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Dimensional Patrol

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TheDimensional Patrol( thứ nguyên パトロール độiJigen Patorōru-tai"Dimensional Patrol unit" ) defends the universe from extraordinary threats.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Car Robotscatalog

The Dimensional Patrol unit was the name of the team led byFire Convoywhich traveled from the distant future to the year 2000 to combat the threat of the time-travelingDestrongers.Car Robots catalog

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Primeclaimed that the Dimensional Patrol fought the Destrongers at the behest of theConvoy Council.They learned much about life on late 20th century Earth fromProwl 2,who volunteered to join the team but could not due to the risk of time paradoxes.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/10

Unite Warriors

At the trial of theCombatrons,their arrest by the Dimensional Patrol unit was recounted.Ruination Chapter, Part One


Following their defeat of the Destrongers, the Dimensional Patrol unit was joined by dimensional investigatorSkidsand received a new mobile headquarters,Neo Brave Maximus.During his captivity,Devil Gigatronlearned of the extradimensional threats the Patrol battled against and had a change of heart, choosing join them rather than continue his evil deeds.LGEX Black Convoy PrologueBlack Convoyjoined the group after being reverted to the Autobot identity he was meant to have, and was put in charge of a squadron ofprotoformsoldiers as well as drones based on his previous body. On a mission to theLegends Worldto capture the remaining Combatrons, Black Convoy's evil identity was reinstalled byDark Ai,causing him to turn on the Dimensional Patrol unit.Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Following Devil Gigatron's defection,Gelsharktoo gave up his evil ambitions and joined the Dimensional Patrol unit, as didGuildo,GaskunkandGoosharupon being freed. When the Legends World came under attack, Gelshark convinced the Patrol to travel there and help defend it from aZamojinarmy.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part OneThe end of the dimension could not be prevented, however, so the Dimensional Patrol unit instead helped evacuate it.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two



InViron 903.0 Betasome time after the defeat ofGalvatron,evil threatened the spatial-temporal nexus located around planetEarth.In response,Optimus Primeformed the Dimensional Patrol from veteranAutobotsoldiers and scientists. Unfortunately, several members of the Patrol fell victim toUnicron's transdimensional abductions.Sam's Club exclusive Optimus Prime profile

Dimensional Patrol membersAsk Vector Prime, 2015/09/13Side Burn,Prowl,andLandfillwere later abducted by Unicron as well but were diverted to an icy planetoid by a device built byChild of PrimusscientistRhinox.There, the trio teamed up with some other victims of Unicron as well as a Child rescue team to drive off Minions sent to recruit them for Unicron.Voice Actor DramaAfterwards, Side Burn, Prowl, and Landfill returned to their home without ever participating in theUniverse War.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/13



  • The Dimensional Patrol takes its name from the firstCar Robotstoy catalog, which described Fire Convoy (theCar Robotscounterpart of Optimus Prime) and his crew as part of a "Dimensional Patrol" that followed Gigatron's crew through a dimensional rift. Years later, Takara'sGeneration 1 cartoon timelineand the Facebook edition ofAsk Vector Primewould clarify the Dimensional Patrol as hailing from the Maximal-dominated future era of the Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity. The North American iteration of the Dimensional Patrol, however, is a modern-day post-series organization, introduced in Optimus Prime'sUniverseprofile.
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