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Duststorm (Prime)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Duststorm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeDuststorm (disambiguation).
Duststorm is aDecepticonfrom theUniverseportion of theAligned continuity family.
Jagex Duststorm Full Robot.png

The two words that stand out in descriptions ofDuststormare "tainted" and "corrupted" inside and out. She is a mechanoid afterMegatron's own spark: ruthless and efficient and geared towards doing maximum combat damage either up close or from a distance. Her weaponry keeps any "predators" at bay, and though her defensive armor and durability are low, she specializes in stunning opponents and making speedy getaways. Many victims never see more than the sickly glint of her distinctive augmented optic prosthesis before she pops their hoods from a distance.[1]

Ruthlessly efficient, Duststorm is a Decepticon warrior close to my dark spark.




Transformers Universe


Duststorm was part of the crew of theLeviathanwhen it shot down the Autobot shipArclightoverCentral City.She and the other Decepticons on board went on to engage in a number of battles against the surviving Autobots in a number of places around the world.Transformers Universe


FOOL! Duststorm's monocle can be over any optic it chooses!
  • Her in-game Weapons are theDroma Blaster Rifle,Praxa Pistols,and aStygian Sniper Rifle.Her dune buggy alternate mode uses long-range plasma rockets.
  • Her in-game abilities are:
    • Projectile Accelerator— Doubles the damage she deals to enemies within a short range radius.
    • Ammunition Bridge— Decreases the time needed for Duststorm to reload her weapons. (apart from her sniper rifle)
    • Shockwave Rounds— Replaces a standard sniper rifle round into a round capable of knocking down a target for a certain period of time.
  • Her active subsystem is "Lifeforce Capture" which repairs her with an opponent's energy when she offlines them.


  1. Character bioat the officialTransformers Universewebsite.
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