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The Transformers (Marvel comic)

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This article is about the Marvel Comics series. For other uses ofThe Transformers,seeTransformers (disambiguation).
TheTransformers Logo.jpg
Generation 1 continuity family
The Transformers »
The heroic Autobots fight to crush Earth's highways.Doctor McCoyis very happy.

The Transformers,the monthly comic book published in the U.S. byMarvel Comics,was the very first original fiction to feature the famous robots in disguise, as well as the longest-running. It started life asa four-issue, bimonthly limited seriesin 1984, but proved so popular that it continued publication as an ongoing monthly until spring of 1991. The series ultimately reached 80 issues and spun off several miniseries.

The series established theMarvel Comics continuity,which would form the basis for several successor stories over the years. Marvel would publish theGeneration 2seriesonly two years later, andIDW Publishingwould later reunite several Marvel creatives for bothRegeneration One,a continuation of the original Marvel comic, and theTransformers '84prequel miniseries.

Nearly all of the U.S. stories were later published by Marvel UK, along with new stories that fit between the gaps of the U.S. tales. SeeMarvel UKbelow.

Four million years ago, they came fromCybertron,a world composed entirely of machinery... a world torn by an age-old war between the heroicAutobotsand the evilDecepticons.These incredibly powerful living robots, capable of converting themselves into land and air vehicles, weapons and other mechanical forms, continue their conflict here onEarth.They are...THE TRANSFORMERS

—Marvel US introductory blurb


Marvel U.S.

The TransformersUS issues:

Related mini-series

Successor comics

The different publishers' series are all mutually exclusive, effectively representing different branched timelines. The Collectors' Club and IDW efforts explicitly ignore the events of Marvel UK stories, although the latter takes copious characters and concepts from both the UK andGeneration 2material.


After watching traffic reports for an hour, they finally decided to just stay home.

The story begins with a brief history ofCybertronand itscivil war,which eventually causes the planet to become lost in space. Battling aboard theArk,the original 28 characters crash-land onEarthfour million years ago and awaken in the (then-) present day of 1984. The quest forfuelbecomes their initial goal, driving the first several issues.

As the first fiction in the entirefranchise,the initial issues ofTransformerswere breaking completely new ground. Early issues contain a variety of plot points and conventions, some of which would go on to shape the very mythos... and others that would fall by the wayside, forgotten and hilariously quaint. The concept of the life-givingCreation Matrixis a good example of the former group; "naturally occurring gears, levers and pulleys"comes to mind for the latter.

With a single wave of Starscream's hand, Hound, Bluestreak, Mirage, Hoist, Brawn, and Gears cease to occupy valuable page space!

The book soon built its own elaborate and wide-reaching universe, including hundreds of characters—Transformers,humans,aliens—on Earth, Cybertron, and beyond. Late in the series, a long-running plot brought in the sinister menace ofUnicron,giving him a backstory and build-up that for many fans surpassed his original appearance inThe Transformers: The Moviefor storytelling and gravitas. This backstory would eventually go on to eclipse the origin given in thecartoon.

Because it was a book intendedto sell toys,Transformersfeatured an ever-rotating cast. New Transformers were often hastily brought in to meet the demands ofHasbro,and older "product" was often swept aside or killed offen masseinepic, climactic battles.

After some troubled times and steadily declining readership, the series was finally canceled at issue #80. A combination of factors was likely responsible: the Transformers toyline had become yesterday's fad, the core readership had grown older and moved on, and Hasbro seems to have pulled the plug.

Several subsequent series would build upon the series; seeMarvel Comics continuityfor more information.

Creative team

Bob Budiansky and Simon Furman.jpg

The book featured two primary writers:Bob Budianskyeditedthe original 4-part limited seriesand wrote the book from issue #5 to issue #55. After that,Simon Furman,already heavily experienced from his work on the UK book, took up the reins until the book was cancelled at issue #80. Other writers balked at having to keep track of this massive, unfamiliar cast, which is the reason the original miniseries has three writers and is an admitted mess.[1]

Transformersis a bit notorious for wild swings in writing quality, as serious plots alternated with such strange concepts asMicromaster wrestlingandridiculous bounty hunters.Some of this may be attributed to Bob Budiansky's eventual burn-out; after years of having to wrap his stories around to meet the latest toy-appearance demands from Hasbro, his later writing on the book showed a decline in quality. He is sometimes remembered unfavourably because of this period, perhaps unfairly so considering his fundamental role in shaping the Transformers universe and most of its characters, as well as some of the book'smost gripping early stories.Still, even such oddball stories as "Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom"and"Guess Who the Mecannibals Are Having for Dinner?"have both their merits and their fans.

Budiansky himself proposed that Simon Furman take over as the U.S. series writer.[2]With the changeover, the stories took on a more serious tone, relying on character conflict more than outlandish plot devices. Many fans regard Furman's run on the original book as one of the high points of all Transformers fiction.

The comic was written in "Marvel Style", where the writer gives the artist a plot outline instead of a full script. The artist then lays out the pages himself; afterward the writer comes back in and scripts the dialog based on the artist's work. This approach gives the artist a larger role in telling the story than simply drawing what the writer tells them to.[2]

A number of artists worked onTransformers,but the most frequent pencilers includedFrank Springer,Don Perlin,José Delbo,Geoff Senior,andAndrew Wildman.Also of particular note is coloristNelson "Nel" Yomtov,who colored every single issue of the book, as well as all of the related mini-series.

Publication and format

AsThe Transformerstitle began life as a limited series, it was subject to the conventions Marvel had established for limited series at the time of its publication. "Standard" Marvel comics released concurrently in 1984 cost 60 cents and were printed on newsprint; in contrast,The Transformerssold for 75 cents and was printed on a whiter, higher-quality stock (for the time) known as "Mando paper".

Evidently considered a "deluxe format" book by Marvel,Transformerscontinued to be printed on Mando paper even after it became an ongoing series.[3]It also remained at 75 cents—at least untilissue 28,when the price of the book rose to 1 dollar. With the exception of the double-sizedissue 50andissue 75,which were both priced at $1.50,The Transformerswould remain at 1 dollar for the remainder of its original run.

Cover dates

The dates printed on the covers ofThe Transformersare not the months in which the issues were actually released. When the comic began in 1984, all Marvel comics had cover dates that were typically four monthsaheadof their release date. This was partially a holdover from the days of fiercer newsstand competition when each company tried to make its comics look newer than its rivals and partially a mechanism to compensate for slower distribution on newsstands and overseas sales. In effect, the cover date served as the "off-sale" date, at which point newsstand vendors could return any unsold copies to Marvel for credit. As such, althoughissue #1is cover dated September, it was actually released in May.

However, determining preciselywhat datein May requires explaining another bit of comics history. In the years leading up to the release ofThe Transformers,comic book speciality shops had really begun to take off. This led to the emergence of the "direct market" —a new sales avenue by which comics publishers sold their products "directly" to these stores through dedicated comics distributors, instead of the traditional periodical distributors who serviced newsstands, grocery stories, conveniences stories, and many other forms of retail. The books shipped from Marvel to both direct and traditional distributors at the same time; thus, while it took the traditional distributors extra time to then ship out the comics to their very large base of clients, direct distributors could get them to their smaller base of comic stores much faster. The stores could then put them on sale as soon as they got them, which could be days or evenweeksbefore the issues could be expected to appear on newsstands (with the trade-off being that, unlike newsstands, comics stores couldn't return unsold copies). As such, there's no "hard date" for the release of any given issue ofThe Transformers;Marvel's promotional magazineMarvel Ageprovided both "shipping dates" (when Marvel dispatched the books) and "on-sale dates" (when the books would reach newsstands) for all its titles, thus we have these dates to serve as the "window" during which each issue would first appear in comic stores. For instance, issue #1 "shipped" onMay 8,1984, and went "on-sale" on newsstands onMay 29,but was available at comic stores sometime between these days—as evidenced by the fact that the first Usenet post about the series, a review of the first issue by Ted Nolan, was posted to net.comics onMay 22.[4]The cover date is four months from the "shipping" date, so, for example,issue #3,which shipped in September, but reached newsstands in early October, is cover-dated January.

In 1989, Marvel decided to change the cover dates on their comics so they were onlytwomonths in advance. In order to achieve this without simply having the cover dates suddenly skip two months, there was a three-month transition period in late 1989; issues shipped in August 1989 have the cover date "Mid November" instead of December, those in September 1989 have "December" instead of January, and those in October "Mid December" instead of February. The relevantTransformersissues were#59,#60and#61.

Comics Magazine

Marvel US released a bimonthly digest-sized magazine, which reprinted the first twenty issues of the main series - two issues per magazine - until cancelled with #10.

Marvel UK

Marvel UKproduced a G1 comic which ran for 332 issues, reprinting the American stories and adding in many new stories built around them.

The TransformersUK issues
Issue Main strip Back-up strip(s)
Issue Main strip Back-up strip(s)
1 "The Transformers"
3 "Power Play!"
5 "Prisoner of War!"
7 "The Last Stand"
9 "Man of Iron"
13 "The Enemy Within!"
18 "Raiders of the Last Ark"
22 "The New Order" "Robot War!"
24 "The Worse of Two Evils!"
26 "Warrior School!"
27 "Repeat Performance!"
29 "Decepticon Dam-Busters!"
31 "The Wrath of Guardian!"
32 "The Wrath of Grimlock!"
33 "DIS-Integrated Circuits!"
35 "The Next Best Thing to Being There!"
36 "Robot War II"
37 "Brainstorm!"
39 "Prime Time!"
41 "Christmas Breaker!"
42 "Crisis of Command!"
45 "The Icarus Theory"
47 "Dinobot Hunt!"
51 "Shooting Star!"
53 "Rock and Roll-Out!" Robo-Capersissue 53
54 "The Special Teams Have Arrived"
55 "I, Robot-Master!"
57 "Plight of the Bumblebee!"
59 "Robot Buster!" Robo-Capersissue 59
61 "Devastation Derby!"
63 "Second Generation!" "Robot War III"
Robo-Capersissue 63
66 "The Smelting Pool!" Robo-Capersissue 66
68 "The Bridge to Nowhere!"
70 "Command Performances!"
72 "Showdown!"
74 "In the National Interest" Robo-Capersissue 74
78 "Target: 2006"
83 "Cybertron: The Middle Years!"
87 Robo-Capersissue 87
88 Robo-Capersissue 88
89 "Aerialbots over America!"
91 "Heavy Traffic!" Robo-Capersissue 91
93 "The Gift" Robo-Capersissue 93
94 "Decepticon Graffiti!"
96 "Prey!"
97 Robo-Capersissue 97
98 "...The Harder They Die!" "Not Robo Capers"
99 "Under Fire!" Robo-Capersissue 99
100 "Distant Thunder!"
101 "Fallen Angel"
103 "Resurrection!"
105 "Afterdeath!"
107 "Gone but Not Forgotten!"
109 "Funeral for a Friend!"
111 "King of the Hill!"
113 "Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive!"
114 Robo-Capersissue 114
115 "Burning Sky!"
117 "Hunters"
119 "Fire on High!"
121 "Mechanical Difficulties!"
123 "Crater Critters"
125 "Ancient Relics!"part 1
126 "The Cure!"
128 "Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom"
130 "Worlds Apart!" Headmasters:
"Ring of Hate!"
132 "Kup's Story!"
133 "Headhunt"
134 Headmasters:
"Broken Glass!"
135 "Grudge Match!"
137 "Ladies' Night"
138 Headmasters:
"Love and Steel!"
139 "Used Autobots"
141 "Child's Play"
142 Headmasters:
"Brothers in Armour!"
143 "Spacehikers!"
145 "Stargazing"
146 "The Legacy of Unicron!"
152 "Enemy Action!"
154 "Toy Soldiers!"
156 "Trial by Fire!"
158 "The Desert Island of Space!"
160 "Salvage!"
162 "Pretender to the Throne!"
164 "City of Fear!"
166 "Legion of the Lost!"
168 "Meltdown!"
170 "Deadly Games!"
172 "Wrecking Havoc"
174 "Totalled!"
176 "People Power!"
178 "The Cosmic Carnival"
180 "Prologue"

182 "Space Pirates!"
183 "The Wind of Change!"
188 "Firebug!"
189 "Dry Run!"
190 "Monstercon from Mars!"
192 "Ca$h and Car-nage!"
194 "Club Con!"
196 "The Flames of Boltax!"
198 "Cold Comfort and Joy!"
199 "Time Wars"
200 "Transformers: The Facts"
206 "Cold War!"
208 "Dark Star"
211 "The Man in the Machine!"
213 "Guess Who the Mecannibals Are Having for Dinner?" "The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire."
215 "Race with the Devil"
217 "Recipe for Disaster!"
219 "Survivors!"
"Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive!"
223 "Aspects of Evil!"
228 "(Double) Deal of the Century!"
"Resurrection!"parts 1-3
"The Hunting Party"
230 "The Big Shutdown!"
"King Con!" REPRINT: "Resurrection!"part 4
"A Small War!"
234 "Prime's Rib!"
235 "Deathbringer"
236 "The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!"
237 "Way of the Warrior"
238 "Survival Run"
239 "A Savage Place!"
240 "Back from the Dead" "Out to Lunch!"
241 "Rage!"
242 "Assault on the Ark!"
243 "The Resurrection Gambit!" "Mind Games"
244 "Two Megatrons!"
245 "Underworld!"
246 "All the Familiar Faces!" "Demons!"
247 "Dawn of Darkness"
248 "Fallen Star!"
249 "Skin Deep" "Whose Lifeforce Is It Anyway?"
"The Greatest Gift of All!"
"Christmas with Combat Colin"
251 "The Void!"
252 "Yesterday's Heroes!" "Edge of Impact"
253 "Shadow of Evil"
254 "White Fire"
"Worlds Apart!"
"...Perchance to Dream"
259 "The Primal Scream"
261 "Starting Over!"
262 "Bird of Prey!" "Two Steps Back!"
263 "Break-Away!"
264 "Desert Island Risks!"
265 G.I. Joe and the Transformers:
"Blood on the Tracks"
"Once upon a Time..."
266 "Life in the Slow Lane"
267 "Snow Fun!"
268 "Flashback!"
269 G.I. Joe and the Transformers:
"Power Struggle"
270 "The Bad Guy's Ball!"
271 "The Living Nightlights!"
272 "Cry Wolf!"
273 G.I. Joe and the Transformers:
"Ashes, Ashes..."
"Wolf in the Fold!"
274 "Where Wolf?"
275 "Secrets"
276 "Bugged!"
277 G.I. Joe and the Transformers:
"...All Fall Down!"
"Internal Affairs!"
278 "The House that Wheeljack Built!"
279 "Divide and Conquer!"
280 "The 4,000,000 Year Itch!"
281 "Makin' Tracks!"
282 "Kings of the Wild Frontier." "Shut Up!"
283 "Manoeuvres!"
284 "Assassins"
285 "External Forces!"
286 "Deadly Obsession" "The Lesser Evil!"
287 "Inside Story!"
288 "Front Line!"
289 "End of the Road!"
290 "Dark Creation" REPRINT:
"The Legacy of Unicron!"
294 "All Fall Down"
298 "Rhythms of Darkness!"
"The Human Factor!" "Dreadwind's Xmas!"
"In the National Interest"
306 "Eye of the Storm"
"The Enemy Within!"parts 1-2
309 "The Pri¢e of Life!"
311 "Surrender!"
313 "...All This and Civil War 2" REPRINT:
"The Enemy Within!"parts 3-7
315 "Out of Time!"
317 "The Void!"
319 "On the Edge of Extinction!"
323 "Still Life!"
325 "Exodus!"
327 "A Savage Circle"
329 "The Last Autobot?"
"The Big Shutdown!"
331 "End of the Road!"
332 REPRINT: "The Greatest Gift of All!"
Key UK original material U.S. material
B&W material Earthforce Gag strips Headmasters G.I. Joe and the Transformers


To put it bluntly, the Marvel UKTransformerscomic is 100% better than the American version we get over here. Your comics have beautiful covers, high quality artwork and very intelligent plots. Here in the States, Transformers comics are monthly instead of weekly and have bad artwork and stupid plots. Thank you for showing us the Autobots and Decepticons of the 21st Century. You guys in Britain are, as always, one step ahead when it comes totime travel(from Wells' Time Machine toDoctor Who— you always come through)!
Bob Newell,
Warren, MI.

—Dread Tidings, issue #188

This is the best Cracker Jack prize ever!

Though not without contradiction, the Marvel UK book managed to weave a number of highly complex stories "behind the scenes" of the Marvel U.S. tales. Topics included expanded stories and battles in the early days of the war (beforeShockwave'sarrival), more intrigue among theDecepticoncommanders on Earth, theAutobotresistance on Cybertron, and the time-travelling exploits ofGalvatron,who arrives directly from the future world ofThe Transformers: The Movie.

The UK book's weekly schedule and shorter format meant splitting stories into parts, often right in the middle of the action. Like the U.S. book, Marvel UK featureda regular column of letters from readers;however, these were supposedly answered by various Transformers, including Grimlock,Dreadwind,and others.

Exactly how many copies it sold is vaguely estimated at 200,000 at its height, thoughIan Rimmerremembers 128,000 in 1986. Either way, it was the company's biggest hit and would establish a 'house style' that Marvel UK would use on their subsequent toy-and-cartoon licensed comics.[5](None would reachTransformersheight untilThe Real Ghostbusters.) We know the comic began to drop about roughly 10,000 readers every sixth months from the summer of 1988 and by the time of #319, the comic's average weekly circulation was 19,839; but at this point, the sales had mostly stabilised due to the long-term fans sticking around. The older age of the readers can be noticed in the coversHarry Papadopouloscommissioned at the time: brighter covers with word balloons and puns were dropped for moodier painted covers and things likeExpressionist screaming heads and a reference to a King Crimson song.[6]

Creative team

Change of artists? Eh, who'll notice?

Most UK-specific stories were written bySimon Furman,who was later assigned to write for the U.S. comic as well. Curiously, it was from this point that the divergences between the UK and U.S. stories became more pronounced.

Regular artists includedWill Simpson,Robin Smith,Dan Reed,Jeff Anderson,Lee Sullivan,Geoff Senior,andAndrew Wildman.The large stable of artists resulted in some extreme contrasts of style throughout the book, such as Reed's highly organic art being followed by the clean, mechanical precision of Sullivan or Senior. Sometimes these changes occurred within the context of a single story.

Complexity and contradiction in continuity

In no continuity was his face damaged. Maybe Bumblebee was just really ugly by Transformer standards.

Making the new stories align with the U.S. book occasionally involved some bending over backwards in storytelling terms.Megatron,for example, winds up with partial amnesia at the end ofone story,explaining why he doesn't remember thePredaconswhen he encounters them again in alater U.S. story.U.S. reprints were sometimes physically edited as well; for example, a UK story hasSkidsbeing transported toLimboafter the events of U.S. #23, necessitating the removal of his occasional background appearances thereafter.

Another major change was the exclusion of theG.I. Joe and the Transformerscrossover, which featuredBumblebee'sdestruction and subsequent restoration as Goldbug. UK continuity accounted for the reformatting by showing Bumblebee destroyed byDeath's Headand rebuilt byWreck-Garduring "Hunters".Also, the UK comic continued to feature Megatron and Shockwave after their apparent deaths in the U.S. comic. While Megatron's appearance was eventuallyreconciled(sort of, if you squint) with the U.S. continuity, Shockwave's was not.

The "...Perchance to Dream"story in UK #255-260 began theEarthforcestoryline and heralded a nigh-irreconcilable division between U.S. and UK stories. This was in part a deliberate decision to not try to maintain continuity due to past problems.[7]

Publication and format

The Marvel UK book was published fortnightly from #1 to #26, weekly from #27 to #308, and fortnightly again from #309 to its conclusion in #332. These issues used a larger, magazine-sized format, compared to the traditional size for modern U.S. comic books. They contained 24 pages, numbered inclusive of advertising (unlike the U.S. comic). The color and paper quality was better than that of the U.S. comic, resulting in much whiter whites and, in UK-exclusive stories, no ugly dot artifacts in the colored regions.

Typically, 11 pages would be devoted to a U.S. or UK Transformers story, while the remaining pages were divided between aback-up strip,a letters page, small humorous comic strips (most notablyRobo-CapersandCombat Colin), and advertisements. Between issues #213 and #289 the format was changed to accommodate three five-page strips: the US reprint (published in colour), a new UK story (published in black and white) and a back-up strip. Issue #289 was the last to contain new UK Transformers stories.

In issue #290 there was another format change, with the comic returning to full colour throughout and reprints of classic UK stories taking the place of new black and white material. The three-strip structure was then dropped for good with issue #309; issue #310 then returned to the traditional format of an 11-page US reprint and a back-up strip, albeit published fortnightly once more.

UK children's comics typically have a weekly or fortnightly publication schedule, and monthly publication is the preserve of more substantial magazines aimed at older readers. The decision to publish fortnightly necessitated the division of the U.S. storylines between two or more UK comics, otherwise the UK comic would run out of material. The back-up strip then bulked out the issue to an acceptable size. When the comic began to be published weekly, this required still more Transformers material, which led to longer runs of original UK stories.

The Marvel UK series ran for about a year longer than its American counterpart and altogether had about twice as many stories.

Aborted monthly

The last issues of the comic, when readers were aware the US monthly had ended, had 'Blaster' tell the readers that the comic may not be about to end after all. Someone at the Transmaster UK fanletterTrans Talkthen just phoned up the offices and asked the editor what was going on, and Papadopoulos told them the comic was going monthly; this was somethingAction Force,Thundercats,andReal Ghostbustershad all done either before or at the same time.[8][6]PapadopoulosBlaster then confirmed this in #330:

Colin's hopes were prematurely raised like so many fans'...

"The BIG NEWS! From the mail, we know that you’ve all been a little glum about where Transformers has been going — into the trashcan seems to be the generally accepted view. Well, surprise, surprise! As of issue 333, Transformers will get a bright, polished new look. You’ll be getting a 36-page monthly containing 10 pages of newly coloured Transformers classic adventures, 11 pages that feature the return of G I Joe… plus five originated new pages of Transformers that will continue the saga of the relentless war between the heroic Autobots and evil Decepticons! What better way to kick off 1992?!"

(#330-1 contained recoloured "The Big Shutdown!"pages, a presumed 'dry run' for the recoloured strip. The only other strips from the black-and-white era to be colourised at the time were theMayhem Attack Squadstoryline told across "The Hunting Party","Way of the Warrior","Survival Run","A Savage Place!","Cry Wolf!","Wolf in the Fold!",and"Where Wolf?",all inTransformers Annual 1992;the rest would have to wait to be colourised byJohn-Paul BoveforThe Definitive G1 Collection.)

Alas! #332 revealed the planned monthly continuation had been abruptly cancelled, right whenCombat Colinwas promoting the change and everything!

The exact reason for this change is that doingnewstrips would've meant spending money, and Marvel UK's then-head Paul Neary didn't want to spend it on what he considered a 'dead end' of relying on licensed material. It's also possible he saw cancelling the comic as a way to shake things up. (He would later tellComics World#33, regarding Death's Head's original self), "I didn't think there was much future in Transformers-based robots". Interestingly, Furman hadn't been asked to write the planned new tales and we don't know if that was due to timing or someone else would've been tapped.[6]

Cover dates

Similar to the U.S. comic, the cover dates of the UK comic do not always reflect when the issue was actually released. The first 26 issues of the comic, though, were very clear, featuring both the on-sale and off-sale dates of the issue; for instance, issue #1 is cover-dated "20th Sept.—3rd Oct. 1984." It was only after the comic was revamped, going from fortnightly to weekly withissue #27,that the cover date changed to reflect solely the off-sale date; in the case of that issue, it was released on September 14th, but was cover-dated September 21st. This remained the norm even after the comic reverted to a fortnightly sechedule withissue #309,released February 16th, cover-dated March 2nd.

The Transformerswas initially released on Thursdays, with the off-sale date being given as the Wednesday preceding the release of the next issue. The series switched to Saturdays fromissue #5,with the off-sale being given as the Friday before the next issue, until the issue #26 revamp, whereupon the off-sale was changed to be the release date of the next issue itself. New issues continued to come out on Saturdays for the rest of the series, though anecdotally, some readers recall occasionally seeing a new issue arrive on the Friday before it was "due," typically placed during the Christmas/New Year period when distribution can be unsettled and overcompensated for.

Marvel UK Annuals

Main article:Transformers Annual

Marvel UK'sTransformers Annualswere published every year, in summer to autumn in time for the Christmas market, for the life of the comic. Each annual was made up of a combination of a comic strip, text stories and editorial content. Some annuals also contained crossover stories with the main weekly comic in an attempt to boost sales. Due to falling sales, later annuals mainly contained reprinted stories from the comic. (Reprinted stories are not listed below.) These reprints are still of interest, as they present formerly black-and-white works in full colour.

Marvel UK Annual 1985
Marvel UK Annual 1986
Marvel UK Annual 1987
Marvel UK Annual 1989
Marvel UK Annual 1990
Marvel UK Annual 1991
Marvel UK Annual 1992

Collected Comics

Marvel UK also published a companion series of sorts as a series of "Collected Comics" Specials, reprinting stories from the main series, mostly UK-original material. Of note was that these volumes would sometimes fully-colourise strips that had originally been told partially in black-and-white, along with other minor corrections. This reprint series outlived the ongoing for a couple more years, tapping into the remaining supply of colour UK material.


  • There was almost an entirelynewMarvel continuity seperate from the other two, as a toy company in continentalEuropehad bought the licensing rights for some of theJapanesetoys that Hasbro weren't releasing in Europe. Marvel UK were approached to create an extra comic about these toys, andIan RimmergotJames HillandMike Collinsto start work onIt Wouldn't Be Called Transformersfor the UK-and-European market before Hasbro just bought the other company out.[9]
  • While Marvel US had some more involvement from Hasbro until the later years (when they'd lost interest), Marvel UK didn't even have to show Hasbro UK the scripts! This sort of laissez-faire attitude is very muchnothow licensed comics are done anymore.[10]
  • The Night the Transformers Saved Christmaswas a four-page comic special published inWoman's Daymagazine. There were no credits, but it was obviously a Marvel Comics production.
  • According to the third issue ofAll-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z's entries onDeath's Head,the events of the Marvel UK Generation 1 comics take place on Marvel Earth-120185. The universe is named after the publication date of the first Marvel UK-exclusive story, "Man of Iron".
  • According to theMarvel Universe Appendix,the events of the Marvel US comics take place on Marvel Earth-91274.


  1. Interview at Rusting Carcass
  2. 2.02.1Steve-o's OTFCC 2004 notes
  3. Marvel Age#23, November 1984
  4. Ted Nolan, "Year's worst?in net.comics, 22-May-84 02:07:22 EDT
  5. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2page 6
  6. Roberts,Transformers UK — the comic that (nearly) cheated death
  7. "QuestionWhy do you feel continuity suffered more instead of less, between Marvel UK and US when you took over the US book? "
    "The problem was, we were badly out of synch with the US material reprints by the time I was also writing the US comic. I was trying my hardest to craft semi-crossover stories (like theDeathbringer two-parterwithUS #65) and then the UK comic would run a batch of old UK reprint material and completely throw it out. I realised I was making matters worse (and more confusing) and not better, and pretty much stopped trying to directly tie the two together. Looking back, as I try my hardest not to do, it’s very hard to tie the Earthforce stories into a specific time frame (in terms of the US continuity), because (if I’m brutally honest) I didn’t try too hard to make it work in the first place. By that point, I was just trying to tell a bunch of fun UK stories that didn’t necessarily impact on the larger (US) storyline. How was I to know 15 or so years later people would be trying to reconcile it all? "—Simon Furman,, 2004(archive link)
  8. Trans TalkNovember 1991
  9. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2page 18
  10. The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2page 11

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