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Dinobot II

From Transformers Wiki

"My focal ep never got broadcast in North America, so I lack a clever quote."
Autobots, transform and roll out!

It has been suggested this article should be moved toDinobot (TM2).
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Reason:Mostly just called Dinobot (no numeral) in prior media.

The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDinobot (disambiguation).
Dinobot is aTransmetal 2Predaconfrom theBeast Warsportion of theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Braiiiiiiins... honor... braaaaaaaaaaaains...

Megatronalways did have a thing for that traitor,Dinobot.But when his former lieutenant betrayed him, joined the Maximals, and ultimately gave his life to stop one of Megatron's most ambitious plans, this wasn't the end, no. A shambling, slaveringFrankenstein's monster,this newDinobotis Megatron's attempt to recreate the original without all that cumbersome honor. Powerful, vicious, and most importantly, loyal, Dinobot is a living weapon to be aimed and released in the Maximals' direction. Megatron would have the last word on the raptor's legacy.

Or so he thought. Even though Dinobot'ssparkis technically half ofRampage's,somestill wonder if there's anything left of the original Dinobot in there. If so, and that's a big "if," it'd have to take something cataclysmic to bring it to the surface.

Iamthe plan.Dinobot,"Feral Scream Part 2"



Beast Warscartoon

Voice actor:Scott McNeil(English),Keiji Fujiwara(Japanese),Yu Zhenbo(Chinese),Mario Zucca(Italian),Jorge Barcellos(Portuguese),Federico Romano(Latin American Spanish, first appearance),Alfonso Ramírez(Latin American Spanish, rest of the series)
Skeletor's new ride

Dinobot was created one stormy night in one ofMegatron's grand experiments, using ablankprotoform,cloned cells from the original Dinobot, a part ofRampage'sspark,and the energy from theTransmetal driver.His first action was to attackDepth Charge,who had been drawn there by the scent of Rampage's spark. On transforming to robot mode, Dinobot discovered he had a powerful laser in one eye when he managed to shoot his own finger off. A short time later, the battle was interrupted whenCheetorblew himself up in Megatron's device while stealing the Transmetal driver. The Predacons retired to theirbase,where Dinobot demonstrated that he had the ability to squeeze Rampage's spark fragment to keep the psychopath in line. Megatron used Dinobot to lure Depth Charge into a trap in an attempt to regain the Transmetal driver, only for the group of Predacons to be attacked by a strange, feral creature.Feral Scream Part 1

Over the river and through the woods, to Megatron's house we go!

A short time later, Dinobot II was sent withWaspinatorto captureCheetor,who had become a Transmetal 2. During the debriefing, Waspinator made plain his distaste for Transmetal 2s, which earned him a growl from Dinobot. The hunt lead the pair to a cave, where Waspinator brought up the need for a plan and was promptly sliced to pieces by Dinobot. Dinobot searched the cave, only to find that the Maximal had already made his escape. Angered, Dinobot declared that the target had fled...for now. Later, Dinobot found Cheetor again and nearly killed him from the shadows with a blast from his eye, only forOptimus Primalto take the blow for his comrade, incurring heavy damage. Dinobot and Cheetor had a short but vicious fight, at the end of which reinforcements arrived in the forms ofRattrapandSilverbolt.Before retreating, Dinobot II declared that this wasn't over.Feral Scream Part 2

No, Dino! Down, boy!

While spying on the Maximals, Dinobot spottedBlackarachnialeaving their base and began stalking her. The two pursued each other at length through a forest, using every trick they knew, until Dinobot was able to pin her under some logs. After Blackarachnia blasted him, Dinobot demonstrated his ability to heal any injury with his Transmetal 2 power. Silverbolt arrived to aid Blackarachnia, but proved no match for Dinobot, who began to use his laser to burn Silverbolt's forehead. Blackarachnia tried to persuade Dinobot to join her in an alliance, giving Silverbolt time to recover so they could both blast Dinobot off a handy cliff.Proving Grounds

Dinobot assisted in the construction of Megatron'sdisruptor cannon,gaining multiple shocks from the thing before they kidnappedUnaand had her complete the shielding. After Una was rescued by Rattrap, Dinobot pursued them with Waspinator andInferno.Unfortunately, the incompetence of the other two resulted in them falling on him at a crucial moment, and the trio returned to the cave empty-handed. Megatron proceeded to fire up the cannon, only to discover that Una had stolen thestabilizer crystal,and the cannon blew up in their faces.Go with the FlowDinobot was present while the Predacons successfully invaded the Ark, taking all the Maximals prisoner. Megatron ordered Dinobot to hunt down and destroy Depth Charge, an order that Dinobot accepted with sadistic glee. Although the battle was unseen, Dinobot apparently failed.Master Blaster

Whoa-oohhh, livin' inside myself...

During the trial ofQuickstrike,Dinobot II served on the jury along with Rampage. After Waspinator's "defense", Megatron asked the jury for their verdict. Rampage and Dinobot quickly declared theFuzorguilty by holding him up and pointing their guns at him. The execution was interrupted by the arrival ofTigerhawk,who destroyed the remains of theDarksyde,forcing the Predacons to abandon base. Dinobot and Rampage were quickly blasted into the distance by a single missile from the Vok messenger, preventing either from actually participating in the fight.Other Victories

Dinobot accompanied Megatron as the Predacon leader discovered the great secret whichTarantulashad been keeping: the submerged but operationalDecepticonbattle flagship, theNemesis.After Rampage was destroyed by Depth ChargeNemesis Part 1,something happened to Dinobot. As his spark became complete, the consciousness of the original Dinobot took hold of him.Transformers Hall of FameThe memories of the deceased warrior flooded into his frame, and more importantly, Dinobot's code of honor came along with them. Unable to shake off these memories and what they signified, Dinobot betrayed Megatron, challenging his leader's desire to destroy the protohuman village. More importantly, he sent information about anAutobotshuttle to the Maximals aboard theArk.

Oh, that's right, I hate that guy.

Dinobot's final rebellion was openly refusing to fire on the Maximal base. When a flabbergasted Megatron asked him what possible reason he could have for rebelling against his creator, Dinobot took a moment before turning to look at the injured form of Optimus Primal and announcing "And I...have my honor." Enraged, Megatron attacked him, throwing him into Primal just asRhinoxpiloted the Autobot shuttle straight into Megatron. As Optimus made to escape, he tried to get Dinobot to follow, but the Transmetal merely wished Primal well as the cockpit exploded around him. Thus he died as a hero, like his predecessor. Optimus would later quote a passage from theCovenant of Primus:"In the spark of an enemy, there will be salvation, and in thedarkest hour,there will be a light. "Nemesis Part 2

It was not entirely spelt out during "Nemesis" why Dinobot II was regaining Dinobot's memories. The 2010 Transformers Hall of Fame profile for Dinobot would state that it was Dinobot's spirit. There was also an unproduced episode ofBeast Wars,"Dark Glass",where Rattrap would have discovered and downloaded a back-up of Dinobot's memories into Dinobot II; while the script never made it past a first draft,"Bad Spark"had Dinobot backing himself up onto the Axalon.

3H comics

At some point after Megatron acquired his dragon body, a temporal distortion drew the attention of both the Maximals and Predacons to a remote canyon, where Dinobot and his fellow Predacons met their foes. WhenRattrapnoticed thatMegatronhad abandoned the fight to achieve an unknown goal, Dinobot also wondered what was going on behind the scenes, as buried feelings of honor and integrity flickered and immediately died.

The Maximals were losing, having been fought into a corner, when suddenly the battle was interrupted. TheDark Essence,the source of the temporal distortion, had possessed the newcomerWindrazorwith the life force ofUnicron.Dinobot and the others were immobilized by Windrazor/Unicron's psionic force blasts, and the merged creature advanced on the Maximals.Paradox

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

You can't exterminate this on television!

Dinobot attackedRattrap,tearing him out of the crawler vehicle he was testing. Rattrap's attempts to reason with the remnants of his old friend gave Dinobot a momentary pause, but ultimately Rattrap's appeal failed. Before Dinobot could finish off the Maximal,Bonecrusherrammed him, sending both the clone and the crawler tumbling off the cliff.Ain't No Rat

2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity

Prior to Dinobot II's creation,another clonewas produced by Megatron. However, this clone failed at grafting the spark created for it.Beast Wars Sourcebook 1


Transformers: Battle Tactics


Dinobot Transmetal II participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character in the first "Transmetals 2: Episode 1" mini event, and could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirvideo game appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Transformers: Earth Wars
Dinobot2 EarthWars.jpg

A stolen (blank) protoform, Transmetal 2 technology, DNA from the first Dinobot and part of Rampage's spark allowed Megatron to create this nightmarish Frankenstein's monster of a Predacon Warrior.

Though programmed by Megatron to be - above all - loyal and obedient, Dinobot II is largely a blank slate, struggling to understand his place in the universe.

Swift, feral and deadly, with razor sharp claws, enemies are torn to shreds in a matter of moments, and his hologram emitters can make his prey think he's somewhere he's not. His Transmetal form recovers rapidly from physical damage.Dinobot II bio

  • Class:Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 stars
  • Ability: Pack Hunting- Place three decoys that have 33% of your health and DPS. For 15 seconds, you go pack hunting using melee attacks dealing damage and any healing received is increased by 20%.

Dinobot II at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

After Dinobot died, Megatron used a blankprotoformand samples of Dinobot's beast mode cells to create an obedient, sparkless clone of his former lieutenant.Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars

Bonesaw is ready!
(Tan-colored variant pictured)
I have my honor... and my giant metal death claws.
(White-colored variant pictured)
  • Dinobot(Deluxe Transmetal 2,1999)
Transmetal 2Dinobot transforms into a skeletal/mechanicalVelociraptorwith asymmetrical, cyborg-like detailing. Hissparkcrystal is located under a lid on his dino head/robot chest. The tail is made of soft plastic that moves from side to side when a lever at the base is turned. It can also be detached and used as a hand weapon.
His toy was released in two color schemes: The first one, available in the first fewwavesof product with Dinobot, features a bone-tan and purple coloration. Several waves in, however, he andProwlwere re-shipped as part ofHasbro's early experiments in refreshing a line with same-characterredecovariants,with Dinobot now colored bright white with blue. As a running change variation, he was sold under the same individual SKU rather than as a completely new release, and his packaging makes no mention of this new color scheme.
"Metals Dinobot" inTakara'sBeast Wars Metalsline is identical to the first Hasbro deco. A "presale" version sold in conjunction with1999 Summer Toei Anime Fairhas one difference—the beast mode eyes are painted yellow.
This sculpt was also used to make theBeast MachinesDinobotRapticon.


  • In-story, this character was only ever known as "Dinobot." Ancillary media and guidebooks published over the years have used a variety of signifiers, including "Dinobot II," "Dinobot 2," "TM2 Dinobot," and others, with no particular option being much more common than the others.
  • Dinobot's cross-sell imagery andpackaging artdepict him with bronze detailing instead of blue.
  • In the animatic for "Nemesis Part 2"that was included on the Third SeasonKid RhinoDVD set, some extended scenes are included. For example, Dinobot II has two flashbacks to "Code of Hero"instead of the one. The first used the footage that aired, with no voiceover, but additionally, between Megatron's" I am your creator! "and Dinobot II's" AndIhave my honor, "a second flashback featured Optimus Primal telling the dying Dinobot that he'd" saved the lives of those who lived here, and those who are still to come ". In the final version, Primal's line is moved to the earlier flashback superimposed over the earlier footage.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Dinobot(ダイノボットDainobotto)
  • Italian:Two-Dinobot
  • Mandarin:Èbàolóng(Taiwan, ác bạo long, "Evil Violent Dinosaur" ),Jīnshǔ Biàntǐ Kǒnglóng(China, kim chúc biến thể khủng long, "Transmetal Dinosaur" ),Kǒnglóng Yǒngshì 2-dài( khủng long dũng sĩ 2 đại, "Dinosaur Warrior 2" )
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