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Energy signature

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EachTransformerhas a unique identifyingenergy signature(also referred to as alife signalor anenergon signature). That energy signature can usually be used to identify someone's faction. Certain substances or devices can mask a Transformer's energy signature from detection. The type of energy is unknown, possibly infrared.[1]

Droneshave energy signatures,[2]so an energy signature is not the same thing as aresonant spark signature.



Beast Warscartoon continuity

Beast Warscartoon

TheMaximalsandPredaconsemitted different energy signatures. When the Predacons were setting up the defences around theDarksyde,Megatronprogrammed atarget boxto emit a Maximal energy signature for theautogunsto target.Power Surge

Blackarachniadevelopedsignal dampenerswhich the Predacons used to hide themselves after faking their deaths.Victory

Beast Machines

All theMaximals' energy signatures were undetectable by the Vehicon drones when the Maximals were inbeast mode.The signatures became detectable again whenever the Maximals were inrobot mode.Mercenary Pursuits


Optimuswas unable to detectElita-1's energy signature when she was mutated into ahalf-organicbeing. This led him andSentinelto believe that she was killed, causing a falling out between the pair.Along Came a Spider

During their first battle onEarth,Prime was able to detectProwl'senergy signature when the latter was consumed by a nano-machine-enhanced bug but noted that Prowl's signature was weak.Transform and Roll Out

Shortly beforeMegatronwas revived, Prowl reported the detection of an increase in Decepticon signals in theDetroitarea.Megatron Rising - Part 1After the shattering of theAllSpark,the Decepticons forced the capturedIsaac Sumdacto develop signal dampening technology that would allow their forces (alltwoofthem) to move about undetected outside of their makeshift base. Sustained by an AllSpark fragment,Starscreamfound that he no longer emitted an energy signature, allowing him to move about covertly.Mission Accomplished

When Megatron took control ofOmega Supreme's body, the Autobots evaded him by driving into a body of water, the Decepticon leader frustratingly noting that the moisture was interfering with the Autobots' energy signatures.TransWarped

Upon his rescue by the Autobots, Professor Sumdac developed the technology to counter the dampeners, allowing the Autobots to once again track Decepticon energy signatures.Three's a Crowd

Aligned continuity family


The Autobots were able to track their foes' life signals,Convoyan ability that the Decepticons lacked. When shielded, a Cybertronian's life signal could not be located.Prey

OnEarth,Ratchethad the ability to trackTeam Prime's life signals, recording the extinguishing ofCliffjumper's.Darkness Rising, Part 1When Cliffjumper was later revived byDark Energon,his life signal reactivated.Darkness Rising, Part 2WhenBreakdown's corpse was fashioned into a mobile life support suit forCylas,his life signal reactivated, though corrupted.The Human Factor

Following the end of theGreat Warand the revival of Cybertron,StarscreamandShockwavedisappeared. In possession of theNemesis,the Autobots tried to track to their life signals to no avail,Arceesuspecting that Shockwave had developed a method of masking them. WhenUnicronpossessedMegatron's body to invade Cybertron, the Autobots were able to track him through Megatron's reanimated life signal.Predacons Rising

2015Robots in Disguisecartoon

As part of the Autobots' plan to retake theAlchemor,Grimlockwas fitted to emit a Decepticon life signal.Decepticon Island (Part 1)

WhenSteeljaw's pack was sent back to Earth to eliminate theBee Team,the lupine Decepticon tried to track the Autobots' energy signatures following the attack on theVintage Salvage Depot for the Discriminating Nostalgistonly to find that the Autobots had masked their signals.ExilesWhen the Bee Team flew back toCybertronaboardPrime Force One,Fixitpicked up an additional energy signature on the ship, Steeljaw taking the chance to make his dramatic entrance.Enemy of My Enemy

2005 IDW continuity

TheDecepticon Justice Divisionused energy signatures to track down those unfortunates whose names were onThe List.After dispatchingBlack Shadow,they tracedFulcrum's energy signature to the planetClemency.Rules of DisengagementFollowing Fulcrum's apparent suicide,KaondetectedOverlord's energy signature nearby and the D.J.D. set off in pursuit.Who's Afraid of the DJD?

The beast modes of theChimeraconswere able to mask their energy signatures.Sins of the Wreckers #2

War for CybertronTrilogy cartoon

Full access to theGolden Diskcould only be gained throughMegatron's energon signature.Kingdom episode 4Using a sample of Megatron'senergon,Blackarachniamanaged to engineer a workaround.Kingdom episode 5


  1. In theBeast Warsepisode "Coming of the Fuzors",thePredaconsecurity system identifiesDinobot's"Maximal infrared signature." It's unclear whether this is the same as an energy signature or the computer was simply programmed to recognize the infrared "fingerprint" of every known Maximal.
  2. Cheetorused ascrambled field generatorto disguise the energy signature of a drone as that of a Maximal in "Sparkwar Pt. III: The Siege".
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