Grand Imperium
From Transformers Wiki
TheGrand Imperiumis a site on the planetCybertronthat served as the seat of the CybertronianSenate.Within its chambers, the Senators debated planetary policy and a statue ofPrimais situated here where an inscription reads"Freedom is the right of allcivilizedbeings ",which tells you everything.
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2005 IDW continuity
Following the assassination ofNominus Prime,the 113th Cybertronian Senate convened in a private session at the Grand Imperium in order to instigate aClampdownto better protect the populace.Sentinelwas at the scene where his position as Head of Security meant that he was charged with the mission of capturing the terrorists responsible for this vile deed. Security officerOrion Paxbroke into the Grand Imperium with the captiveWhirlin order to speak out against the corruption being faced by Cybertronian society. As a result, Sentinel Prime was ordered by the Senate to detain the intruder who was escorted out of the Grand Imperium.Chaos Theory Part 2
The Grand Imperium was destroyed byMegatronand hisDecepticonsafter the war broke out. The towering ruins would remain until Cybertron was reset to a primordial state, which erased the ruins from existence.The Death of Optimus Prime
Once the seat of theSenate,the Grand Imperium was ravaged by theGreat War.After theAllSparkhad been launched from Cybertron, the planet's condition began to deteriorate allowingOptimus Primeto realize his mistake in launching it. Following a battle with theSeekers,Bumblebeeand Optimus found themselves in the ruined Grand Imperium which Optimus used as a backdrop for Bumblebee in explaining the damage the war had caused to their once beautiful world.Matrix of Leadership
In2007,following the war's end, the Autobots based themselves in the Grand Imperium and began rebuilding it.Enemy Line
Foreign names
- Japanese:Grand Imperium(グランド・インぺリアムGurando Inperiamu)