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Infiltration protocol

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The Decepticons underMegatron'scommand follow a strictinfiltration protocol—a carefully staged process of destabilizing and conquering inhabited planets. The staged conquest is highly secretive, with soldiers under strict orders not to break cover till late in process. Though brutal in its later phases, this tactic is still constrained by theCode of Interplanetary Conflict.Breaking protocol is extremely rare.

The Decepticon infiltration protocol has six phases:

  • Phase Onepresumably comprises the initial infiltration of a planet's society and gathering of intelligence.
  • Phase Twoinvolves the agitation of pre-existing conflicts and igniting "international hotspots". Frequently this is accomplished withfacsimiles—artificial duplicates of key members of the planet's native population, equipped to duplicate the original's actions, memories and personalities, but programmed to serve the Decepticons' interests. The goal is to get the natives to obliterate themselves, without the Decepticons' direct involvement.
    • On occasion, the Decepticons will encounter unusual resistance, and see fit to use a special protocol known asmirror response mode.Whether thismodus operandiis tied specifically to Phase Two is not known.
  • Phase Threeis not described. It presumably continues agitation of conflict, but may involve direct—albeit discreet—involvement of the Decepticons (such as dealing with people who suspect outside influences, etc.).
  • Phase Fouris not described. The Decepticons have presumably dropped cover to some extent by this point, possibly attacking the most destabilized areas of the planet directly.
  • Phase Fiveis not described, but it appears that the Decepticon presence is now known at this point.
    • A specialmodus operandiknown asSiege Modeis typically initiated during Phase Five. Military protection of assets appears to be the goal of Siege Mode, implying that the Autobots or the natives are now making efforts to stop the Decepticons through straightforward military force; a massive above-ground fortress (variously known as thesiege armatureorsiege mode armature) is typically installed on the planet and used as a base of operations. Secrecy is no longer a concern.
  • Phase Six,by all accounts, is pretty much the end of the world. Phase Six involves the invasion of destabilized planets on the brink of collapse and the elimination of any possible resistance. Three of the world-shatteringly powerful "Warriors Elite"were designatedPhase Sixersand specifically chosen for this task when the infiltration protocol was formulated:Sixshot,Black ShadowandOverlord,though it is not uncommon for Sixshot to begin operations at Phase Five. All, or at least the vast majority of Decepticons specialized in this phase have fail-safes installed in their systems, to prevent their firepower and tactical acumen from being used against Megatron himself.

There is a legendaryPhase Seventhat would commence once the war is complete—repopulation.[1]



2005 IDW continuity

During the early years of the war, onCaldoon 4,Overlordslaughtered a battalion of Autobots before making his way to a meeting which involvedMegatron,Sixshot,andBlack Shadow.It was here he was informed that Megatron had finalized his infiltration protocol and that the assembled Decepticons would be his "Phase Sixers";three extremely powerful warriors who would visit planets on the verge of collapse and wipe out any possible resistance. While Black Shadow and Sixshot merely declared" For the Decepticons ", Overlord was less pleased at the idea of simply being a weapon to point and shoot. When he asked what if he aspired for something more, Megatron informed him of two options; either do as he was told or refuse, in which case Megatron would hunt him down and rend him limb from limb.

Overlord was sobered by this ultimatum, but only momentarily. Overlord returned to the battle outside, and messily dispatched every Autobot save one. Overlord heldKup's limp form, shattered but alive, and told him to let Megatron know that he'd chosen option two. Overlord transformed and left the planet, remarking that he'd be waiting for his former leader when the time came to make good on his ultimatum.Last Stand of the Wreckers #2What hedidn'tknow was that Megatron had instructedShockwaveto infect him with anAchilles virus.He found out after leaving Caldoon 4, when he realized he had a "tactical blind spot" and couldn't figure out how to hurt Megatron like he could everyone else.Last Stand of the Wreckers #3

Pyro's team onHydrus 5successfully beat back the Decepticon infiltration unit, theTremorcons,that was on the brink of going to either Phase 4 or 5 (Pyro wasn't sure which). The planet suffered climate disruptions due to the weaponry used in the war and the Hydrusian temple was left smoldering, but Pyro considered that to be expected collateral damage.Bullets

Three years after the Decepticons began infiltratingEarth,the security of the Decepticons' Phase One protocol was breached when theMachinationagentStokerinfiltrated the Decepticons' bunker inNebraska.The Decepticons—acting underStarscream's local command—risked further revealing themselves by entering siege mode for the purpose of erasing evidence Stoker collected. They killed Stoker, then tried to retrieve hisSM-40computer fromVerity Carlo,who had stolen it. When they failed at that because of Autobot interference, they made do with destroying Stoker's mobile home,the businesswhere Verity hid out, and the bus Stoker traveled on.

Starscream's entering siege mode so early in the infiltration process led Megatron himself to come to Earth to put the Decepticons back in line. When he arrived, he discovered Starscream had further broken protocol by moving their base of operations from Nebraska. Megatron reasserted his authority by thrashingSkywarp,Blitzwing,and Starscream. He then moved the Decepticons up to Phase Two.Infiltration

The Decepticons initiated Phase Two operations by trying to spark a war between the Eastern European countries ofLatveriaandSymkaria.The operation was thwarted by an alliance of theAvengersand Autobots.New Avengers/Transformers

Bluestreakwas leading the Autobot counterforce onVaras Centraluswhen the Decepticons went to Phase Six. TheWreckerswere brought in to cause as much damage to the Decepticons as possible, even though the planet itself was likely a lost cause. The Wreckers were abruptly redeployed toCybertronto take care of a situation developing there.

Darkwing's unit onNebulosappeared to be in either Phase One or Two whenThunderwingattacked the planet.Stormbringer #2Darkwing considered letting Thunderwing do the work of devastating the world for them, but decided that Thunderwing might not leave much left over for the Decepticons to strip down. So his unit attacked. After failing miserably to stop Thunderwing, Darkwing andDreadwindabandoned the planet.Stormbringer #3

Megatron sent Skywarp in search of fragile governments inAfricathat could be toppled.Spotlight: RamjetThe Decepticons attempted to covertly start a war betweenSoviet UnionandBrasnya,one of their breakaway republics. The Autobots successfully contained hostilities. Meanwhile, the Decepticons replaced a likely candidate forPresident of the United States,SenatorAlexander Holt,with a facsimile.Escalation

This defeat caused Megatron to abandon the phase structure, and he called in Phase Six specialistSixshot.The rest of the Earth-based Decepticons thought he had lost it and plotted against him to restore regular protocols; they awakened Starscream. Sixshot caused mayhem by shooting down theArk-19Devastation #1Devastation #2and tracking down Earth-based Autobots.Optimus Primeand a group of his Autobots confronted him and engaged him in battle. Meanwhile, Senator Holt's facsimile replacement and afour-star general facsimilelost contact with the Decepticons when infiltration protocols were abandoned. Unaware of the disorder amongst the Decepticons, they decided to proceed on their own and continued withAlpha-Scenarioas planned.Devastation #3Optimus Prime ordered a general retreat to theArk-32viaorbital jump—effectively abandoning Earth.Devastation #4

A year or so later, Megatron effectively ordered the complete abandonment of the infiltration protocols for the entire Decepticon army, calling for anall-out assaulton all major Autobot outposts, including Earth.All Hail Megatron #1BulletsLast Stand of the Wreckers #1

After the war was over, the Decepticon comedian Skullcruncher lampshaded in his routine that seemingly no one knew exactly what Phases Three to Five entailed.Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots

Beast Wars: Uprising

The infiltration protocol was devised byShockwaveduring his tenure as Decepticon leader. The only known usage of it was on the planet Nebulos in the 21st century, where the Decepticon agentZarakmanaged to get the nations of Nebulos at one another's throats, up until humanity arrived, throwing everything into disarray.A Brush With Infamy–Prologue


  • The name and functions of the phases can be connected toSimon Furman's naming of the story arcs, although post-Devastationhis original plans were truncated/dropped due to IDW's switch toAll Hail Megatron.Thus, Phase One would be "Infiltration", Phase Two "Escalation", Phase Three "Devastation" and Phase Four is almost certainly "Revelation". The story arcRevelationwas cut back upon orders from IDW and included elements from what would have been Phase Five, "Expansion".


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