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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 11

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus EditionVol. 11
Transformers Legends LG 11.jpg
This is really something. I don't know what, but it's something.
Mạn họa トランスフォーマーレジェンズ xuất trương bản đệ 11 thoại
First published February 14,2015
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Packaged with LegendsLG11 Chromia

Tigatron dreams up a veritable army of female Transformers, first and foremost Chromia.


Jealous ofRattrapfor being blessed with the presence of a robot girl likeArcee,Tigatronprays to theOraclefor the same thing to happen to him, and to his surprise the god actually responds, granting his wish. Not a moment later,Chromiaappears from a portal and warns Tigatron he's being targeted, soon followed by femaleAutobotsand other heroic robots from every corner of theTransformersmultiverse. While Tigatron is left speechless by these events, a group of femaleDecepticons,Predacons,and other villains arrive from another portal, their leaderSlipstreamdeclaring that Tigatron will be theirs. As a battle breaks out between the two groups, Chromia takes Tigatron to her bosom and swears to protect him, and the flustered cat revels in getting his own robot girl harem... only to wake up in his bed, the whole thing having been a dream. Nevertheless, he gives thanks to his collection of femaleTransformerstoys, then heads to a temple to give the same prayer for real.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


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