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Manganese Mountains

From Transformers Wiki

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

TheManganese Mountainsis a remote mountain range somewhere onCybertron.



Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity

Fortress Maximusand his troops operated out of a cave gouged into the Manganese Mountains until they got sick of the war and left forNebulos.Ring of Hate!Some time later,Scorponok's forces raided the abandoned base and found out where theAutobotshad gone to.Broken Glass!

2005 IDW continuity

Long ago when the war broke out, the starshipPeaceful Resolution,crewed byneutralssuch asProwl,was shot down over the Manganese Mountains.The Death of Optimus PrimeIronfist's first campaign was in the Manganese Mountains, and it was there that he fashionedOptimus Prime'slaser rifle,though unfortunately Prime mistook Ironfist for his chief rival,Skyfall.Last Stand of the Wreckers #4During the 6thcycle351,Scorponokbattled an Autobot unit includingChromedome,Rewind,andShimmerstickin the Manganese Mountains.The Custom-Made Now

WhenVector Sigmareset Cybertron to a primordial state, the mountains were corroded away.The Death of Optimus Prime

War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material

The Magnanese Mountains were a remote, sparsely-populated region of Cybertron, with a very limited Decepticon presence. The rough terrain made it easy for Autobots to avoid detection from airborneSeekerpatrols. During the war for Cybertron,Cogwas deployed to that location.SiegeTeletraan-1 Data Files

Shattered Glass

When the Autobots destroyedTyrest University,the threePredaconswent into hiding in the Manganese Mountains and started honing their hunting skills. The mountains soon became known for being haunted by vicious killers.BotCon 2008 Razorclaw profile card


Highbrowwent to a secret meeting withLongarm,where he was then summarily dispatched.The AllSpark Almanac II

2015Robots in Disguisecartoon

The Manganese Mountains were a Cybertronian vacation destination suggested by theBee Team.Ghosts and Impostors


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Manganese Mountain(マンガニーズ・マウンテンManganīzu Maunten)
  • Swedish:Manganbergen( "Manganese Mountains" )
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