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- Heretech is aDecepticonorReversionistfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
In keeping with his name,Heretechadorns his head with a replica of theMatrix—a symbol of faith, peace, and goodwill that he definitely doesnotrepresent.
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2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance:More Than Meets The Eye#14(mentioned);#16(full)
Heretech was aPoint One Percenterselected byMegatronto be the leader of theWarriors Elite.To enhance his durability, he went through theununtrium-bonding process some time beforeOverlord.Remembrance Day
At theBattle for Hell's Point,Heretech led the Warriors Elite as they confrontedUltra Magnus,who was blocking the causal energy vent with his body. While Magnus responded to Heretech's list of the Autobots' poor situation by smirking—as he believed Megatron would never allow them to blast him off without checking with him first, since doing so would risk destroyingthe giant experimental warcruiser—Heretech simply raised Megatron's gun mode in response, and Ultra Magnus went bye-bye.The Gloaming
Heretech would later get on the bad side of theDecepticon Justice Division.He managed to hold them off by supercharging thestorm-shieldon hisWarworld,but his ship ran out of power after a few days of it. In the following struggle, he proved too be too much forKaon,but was captured byTesarusand presumably executed. Tesarus was commended for this byTarnin his performance review.The Permanent RevolutionThe Sun in Flight
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance:Transformers#10
Leader of theReversionistfaction,SenatorHeretech commanded enough influence to grant him a seat on the inner debates of the political body. During the last Senate meeting beforeSentinel Prime's return, Heretech called for harmony and unity amongCybertron's populace, annoyingMegatronwith his tendency to simply parrot old statements.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four
Disagreeing with the deceptive methods Sentinel Prime planned to use to shut down theAscenticonmovement, Heretech met with Megatron in private and gave him advance warning. He declared that the Reversionists would have no part in Sentinel's schemes and would be departing Cybertron entirely before further social unrest erupted.The Change In Your Nature Part FourHowever, his reason were not as noble as they appeared at first glance. He tricked his followers thatPrimushad promised them a world of their own, a promised land which they would "cleanse" of the squabbles of lesser factions. By which he meant Cybertron.
When theTetherwas collapsed, Heretech and the Reversionists took off in their ship, theExodus.On launch, they were surprised by the last minute arrival ofArcee,Greenlightand their menteeGauge.Almost immediately, Heretech had the twomentorsimprisoned, and Gauge's memory forcefully altered so that she would believe she hadalwaysbeen a loyal Reversionist.A Truth for a TruthIn the time that followed, Heretech led the Reversionists as the Plenary, styling himself as Primus' chosen voice, and that without his shining influence Cybertron had collapsed into anarchy and ruin. The Reversionists were taught that there was only one truth, and that truth was Heretech. But the devotion was one-way, Heretech having no time, patience or concern for his devotees. One day, after one devotion, Gauge approached too close to Heretech's throne, and he snarled at her for daring to approach his seat, unwittingly helping to fuel the little bot's crisis of faith.Gauging the Truth: Part OneThe next day, at devotion, Heretech made a grand announcement, the time of prophecy was upon them, and if they performed their duties correctly, they would ascend. Soon after, he announced they had arrived at their chosen planet, and by the next day would transform it into a paradise. In reality, the ship had simply circled back to Cybertron.A Truth for a Truth
Heretech's intended demand to those fighting on Cybertron was to join the Reversionist movement, or else he'd use theExodus'plasma engines to ignite a vein of naturally-occurringenergonunderneath the planet's surface. This would cause a massive explosion and "crucible" for those he would deem worthy to join them. Heretech decided to use Gauge to locate this energon vein and sent her on ahead to the surface as a test of her loyalty. Unfortunately for him, Gauge decided to instead break into a communications tower and send a broadcast warning those in the blast range of Heretech's plan. Enraged, Heretech went to the surface and Gauge's location himself, intent on killing her for her defiance. Cornering her in the comms center, he was confronted by the freed Arcee and Greenlight, who engaged him in combat to protect their mentee. Transforming to his drill mode, Heretech proved more than a match for the two, but Gauge used her own alt mode to quickly mine for some raw energon crystals. She chucked them at Heretech and Arcee shot them in midair, causing an explosion that took the fight out of the Reversionist leader. In the aftermath, the Reversionists cast Heretech out and elected anew Plenary,intent on carrying on their religion without him.Moment of Truth
- His name is an obvious play on the word "heretic". Note that his head has a very prominent religious symbol on it—specifically, a sacrilegiously inverted Matrix.[1]
- He transforms into a tunnel boring machine.[2]This alt mode was first glimpsed in the2019 IDW continuity,Heretech having never transformed in his very brief on-panel appearances in the2005 IDW continuity.