Fossil chamber
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Miles below the surface ofCybertron,deep within the planet's innermost caves and catacombs, lies thefossil chamber.The last remnant of Cybertron's original, organic ecosystem, the chamber contains the fossilized remains of animals that once roamed the surface of ancient Cybertron, long before the coming of theTransformersthat would ultimately drive them to extinction.
Beast Machinescartoon
While fleeingMegatron's conquest of Cybertron, the youngMaximalNightscreamfled underground. Disoriented, he fell into a pitForbidden Fruitand ended up in the fossil chamber. His internalDNA scannersfound DNA within a nearby skeleton, and reformatted Nightscream into a prehistoric bat-like creature.SurvivorHe retained no memory of the event, later having no idea how he had become a bat.Forbidden Fruit
Some time later, Nightscream andOptimus Primalchanced upon the chamber while fleeing fromVehicons.Nightscream realized that the cave was full of fossils, and Optimus correctly intuited that Cybertron must have once possessed an organic ecosystem.SurvivorThe Maximals set up a new base of operations within the chamber. While trying to irrigate some seeds they had found, they managed to tap into Cybertron'sorganic core,causing trees to emerge from theorganic goopthey had unearthed. WhenTankorattacked, he temporarily turned the plants intotechnomatterwith theKey to Vector Sigma,but the process was ultimately undone when the Maximals hijacked aMole Droneand used it to drill down to the organic core to produce more goop to heal the chamber's orchard.The KeyAfterward, the orchard was tended to by an automaton that supplied the trees with organic goop, while the Maximals held a funeral in the chamber forRhinox—whosesparkinhabited Tankor's body, and who was presumed to have perished when Tankor faked his death in his previous attack on the orchard.The Catalyst
After Tankor's previous attack and "demise" within the chamber were relayed to Megatron by hisDiagnostic Drone—whom Tankor was secretly controlling—the Drone informed Megatron of the potency of the Key to Vector Sigma's power over organic matter, and used a short sample video of the key being used on the fossil chamber's orchard to illustrate the key's potential. Later, after discovering the existence of a catalyst program,Rattrapuploaded it into the orchard's automaton, spurring the entire orchard to grow wildly out of control throughout the chamber. The Maximals fought off the vines until Rattrap neutralized the chemical reaction. Once they had chopped up and cleared away the excess overgrown trees,Cheetorhatched a plan to use the catalyst to weaponize a giant vine and rescue the then-in-perilBlackarachnia.However, this plan nearly jeopardized the safety of the fossil chamber, its orchard, and Cybertron's organic core when the giant vine was zapped into technomatter by the Vehicons' Key program. Thankfully, Optimus Primal had returned to the chamber ahead of the others and was able to sever the vine's connection to the chamber's floor just in time.The Catalyst
Optimus was meditating in the chamber when he received a false vision from the Oracle that had been crafted by Tankor. Shortly thereafter, Cheetor and Rattrap returned from a mission to inform the others of Megatron's plans regarding the Key to Vector Sigma, with Rattrap showing a hologram of the key's power being used on the fossil chamber's orchard. Determined to stop Megatron once and for all, Optimus led the others from the fossil chamber to thePlasma Energy Chamber,whose power he later ended up using against Megatron.End of the LineAfter Optimus realized the error of his judgement, and that his true mission was to create atechnorganicbalance on Cybertron, a newtechnorganic orchardwas established in theOracle's chamber.Fallout
The Maximals continued to use the fossil chamber as their home base for a little longer. When Optimus and Rattrap got the idea of making something to restore the missing Cybertronians'sparksinto their robotic bodies, Rattrap set about building such a device at a workstation that had been set up within a corner of the fossil chamber. When Blackarachnia interrupted his work, he explained to her that the device had been cobbled together from aspark extractorand a DNA Scanner. Optimus and Cheetor entered the chamber to ask about a recon mission that Nightscream was conducting, but he hadn't been heard from in threemega-cycles.Suspecting Vehicon activity, the Maximals left the chamber to investigate, with Blackarachnia secretly taking the device from Rattrap's workstation.
Up on Cybertron's surface, the Maximals engaged with theVehicon GeneralsThrustandJetstorm.During the battle, Blackarachnia slipped Rattrap's device onto Jetstorm's back and lured him deep underground into a cavern adjacent to the fossil chamber. Once there, she trapped him in a puddle of the organic core liquid and activated the device, painfully and unwillingly reformatting Jetstorm into a technorganic condor, scanned from the DNA of a nearby fossil. When the process finished, he emerged as the MaximalSilverbolt.Horrified by his new appearance, Silverbolt fled from the cavern, leaving a confused Blackarachnia behind.In Darkest KnightEventually, the Maximals relocated into the Oracle's chamber to safeguard its technorganic orchard and use it as their new base.Home Soil
Although the fossil chamber had been abandoned, it was not forgotten. When Megatron launched his final assault on the Maximals, he sent a swarm of Mole Drones to destroy the technorganic orchard in the Oracle's chamber. During this attack, a few Moles broke from the group to also attack the fossil chamber. Nightscream did his best to defend the cave, but ultimately fell when his spark was extracted, leaving the chamber and all of its fossils defenseless.Endgame Pt. II: When Legends FallIts fate was never disclosed after the planet underwent itstechnorganic reformatting.Endgame Pt. III: Seeds of the Future
- The fossil chamber was only named as such once, by Nightscream, in "Endgame Pt. II: When Legends Fall".