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Halonix Maximus

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The name or term "Maximus" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMaximus (disambiguation).
Halonix Maximus is anAutobotfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Let me see your giant Autobot hologram.

Decepticonsscatter in fear at the merest sight ofHalonix Maximus.Towering over even the mightyDevastator,this incredible Autobot behemoth could surely shatter mountains and sunder the ground with his merest step. But he need not even take that step, need not set one foot upon the battlefield. The most meager of syllables uttered by his booming voice is enough to break the fighting spirit of the hardiest Decepticon and even put the fear ofPrimusintoMegatronhimself. such an extent that they won't bother to check whether he's actually there, and not just a product ofHound'shologrampowers.

Halonix is sometimes known by the diminutiveHaloand the call signGigantron.

"Nothing defeats the Devastator! Nothing!"
A hologram of Halonix Maximus introduces himself to Devastator,"Heavy Metal War"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

Voice actor:Peter Cullen(English),Tesshō Genda(Japanese),Jacques Ferrière(European French)

Believing that Megatron had legally defeatedOptimus Primein a one-on-one duel that forced them to leave the planet, the Autobots were compelled to ignore a battle raging outside theirheadquartersbetween theDinobotsand the Decepticons' newest warrior, the toweringcombinerDevastator. WhenTeletraan Irevealed that Megatron had cheated in the battle, however, the Autobots immediately sprang into action. Lacking the physical power to take down Devastator, they turned to trickery and had Hound project a hologram of a massive Autobot, bigger even than Devastator, which mocked the Decepticon's claim that nothing could defeat him. The horrified Decepticons were stunned by the sudden appearance of this giant Autobot, and Optimus Prime exploited the opening to blast Devastator in just the right spot, forcing theConstructiconsto disengage. The giant Autobot's purpose served, Hound shut off his hologram, and Megatron exploded with rage at the realization he had been tricked.Heavy Metal War

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.
Halonix Maximus Elite Guard.jpg

Halonix Maximus was an aristocrat among Cybertronian society. Possessing an extreme superiority complex, Halonix often refused to speak to anyone he considered his inferior.[1]Despite his kingly bearing, Halonix was a dedicated member of theAutobot Guard.He was part of theAdvanced Observation Unit,the only unit on constant active duty prior to the breakout of the war. WhenMagnumformed theAutobot Elite Guardafter the battle ofBeta-Nine,he recruited Halo and the AOU soldiers as officers and unit commanders.Sentinel Major'sWings of Honorprofile

Halo eventually became the leader of the Elite Guard'sArtillery Team,also sometimes referred to as the 116th. Presumably directed byPadlock,Halonix Maximus carpet bombed three ofMegatron's unfortunate warriors—Abacus,Datamine,andDeadbolt—as they bickered about their choice of allegiances. Back at Elite Guard Headquarters,Sentinel Majorquipped aboutBig Bang's new "call sign" for Halonix — "Gigantron" — saying that "He loves it." "He", of course, referring to Big Bang rather than Halonix.A Team Effort

Halo and his Artillery Team were present at Elite Guard headquarters to fend offDeathsaurus's forces when they laid siege to the complex.The Coming Storm: Part 5Even Halo's impressive stature was not enough to deal with the new Decepticon combination robot,Bruticus.He was destroyed alongside his fellow Guardsmen battling the treacherousCombaticonsand their united form.The Coming Storm: Part 6

2019 IDW continuity


Halonix Maximus was a powerful Cybertronian of great renown who lived during theAge of the Firstforged.His various feats included constructingCrystal CityalongsideSolomusandAlchemist Prime,A Dust of CrystalsfightingPreditronin the Cybertronian hinterlands,Tremors,battlingGaidoraand herturbofoxpack alongsideBig Bang,End of Timeand drilling into theGreat Lairof theturbofoxeswithZarak Maximusto saveSolomus.Zarak later betrayed his comrade and tried to kill him. Records of Halonix's deeds were among the knowledge contained within theMatrix of Leadership,while theSenatebuilding hosted a statue depicting his battle against Zarak.War World: Prime


  • Hound's hologram robot did not receive a name for its appearance inThe Transformerscartoon, but was designated "Giant Autobot" in the scripts and storyboards. The giant Autobot hologram was turned into a character and named decades later in theWings Universestories.
  • Despite then having only appeared once in fiction, the giant Autobot was immortalized insuper deformedglory as part of alarge illustrationof the entire cast of the cartoon, drawn byHidetsugu YoshiokaforPioneer'sLaserDiscrelease of the cartoon in Japan. That's him on the extreme right, looking very much like a last-minute addition to the image.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Giant(ジャイアントJaianto)


  1. From a set of Elite Guard character descriptions on the Club forums.
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