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Great Adventure on the Planet of Games!

From Transformers Wiki

Transformers Go! Go!
Fan Book 2021 special
Go!Go! Fan Book 2021.jpg
"Great Adventure on the Planet of Games!"
ゲームの tinh で đại mạo 険!
(Game no Hoshi de Daibōken!)
Publisher Kodansha
Published in Transformers Fan Book 2021
First published July 28,2021
Cover date 2021
Manga Haruka Oda
Editor Minoko
Packaged with TV MagazineOptimus Prime (2021)
TV Magazine"Stealth" Bumblebee (2021)

The Autobots search a game planet for energon.



Optimus PrimeandBumblebeeinvestigate thePlanet of Gamesforenergon.After dealing with the antics of an energeticJazzand a hungryGrimlock,they witnessWheeljackrevealing his latest invention: a portal that will automatically take them to where the energon is. As expected from anything made by Wheeljack, the device immediately explodes upon activation. The charredAutobotsare found byElita One,who emphasizes that they need a coordinated plan. That's when Bumblebee spotsMegatronandStarscreamstanding atop a building, demanding the Autobots hand all their energon over. Refusing to do as the villains say, Optimus commands the Autobots toroll outagainst theDecepticons!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This comic was published in the 2021 edition ofTransformers Fan Bookand included no ads(!!!)
  • Presented as the centerpiece ofTV Magazine's annualTransformersthemed activity book and expanded from the usual three pages to a luxurious five, this story comprises something of a "baby's firstannual."
  • Despite apparently taking place on a "planet of games" which is also prominently featured in the title, at no point do any of the Transformers actually play any games.

Transformers references

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