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Extra-Terrestrial Response Division

From Transformers Wiki

The Extra-Terrestrial Response Division is a government agency from theArmadaportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
Pronounced erh-ted.

TheExtra-Terrestrial Response Division,abbreviated asERTD(No, we don't understand how that acronym works, either.),is a government agency tasked with investigating alien technology.

Existing since at least the late 1950s, the ERTD is based out ofArea 54,and has mainly concerned itself with investigatingMini-Cons.

Known members of ERTD include:



In1959,the ERTD took custody of a fragment of theMini-Con shipdiscovered inLas Vegas,including the three Mini-Cons from theLand Military Team.Usinginhibitor clamps,they shut down the Mini-Cons' higher brain functions and turned them into weapons. The ERTD showcased the robots to a general, but they proved to be more powerful than first believed, and further analysis was deemed necessary. A few hours later, the Land Military Team escaped from Area 54, but the ERTD quickly recaptured them.Blast From the Past!

In 2003, the ERTD successfully captured theAir Defence Teamwhen they tried to break into aNASAfacility. Unfortunately, they overestimated the effectiveness of their "scramblers", and the Mini-Cons escaped shortly after being brought to Area 54.'We are Not Alone!'

The ERTD was subsequently shut down by their military liaison. Quint, disgruntled after having spent years in the organization, decided to at least get some money out of it by auctioning the Land Military Team off to outside agencies. His plan failed when theAutobotsliberated the three Mini-Cons.Sale of the Century!

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