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Hammerbyte is anAutobotfrom theCyberversecontinuity family.
What could be greater than a king?

Hammerbyteis the perfect choice for a mission in an aquatic environment. Why wouldn't he be chosen? With dedication to his job and a shark mode that tears through the water, he is the ideal deep water Autobot.




Voice actor:Billy Bob Thompson(English),David Turba(German)

The Guardian of theArgon Sea,Hammerbyte travelled the gaseous expanse safeguarding those within and making sure that theDweller,a maliciousTitan,remainedstasis locked.After theQuintessoninvasion, the Dweller reactivated when one ofWindblade's psychic shards became lodged within him. Detecting this, Hammerbyte went to confront the Titan only to wind up enthralled by the monster and sent to collect Windblade's physical body fromIaconus.

Still controlled by the Dweller, Hammerbyte was forced to attack theAutobot shuttlethat had followed him, engagingBumblebeein a duel, the scout'sstingerfreeing him from the mind control. Knocked unconscious, Hammerbyte was strung up byChromia.After convincing Chromia that he had no memory or control of his actions under the Dweller's control, he guided her deeper into the Argon Sea to the Dweller's resting point where they found Bumblebee clambering into an access port.

When the ship touched down, Hammerbyte was doused in the hypnotic gas once again and, alongside the now possessed Bumblebee, was forced to attack Chromia once again. Chromia managed to turn Bumblebee's stinger on both her friends, freeing them. As the Dweller flooded the chamber with gas again, Chromia told Hammerbyte to grab Windblade, the group retreating back to the shuttle, only for the Dweller's tentacles to follow. Once they breached the surface of the sea, the group abandoned ship, leaving the craft to be dragged down by the Titan. Once on solid ground, Hammerbyte apologized for his Dweller-induced actions and returned Windblade's body to his new friends before he dived back beneath the gas, noting that his post was now much more difficult.Dweller In The Depths

WhenTarn's forces attacked, Hammerbyte was among the Autobots who gathered in the underworld to regroup, and later took part in the final battle against theDecepticon supersoldiers.The Perfect Decepticon



  • Action Attach:"Rip Thrash"
Part of the seventh wave ofCyberverseWarrior Class toys, Hammerbyte transforms from robot to mechanical hammerhead shark.
In robot mode, he features a "Rip Thrash" action attack, activated by pushing down on his left shoulder: the lower shark jaw in his chest (which isnothis beast mode's lower jaw!) snaps up as the upper shark head on his back swings up and over his robot head, making him a bitey shark-headed robot.
Unfortunately, Hammerbyte is known to have parts of their light-blue unpaintable plastic (mainly the torso and forearms)yellowingin an incredibly short amount of time or evenin the package.
Hammerbyte was released twice: First in 2020 under theBumblebee: Cyberverse Adventuressubline imprint,and then again in 2021 in the line's finalDinobots Unitepackaging refresh.

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