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Hun-Gurrr (Prime)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Hun-Gurrr" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeHun-Gurrr (disambiguation).
Hun-Gurrr is aPredaconfrom thePrimeportionof theAligned continuity family.
He can't believe his hunger.

Sure, he's strong. Sure, he's powerful. Sure, he's a leader to certain Predacons. You know what, though? ToHun-Gurrr,those things just aren't as important as a good meal.Shockwavegave him a second head in the hopes of making him smarter, and he succeeded...slightly,all while making Hun-Gurrrtwiceas voracious. Hey, at least theAutobotshave good reason to be twice as scared now, because they'd like him even less when he's twice as hungry.

He and several of his fellow Predacons combine to formAbominus.



Full of Fire!

Hun-Gurr[sic]joined five other Predacons in an attack on the Autobots. Unfortunately the Autobots had just built themselves new weapons, which proved to be more than effective against the Predacons. Hun-Gurr andBlightexperiencedBulkhead'sRhino Blade,and that was enough to send them packing. The Predacons were beaten into a retreat, and withdrew back to theNemesis.Full of Fire!


The Abominus quartet were at a carnival when they saw theJoesplaying a "ring the bell" strongman game. Obtaining the mallet, the team used their combined mode to ace the game, but hit the target so hard that the bell was fired into orbit.Carnival Face Off


He wants it so bad he can taste it.

Hunt the Beasts

Hun-Gurrr was one of several Predacons who broke free of Shockwave's lab, causing the Decepticon scientist to flee. Information on him could be found via the lab's numerous data terminals, and a video of him being subjected to Shockwave's experiments could be uncovered.Hunt the Beasts

Transformers Prime: Beast Creator

When Shockwave left his technology unattended,youcould use it to custom-create your own monstrous Predacon! Hun-Gurrr's CNA was accessible through the cloning machine, resulting in Predacons that shared component parts with him.Beast Creator

Bot Shots Battle Game!

It drives him mad to see it wasted.

Hun-Gurr was created by Shockwave. He participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself!Bot Shots Battle Game!



When he needs it so bad that it's burning him.
  • Hun-Gurrr(Cyberverse Legion Class, 2013)
    • Accessories:Dragontooth Saw
Part of the second wave ofPrime: Beast HuntersSeries 3CyberverseLegion Class toys, Hun-Gurrr transforms into a bipedal twin-headed dragon, and comes with a "Dragontooth Saw." His hands can hold the weapon via the latter's three3mm posts,and he and the weapon feature numerous 3mm mounting points.
Though not called out in theinstructions,Hun-Gurrr combines withCyberverseTwinstrike,Windrazor,Predacon Rippersnapper,andBlightto formAbominus,with Hun-Grrr forming the torso.
There was arunning changeto Hun-Gurrr during his production run. Early specimens couldn't fold the claws over all the way in both directions due to problems with the plastic tolerances. Later batches, including those released in international markets, had the problem fixed, now being able to fold over the claws all the way like they were intended to. All subsequent releases and redecos of the sculpt came with problem-free claws.
This figure wasrepurposedasthe original Hun-Gurrrin theLegendsgame event "Unleash the Beasts".Hun-Gurrr's saw accessory was also used, in varying colors, bySmokescreen,Soundwave,and theAir Vehicon.This toy wasredecoedintoGo!Dorara.

He's hungry.
  • Abominus(Giftset, 2013)
    • Accessories:Dragontooth Saw
Part of theBeast Hunters: Predacons Risingsubline imprint,Abominus is agiftsetofCyberverseHun-Gurrr,Windrazor,Predacon Rippersnapper,Twinstrike,andBlight,slightly redecoed by way of translucent plastic replacing a main color of each character, as well as translucent purple weapons. In Hun-Gurrr's case, the red plastic is now translucent; in addition, the gray plastic has become a tad darker, and thetampographedPredacon insignia on the right side of his chest has been changed to a color that offers almost no contrast to the red plastic, effectively rendering it invisible.
The back of thepackagingmistakenly switches their names, resulting in, among others, Hun-Gurr getting Twinstrike's name, and Windrazor getting Hun-Gurrr's.
This set was aTargetexclusivein theUnited StatesandCanada,aTescoexclusive in theUnited Kingdom,a Carrefour exclusive in France, a Ripley exclusive in Chile and aToys "R" Usexclusive in Australia much later, in late 2014. The packaging does not identify it as a Cyberverse product.


He'd do anything to get it, and feel no regret.
  • Abominus(Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
    • Set number:A4473
    • Accessories:Buildable axe
Hun-Gurrr inKreonform can be rebuilt from his robot mode into a two-headed dragon thing. He can also contribute his bricks to formAbominus.His helmet was originally used forSentinel Prime.
He was only available in the AbominusMicro-ChangerCombiner set, alongsideRippersnapper,Sinnertwin,andWindrazor.
Hun-Gurrr's helmet is shown as dark-red in promotional images, and purple when used as Abominus' helmet. The actual helmet that comes with the set is a light-gray color.

Bot Shots

Time is running out, and he ain't found it yet.
  • Hun-Gurrr Launcher(2013)
    • Series:2
    • Number:BL006
    • Accessories:Three targets
      • Fist strength:363
      • Blaster strength:470
      • Sword strength:777
Part of the third wave ofBot ShotsSeries 2 launchers, Flip Shot Hun-Gurrr is aredecoofTwinstrike,and transforms into a twin-headeddragonthing on wheels. An impact to the front of hisbeast modecauses him to flip up andautotransforminto a robot. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. He comes with a launcher used to propel him to great speeds, as well as three targets for him to knock over.
This mold was also used to makeHydrax.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


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