Laserbeak (G1)/toys
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Laserbeaktakes part in Operation: Open Your Wallet.
The Transformers
Sure, Soundwave comes withthat other guy,but you know you want me.
- Accessories:Left & right "laser cannons"
- Known designers:Takashi Matsuda(TakaraTomy),Shinji Aramaki(concept artist)
- Originally aMicro Change"Micro Cassette Robo Condor",The TransformersLaserbeak transforms into a microcassette that can fit into the tape door of theSoundwaveandBlastertoys. He was released in a two-pack withFrenzyin Hasbro markets across 1984 and 1985; in the latter year, a heat-sensitiverubsignwas added to the figure's cassette-details side (seen at right).
- His chromed thruster-blaster add-ons have some very minor mold variations to them, largely dealing with the length and thickness of the gunbarrels, like several other earlyTransformerstoys... which we're frankly not going to try and catalog which later reissues have which versions becauseargh.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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- Laserbeak(Decepticon Cassette, 1985)
- Accessories:Left & right "laser cannons"
- Laserbeak was released byMilton Bradleyin Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain as an individually-packaged cassette, rather than in a two-pack. There are no notable differences with the actual toy between the Hasbro and Milton Bradley releases.
- Condor(Cassettron, 1985-1987)
- ID number:20(1985),D-60(1986),D-105(1987)
- Accessories:Left & right "laser cannons", tape case
- 1985 sawTakararelease the rubsign-having version of Laserbeak (AKA "Condor" ) in Japan, all on his lonesome. Some versions of the mold sported a thin horizontal ridge running parallel to his head/brow, unlike the regular flat head/brow release. Like all his cassette contemporaries, he was packaged in a small box, came with a clear tape case he could be "stored" in.
- He was re-released in Japan in 1986, this time on a blister card, with a new ID number and without his case. He was releasedagainin 1987, with his original packaging and case reinstated, with yet another ID number.
The Transformers Collection
- Soundwave(2003)
- ID number:10
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons, tape case
- The original Laserbeak toy was reissued for the first time as part of Takara'sTransformers Collectionseries, coming with a reissue of Soundwave. The set included the tape case from his original Japanese release, but featured noticeably lighter orange stickers in tape mode.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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Titanium Series
- Soundwave(6 "Cybertron Heroes)
- Known designers:Don Figueroa(concept artist)
- Among the smallest of all Transformers,TitaniumLaserbeak is a tiny 1 "wide rendition of his cassette form, though without the holes normally seen on tapes. Like the larger Soundwave figure he comes with, his design deviates somewhat from his original design, instead being black with red stripes. He also does not come with hisjet pack.His feet can clip onto molded tabs on the top of Soundwave's shoulders.

I remember that time whenSwindlewas a helicopter lol
- Laserbeak and Buzzsaw(BotCon souvenir set,2006)
- Accessories:Left and right Energon blades,Energon star
- Aredecoof theEnergonTerrorconDivebomb,Laserbeak transforms from a humanoid robot to a robotic bird of prey. He came with a pair of clear-blue blades that can combine to form a largeenergon weapon,plus a blue Decepticon-styleenergon chip.He was available only as a poly-bagged set with his mold-mate Buzzsaw, sold as an "at the show" souvenir set atBotCon 2006,limited to 500 pieces.
- This mold was also used to make the TerrorconShadowhawk Cosmo Type.
- Soundwave(Commemorative Edition,2007)
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons, tape cases
- Hasbro's first reissue of the original Laserbeak toy came packaged with Soundwave and "Battle" Ravage. The set was originally intended to be part of theirCommemorative Seriesof Generation 1 reissues, but when that line was cancelled, it was instead released as part of theClassicstoyline. The phrase "Commemorative Edition" is prominently displayed on the front and sides of the box, though, and it remains exclusive toToys "R" Us,as all Commemorative Edition toys were. Laserbeak features slightly more orangey-red paint on his body than normal, and comes with a tape case for the first time in Hasbro markets. He and Ravage can now both fit inside Soundwave at the same time, as this edition marked the first Hasbro release of Soundwave with the double-wide chest-door created for his Japanese Soundblaster retooling in 1987.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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- Soundwave(2007)
- ID number:03
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons, tape case
- TakaraTomy made the original Laserbeak figure available again as part of their newEncoreseries of reissues. As with hisTransformers Collectionreissue,EncoreLaserbeak features lighter orange labels.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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- Great Cassette Operation vol.3(2009)
- ID number:19
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons, tape case
- A secondEncorereissue of Laserbeak came in the third in a series of cassette multi-packs, together withFrenzy,OverkillandRumble.This version was the first Japanese reissue to reinstate the darker orange stickers of original figure, but now features the more reddish-orange paint seen on Hasbro'sClassicsreissue. As with all the cassettes in the set, he came with his now-familiar clear cassette case.
- In2014,Condor and the rest of the Cassettes were re-released as a lucky draw prize (along with the other 2 box sets) for theTransformers Celebration 2014event held at Ikebukuro Sunshine City store's Toys "R" Us, though this was very likely to be remaining stock.
- Soundwave(2009)
- Series:G1 Series
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons, tape case
- In 2009, Laserbeak was included with yet another reissue ofSoundwaveas part of theUniverseline, this time as aHasbro Toy Shopexclusive that was prominently offered atSan Diego Comic-Con2009. Laserbeak still sports his more orangey-red paint job, and comes with his weapons and his own cassette case.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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- Laserbeak(Scout Class,2012)
- Accessories:Left and right axes
- Laserbeak is a black, silver, and redredecoofRevenge of the FallenSkystalker.He transforms from a robot into a flying-wing-style stealth jet drone similar to theBAE Corax,with large engine intakes on both sides of the fuselage that resemble those of aNorthrop Grumman B-2 Spiritand sculpted zigzag patterns like those found on anF-22 Raptor.Undocumented in the instructions, the two axes that peg into his palms as weapons for his robot mode can also clip directly to his forearms (giving them a superficial similarity to tonfa). For vehicle mode, they integrate into the stealth jet's wings. The robot mode feet are spring-loaded so the heels and toes collapse down and together when the feet are lifted off the ground. Laserbeak's head has been decoed in a way reminiscent of Laserbeak's pre-Earth form seen in the Generation 1 cartoon.
- Like Skystalker, Laserbeak has one undocumented feature: his vehicle mode can attach on top of Voyager ClassRevenge of the FallenMindwipe's alternate mode via two pegs. Additionally, Laserbeak's axe/hook weapons can clip onto Mindwipe's shins.
- Laserbeak was first released to Asian markets with entirely EnglishGenerationspackaging, but later was released also in North America inGenerationspackaging that was in both English and Chinese to lampshade the toy's origin.
- This mold was also used to makeSunspotand Tokyo Toy Show-exclusiveGeneration 2Smokescreen.
Fall of Cybertron
- Soundwave(Voyager Class, 2012)
- Series / Number:1 / #001
- TakaraTomy ID number:TG13
- The Hasbro deco ofFall of CybertronLaserbeakwasrepurposedas Generation 1 Laserbeak in IDW'sRobots in Disguisecomic series.
- Part of the first wave of 2012-onwardsGenerationsVoyager Class toys,Fall of CybertronLaserbeak is aLegends Class"data disc"that transforms into a robotic bird. He is capable of storing in and launching out of Soundwave's chest compartment, and features afully automatic, spring-loaded transformationto bird mode that is triggered when a button on his underside is pressed.
- TheTakaraTomyversion of Laserbeak, part of the fourth wave of JapaneseGenerationstoys, uses a deeper red plastic than theHasbroversion. Both versions use the same circuit-board pattern as mold-mateBuzzsaw,but the Hasbro version mirrors the pattern along the vertical axis.
- In both markets, Laserbeak was only available with his larger partnerSoundwave.
- Soundwave(January 26,2013)
- ID number:MP-13
- Accessories:Pink tape case
- Known designers:Shogo Hasui(TakaraTomy)
- Included withMasterpieceMP-13 Soundwave,Condor features a very different transformation sequence that gives him a fully show-accurate design, with his jet thrusters no longer being separate accessories, all while transforming into a mini-cassette the same size ashis Generation 1 toy,although he cannot fit in the original Soundwave toy's chest cavity. A small flip-up tab on his head hides the camera he used inThe Transformers: The Movie.He comes with a pink case which can be used to store him in tape mode. Care should be used when transforming this figure, particularly around the jet thrusters, as both the arms connecting the thrusters to the main body, as well as the winglets on top of thrusters are prone to breakage.
- This mold was laterrepaintedintoMP-16 Buzzsaw.
Masterpiecemold:Condor | ||
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- Soundwave(2013)
- 09 OF 30
- ID number:MP-02
- Accessories:Clear tape case
- Included with theHasbroToys "R" Us-exclusive version ofMasterpieceSoundwave,Laserbeak features a slightly brighter shade of red paint, and comes with a clear version of his micro-cassette case. Much like its overseas counterpart, this figure is also prone to breakage in the same areas.
Linkin Park × Transformers
- Transformers Linkin Park Soundwave: Special Edition(September 23,2013)
- Accessories:Left and right "Twin Mortor Cannons", tape case
- Linkin ParkLaserbeak is a gold and... also goldredecoof Buzzsaw. He's packaged with Linkin Park gold redecoes ofSoundwave,Ravage,RatbatandBuzzsaw(whom he is completely identical to) on a flocked-purple plastic tray inside a special commemorative box. He has no stickers, factory-applied or otherwise. Linkin Park Soundwave: Special Edition was exclusive toSURUand limited to 2000 pieces.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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- Kreon Class of 1984(Kreon figure set, 2014)
- Set number:B0090
- AKre-Obrick version of Laserbeak's cassette mode was available as an accessory in aSan Diego Comic-Con2014exclusivepack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984".He is a simple 1x2 tile with his cassette mode detailstampographedon.
- Remaining stock was to be sold atHasbro Toy Shoponline, only therewasno remaining stock after the show.
- Wiseguy Soundwave(Kreon Warrior, 2015)
- Collection:2
- Set number:B0955
- Accessories:Stand-plate, clip-on bird, 2 pistols
- Part of the second wave of Kreon Warriors, "Wiseguy Soundwave" includes a clip-on bird that's painted like Laserbeak and probablyisbut is not actually labeled as such.
- The Kreon Warriors, while originally slated for U.S. release, never actually got released there, not even at clearance chains. The sets did get released in Canada, Australia, and Asian markets. And unfortunately, the bags lack individual code numbers to tell what's inside.
- Knight Soundwave(Kreon Warrior, 2015)
- Collection:2
- Set number:B0955
- Accessories:Stand-plate, clip-on bird, double-bladed pike, orc shield
- Soundwave's second Kreon Warrior, also part of the second collection, also has a clip-on "Laserbeak" -y bird, but this one is deco'd up to look wooden. Since this birdbot isn't identified by name and lacks distinct coloring, onecouldassume it'sBuzzsawinstead if one were so inclined.
- Autobot Ratchet Vs. Soundwave(Battle Changer 2-pack, 2015)
- Set number:B1507
- Known designers:Evan Brooks(Hasbro)[2]
- A small buildable Laserbeak is included as one ofBattle Changer Soundwave's many partners/accessories. He becomes chest armor for Soundwave's robot mode, or a set of tailfins for spaceship mode.
- He was only available in aKre-OBattle Changers pack ofRatchetvs Soundwave, which also includedRumble,FrenzyandRavage.
- This set, like all the Battle Changers, originally only saw release in Canada, Australia, and Asian markets. It eventually saw release in the U.S. in late 2015 through discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls.
Platinum Edition
Masterpiecemold:Condor | ||
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Titans Return

I am vengeance... I am the night... I am...more black than red?
- Laserbeak(Legends Class, 2016)
- Known designers:John Warden(Hasbro)
- A redeco ofCombiner WarsBuzzsaw,Titans ReturnLaserbeak can transform into his classic condor mode, a communicator, or a small forklift-like vehicle. The forklift mode features a peg intended for use with aTitan Masterfigure, and the communicator mode can connect with certain Leader Class figures from theTitans Returnsubline imprint, such asBlasterandSoundwave.Like Buzzsaw, his stickers are prone to coming off at the edges, particularly in the areas that require transformation such as the wings.
- His headphone jack can actually accommodate headphones!
- Condor & Apeface (Laserbeak & Apeface)[3](December 28,2016)
- ID Number:LG38
- LegendsCondor is a redeco ofTitans ReturnsLaserbeakin a deco that features more red and gray, and the screen of his communicator mode depicts his traditional cassette mode as a background. He was only available in a two-pack withApeface.
War for Cybertron: Siege

"Ravage,I just had this horrid dream, I was more black than red and my alt mode was a brick. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! "
- Ravage & Laserbeak(Micromaster,2019)
- Hasbro ID number:WFC-S18
- TakaraTomy ID number:SG-16
- TakaraTomy release date:April 27,2019
- Part of the second wave ofSiegeMicromasters, Laserbeak transforms from a robotic condor with a visored head inspired by his appearance in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1,"to the" V1 Sonicsurge Drone Armor. "This flattened box mode is compatible withSiegeSoundwave,fitting into the larger Decepticon's chest compartment. He can also attach to Soundwave and others in this mode as some sort of shield. Additionally, he can perch on Soundwave's forearms thanks to tabs on his feet that can plug (loosely) into indents on the latter's arms. Alternately, he can be more securely plugged into the 5 mm pegholes on Soundwave's forearms using the peg that unfolds from his body.
- Laserbeak comes packaged together withRavageas the "Soundwave Spy Patrol".
- This toy was included in Hasbro's Transformers 35th Anniversary promotional mailer box.[4]
- This figure serves as the model for Buzzsaw in theWar for Cybertron Trilogycartoon.
- This mold was also used to makeShattered Glass CollectionLaserbeak.
Vintage G1
- Decepticon Frenzy / Decepticon Laserbeak(2019)
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons
- As part of theVintage G1line of reissues, Laserbeak comes with fellow mini-cassetteFrenzy,recreating their pairing in theoriginal toyline.He comes with his two laser cannons, and is packaged onto a classic G1-styled card with tech spec on the back.
- This release of the original Laserbeak mold has a few notable changes from prior ones, the most immediately glaring being his gun barrels areextremelytruncated, similar to what was done to theLinkin Parkversion of the mold (but oddly,notthe laterSDCCrelease). He also uses the newVintage G1style ofrubsign,with the mirror-reflective silver border and red-only symbol.
- Frenzy and Laserbeak were released alongside the similarly pairedVintage G1RavageandRumble,and of course, are intended for collectors picking up the concurrently-releasedVintage G1SoundwaveandBuzzsaw(personal store stock may vary). Like all figures from this line, Frenzy and Laserbeak areexclusivetoWalmartin the United States and Canada.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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War for Cybertron Trilogy
- Soundwave(Battle 3-Pack, 2020)
- This Laserbeak is a redeco/new head retool of the Micromaster figure above, featuring a new cartoon-accurate Earth-mode head. The deco on his wings is inspired by wings of theoriginal toy.He is packed withSoundwaveand his cohortRavageto promote theEarthriseseason of theWar for Cybertron Trilogycartoon.
- Like most of theWar for Cybertron Trilogytoys, Soundwave was a Walmart exclusive in the USA and Canada.
- This version of the mold was eventually used to makeLegacy: UnitedG1 Universe Buzzsaw.
War for Cybertron: Kingdom
- Soundwave(Core Class,2021)
- Known designers:Mark Maher(Hasbro),Shogo Hasui(TakaraTomy)
- KingdomCore Class Soundwave includes a tiny non-transforming Laserbeak cassette that can fit in his chest compartment. Unlike his larger partner, Laserbeak's molded details are based on hisMasterpiecetoy.
- Surprising few, this accessory would be redecoed intoLegacy: EvolutionBuzzsawand packaged alongside the correspondingSoundblaster.
Dramatic Capture Series
- Nemesis Bridge(2024)
- Release date:March2024
- Known designers:Hisashi Yuki(TakaraTomy)
- Packaged withSoundwavefrom theDramatic Capture Series"Nemesis Bridge" set, this Laserbeak is a rerelease of hisWar for Cybertron TrilogyMicromaster toy,with a more vibrant red plastic and the same paint applications.
- The set also includesShockwave,Megatron,and a throne/command chair, a reuse ofStudio SeriesCoronation Starscream's throne, which was based on the command chair of theNemesis's bridge to begin with.
Transformers Retro
- Soundwave Laserbeak & Ravage(2024)
- Accessories:Left and right laser cannons
- To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Transformers franchise,Walmartreleased yet anotherexclusiveversion ofSoundwavein itsTransformers Retroline, this one accompanied byRavageandLaserbeak.This version of Laserbeak retains the shortened laser cannons from theVintage G1release above - and now for the first time in the long history of the mold, these weapons are no longerchromed.Laserbeak features a significantlyaltered decothat includes bothpaintandstickers,with his cassette mode's central motif being so large and starkly-colored that it presents rather glaringly when within Soundwave's chest.
- This set was announced as part of Walmart Collector Con, with orders going activeOctober 13,2023.
The Transformersmold:Laserbeak/Buzzsaw | ||
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Transformers Milk Caramel
- Condor(1985)
- A small, soft-rubber figurine of Laserbeak—known in Japan as akeshigomu—was available as part of the first wave ofKabaya'sTransformers Milk Caramelline ofcandy toys.He was available in a variety of colours, including white, blue, sky blue, yellow, green, and orange, and as a candy toy, came packaged with chocolate-covered caramel candies.
Transformers Choco
- Condor(1985)
- A solid-color, snap-together model kit of Laserbeak was released by Kabaya as part of theirTransformers Chocoline of candy toys. It was available in various colors, came with candy-coated chocolates, and could fit inside the chest of the largerTransformers Gummodel kit of Soundwave.
- Destron Hero Collection 22(multi-pack, 1986)
- Laserbeak was among the many characters released by Takara as part of their own larger series ofkeshigomufigures. Like all the Decepticons in the series, he was molded in soft purple rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. Laserbeak was available as part of a 22-piece box set of Decepticon figures, and later, in a peach coloration randomly packed as part of various other box sets.
- Laserbeak is notable for being the only one of Takara's original 52keshigomuwho wasnotimported by Hasbro as part of their "Decoy"promotion. Or at least, he is not included on the checklist packaged with the figures; collectorsJonandKarl Hartmanbelieve it to be possible that Laserbeak was released by Hasbro, so if you have proof of Laserbeak on a Hasbro card, contact them!
Super Collection Figure
- Megatron (B)(2001)
- Act:4
- Accessories:Stand
- For the fourthSuper Collection Figurewave,Megatron's left arm was changed to feature Laserbeak perching on it. Like all the figures in the fourth wave, Megatron was available in both standard full color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelveblindpackedfigures.
- The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearing. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue. This holds true for pretty much every pewter figure in the entire line.
- In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version of Megatron came packaged with the right arm of the collectibleMetroplexbuild-a-figure.
Heroes of Cybertron
- Megatron with Laserbeak(2003)
- The fifth-waveHeroes of CybertronMegatron figure is a release of the Megatron/Laserbeak figure from the fourthSCFAct. He keeps the paint alterations of the energy-mace Megatron, though his black paint is much glossier this time around. Laserbeak's grays are also much lighter than on the SCF, matching Megatron's main body coloring.
- The collector card does not list Laserbeak on the front, but does mention him at the end of a severely truncated version of the first card'sbio.
- This release came with the right arm for the wave's collectibleMetroplexbuild-a-figure.
Mega Super Collection Figure
- Megatron(2002)
- ID number:03
- Known designers:Kazutami Yasuhiko(TakaraTomy)
- A PVC figurine of Laserbeak was included with this five-inch tall Megatron figure. Laserbeak was redoced into Buzzsaw for inclusion with the exclusive metallic redeco of the set available at Hobby Expo 2002 and Wonderfest 2002.
Q-Robo Collection
- Soundwave(2003)
- Accessories:Laserbeak
- A super-deformed PVC of Laserbeak was included as an accessory with theQ-Robo Collectionversion of Soundwave, which could fit into his chest as if in mid-ejection. Like all the figures in the series, it was sold blindpacked in a plastic capsule, and was also available in a translucent purple color scheme.
Generation 1 Figure-Collection
- Soundwave(2003)
- ID number:C-3
- Accessories:Display base
- Laserbeak sits perched on the shoulder of this Soundwave "bottlecap" figurine, so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap. It was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's TransformersGeneration 1 Figure-Collection,rendered in a "retro" black and white color scheme, which came packaged with a leaflet personalized with cartoon screen captures.
Palisades Toys
- Laserbeak Polystone Mini Statue(Action Figure Xpress exclusive, 2005)
- Accessories:Display base
- Palisades Toysproduced a mini-statue of Laserbeak designed to interact with their 6 "Soundwave statue release the previous year. Available exclusively through Action Figure Xpress and limited to only 750 pieces worldwide, Laserbeak could perch on Soundwave's outstretched arm, and came with his own small base to stand on so he could be displayed separately.
Transformers - Wall Plaque
- Soundwave(Diamond Select, 2006)
- Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2006, Soundwave was sculpted byArt Asylumand limited to 1,000 pieces. He is seen emerging from the space bridge with Rumble, Laserbeak, and Ravage in tow.
Transformers - Mini Bust
- Soundwave(Diamond Select, 2007)
- Released byDiamond Select Toysin 2007, Soundwave was sculpted byMark WongofArt Asylumand limited to 1,000 pieces. The sculpt features both his concussion blaster gun and shoulder cannon with Laserbeak perched on his left shoulder. His tape deck altmode is sculpted on the base of the bust.
- Laserbeak
- AttacktixLaserbeak is a 10-point Trooper-type piece featuring a firing missile launcher on his back. The piece's base is shaped like Soundwave's arm, where Laserbeak rests while not in use. He is attached to the arm with a string, allowing him to take flight and get better shots at enemy pieces.
- While Hasbro showed off Laserbeak at some conventions, he was ultimately never released. Most of his in-game stats and abilities are as such unknown.
Sota Toys
- Transformers Chess Set(
- Laserbeak, along withRavage,was sculpted into two identicalSoundwavepieces that were to be the Decepticon-side Bishops on achess setbased on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Robot Heroes
- Prowl & Laserbeak(Two-pack,
- Known designers:Bill Rawley(Hasbro),Alex Androski(deco artist),Marcelo Matere(concept artist)
- Seemingly captured in the middle of a wild take, this super-deformedRobot Heroesversion of Laserbeak—sporting a distinctive orange beak inspired by his originalpackage art—would have come packaged withProwl,but was regrettably canceled before release. This two-pack was not the only tail-endRobot Heroesset to meet this fate, but it was one of only a few to actually be advertised on the packaging of toys thatdidmake it to the store shelves.
G.I. Joe and the Transformers
- Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank with two figures & Energon(2012)
- Anexclusiverelease forSan Diego Comic-Con2012, this box set contains aredecoof the 2012 new-moldG.I. Joe: RetaliationHISS tankmeant to representShockwave,along with theCobrasDestroand a "Constructicon B.A.T."with a trolley for carryingEnergon cubes.
- Destro's accessories includeSoundwavein the form of a non-transforming tape deck and three "Mini-ConDeployers"– micro-cassettes capable of being placed within the Soundwave toy. The toy's press release identifies the tapes as Laserbeak,Ravage,andRatbat,but since all three sport the sculpted details of the original Laserbeak toy and are colored solid red, gold, and orange, just who is meant to be who is unclear.
The Loyal Subjects
- Laserbeak(2014)
- The Loyal SubjectsLaserbeak is a Wave 3 figure with limited articulation, due to his unique design. Laserbeak can, however, "transform" to tape mode because of his folding legs and wings. For every 16 figures, there is 1 Laserbeak. Despite his slight rarity, Laserbeak is easy to find because his box is much lighter than any of the other figures'.
- Like most of his wave, Laserbeak's bio card plagiarizes this wiki article's opening paragraphs.
- Laserbeak & Blue Rumble 2-Pack(2014)
Metal Earth
- Soundwave(2015)
- ID number:MMS302
- Metal EarthSoundwavecomes with a Laserbeak model perched on his left forearm.
- It is also possible that the model is supposed to represent Buzzsaw, but considering Laserbeak is more iconic, it is likely supposed to be the latter.
Prime 1 Studio
- Soundwave & Laserbeak(
- Prime 1 StudioPremium MasterlineSoundwavewas going to be a huge robot mode statue with a very stylized design and would probably feature LED lights on its eyes. A non-transforming Laserbeak in bird mode was going to be included as well, but the pair never saw release.
Imaginarium Art
- Soundwave(2018)
- Imaginarium Art's Soundwave statue stands 32 inches tall and features light-up eyes. Though it is a statue, the set includes alternate heads and arms to change Soundwave's posture and whether he is holding his concussion blaster. The set also features attachment points for the included Ravage, Laserbeak, Rumble, and Ratbat. Only 200 were produced.
Keshi Surprise
- Decepticons(2018)
- TheKeshi Surpriseseries bySuper7consisted of 1.75 "soft rubber figures in a style deliberately resembling the 1980sDecoys.Theseblind-packedfigures were sold individually or in cases depicting only their faction. Laserbeak was available in red, orange, blue, and purple and included a foil trading sticker.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Raider Laserbeak, Espionage-Interrogation(2019)
- Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
- Rarity:CT
- Card Number:T31/T48
- Stars:5
- Raider Laserbeak, Espionage-Interrogation is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of theTransformers Trading Card Game,War for Cybertron: Siege I. In order to represent Laserbeak's size, Private Laserbeak, Espionage-Interrogation is the size of a battle card, about half the size of a normal character card.
- The card's artwork is based on theSiegeLaserbeak toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art, and original Alt Mode artwork with lines byDan Khanna.
R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]
- Soundwave(2020)
- Transformers R.E.D.Soundwaveincludes a cassette tape accessory sculpted and coloured like Laserbeak. Soundwave's cassette door can open and store the tape inside.
- were exclusive to Walmart in Canada and the United States, and later made available onHasbro Pulsein limited quantities.
Super Cyborg
- Soundwave(2020)
- Accessories:Concussion blaster, torso plate, Laserbeak cassette
- Super CyborgSoundwave is a non-transforming figure released bySuper7,standing 11 inches tall and featuring 7 points of articulation. Its key distinguishing feature is a removable torso plate that exposes the detailed sculpted mechanical workings of the character's innards - not just the expected non-transforming Laserbeak cassette but also all sorts of diodes, transistors, and additional tape reels.
- Soundwave (Clear)(2020)
- Accessories:Concussion blaster, torso plate, Laserbeak cassette
- One of theexclusivesforNew York Comic Con2020 was a version ofSuper CyborgSoundwave and Laserbeak redone in mostly clear plastic, with only some pale blue in Soundwave's upper torso.
- Soundwave with Tapes(Jumbo size, 2021)
- ID number:93
- Released as part of thePop! Retro Toyssegment and exclusive to GameStop,Funko's Jumbo sizedPop!Soundwavecomes with four non-transforming tapes decorated as Laserbeak,Rumble,FrenzyandRavage,which can be stored (one at a time) inside of his chest window.
- Both Soundwave and the tapes are directly based on their original Generation 1 toys.
- Laserbeak(2024)
- ID number:135
- Released in celebration of the 40 years of the franchise, this regular sizedPop! Retro ToysLaserbeak is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy, flying in condor mode while supported by a translucent stand.
- A redeco of this vinyl asBuzzsawwas also released as a limited edition chase variant.
- Soundwave(2021)
- ID number:028
- A collaboration betweenHasbroand statue/replica brandJazware,The Transformerswas added as a part of theZōtekiline alongside other iconic brands such asMarvel,to recreate some of the main "Generation 1" characters. The 28th figure of theZōtekiline isSoundwavewho is posed ejecting Laserbeak out of his back?Riiiight.
- Each statue of the line features a connection point for it to be connected to the others, in order to form a battle scene.
- Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set(
- In the plannedTransformers Chess SetbyEaglemoss,a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Laserbeak was slated to be one of the Pawn pieces on the Decepticon side.
- A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
- Soundwave(2023)
- Accessories:2 alternate heads, 2 fists, 2 gripping hands, 2 trigger hands, 2 open palm hands, flat right hand, pointing left hand, shoulder cannon, concussion blaster, energon cube, battery cover, Laserbeak cassette, Soundwave cassette-player mode
- ULTIMATES!Soundwaveis a 7-inch-tall action figure based on his cartoon model. Among his many accessories is a Laserbeak cassette that can be stashed within his chest door.
- Soundwave(2024)
- Accessories:shoulder cannon, Laserbeak cassette
- ULTIMATES!Soundwave and Laserbeak were repackaged as a "Transformers Deluxe" set, physically identical to the first release but now lacking all accessories except the shoulder cannon. The new packaging resembles a VHS clamshell box; specifically, the colors and trade dress strongly resemble theVideo Gemstapes, while the character artwork and subtitle are taken directly from theKid Rhinotapes. This release was exclusive
Magic: The Gathering
- Laserbeak(2022)
- ID number:001
- Set code:TBOT(Depicted asBOT)
- Color identity:Blue
- Artist:Ken Christiansen
- Laserbeak is part of the 2022Magic: The GatheringUniverses BeyondTransformerscard set tokens, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs ofMagic'sThe Brothers' Warset. As a token, it cannot be included in a player's deck, but can be generated into play bySoundwave, Superior Captain.However, it is not necessarily to use this token to "create" Laserbeak in play, as one can use any sort of easily used item to represent him, as long as it's clearly defined.
XM Studios
- Soundwave(2022)
- XM Studios' statue of Soundwave is 29 "tall, made of hand-painted porcelain. Soundwave comes with closed and open chest doors, and alternate arms depending on whether owners want him to be posing, pointing, opening his chest door, holding his own guns, or holding a gun-mode Megatron. He is accompanied by Ravage, Rumble, Ratbat, and Laserbeak. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Soundwave's cassette player mode that can be displayed next to the robot.
- 599 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,700 US.
Rubber strap series
- Released as part of the second wave of ane-HOBBYexclusive series, this trio of rubber keychains depict super-deformed art of "Soundblaster,""Condor ","Jaguar,"and Soundwave's original form in boombox mode.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the second wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art ofBlaster(withEjectandSteeljaw) andSoundwave(withRatbat,Laserbeak andRavage) along withcharacter profilesandtech specs.
- Destron Army and Unicron Set(December 28,2024)
- ID number:99 & 100
- Released as part of the thirteenth wave of thee-HOBBYexclusiveTransformers Character Cardseries, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of the Generation 1Decepticons(as represented byMegatron,Soundwave,Laserbeak,Starscream,Shockwave,Stranglehold,andBanzai-Tron) andUnicronalong withcharacter profilesandtech specs.
- Kickback + Cliffjumper(Alpha Action Elite, 2024)
- Series:Defend Iacon!
- ID Number:AAE-005/AAE-006
- The AuldeyAlpha Action EliteKickback/Cliffjumper2-pack comes with an additional Laserbeak figure, which can accommodate withSoundwave.
- Although the Laserbeak and Buzzsaw toys had a standard cassette deco on one side, the cartoon chose to show the bird side in its depictions of theiralternate modes,effectively making either side accurate.
- The title screen to Ocean'sTransformersgame for theCommodore 64depicts either a Laserbeak or a Buzzsaw that is primarily red with gold wings. Get on it,e-HOBBY!
- ↑"First up is the Botcon 2006 Dawn of Future's Past set. I did concepts for the set & came up with the ideas for a few including Megatron & Primal. I've sadly lost the mock ups of Waspinator, Buzzsaw & Laserbeak. After mock ups, they went to Fub Pub to finalize colors and design." —Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
- ↑InterviewwithHasbrodesignerEvan Brookson the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑The packaging says "コンドル&エイプフェイス" (Condor & Apeface) in Japanese, but the accompanying English subtitle is "Laserbeak & Apeface".
- ↑
- Character stubs missing toys
- Unreleased Attacktix
- Unreleased toys
- Attacktix
- BotCon exclusives
- Classics Decepticons
- Decoys
- Dramatic Capture Series
- Encore
- Generation 1 toy Decepticons
- Generations
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Legends Decepticons
- Masterpiece
- Mini-Cassettes
- Repurposed toys
- Platinum Edition
- Timelines characters
- Titanium Series
- Titans Return Decepticons
- Transformers Character Card Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Siege Decepticons