Huffer (Prime)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Huffer" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeHuffer (disambiguation). |
- Huffer is anAutobotfrom thePrimeportion of theAligned continuity family.
In the past,Hufferwas the crankiest and most pessimistic of the Autobots. But despite his poor attitude, he's strong, smart,andtalented. Nowadays, he has little to complain about because, as the Autobots' resident tech specialist, he's more into creating very complex tools to use on the battle field. He also works as a construction engineer, building structures that can easily take whatever the Decepticons and those nastyPredaconscan throw or breathe at.
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2015Robots in Disguisecartoon
Following the restoration of Cybertron from theGreat War,Huffer was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the newHigh Councilfor being a supporter ofOptimus Prime.Enemy of My Enemy
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark(3DS)
Huffer appears in theRise of the Dark Sparkgame for Nintendo 3DS as a support unit. Equipping him allows all Cybertron Autobots' Super Ability Energon costs to be reduced by half.
- Huffer(Cyberverse Commander Class, 2013)
- Part of the fourth wave ofPrime: Beast HuntersSeries 3CyberverseCommander Class toys, Huffer is aredecoofTrailcutter,who is himself aretoolof Series 2Ironhide.Transforming into a heavily-armored pickup truck with hood-mounted blasters (that end up on his shoulders in robot mode), he comes with a "Roadshark Missile Launcher" with a pressure-fired missile. The launcher can mount via3mm postonto his hood, trunk, doors/forearms, and hands.
- Afteryoucompleted a search ofShockwave'slaboratory in theBeast Huntersonline game,Hunt the Beasts,Ratchetuploaded data to your computer about members of the Autobots, including Huffer... who was mistakently depicted usingstock photographyofPower Core CombinersHuffer.