Galvatron's Revenge
From Transformers Wiki
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![]() "Say ARRRRRRRGH!" | ||||||
"Galvatron's Revenge" (Gyakushū! Devil Gigatron) "Counterattack! Devil Gigatron" | ||||||
Production company | TV Tokyo,NAS,Studio Gallop | |||||
Airdate | 20 December2000(Japanese) March 16,2002(English) | |||||
Written by | Junki Takegami(Japanese) Richard Epcar(English) | |||||
Director | Akira Katō | |||||
Animation studio | Studio Gallop |
Galvatron still lives
Optimus Prime calls retreat
Here come cyber-bats
Contents |
Followinglast episode's battle,Galvatronlies fallen atFortress Maximus's feet. The Autobots are jubilant, butOmega Primeis cautious, and rightly so asT-AIsoon reports that she's detecting faint energy signals in Galvatron. Galvatron rises once more, and begins drawing energy from Fortress Maximus. TheAutobot Brotherstry to attack the Decepticon leader, but are prevented byScourgeandRuination.TheBuild Teammerge intoLandfilland joinRail Racerin battling the Decepticons, while Omega Prime confronts Galvatron.
Galvatron responds by unleashing a cloud of smoke, which blinds the Autobots, and sends forth a swarm ofcyber-bats.T-AI's warning toKojiis too late, as a cyber-bat attaches to the boy's forehead and he becomes mesmerised. Galvatron gloats to Omega Prime that he now controls the fate of all Earth's children.
Doctor Onishifind Koji and contacts Omega Prime to let him know he's working on a way to disable the cyber-bats. Prime says he's unfortunately going to have to call a tactical retreat—the rest of the Autobots think they should stand and fight, but Prime tells them that they need a water-tight plan before proceeding, and the group departs via theGlobal space bridge.
Galvatron switches to his griffin mode and, blasting open the portal to the space bridge, sends the Decepticons in. Sky-Byte tags along, anxious to please his leader. They swiftly catch up with the Autobots, who clumsily assemble and engage them in battle. Outside the tunnel, Galvatron happily announces that he'll be able to get rid of both the Autobots and the traitorous Decepticons at the same time by rupturing the wall of the tunnel and flooding it with lava.Ultra Magnusis on hand to attempt to stop the overlord, but is ultimately unsuccessful. Galvatron contacts his Decepticon troops to bid them goodbye as molten lava begins flooding into the tunnel. On the up-side, Galvatron no longer needs Earth's children and recalls the cyber-bats.
AsOptimusfloats in the lava, he hears Koji's words pleading that he not give up, and Galvatron is shocked to see the Autobots burst from the ground. His shock doesn't last long, and Galvatron boasts that the Autobots will never be able to beat him. He takes in the returning cyber-bats and the Autobots soon find themselves being pulled helplessly into the air...
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Predacons | Humans |
"That was pretty awesome, don't you think? I doubt we'll ever have to worry about Galvatron ever again."
- —Wedgeis an idiot.
"Sorry to interrupt your ego-maniacal rant, but I think it's time you and I had a little one-on-one."
- —Omega Primeisn't sorry at all, really.
"I guess nobody told them second-hand smoke can be extremely hazardous to your health."
- —Listen toSky-Byte,kids.
"Oh, wow. This doesn't look good."
- —Kojion the city-sized flock of cyber-bats descending upon him. Doesn't miss a trick, that boy.
"What kind of fiendish monster are you... to do this to innocent children!"
- —Omega Primeis somehow surprised at the depths Galvatron will sink to.
"Don't melt us all, Galvatron! I'm not a traitor, I'm your humble servant! Don't you remember?"
"Sky-Byte, I didn't order you in there, I'm afraid you're on your own."
"What?! Oh, thanks a lot! This is what I get for trying to help the guy."
- —Sky-Byteis somehow surprised thatGalvatrondoesn't care about him.
"Galvatron's new power has made him unbeatable. He's found a way to disable the Autobots so that they can't fight him. Without their help, the Earth will be doomed! Please, Optimus, don't let him win. We all need you. The Earth needs you!"
- —Kojisets the stage forthe epic finale.No pressure, Optimus...
Differences withCar Robots
- Car Robotsbegins with a repeat of the final moments of the previous episode, with some new footage of Sky-Byte and Scourge reacting to Galvatron's defeat.Robots in Disguisereworks this into a "previously on Transformers" segment (even though the Sky-Byte and Scourge stuff wasn't in the previous episode), adding footage of Maximus emerging and Cerebros combining with him to the start to give the scene context.Car Robotsputs its title card between the end of this segment and the Autobots celebrating the victorious Maximus, whileRobots in Disguisedissolves between the two.
- Before T-AI warns the Autobots that Galvatron is down but not out,Car Robotsincludes a pan of the city to shift the scene to the Autobot base for her announcement. As the city is in ruins after the events of last episode, post-9/11 concerns seeRobots in Disguisedelete this shot (pictured).
- InCar Robots,Galvatron specifies that he has not yet siphoned all of Fortress Maximus's energy, only that healmosthas. Though Galvatron is not as clear on the matter inRobots in Disguise,he does behave as though he has successfully takenallof Fortress Maximus's power in the dub.
- As Omega Prime flies after Galvatron,Car Robotshas the Decepticon leader spin around in amusement when Omega thinks he is trying to run away, and proceed to talk about how he is now poised to conquer the universe, with his next action serving as the fortification of his groundwork.Robots in Disguisefiddles with this bit, as Omega calls Galvatron "deluded", and he spins around (still in amusement) to declare that he is now state-of-the-art, far beyond Omega, and represents thefutureof the universe.
- After the cyber-bats latch onto the kids, Galvatron's speech inRobots in Disguiseis a collection of general evil aphorisms and more talk about Omega Prime being antiquated. InCar Robots,he's more specifically talking about how the way to control a planet is to control its future, and that the children are Earth's future, as they have the power to control Brave Maximus.
- Doctor Onishi's call to Omega Prime is a generally hopeful one inRobots in Disguise,as he talks about how he will try to study the cyber-bats and find a solution, while inCar Robots,he's pretty hopeless, and is basically calling Prime to tell him there's nothing he can do, and to actively warn him off from fighting the Decepticons because "humans only have one life." His statement inCar Robotsabout how removing the bats from the children's foreheads without a physician could be fatal is also slightly softened inRobots in Disguiseto instead say that removing them could cause "severe brain damage".
- After Omega orders the Autobots into the space bridge,Car Robotsgoes to commercial break.Robots in Disguisedoesn't, so to link the two halves of the show together, it slots in a piece of footage from another episodes of the Build Team and Autobots Brothers running into the space bridge (see "Continuity errors", below).
- Robots in Disguiseshortens Sky-Byte's angry reaction to Scourge being sent into the space bridge after the Autobots by a fraction of a second.
- The snooping Ultra Magnus's only reaction to Galvatron's plotting is two seconds of stoic silence inCar Robots,butRobots in Disguisereplaces this pensive footage with some fromanother episodeof Magnus talking forfourseconds, and gives him a few lines about how he must save the Autobots.
- Robots in Disguiseextends the fight scene in the space bridge by repeating the shots of Scourge's Barrage Attack and Optimus's Pulse Cannon.
- Car Robotsuses only a very faint blurring effect to transition into and out of Galvatron's "dream sequence" of Optimus Prime being submerged in lava;Robots in Disguisedoesn't alter the transition in, but goes for a full-screen white-haze effect to transition out and make it clearer that it was just Galvatron's imagination.
- When Galvatron lands after blasting Magnus, inCar Robots,he is bidding farewell to Optimus Prime with a short soliloquy.Robots in Disguiseextends the scene of him talking so it can change his dialogue into an address to Ultra Magnus, telling him he'll finish him off after he disposes of the other Autobots.
- Robots in Disguiseextends the second scene of the battle in the space bridge by repeating the footage of Sky-Byte launching his Shark Missiles.
- When T-AI describes what Galvatron is doing,Car Robotsexplains merely that he is "guiding" the lava with his "evil power".Robots in Disguiseadjusts this to provide a vaguely technical explanation about collapsing the barrier between the lava and the bridge.
- When Optimus Prime sees Koji's face as he sinks in the lava, inCar Robots,it's presented (somehow) as a live image, and he feels/hears Koji calling out to him and, knowing that the boy and the other children are safe, rallies himself. InRobots in Disguise,it's reworked into being a memory that gives Prime strength.
- When Galvatron transforms into his final form (see "Errors" and "Trivia", below),Car Robotssees him note that he has gained "the ability to attain the entire universe" in addition to the power of Maximus he drained earlier. That'll be explored more next episode; inRobots in Disguise,he talks only about the power of Maximus, and tells Optimus that the Autobot leader only has himself to blame for leading Galvatron to the giant in the first place.
- Robots in Disguiseslightly extends Galvatron's conversation with Optimus, repeating close-up shots of both into the scene before Galvatron unleashes his power.
Animation and/or technical glitches
- Galvatron incorrectly calls both of the new forms he reveals this episode "Iron Mammoth", which is actually the name of his elephant mode seen in "Mistaken Identity".
Continuity errors
- In the preliminary recap of "Surprise Attack!",Omega Prime's line about the strength of Galvatron's command centre is spoken instead by Koji, who wasn't actually present.
- Skid-Z,Tow-Lineand theSpychangerswere all at the battle at the end of the last episode, but are mysteriously missing from this one.
- The Commandos are still in Ruination form at the beginning of the episode, yet form him again a short way in (though they do switch from "land" mode to "sky" mode).
- As the Autobots charge into the Global Space Bridge tunnel, the Build Team are suddenly in their individual forms, having been seen as Landfill moments earlier; the Autobot Brothers, meanwhile, appear in their normal colour schemes, despite being in Super Mode at all other points during the episode.
- Similarly, it is unclear when exactly Omega Prime breaks down into his constituent individual robots; it is Omega who orders the Autobots into the space bridge tunnel, but moments later we see Ultra Magnus hiding behind a rock eavesdropping on Galvatron, whilst only Optimus has entered the tunnel himself.
- For some unknown reason, Omega Prime has a different accent for the first 8 minutes of the episode before returning to his British one.
Continuity Notes
- Optimus Prime's battle mode makes a reappearance after a long absence.
Transformers references
- Once again, the term "Insecticon"is used as a term of derision, this time by Galvatron. It's enough to give a bug a complex,complex.
- Hightower finally gets his turn as Landfill's arms. By default it's usually Grimlock, and Heavy Load got his turn back in "Sky-Byte Saves the Day".
- It's odd that Galvatron still thinks of the Decepticons as treacherous when he went to all the trouble of reprogramming them at the start of "Surprise Attack!".
- The Autobots, it seems, are quite capable of being completely submerged in lava and coming off no worse for wear, which makes you wonder what they were all so worried about in "Volcano".Then again,notallTransformers are so lucky, so it's better to be safe than sorry... This isn't thelast timethat Transformers are shown to be able to withstand lava either.
- Galvatron's final two additional modes are revealed this episode. They don't get names inRobots in Disguise,because they're both incorrectly called "Iron Mammoth", but inCar Robots,the first is called the "Devil Nodon", and the second is called the "Devil Saurer", which is the subject of much fuss and awe as Galvatron's "final form", which you know is a big deal if you've ever watched any anime.
- Say, uh, if you hear that in theCar Robotsversion of this episode, Galvatron was actively draining the energies of the kids through his bats and that's why he got a power boost when he re-absorbed them, and that this was all cut out ofRobots in Disguise... he wasn't, and it wasn't. That's a misconception that's been kicking around since the show aired, and yeah, it's been part of this article in the past. Onward and upward!
Foreign localization
- Title:"La vendetta di Galvatron"(" Galvatron's revenge ")
- The Italian dub lacks the voice saying: "Previously onTransformers... "at the beginning.
- Sky-Byte's line: "I can't let that show-off get away with stealing all of the glory!" begins to be heard after he has already started to move his mouth.
- Title:"A Vingança de Galvatron"(" Galvatron's Revenge ")
Home video releases
2001 —Transformers: Car Robots— Vol. 10 (Pony Canyon) — Japanese audio only.
2005 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Three-Disc Box Set: Part 2 of 2 (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Season Two (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Ultimate Collection (Maximum Entertainment)