enough for Megatron to have him transform, and Demolishor helped keep the attacking Autobots busy while the process completed itself.Unicron UnleashedWhen Unicron's transformation was done, Megatron opened his surface beneath Demolishor and Snow Cat so they could escape a standoff with Scorponok, but the Terrorcon leader dogged them through Unicron's interior, foiling their every attempt to battle the Autobots.Open Fire!Subsequently, an unstable energon reaction initiated by Alpha Q opened up a rift in space, through which Demolishor, along with Unicron and all the other Decepticons, were sucked into.Ripped Up Space
On theother side of the rift,Alpha Q used Unicron's head and his energon to begin recreating all the planets that Unicron had once eaten, and Demolishor and the Decepticons began stealing the energon growing within them to continue Megatron's plans for Unicron's body. The Autobots followed, and succeeded in apprehending Shockblast; Demolishor brought news of his capture to Megatron, but the Decepticons purposely left him in Autobot custody onIron Planetwhile they clashed with the Autobots for that planet's energon reserves.ProtectionThey later made actual attempts to rescue their comrade. As the Decepticons hunted down the Autobot who had been Shockblast's guard, Inferno, Demolishor was surprised to discover that Shockblast had been demoted below him. He didn't quite grasp the concept of outranking a fellow Decepticon.Imprisoned InfernoDuring the Decepticon attack onJungle Planet,Demolishor helped run interference in orbit to keep the Autobots from getting down to the planet's surface, but he and his team-mates were taken down by new Autobot arrivalsTeam Bulkhead.Jungle PlanetUndeterred, Demolishor and the Decepticons soon made another play for Jungle Planet's energon, only to be repelled when the Autobots erected a new energon tower to shield the planet.BulkheadNot long thereafter, Demolishor accompanied Megatron in approaching Inferno, who was struggling to overcome the mind-altering programming that the Decepticon leader had inflicted upon him. When Megatron was called away toOcean Planet,Demolishor, Starscream, and Scorponok were left to help Inferno through his "transition", but Inferno elected to kill himself rather than become a Decepticon.Farewell Inferno
With an energon grid now protecting most of the planets, the Decepticons had to scavenge what they could from the half-formed world outside the grid, but Demolishor didn't mind the menial labor. He took part in the battle on the newly-formedPlanet Q,where he tried and failed to get Scorponok to focus on energon gathering, rather than fighting Ironhide.Return! Our ScorponokBetween fights, Demolishor and Snow Cat shuttled supplies around, but had to contend with tremors that shook Unicron, spawned by Megatron's impatience.Crash CourseOn their next energon-gathering mission, Demolishor and his buddies came under attack from the Autobots, but managed to cover the Terrorcons' escape, allowing them to deliver the final payload of energon needed to power Unicron back up to the stage where he could move again.Omega SupremeDemolishor and the other 'Con grunts then battled the Autobots on Unicron's surface, preventing them from interfering with Megatron's successful reintegration of Unicron's body and head.A Heroic BattleDemolishor was first on the scene when Shockblast briefly usurped the power of the completed Unicron, but got blasted by the traitor and then expelled from Unicron's body.The Power of UnicronMegatron destroyed Shockblast and briefly retook control, but was soon possessed by Unicron himself, leaving Demolishor, Snow Cat, and Mirage struggling to escape the planet-eater's internal defenses. They failed, and ended up bound to Unicron's surface by energy-tentacles, giving them a front-row seat for the Unicron-controlled Megatron's battle with the gigantic,Primus-empowered Optimus Prime.Optimus SupremeFortunately for them, they were freed by a barrage of Autobot fire moments before Optimus destroyed Unicron, but were subsequently captured byLandmine.Unicron Perishes
With Megatron having apparently perished along with Unicron, Demolishor, Snow Cat, and Mirage were incarcerated on Cybertron, but were soon freed by Starscream, who revealed that Megatron still lived.AmbitionThey were joined in their breakout by Shockblast's younger brotherSix Shot,who suggested using the planet's energon grid against the Autobots. Demolishor led him to the control room, and might have discovered its human operators,Rad Whiteand the Jones family, hiding in a vent if he hadn't fallen flat on his face while attempting to peer inside it.WishesSix Shot succeeded in taking control of the energon gas powering the grid and using it to force the Autobots off the planet, and the other Decepticon grunts began to feel underappreciated as Megatron (now "Galvatron" again after exposure toSuper Energon) praised Six Shot for his accomplishments. However, following a battle on the hull of theMiranda II,during which Demolishor and Snow Cat were clobbered byOmega Supreme,they all enjoyed watching Galvatron beat Six Shot up for taking action without orders.Galvatron!The Autobots were soon able to find a way to break through the gas shroud and return to Cybertron; Demolishor took part in the battle that followed, which concluded with the Autobots escaping underground.Break Through
At some point, Demolishor took part in a virtual fighting tournament, thanks to Six Shot hacking into an Autobot training program. Fighting as a tag team, he and Snow Cat went up againstProwlandDownshift,and won when the two Autobots took themselves out of the fight by powerlinxing incorrectly—though in the process, the two Decepticons were inspired to try powerlinxing themselves, even if they couldn't get it quite right. Proceeding to the next round, they discovered their opponents were Galvatron and Starscream, who had already beaten virtual duplicates of the pair in their original bodies in the previous round. Frustrated to have found his minions goofing off in the game, Galvatron thrashed them, then quit the tournament.Distribution
Hoping to get a taste of the Super Energon that had empowered Galvatron and Starscream, Demolishor, Snow Cat, and Mirage went searching for the subterranean reservoir that held the miracle fuel, accidentally stumbling into Primus's chamber in the process. Finding Rad and the Jones family taking refuge there, Demolishor and Snow Cat left Mirage to stand guard and forcedBrian Jonesto lead them to thetemplecontaining the Super Energon.The Omega TrainThey were a little nervous about immersing themselves in it, but were finally about to take the plunge when a horde ofInsecticon Terrorcon dronesburst out of the reservoir's depths and scared them witless.Decepticon ArmyFleeing from the Insecticons, and having grown to giant size due to exposure to Super Energon, the pair headed back to the surface and sent word of the creatures' approach to Galvatron, news-reporter style. They rejoined their leader on the battlefield, just in time for Optimus to have his spark of combination re-energized by Primus's awakening. Once more able to combine with Omega Supreme, Optimus blew away all of his enemies with a whirlwind attack.Ironhide Team

Once the rogue Terrorcons were back under control, the Decepticons turned to the business of using the energon towers to move Cybertron through space, through the rift and back to Alpha Q's realm. Demolishor helped battle the Autobots as the planet moved through the rift, and later tried to defend the towers against Autobot attack, though both times, he had to contend with Six Shot's ambition constantly undermining their battlefield movements.FormidableAfter Six Shot purposefully allowed the towers he was guarding to overload, Demolishor was assigned to keep an eye on him alongside Snow Cat and Mirage. Six Shot soon tricked them into leaving him unattended by suggesting they make another play for the Super Energon pool. Demolishor and his buddies sped off, but quickly found the corridors all around them closing off as Six Shot used the control room to lock them in. Starscream freed Demolishor and co. a short time later, but they found themselves battling Autobots until far more world-shaking matters took precedent: Galvatron had used the Super Energon to transform himself into a giant.Galvatron Terror
Demolishor and the other Decepticons held off the Autobots as they attacked the towering form of the Decepticon leader, but as he grew larger and larger and the planet's surface began to crack under his weight, Demolishor followed Snow Cat's advice to get the heck out of there. Under the sway of the still-living consciousness of Unicron, Galvatron took off for space, towing Cybertron behind him on a Super Energon cable; Demolishor and the rest followed, offering some token return fire at the pursuing Autobots.Destructive PowerWhen Optimus Prime used the power of Unicron to grow to a titan of equal height, Demolishor and Snow Cat broke off from the battle to excitedly watch the two giant leaders duke it out on Jungle Planet.SparkUnable to make much in the way of a contribution to the huge scale of the final battle, Demolishor, Snow Cat, and Mirage could only spectate as the possessed Galvatron shook off Unicron's influence long enough to sacrifice himself by plunging into a foundling energon sun created by Primus. While loyalists Starscream and Mirage followed their leader into solar oblivion, the long-suffering Demolishor and Snow Cat could only float in space and ponder what to do next with their lives.The Sun
Cybertrontoy bio
Ten years after the Battle for Energon, when theUnicron Singularityforced the evacuation of Cybertron, Demolishor was left behind on their deserted homeworld. Through circumstances unknown, he had reverted to a version of his original Earth body (no word on whether his mentality recovered as well), and kept himself busy by fighting off theScrapmetalhorde that began infesting the planet soon after. Demolishor heard rumors that Megatron had once again returned from the dead, but after the ordeal he went through last time, he hoped it was not true, since he found that he enjoyed not being pushed around by his commander for once.Demolishor'sCybertrontoy bio
During the search for theCyber Planet Keys,Decepticon sniperSwindlebitterly remarked on Demolishor and Snow Cat's disappearance from the Decepticon ranks, considering it evidence of how little good loyalty to Megatron would do to advance a 'bot's standing in life.Force of Habit
Demolishor was part of Megatron's initial strike force onCybertron,and devastatedMini-ConVillage C52alongsideCyclonus.Armada #1Powered byBlackout,he also participated in the assault on and devastation ofCyber City.Armada #2
Millions of years later, when a Mini-Con signal was broadcast from Earth, the Decepticons picked it up and quickly made plans to travel to Earth.Armada #3Upon arrival, Demolishor, Cyclonus andStarscreambroke into ahumanmilitary base, where Demolishor scanned a tank for his newalternate mode(though the resulting tank mode wasn't particularly close to the source).Armada #4While the other Decepticons began fighting the Autobots who had followed them to Earth, Demolishor ambushed theStreet Action Mini-Con Team,Sparkplugand three human kids. He captured the Mini-Cons and expressed interest in taking the humans apart to see where all their courage came from. Then four other Mini-Cons swarmed his face and shattered his targeting reticle "eyepatch".Armada #5
After the Decepticons successfully captured theAir Defense Mini-Con Team,Demolishor helped bring them back to the Decepticon base atSilver Ridge.Armada #6He later participated in the attack on theAutobot base,but didn't do much other than stand around and take offense to Starscream's claims that Megatron didn't need any underlings when he had theStar Saber.Armada #7A little later, Demolishor joined Starscream and Cyclonus in capturing two humans who had been befriended by Starscream's Mini-ConSwindle,but unfortunately for them, they turned out to be the Autobots' human allies Rad and Carlos. The Autobots soon arrived to rescue their friends, and when Swindle turned on the Decepticons for tricking him into thinking he was going to be released, the villains retreated.Armada Free Comic Book Day
When the Decepticons' Mini-Cons escaped, Demolishor and the others pursued them toKansas,where they fired impotently on alarge objectthat was stealing all of Earth's Mini-Cons. They were then distracted by the arrival of several Autobots, and could only watch as the object rocketed off into space.Armada #8After figuring out that the Mini-Cons had ended up on theMoon,the Decepticons chased after their precious power-ups. As Demolishor was the only Decepticon incapable of flight (Megatron got temporary rocket thrusters), he was left behind to guard the base.Armada #9He wasn't very good at it, though, and was beaten up by Autobots who wanted to use the Decepticons'space bridge.Armada #10
When said space bridge stopped working some time later, Megatron ordered Demolishor and Starscream to fix it. Neither of them knew how.Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4The Decepticons later learned thatOptimus Primehad gone missing, and they seized the opportunity to perform an all-out assault on the Autobots. Demolishor found himself facing downScavengerandSmokescreenon a thin mountain road, and decided to play a game of chicken with them. He won, as both Autobots swerved away and fell off the road, where Smokescreen was seriously injured by Megatron. Shortly afterwards, their winning streak was interrupted by amysterious powerful Transformerwho knocked out Demolishor, Cyclonus and Starscream in short order.Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4As it turned out, the stranger had been aHeraldofUnicron,who was on his way to destroy Cybertron. The Decepticons were forced to ally themselves with the Autobots and return to their home planet in order to fight him off. Demolishor survived the battle with Unicron and was seen among the crowds of cheering Transformers in the aftermath.The End
Some time in Cybertron's past, during the war, Demolishor was part of a battle in whichScorponokled an attack on an Autobot bunker. Demolishor watched the battle from a Decepticon saucer-ship, alongside Megatron, Starscream, Cyclonus and Thrust.No Exit
Ten years after the battle with Unicron, Unicron'sFour Horsemenattacked Cybertron. Demolishor was among the Transformers called in as reinforcements against this new threat.What Lies Beneath, Part TwoSome time later, he was stationed at theenergonore processing plantDeltos-Fivewhen its systems started going haywire. Grumbling that Thrust had left him to deal with technical difficulties whilehegot to have fun fightingTerrorconson Earth, Demolishor made his way into the facility, where he was ambushed by a ghostly Starscream.Multiplicity, Pt. 3
Demolishor was recovered byAlpha Quintessonand upgraded into a new body via the power of Unicron. Placed on Earth shortly before the Autobots erected aglobal energy shield,Demolishor was charged with kidnappingKicker Jones,and tracked the boy down just as he as attempting to play hooky from a training session atAlterEnergy.Demolishor approached in his new dump truck alternate mode, and Kicker actually flagged him down in hopes of hitching a lift before Demolishor revealed his true nature.Doomsday Redux!Demolishor's specially-tailored new form allowed him to first shrug off energon blasts from the human boy, and then easily take out an AlterEnergy rapid response team, before grabbing Kicker and absconding.Armageddon Part 1
With Alpha Quntession unable to teleport him off-planet thanks to the energy shield, Demolishor went into hiding; AlterEnergy began searching the planet for him,Armageddon Part 2but he was holed up in a cave inMexico,by a space bridge portal, waiting for Alpha Quintesson's forces to take out the shield down so he could use the bridge to bring Kicker to his master.Armageddon Part 3An AlterEnergy team led by Rad tracked him down before that could happen, but Demolishor was ready for them and the Autobot backup they brought, and was able to fight them to a standstill. Word then came through from Alpha Quintesson that the energy shield was down, so Demolishor broke off the fight and returned to the chamber he had been keeping Kicker in, only to find that the boy had been freed by Rad and Carlos while he had been busy in battle.Armageddon Part 4Demolishor immediately gave chase through the caves, but when he caught up to them, Kicker stood his ground and used his special powers to channel the energy of all the energon on Earth, using it to utterly destroy Demolishor.Armageddon Part 5
Demolishor was among the Decepticons who had a great time kidnapping Mini-Cons back when the war broke out.Counter-Strike!
In modern day, he was sent toEarthto search for escaped Mini-Cons alongsideCyclonusandStarscream.Demolishor was apparently still searching elsewhere when the rest of the Decepticons were beaten up by the Autobots and fled.Friends and Foes!Eventually, he sawed his way into the wreckage of the Mini-Cons' ship, as he had orders fromMegatronto retrieve itslocator log.He was surprised to find theStreet Action Teamin the ship, and wasn't sure what to do with the situation. Deciding that the best course of action was violence, he began blasting the Mini-Cons but was distracted whenRad Whitegrabbed the locator log and ran for it. Demolishor followed in his tank mode, only to drive straight into an unstable part of the cave, where the vibrations from his treads caused the hidden log to explode and collapse the cave on top of him.Deep Trouble!
Some time later, Demolishor participated in an attack on the Autobots when they were trying to send their Mini-Cons back to Cybertron. Though the Mini-Cons ultimately decided to stay on Earth, the Decepticons destroyed the Autobots' space bridge anyways.No Way Back!He and Cyclonus were then sent to search for Mini-Cons on theMoon.The AutobotsSmokescreenandScavengerfollowed them, but were no match for the Mini-Con-augmented Decepticons. Demolishor shot Smokescreen down and prepared to squash him under his tracks, but didn't expect the Autobot to suddenly get a Mini-Con partner of his own. Powered byLiftor,Smokescreen delivered a powerful punch to the incoming Demolishor, driving him back.Between Two Worlds!When the Decepticons planned tonukethe Autobots from their new lunar base, Demolishor caught a transmission from the Autobots' Mini-Cons, who offered to surrender in exchange for the Autobots' lives. He reported this to Megatron, who opted to take the Mini-Cons then blow the Autobots up anyway.Earthshaker!The plan was a huge failure, ending with the destruction of the Decepticon base and no Mini-Cons to show for it. Demolishor cheerfully referred to the whole thing as a "bit of a blip in the old world-conquest plans", which promptly got him punished by the disgruntled Megatron. Suddenly, Cyclonus showed up and started attacking his fellow Decepticons. He turned out to be possessed by theDestruction Mini-Con Team,who were using him to get rid of Megatron once and for all. After watching the two duel for a while, Demolishor power-linked withBlackoutand entered the fray, but did little damage to Cyclonus.Dawn of Destruction!
Megatron and Demolishor were searching the area around the Autobot base for Mini-Cons when they were, unsurprisingly enough, stumbled upon by Optimus Prime and Hot Shot. Demolishor tussled with a vehicle mode Optimus, but evidently didn't fare too well, as the Autobot leader was seen battling Megatron moments later. Bested, the "cowardly" pair warped away.Cave Catastrophe
Megatron and Demolishor later launched a sneak attack against the kids when they left themselves in the open, and were yet again bested by the two Autobots when they came to render aid.Race to Disaster
Reader's DigestArmadanovels
Demolishor was one of the Decepticons warped to the planet Earth after the Mini-Cons, who had long been dormant there, awoke. The Decepticons' initial attack against the Autobots was rebuffed, and they began building a base of operations on the Moon by reinforcing the partial remains of the Mini-Cons' ship.
Demolishor and Starscream were tasked by Megatron to scan all of the Earth's vehicles to find suitable alternate modes. When Megatron checked in on their progress, Demolishor presented Earth's mightiest military vehicles to his leader. Demolishor chose a "missile tank" alternate mode for himself. Megatron then led the members of his inner circle on an assault on the Autobots' base on Earth. The assault was briefly halted when Megatron spotted the Autobots' human allies, Rad, Alexis and Carlos, rush into the war-zone. Megatron demanded that the children hand over their Mini-Con companions. But Optimus Prime and his Autobots weren't far behind, and they launched a counter-attack against the Decepticons. Demolishor tried to blast Optimus, only for his missile to be deflected by the Autobot Red Alert. Subsequent assaults on the Autobots proved futile, as Optimus assumed his "Super Optimus Prime" mode and overwhelmed the Decepticons with pure brute strength. The balance of power shifted even further in the Autobots' favor when Red Alert and Hot Shot acquired Mini-Cons. Red Alert used the new strength bestowed upon him by his new partner, Longarm, to lift Demolishor up off the ground, then Hot Shot used the electrical powers granted to him by his Mini-Con, Jolt, to short out the Decepticon's circuits. Megatron soon recognized that the Decepticons were outmatched and ordered a retreat.
Back on the moon, the Decepticons squabbled over their defeat until Cyclonus teleported in late. As it turns out, two other Mini-Con panels had been uncovered by the children during the fight, and Cyclonus had managed to snatch them away before fleeing. Megatron allowed Cyclonus to keep one of the Mini-Cons, while the other was given to Demolishor. Demolishor named his new partner “Blackout."Race for the Mini-Con Robots
Q-Robo Transformer
Toy pack-in comics
WhenOptimus Primefell to his knees in battle,Megatronsent Demolishor,Snow Cat,andMirageto attack the beaten leader. Their attack was averted when they were blasted away byWing Saber.Energon Volume 4
Demolishor was part ofGutcruncher's inner circle in the underlevels ofAxiom Nexus.He was with Gutcruncher inThe Blue Deployerthe night theAction MastertookHubcapfor a lot of money.Gone Too Far
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Demolishor participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics
- Demolishor with Blackout(Super-Con Class,2002)
- Takara name:Ironhide
- Sonokong name:Hide
- Takara/Sonokong ID number:MD-03
- Takara release date:December 28,2002
- Accessories:4 missiles
- Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro),Shogo Hasui(Takara),Draxhall Jump(concept art)
- Part of the first wave ofArmada"Super-Con Class" toy (basically "Deluxes" ), Demolishor transforms into an anti-aircraft missile tank of made-up model, though it appears to be heavily based on the ADATS weapon system. His primary Mini-Con gimmick is the twin spring-loaded missile launcher in his left shoulder; attaching any Mini-Con to the Powerlinx port there pops the launcher forward, after which the missiles can be fired simultaneously by pulling the Mini-Con back. Reportedly, Demolishor was to feature this gimmick in both shoulders, but it was cut back to one for cost considerations, so his right shoulder now simply holds two spare missiles.
- In vehicle mode, Demolishor features extra Mini-Con compatibility design specially around his partnerBlackout.When in vehicle mode, Blackout can be inserted into the space between Demolishor's front treads, forming a more "complete" -looking tank. Blackout can then be launched into action by a small spring-loaded launcher, activated by a tiny button on Demolishor's back end. Also on the back end is a flip-out seat that Blackout or any other appropriately-jointed Mini-Con can sit in to "man" his guns (Though Blackout's hand-guns plug quite nicely into the screw-holes in the back of Demolishor's turret, making it look like a more direct interface). The seat can also be used for Demolishor's rudimentary "Attack Base" mode, which involves folding out his legs/treads to turn him into an elevated anti-aircraft station.
- TheTakaraLegends of the Microns"Ironhide" andSonokongEunha Yeongung: Cybertron"Hide" releases, render the figure in more primary, show-accurate colors, painting him a more greenish shade of tan, making his face brown rather than black, and features a Decepticon symbol with proper "separated"paint applications,among several other smaller paint changes.
- This toy doubles as Generation 1Demolisher.
- Ironhide & Land Military Microns(Multi-pack, 2002)
- ID number:MS-03
- Release date:December 28,2002
- Accessories:4 missiles
- In Japan, Ironhide was available both separately and in a multi-pack with theLand Military Microns.All toys in the set are identical to their individual releases.
- Powerlinx Demolishor with Powerlinx Blackout(Super-Con Class, 2003)
- Takara name:Ironhide Super Mode
- Takara ID number:MD-10
- Takara release date:October??, 2003
- Accessories:4 missiles
- Known designers:Aaron Archer(Hasbro)
- Part of the final wave ofArmadaproduct, thisredecoof the original Demolishor gives him in a new red and off-white color scheme, roughlyhomagingIronhide.According toAaron Archer,he was originally intended to be colored likeSixshot,because Demolishor's gun-hands reminded him of Sixshot (we don't get it either—maybe he meantSix-Gun?),[1]but the red color scheme was decided upon and used in the animated series first, so the toy had to follow suit. Reflecting the late nature of this change, his packaging depicts a normal-colored Demolishor toy, as the colors had not been decided upon by the time cardback photography was required.
- The Takara "Ironhide Super Mode" release is similar to the Hasbro one, but its colors are once again lightly tweaked to look more cartoony, in darker, more primary shades, and not as glossy. It also lacks the dark blue paint on top of the Hasbro version's head, and once again has a "separated" Decepticon symbol rather than a block-painted one.
- This toy wasrepurposedasShattered GlassDemolishor.
Built to Rule!
- Demolishor(Built to Rule!, 2003)
- Accessories:2 missiles
- One of the smallerBuilt to Rule!sets, Demolishor's vehicle mode is still an anti-aircraft missile tank, but with only one spring-loaded rocket per side, activated by a rotating "drum" on top of the launcher. He also features working rubber treads, and a 2x2 "Powerlinx"plate than can be used by bothBTR-based and regular-typeMini-Cons,though the grip on the latter is not terribly great. He is "transformed" by removing pretty much everything on the "Trans-Skeleton" core, flipping out the limbs, then addingsomeof the parts back on to create a super-top-heavy, awkward robot.
- He also comes with a building-block version ofBlackout.
- His 1x4 plates with the flat area in the middle would later show up in someKre-Osets.
- Night Attack Demolishor(Built to Rule!, 2003)
- Accessories:2 missiles
- Part of the final wave ofArmada Built to Rule!,the first Demolishor set wasredecoedinto colors very close to those of theNight Attack Mini-Con Team.Again, he comes with a similarly-colored version of Blackout.
- Night Attack Demolishor did not ship very prominently, but eventually could be found atToys "R" Usstores for the heavily discounted-price of $2 or so.
- Demolishor with Blackout(Combat Class,2004)
- Takara name:Ironhide
- Takara ID number:SD-02
- Takara release date:December 25,2003
- Accessories:4 missiles
- Known designers:Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- Originally released as part of the initial assortment ofTakaraSuper Linktoys, the original "Ironhide" toy (and accompanying Mini-Con "Search") was given a veryConstructicon-esque color scheme of lime green, light gray and purple.
- This version was releasedmuchlater in the US as "Demolishor with Blackout" (surprise), with no changes other than packaging, late in theEnergonline as aKB Toys-exclusive,alongside theSuper Linkredeco ofSandstorm(Cyclonus).
- Demolishor(Combat Class, 2004)
- Takara name:Irontread
- Takara ID number:SD-11
- Takara release date:April 28,2004
- Accessories:4 missiles
- Known designers:Eric Siebenaler(Hasbro),Takio Ejima(Takara)
- EnergonDemolishor's new body transforms into a large "earth-mover" dump truck. His truck bed contains four spring-loaded missiles, plus four "false", non-firing missiles. His center torso block can rotate forward to bring his launcher over his body for "Hyper Mode"... which puts his head right in the middle of his sternum. His truck bed also features two pairs of" dead "Powerlinx plugs to attach Mini-Cons to, one pair on each side of the" flap ", allowing for Mini-Con Powerlinxing in both truck androbot modes.
- The truck bed also has possibly the biggest Decepticoninsigniaon a Deluxe-level toyever.
- Demolishor(Deluxe Class,2006)
- Accessories:4 missiles, Cybertron Cyber Key
- Cyber Key Code:dt67
- Known designers:Marcelo Matere(packaging artist)
- A late addition to theCybertrontoy line,the originalArmadaDemolishor figure was redecoed in a more military camo scheme. He does not come with his Mini-Con partner Blackout in this release; instead, Demolishor and hiswave-mateOptimus Primedebuted a newCyber Keyvariant:retooledfrom the standard "Cybertron"style key, this version lacked a sculptedinsignia,so that any symbol could betampographedon to it, and featured aMini-Con-stylePowerlinxsocket on the back, allowing it to operate the figure's formerly-Mini-Con-activated missile launcher feature without the figure itself having to be retooled.
- The key sports a tampographed Decepticon insignia, a purple border, and aKey Codetampographed on the back. This code, when entered on Hasbro's website, wassupposedto unlock additional information on the character or the toy, but due to an error on behalf of Hasbro, it unlocked information intended for Demolishor's wave-mate, the aforementioned Deluxe Class Optimus Prime; Demolishor's information was instead unlocked using the code "D56B", which was tampographed on the back of the Cyber Key included with said Optimus Prime toy.
- Demolishor(Kreon Micro-Changer,2014)
- Bag number:33501 37
- Accessories:Stand-brick, 2 double-barreled pistols
- Known designers:Ed Masiello(Hasbro)
- Part of the fourth assortment ofblind-baggedKreonMicro-Changers,Demolishor can be "rebuilt" into an anti-aircraft tank. We say "rebuilt" but really all you do is flip the treads around, swivel the guns, stick Demmy butt-up andbam,tank mode.
- He uses theHound-style helmet.
Happy Meal toys
- Demolishor(October 2002)
- Accessories:Arm/cannon
- One of eightMcDonald'sArmadapromotional toys, Demolishor is a simple toy that transforms from Cybertronian tank to robot in a few steps. His right arm/cannon features a "battle damage" pop-off gimmick that is activated when a yellow button on the front of his tank mode is pressed.
- He has aPowerlinxpost on his front left tread that you can attach Mini-Cons to, though its main purpose is to allow him to combine with the other Happy Meal Decepticons to form aMighty Vehicle.The back of his head has a Mini-Con Powerlinx port, so he can activate Mini-Con features on larger toys, but given its location and his size, it would be a pretty awkward fit on most figures.
- Demolishor(January 2005)
- Part of the secondEnergonHappy Meal promotion, which was only available in some Latin America markets, this heavily-simplified version of dump-truck Demolishor features a spring-loaded transformation from dump truck to robot mode when his truck grill is pushed in. Given his limited release, he's very rare—even goodpicturesof him are hard to come by.
Super Collection Figure
- Ironhide(SCF,December 27,2002)
- Series:ACT 9
- Accessories:Stand
- Super Collection FigureDemolishor ( "Ironhide" in Japan) is a 3-inch tall soft-plastic figurine based on his animation model. Made to pop apart, he has limited articulation, with swivel neck, waist, shoulders and legs. He came in two paint schemes: full-color and pewter-finish, each available at an equal ratio of one each per case of twelve figures. Be careful with the pewter version, as the pegs are often painted, leading to super-tight fits and occasional breakage.
- Like all normal SCF figures, he was sold in ablind-boxassortment, so you could not tell which mold or color scheme you got until you actually opened the box.
Mega Super Collection Figure
- Ironhide(February 2003)
- ID number:10
- Accessories:4 missiles
- At double the size of a normal SCF figure, this non-transformable figure of Demolishor features more -but still limited- posability, with restricted-balljoint neck, shoulders and hips, double-swivel elbows, and swivel wrists, waist and knees. He also has removable missiles, and comes with a really teeny version ofBlackout.
- As the Mega SCFs are all based on a singular ball/socket and clip system for joints, you can swap parts from any figure around with any other in the line... as long as there's enough clearance, of course.
Battle for Cybertron Game
- Transformers: Armada - Battle for Cybertron Game(2003)
- A small figurine of Demolishor was among the eight Transformers character playing pieces included with theMilton BradleyBattle for Cybertronboard game.
- Demolishor(2006)
- Attack Type:Shooter (wide missile)
- Shown at Toy Fair 2006,AttacktixDemolishor is based on hisEnergondump-truck body, with a back-mounted missile launcher that shot a wide-headed missile. He was placed in an early mock-up of the starter set, but ultimately only the vehicle modeSkyblastpiece would end up in the final product. The piece had no sticker on the front as well. And then... that was the last anyonesawof this piece. It was never shuffled into a later assortment or even mentioned anywhere. What the hell?
- According to the Armada IP Creative Bible, one of his production names wasScourge.Get it, Scourge,Cyclonus,andGalvatron?
- According toAaron Archer,Demolishor was loosely based on a pirate, hence the eyepatch design and his name beingDemolishor.[2]Alongside Cyclonus, he was an early test for the Mini-Con play pattern; Archer always thought of the characters as a pair.[3]
- Meanwhile, his vehicle mode was based on a concept fromDraxhall Jump;of the various designs they produced forArmada,his was the only one to make it through to the final product more or less unchanged.[4]
- Demolishor was originally planned to be in theArmadaPlayStation 2 gameas a long-running boss fight in the Antarctic. According to the original storyboards (unlocked in the game by finding the appropriateData-Conon thePacific Islandbase), he was the pilot of the crashed starship (instead ofStarscream), and the player would have first fought him inside the control room of the ship.Megatronwas then to fire on the ship when Demolishor was near defeat, which would cause the ship to crash into the chasm below. The player would then have to chase Demolishor vertically through the downed ship and into an ice cavern, where he would try and drop stalactites on your head during your final confrontation. Why Demolishor was removed from the game is unknown, though the most likely explanation is time and budget concerns.
- There was almost one more toy in the above list!Combiner WarsOnslaughthad a "pretooled"alternate head that would have made it represent Demolishor. This head tooling was never used, though a test prototype surfaced on the Chinese siteTaoBaoin 2015.[5]
- Demolishor's scrapped renaming intoLong Haulfor his dump truck body inEnergonleaves him the odd man out compared to "Snow Cat"and"Mirage".
- Demolishor's Energon CG model inconstantly fluctuated between one bearing his toys shrimpy arms and one with larger, more proportionate ones. The color of his hands is also known to swap without reason between green and black.
- Despite originating in the Unicron Trilogy, Demolishor has hadtwocharactersbased on him appear intwoseparateGeneration 1-influenced continuities, both before he actually got aGeneration 1 counterpart.Probably helped byhis third namesakeappearing inRevenge of the Fallen.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Ironhide(アイアンハイドAianhaido),Ironhide Super Mode(アイアンハイド
S Aianhaido Sūpā Mōdo),Irontread(dump truck body, アイアントレッドAiantoreddo) - French:Démolisseur(Demolisher)
- Hungarian:Pusztító
- Italian:Demolishor,Demolisher(some episodes ofArmada)
- Korean:Hide(하이드Haideu)
- Mandarin:PòHuàiZhě(China, phá phôi giả, "Demolishor" )
- Polish:Demolatron(Armada),Destruktor(Energon)
- Portuguese:Demolisher
- Russian:Razrushitel'(Разрушитель, "Devastator" )
- ↑"While the repaint was originally supposed to be painted in a “Generation One Sixshot-like” color scheme, the plans were scrapped. "—Tim Formas, TFW2005, 2003/03/09
- ↑"I originally thought of him as a Pirate (accent on the OR at the end of his name) but he is also a tank type body proportion based on his vh form. I like his targeting eye-patch and gun fingers." —Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2019/03/04
- ↑"Cyclonus was a early concept model for ways the mini cons could work. Him and Demolishor were early tests and that is why they naturally got paired up in the show. we always thought of them together" —Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2019/03/10
- ↑"DHJ worked on a couple of Armada items and the only one that really stayed the same from their design is the Demolishor Vh. I did the robot and it was based on a Takara model, so it is hard to give any one group" credit "for being the one responsible for a given product." —Aaron Archer, TFW2005, circa 2002
- ↑TFW2005 thread, 19 September 2015