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From Transformers Wiki

Italy is the boot-shaped country, and perhaps the least inaccurate on this map.

Italy,formally theItalian Republic,is a WesternEuropeannation in the Mediterranean Sea. It's heavily involved in international bodies (includingNATO), is a democracy with a high standard of living, and has been responsible for many cultural movements and influences such as the Romans, the Renaissance, and opera. Its capital is the city ofRome.

At some point, someone will edit a joke about pasta, the mafia, or Super Mario Bros into this page.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformerscartoon

The transcontinentalEuropa 2000car race cut through Italy.Trans-Europe Express


The Decepticons destroyedEgg Rockin Italy and used the site to spring a trap onStar Saber,involving metal-eatingDoriya.The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!

Young Corgi continuity

In the near-future of 2000 AD, Italy and the rest of Western Europe is part of theFederation of Western Europe.Battle Beneath the Ice

Transformers/G.I. Joe

Italy was briefly conquered by the might ofCobraand their Decepticon allies in 1938.Transformers/G.I. Joe


Starscream'sAncient Decepticonarmy swarmed over the nation, spreading panic.Invasion

Live-action film series

IDWRevenge of the Fallencomics

UnderSoundwave'scommand,Fractureand her menGunbarrelandReverblanded in Italy. Fracture smashed into an Italian military base to find the others some suitable alt modes, then they destroyed the place.Alliance #3

They then proceeded to do... well, not much, cosNESTand the Autobots destroyed them all.Alliance #4Presumably this would make Italy a member of NEST.

The Veiled Threat

Starscreamand Italian criminalBruno Carreramade a deal, where Carrera would help to destroyOptimus Primein exchange for rulingEuropefor the Decepticons.

Under this plan,SwindleandDeadendbegin causing chaos on the streets of Rome to attract Autobot attention. After this was achieved, Starscream challenged Optimus to a battle in the Coliseum.... where Carrera had arranged a trap door and set of restrains for Prime, bwa ha ha! The Autobots would've been terminated in this ambush if not for the human allies in NEST.

Carrera would later find out Starscream wasveryunhappy...The Veiled Threat

2005 IDW continuity

Thundercrackerarranged a meeting betweenMarissa Fairebornandher fatheron the Italian island of Sicily.Dance Among the Shadows


  • Japanese moe idolLyriangrew up in Italy, which seems to explain her choice to name the twoTransformersshe designedAngelaandRosanna,rather than something more conventional for a Transformer.

External links

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