Laser blaster
From Transformers Wiki
Laser blastersare relatively common weapons amongst both theAutobotsandDecepticons.
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MarvelThe Transformerscomics
Crankcasewas armed with two high-impact laser blasters and adistortion modulator.Crankcase'sUniverseprofileInrobotand battle station modes, walking armoryFortress Maximuswas armed with dual laser blasters equipped with a heat-seeking target lock system.Fortress Maximus'sUniverseprofileOnceScourgehad located his target, he had many ways he can destroy them: dissolvingacid rays,disintegrator beams,and laser blasters.Scourge'sUniverseprofile
DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
Nightbeatwas armed with laser blasters invehicle mode.Nightbeat'sMore than Meets the EyeprofileDoubleheader's jet mode had twin laser blasters.Doubleheader'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile
The Transformers
- Scourge(Decepticon Jet,1986/1990)
- Accessories:disintegrator ray,laser blaster
- The TransformersScourgewields a blue blaster, which is referred to as a laser blaster by hisinstructionsandpackagingbio.
- Fortress Maximus(Headmaster Base,1987)
- Accessories:SpikeHeadmaster unit,Cerebroslarge Headmaster unit,Gasket,Grommet,photon rifle,dual laser blaster, Cerebros'smini-laser rifle,Cog's laser, radar scope,Master Sword(Japaneserelease only), Cerebros's sword (Japanese release only)
- According to hisinstructionsandpackagingbio,The TransformersFortress Maximuswas armed with a dual laser blaster. Thismoldwas also used to makeSuper-God MasterforceGrand Maximus,Car RobotsBrave Maximus,andRobotmasters"Cybertron Base".
- Crankcase(Triggercon,1988)
- Crankcasefeatured two blue guns that could deploy in both robot and vehicle modes, identified as laser blasters in his packaging bio.
- While Nightbeat'sDreamwaveMore than Meets the Eyeprofilereplaced his traditionalphoton pistolswith laser blasters, Crankcase'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile replaced his traditional laser blasters withlaser cannons.