Gas Skunk
From Transformers Wiki
- Gas Skunk is aPredaconoriginally from theRobots in Disguise continuity family.
Gas Skunkis one of the Predacons under the command ofMegatronwho has come toEarthto rob it of energy and perform other evil deeds. He is most often seen with his fellow Pred stoogesDark ScreamandSlapper.He's the smartest of the trio—and while that doesn't take much, he actually is pretty clever. A Special Operations man,[1]he's a skilled inventor able to create new weapon technology when needed, and also has extensive knowledge of Cybertronian law and computer programming. But he's not as smart as he thinks he is: he tends to mangle large words he tries to use (and some not-so-large ones), and sometimes tends not tothinkabout whatever he's doing beyond the very-short-term. Plus, he's a bully and a craven coward at heart, and as soon as he's up against a show of force, that aspect of his personality comes screaming to the forefront while he goes screaming to the rear of the battlefield.
Gas Skunk and his fellow stooges are also pretty good at shifting blame for the trio's failures onto their commanderSky-Byte...though he definitely shares Sky-Byte's hatred of the newDecepticonforces, who are a real threat to their jobs!
In battle, his bicep-mounted "Left Laser" blaster and serrated tail can do impressive damage. In both modes he can also cough up huge, billowing clouds of foul-smelling smoke that blind and disorient opponents and can corrode structures. Unfortunately for Gas Skunk and his fellow Predacon stooges,Railspikediscovered that this gas is rather flammable.
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Cartoon continuity
2001Robots in Disguisecartoon
- Voice actor:Jerry DeCapua(English),Norio Imamura(Japanese),Oleg Kutsenko(Russian),Wan-gyeong Seong(Korean),Martín Soto(Latin American Spanish),Leonardo Serrano(Brazilian Portuguese)

Megatroninvited the Predacon trio to the battlefield in New York, where they fought over who was going to defeatOptimus Prime.When theAutobot Brothersarrived, Gas Skunk reflected on how a nice day can "turn into such a bummer" after feelingProwl's fusion flame.Doctor Onishiwas captured by Megatron, but the trio were seen off with a missile.Battle Protocol!
When the Predacons brought back a pile of small batteries to use as energy, Megatron was not impressed. He placed Sky-Byte in charge of them for a mission to retrieve an explosive device. The trio found the car and prepared to take it to Megatron, but Sky-Byte destroyed the car and took the bomb. The shark was himself intercepted by X-Brawn, who inadvertently activated the device, causing the three Predacons to flee. Back at base, they observed Sky-Byte trying to work out how to understand humans by reading their literature.An Explosive Situation
After Gas Skunk destroyed a freight train, he was mocked by Sky-Byte for being useless. Sky-Byte, on the other hand, was aiming to attack the highly advanced Linear RFG train. To that end, Slapper and Gas Skunk planted apulsar bombon a bridge ahead of the train, and found themselves fighting both theAutobot Brothersand Optimus Prime. Although they were eventually chased off, they succeed in destroying the bridge, forcing the Autobots to save the train.Bullet Train to the Rescue
After a failed attempt to steal a plutonium energy generator from a building, the Predacon trio tried again while the generator was being transported by truck. After chasing off the truck drivers, Slapper and Gas Skunk picked up the generator (and Dark Scream) and made off with it. They ended up on the beach where theSpychangersran rings around them. Sky-Byte turned up and managed to blast the Spychangers, allowing Slapper and Gas Skunk to spirit away the generator (lamenting that Sky-Byte never seemed to do the heavy lifting himself). Unfortunately when they got back to base, it turned out that the generator had been switched for a statue.Spychangers to the Rescue
Slapper and Gas Skunk worked on tapping some deep-sea power lines, though Gas Skunk was convinced Sky-Byte would take the credit for the victory. Sure enough, when the Autobots turned up to do battle, Sky-Byte was around to stick his fins in.The Hunt for Black PyramidTo distract the Autobots from Megatron's real plan, the Predacon trio attackedMetro Cityand keptTeam Bullet Trainbusy. Gas Skunk attempted to use his acid breath, which backfired whenRailspikeignited the acid and he ended up frying Slapper and Dark Scream.The Secret of the Ruins
AfterSide Burnwas captured by Megatron, Sky-Byte and the Predacon trio ended up guarding the Autobot. Gas Skunk took the opportunity to take out a few frustrations by kicking their captive. After the inevitable failure of the plan, Sky-Byte managed to deflect the blame onto Gas Skunk and Dark Scream and Megatron announced the pair would be punished severely.Sideburn's Obsession
The three Predacons investigated a laboratory pointed to by information extracted from Doctor Onishi and stole a disk. The disk contained information which the Predacons interpreted to indicate that a steam train was some sort of weapon and set about trying to steal the train. Gas Skunk's contribution was an ion beam weapon capable of disrupting electrical systems—it was extremely effective against the Autobots, but against "Grandpa", not so much. After it was successfully stolen, Slapper and Gas Skunk redirected the steam train via a secondary rail line towards Megatron.Secret Weapon: D-5
Gas Skunk's next invention was a combination tracker/bugging device which he slipped ontoMiragewhen the Spychangers foiled the theft of a ruby. The Predacons listened keenly as Mirage appeared to fall out with the other Autobots and convinced Megatron that they should let Mirage join them, although to Gas Skunk's annoyance, Sky-Byte managed to take the credit again. Unfortunately for them, the defection turned out to be a ruse anyway.Mirage's Betrayal
The Autobots entered the Great Race to locate one of their comrades who'd gone missing. The Predacon trio attempted to drop a rock-slide on the Autobot forces, and were taken aback when Optimus leapt from boulder to boulder to reach the cliff-top they were on. The trio swiftly fled.Skid Z's Choice
After spying new AutobotTow-Lineand his overzealousness in towing illegally parked vehicles, the Predacon trio captured the Autobot and set about trying to brainwash him. After Slapper's attempt failed, Gas Skunk recommended using a metronome... which also put Slapper to sleep. Eventually they managed to brainwash Tow-Line with a disc, and sat back while he began abducting Autobots from around the city. Unfortunately a malfunction meant Tow-Line dropped off the captives at the wrong location, and by the time the Predacons located him, Optimus Prime and Prowl had already cured him of the rogue programming.Tow-Line Goes Haywire
After Doctor Onishi revealed something about theCave of the Dragonto the Predacons, Gas Skunk saw a report on television about a statue transforming into a dragon (in reality a movie effect), which led them to try to find the cave. Sky-Byte and the Predacon trio found the Cave of the Dragon finally, and were frightened off by a ruse of the Autobots to make them believe that the transforming robot was hostile.The Ultimate Robot Warrior
Gas Skunk, Slapper, Night Scream and Sky-Byte faced off against the Spychangers once more on the beach. The battle ended with anall-too-familiarretreat on the Predacon's part.Hope for the Future
Not all of Doctor Onishi's information was unhelpful. The Predacons were sent toCastle PeakinAmerica,where they began digging and unearthed a crashed Autobot spaceship. After Megatron retrieved the sixprotoformsfrom inside it, the Predacons began scanning newvehicle modesfor the protoforms, creating the Decepticons.The DecepticonsUnfortunately this development left the Predacons as second-stringers to the new troops. Sky-Byte came up with the idea to disguise themselves to get the Decepticons and Autobots to destroy each other. With typical finesse all four of them picked Optimus Prime to dress up as, but the Decepticons and Autobots ended up fighting anyway.Commandos
Digging under the volcano onMontrose Island,the three Predacons were first assaulted by some bats, then chased by molten lava. They eventually reached the ocean, and were forced to dive when the lava followed them over the cliff.VolcanoOn a later mission, Sky-Byte had the trio attempt to draw Megatron's face in the ground to indicate a rendezvous point. They did get to fight X-Brawn though.Attack from Outer Space
Gas Skunk was next seen kneeling before Megatron as Sky-Byte made his apologies for his latest fumble, this time claiming that Scourge had betrayed the Predacon cause. Turns out, Scourge was only pretending to be a traitor as part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by Megatron.The Test
Roped into another of Sky-Byte's plans, Gas Skunk disguised himself as Prowl in another attempt to get the Decepticons and Autobots to fight. The plan did not go well, nor did the next plan, to let the Autobots know where the Decepticons were going to strike. Gas Skunk's retort to Slapper's assertion that it was worth it to see Sky-Byte "bark like a seal" was simply to tell him to get a life.The Fish Test
Sky-Byte and the three Predacons raided a diamond mine in Antarctica in order to lure the Autobots into a trap. TheBuild Teamturned up instead of the expected Autobot Brothers, but Sky-Byte took their leaderWedgecaptive. The Build Team tried to exchange him for a disk with a map of theGlobal Space Bridgeand, after a chase with a penguin, the Predacons obtained their prize. Unfortunately it turned out to just be a map of some sewers.Wedge's Short Fuse
Sucked into another of Sky-Byte's plans to attack theCGA Tower,the Predacon trio instead found themselves holding the building up after the shark had an abrupt change of plans and insisted everyone save the hostages. Much complaining ensued. In the end the tower was saved, but the Predacons realized they still hadn't gotten theO-PartsSky-Byte was after.Sky-Byte Saves the Day
The Predacon trio were put in charge of guarding the Autobot Brothers after their capture. They didn't last very long when the newly arrivedUltra Magnuscame to the Autobots' rescue.The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus
Hiding in some bushes, the Predacons observed the failure of one ofScourge's plans and observed that he was still Megatron's favourite. They attempted to join the battle only to flee when Optimus and Ultra Magnus merged to becomeOmega Prime.Power to Burn!
The Predacon trio accompanied Megatron and the Decepticons to theSaharato recover theOrb of Sigma.Their main contribution was to attempt to flee when the cavern in which the Orb was located began to collapse, and subsequently became buried under rubble. They were able to dig themselves out, only to find their energy being drained by a mysterious force.Peril from the PastThis didn't seem to slow them down, as they were hanging out with Sky-Byte again soon after the Autobots foundCerebros,and were able to snatch the 'bot while the Decepticons kept the Autobots busy. Although they turned up to the battle in Metro City to claimFortress Maximus,their contribution to the fight was minimal.Maximus Emerges
With the Decepticons' treachery taking them out of favor with Galvatron (as Megatron had become), the Predacons found themselves moving up in the hierarchy finally. They took part in the attack on the Autobot base, and were lured into a trap by Optimus Prime. The trio wisely took shelter once theMegastarturned up to add its fire-power to the fight, but the battle station was soon destroyed by Fortress Maximus.Surprise Attack!They continued to contribute little to the ongoing battle, and ended up following Sky-Byte into the space bridge when he and the Decepticons pursued the retreating Autobots in. Thus they were subsequently also trapped when Galvatron flooded the tunnel with molten lava.Galvatron's RevengeFortunately for them, they survived and went on to face the Autobots again (and were swiftly trampled into the dirt).
After the defeat of Galvatron and his Decepticons, Slapper, Gas Skunk and Dark Scream were rounded up and shipped off to an asteroid prison colony on board Fortress Maximus. As all the other villains argued and shrieked vengeance from within theirPhantom Zone-like prison cells, the Predacon trio lamented that Sky-Byte had been left stranded on Earth; a fate they considered worse than incarceration.The Final Battle
DreamwaveRobots in Disguisecomic
Gas Skunk and the Predacons went looking to acquire an experimental nuclear generator under the bickering leadership of Scourge and Sky-Byte. Their efforts were interrupted first by Optimus Prime, then by Ultra Magnus who sent Gas Skunk flying. After a brief exchange of blows, Scourge halted the fight by threatening the nearby human workers. Sky-Byte wasn't in favor of killing innocent humans, though, and he sent Slapper and Gas Skunk to get in Scourge's way at a critical moment. The humans were saved, the Decepticons were left beaten and empty-handed, and the Predacons were able to return to Megatron with the generator in tow. All was right with the world.Ultra the Rescue?
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Unite Warriors
While in the process of reformatting theCommandosback to their original programming, the Autobots of the post-Cybertron Allianceera explained how they were corrupted by Gigatron and his Predacons.Ruination Chapter, Part One
When Gigatron and Sky-Byte ended their evil ways and joined theDimensional Patrol,Dark Scream, Gas Skunk and Slapper were released from prison and followed suit. As part of the Patrol, they helped defend theLegends Worldfrom aZamojinarmy and rather enjoyed being heroes.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One
Regeneration One
As theDark Matrixcreature torturedCircuit Smasherwith visions of hisdead fatherinZero Space,cracks began to appear in the membrane of infinite worlds. Gas Skunk could be seen through one alongsideLeobreaker,Jetstorm,Blackarachnia,andStarscream.The War to End All Wars, Part 5
Shell Game continuity
InViron 704.31 Epsilon,Sky-Byte rescued Gas Skunk, Dark Scream, and Slapper from having to serve the megalomaniacalMegazarak.They later came to the aid ofDefensorduring the last Autobot's final battle with Megazarak.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30
Legends World
Gas Skunk worked at a "little brother cafe" and was there when the manager,Starscream,explained to another worker, who wasanother Starscream,just what kind of cafe they were.LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue
Beast Wars: Uprising
Gas Skunk was a member of theFirst Church of Primus,attending the congregation inDodecahexheld bySunstorm.Left alone by theResistanceafter their conquest of the city-state, the Church had no such protection from theVehicons' counter-strike. Gas Skunk presumably escaped with other members of the congregation through the basement tunnels while Sunstorm ignited his reactor to cover their escape.Derailment
Robots in Disguise(2001)
- Gaskunk(Basic,2000)
- ID number:D-002
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy),Masakatsu Saito(concept artist)
- Released in the first wave of Takara'sCar Robotsproduct, Gaskunk is arepaintof theBeast WarsTransmetal 2Basic ClassMaximalStinkbomb(they use the same base plastic colors), transforming into a techno-organic monstrous skunk. His tail features a separate swinging scissor-blade at the tip. The hinged lower tail blade is installed upside-down compared to Stinkbomb's. He has a hiddenspark crystalin his right rear leg inbeast mode(left bicep inrobot mode) revealed by a simple flip-up panel. His other leg/arm also has a flip-up panel, but there's nothing special under that one.
- This mold was likely supposed to be used for the unreleasedBeast MachinesSpiketailtoy.
- Dark Scream / Gas Skunk / Slapper(Mega Class 3-pack,2001)
- For hisHasbrorelease, Gas Skunk was only made available in a Mega-sized 3-pack withDark ScreamandSlapper.This set was released in the first wave ofRobots in DisguiseMegas.
- Gas Skunk has the mildest of differences from the Takara release of the three Predacons in the pack: the yellow paint on Gas Skunk's back isslightlydarker than on Gaskunk, and the translucent plastic of his spark crystal has a more clouded appearance.
- In the Japanese version, Gas Skunk speaks in effeminate Japanese. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
- According to theCar Robotstoy catalog,Dark Scream,Gas Skunk, andSlappermake up a subgroup known as the "3 Metal Beast Brothers" (メタルビースト3 huynh đệMetaru Bīsuto San Kyōdai). Apparently,Takara's intent was to have them parallel the "3 Car Robo Brothers" (asProwl,Side Burn,andX-Brawnwere called in Japan), but this subgroup name was never used in the show's Japanese version, nor was any familial relationship implied between the three.
- On the (now defunct)Fox Kidswebsite was a bio for Slapper that referred to his, Gas Skunk's, and Dark Scream's three-member team as the "Predacon Field Squadron".[2]This bio (like the others from that site) was derived from a longer bio for Slapper given in theproduction biblefor theRobots in DisguiseEnglish dub. While Gas Skunk's own production bible bio did not specify his numerical member status in the group, Dark Scream was described as the second member and Slapper the third, making Gas Skunk the first member by process of elimination.[3]However, this team name was never used in the show itself.
- In "Wedge's Short Fuse",Gas Skunk reveals that the diamond is hisbirthstone(which should mean he was "born" inApril;how this works for Cybertronians isn't entirely clear).
Foreign names
- Japanese:Gaskunk(ガスカンクGasukanku)
- Russian:Skuns(Скунс, "Skunk" )