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The Eclipse-Team is aDecepticonsub-group from theEnergonportion of theUnicron-Trilogycontinuity-family.

TheEclipse-Teamis a small unit within the forces commanded byMegatronduring the battle for control of the galaxy'senergonsupplies.

Its membership consists of:


Energonpack-in comic

The Eclipse-Team were dispatched on a mission to steal refined energon from anAutobotinstallation located on anEarthisland. With the assistance ofShockblast,who jammed the outpost's security sensors from orbit with anelectromagnetic pulse,Sharkticon and Slugslinger sneaked in through the sewers while Mirage maintained a secure perimeter around the island.

When the two Decepticons walked right into an ambush set byBulkheadandTow-Line,Mirage attempted to come to their aid, but was intercepted byOmega Supreme.After Slugslinger was taken down by Tow-Line, Sharkticon tried to flee, leaving his wounded teammate behind, but was himself shot down by Omega Supreme.Energon Volume 3


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