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Destron (G1)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Destron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDestron (disambiguation).
The Destrons are an ancient faction from theDreamwave portionof theGeneration 1continuity family.

TheDestronsare a faction talked about inTransformermythology.


  • The Destron faction is only mentioned in the glossary of Dreamwave'sMore Than Meets The Eye #8,leaving virtually nothing known about it. However, chances are thatDreamwaveintended the Destrons to be the ancestors of theDecepticons.Two statues said to represent ancient Transformers were shown in "The Route of All Evil".These were designed after two Japanese characters:Deathsaurus,the Decepticon leader fromVictory,andDai Atlas,the Autobot leader fromZone.InJapan,the Decepticons were called Destrons and the AutobotsCybertrons.It'd betypicalfor Dreamwave to weave Japanese fiction through their Western fiction like that.
    • Similarly, theDestronsofAnimatedare portrayed as the direct precursors to theAnimatedDecepticons.
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