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Destruction and Regeneration

From Transformers Wiki

Transformers United EX#6
UnitedEX6 destruction regeneration.jpg
"Destruction and Regeneration"
Phá 壊と tái sinh
(Hakai to Saisei)
First published October 27,2012
Written by Andrew Hall
Art by Hidetsugu Yoshioka
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Packaged with Roadmaster Prime Mode

Grimmaster faces off against the newest agent of Master Chaos: Roadmaster!



While flying over a landfill,JetmasterandGrimmasterare shot down by the newest addition to the ranks of theMaster Chaos:Roadmaster,aJunkionmercenary who has been hired by theDecepticons.Jetmaster is knocked out, but Grimmaster lands mostly unharmed and faces off with Roadmaster, who proposes that he think about rejoining the Decepticon ranks as it pays well. Uninterested in financial reward—or, indeed, in the business of thinking very much about anything—Grimmaster refuses, so Roadmaster summons his Road Drones from their hiding places in the piles of refuse surrounding them. The two begin fighting, but when Grimmaster rips chunks out of Roadmaster's left arm, the Junkion reveals his ability to summon junk from the landfill to him, which patches up his wounds, repairing the damage. The battle rages on...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • As a Junkion mercenary on the side of the Decepticons, Roadmaster is actuallyDetritus,ane-HOBBY-exclusive redeco ofHound,who has never actually appeared in any Transformers fiction before now.
  • The ability of the Junkions to use loose scrap to repair and rebuild their bodies when damaged is a long-standing trait of their race, but Detritus's Master Chaos upgrade has evidently enhanced him so that he can summon junk to him through the power of magnetism.
  • Up until now, the Decepticons have had to steal the Autobots' Power Core Drones, but the Road Drones appear to be original Decepticon creations.

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