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Beware the bottom biting bugs.

Doriya(ドリヤ), orDorya,are large green bugs with a taste for metal. Specifically, they eatsuper-robot lifeformmetaland are therefore perfect for theDecepticonsto use in their war. They also have acid for blood, making stomping on them a dubious cure. Note to self: Always carry a freeze gun if you visit their habitat.




AfterDrillhornlearned about the Doriya from a local onPlanet X,Hellbatwas sent to the bugs' homeworld, where he managed to find some in a cave and bring them back to theThunder Arrow.After the success of their breeding program, the Decepticons had enough Doriya to put to use in their latest plan to defeat theAutobots.

The Decepticons destroyedEgg Rock,luring Star Saber to the area where they were able to trap him in a force field dome and unleash the Doriya on him. The Autobot leader was soon overcome by the bugs and helpless to fight back against them. When theBrainmastersattempted to come to Star Saber's aid, Hellbat threw them some Doriya too.

Jan,piloting theIllumina II,managed to breach the force field dome and getVictory Leoinside. When Star Saber realised that the Doriya were ignoring Jan's mech, he reasoned that the bugs were attacking the Autobots based on the heat they were emitting, and Victory Leo's use of a freezer beam destroyed the bugs attacking them.

Routed, the Decepticons fled, with Hellbat accidentally spilling the rest of the Doriya on himself.The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!

Animatedcartoon continuity

Dorya could be found onPlanet X.However, it was destroyed.The AllSpark Almanac II

Ask Vector Prime

Inuniversal streamPrimax 994.0 Gamma,the Doriya of Planet X provided token resistance but ultimately fell against the onslaught ofJhiaxus'sCybertronian Empire,who colonized andcyberformedthe planet.Ask Vector Prime


Foreign names

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