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Megatron (G1)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. SeeMegatron (disambiguation),Megatronus (disambiguation),Megalligator.
Megatron is aDecepticon leaderfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.

Megatronis the founder of theDecepticonuprising, and their most well-known and fearedleader.As a young, charismatic leader forged in battle and the heritage of war, he began to believe in a grand purpose for his race—it is theTransformers' glorious destiny to rule anempirewhich will span the universe. The opposite of his mortal enemyOptimus Prime,he feels great contempt for other Transformers who, he feels, betray their proud heritage by demanding peace and cooperation with weaker life forms. It is the destiny of the Decepticons to bring order to the universe through conquest, though in the millions of years since coining this purpose it remains to be seen how much of his mission statement is altruistic... and how much of it is mere words built to fuel warriors to further his desire for personal power.

Megatron will attempt almost anything to achieve his goals, but his schemes are rarely in any way subtle. This is perhaps due to his arrogance, but his pride is not so strong as to dissuade him from abandoning a battle he is losing. He often shows dramatic examples of cowardice, concealed in rage. Although Megatron rarely wins in his duels with Optimus, few can rival his ability to locate energy sources for the Decepticons. Some would question his sanity, though these few are mostly now dead by his hands... or hisfusion cannon,depending on his mood. Sometimes he uses hisenergon maceto strike them down. It does not matter how they die. Death by the hands of Megatron is an honor.

Megatron is sometimes originally known asD-16orMegatronusand is oftenrebornasGalvatron.

You destroy everything you touch, Megatron!
That's because everything I touch is food for my hunger. My hunger forpower!

—Optimus Prime and Megatron, "More than Meets the Eye, Part 2"



Marvel Comics continuity

And so it begins...

Megatron was agladiatorfromTarn,who sought to turn Cybertron into acosmic dreadnaught.To win his war for conquest, Megatron's Decepticons developed the art oftransformation.When the wandering planet Cybertron was headed for an asteroid field, Megatron and a band of his warriors followed theAutobot shipsent to clear a path through the dangerous area, and attacked the weakened Autobot crew once they had achieved their goal. However, the Autobot leaderOptimus Primesent the ship crashing into a nearby planet, knocking them all offline.

After reawakening onEarthin1984,Megatron was quickly ousted from command byShockwave.Their power struggle continued for some time, with leadership changing hands multiple times, until Optimus Prime killed himself in a video game duel. Refusing to believe his nemesis was truly dead, the increasingly-erratic Megatron seemingly committed accidental suicide by blowing himself up on aspace bridgein a fit of insane rage. However, the explosion had merely deposited him in theDead Endregion of Cybertron, where he wandered as anempty,with no recollection of who he was.

After regaining his memories, Megatron capturedRatchetand forced him to restore the recently destroyedStarscreamto functionality, this time as aPretender,in a scheme to wrest control of the Decepticons back. But the ploy failed due to Ratchet's sabotage, and Megatron's attempt to escape the soon-to-explode lab viatrans-time dimensional portalwas foiled when Ratchet tackled him. The two were thought destroyed, but they were actually grotesquely fused together in the explosion and left adrift in "unspace".Pulled from the void byNightbeat,Fixitwas able to separate their bodies, and kept them both in stasis aboard theArk.They re-awoke whenGalvatron,a future version of Megatron, attempted to hijack the ship, which hadalreadybeen hijacked by Shockwave and Starscream. Megatron and Galvatron fought bitterly at first, but upon realizing who they both were, plotted to join forces... but then Ratchet crashed the ship into Earth once again, seemingly destroying everyone on board.

Inone universe,he was rebuilt by the human terrorist organizationCobra,and he ultimately allied with Optimus againstJhiaxus,hisCybertronians,and theSwarm.Inanother,fifteen years of peace passed before Megatron rose again. Ina third,he woke up in1994,and proceeded to lay waste to the Earth, awaiting the day Optimus Prime would return.

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

FOOL! Pass me the TP!

Megatron was responsible for bringing Cybertron out of itsGolden Agewhen he restarted the Autobot/Decepticon civil war nine million years ago. Among his first actions was the fatal wounding of a young dock worker named Orion Pax, who was rebuilt to become Megatron's mortal enemy,Optimus Prime.

Megatron's forces boarded the Autobots' spacecraft when it was on a mission to search for new sources of energy on other planets, and was knocked offline like all the other Transformers when the craft crashed on prehistoric Earth. When both factions reawakened in 1984, Megatron made it his mission to pillage all of Earth's natural resources and enslave its populace, with the goal of revitalizing Cybertron and dominating the entire universe. His plans were by turns cunning, wicked, outrageous, and often, utterly, utterly ludicrous.

In2005,Megatron faced off with Optimus Prime in a battle atAutobot City,during which he fatally wounded the Autobot leader, but not without taking severe damage himself. Cast adrift into space, Megatron was found by the planet-eater,Unicron,and recreated asGalvatron.

In other timelines which branch out of this one, Megatron became aTransmetal,initiated themurder of a puppy,and years after his transformation into Galvatron, became Megatron once again, in various powered-up forms.

Sticker Adventures books

In the aftermath of yet another battle had lost against the Autobots, Megatron concocted a sneakier plan to get rid of the Autobots. He had his troops lay low for several days, then instructed Ravage to sneak into the Autobots’ base and steal all of their fuel. Megatron then led his troops into combat once more, before the Autobots would have a chance to procure more fuel. But Optimus, having anticipated a trick on the Decepticons’ part, arrived at the battlefield with a new supply of fuel for his troops. After sustaining too much damage, the Decepticons were forced to retreat once again.Revenge of the Decepticons

Marvel Storybooks continuity

After awakening on Earth, Megatron put into motion a plot that would gain him the unconditional surrender of the planet. Megatron first established theGlobal Corporationin order to employ the Constructicons to create and build sophisticated buildings all around the world. Each building had been outfitted with a secret mechanism which would trap all of those inside at the push of a button. Once all the buildings had been completed, Megatron would demand Earth's unconditional surrender in exchange for the safe release of the humans captured. Megatron's plan was interrupted by Optimus Prime and his Autobots invading the Decepticon base. Though Megatron attempted to assume the guise of an honest businessbot, Optimus was not fooled, and the two factions began to fight. Optimus had arrived too late, however, and with the plan already in its final stages, Megatron activated the trap mechanisms within his buildings. Megatron then jettisoned the Autobots from his headquarters, and highjacked a television broadcast, making his demands known to the human race.

Megatron and Optimus clashed once more afterwards. This time, Megatron had The Devastator help out on the battlefield, and the Decepticons' victory seemed assured with the help of the colossus. That was until the Dinobots' arrival, who effortlessly slaughtered the Constructicons. The Autobots then proceeded to disable the mechanisms holding the humans captive. Despite Megatron ranting that the war was far from over, the Autobots drove away from the battlefield victoriously.Battle for Earth

Megatron sent outDevastatorto capture any Autobot the colossus could find. Devastator returned withSunstreakerand locked him up in a cell within Decepticon headquarters. Megatron then approached the captive Autobot, and informed him that he would be used as a hostage to force the Autobots into surrendering. As Megatron walked away, Sunstreaker took a potshot at his back, enraging the Decepticon leader. Megatron and two Constructicons returned fire with cruel ferocity. With Sunstreaker left cowering in the corner of his cell, Megatron called to Soundwave to open communications with Autobot headquarters. He had his communications officer inform the Autobots of the situation, and demanded their surrender by the next morning. If they did not accept his terms, Megatron threatened to destroy Sunstreaker and rebuild him as a Decepticon!

Megatron knew the Autobots would not forfeit the Earth so easily, and so had Devastator stand guard over the Decepticon Base's entrance. Surely enough, a rescue party attempted to storm the base, but were quickly subdued by Devastator as well. Now with four prisoners in his custody, Megatron returned to the prison to address the Constructicons. He toldHookthat soon his surgical skills would be needed to convert the Autobots into loyal Decepticons. This led to a squabble between Hook andBonecrusher,who both wanted the privilege of destroying the Autobots before their reconstruction. Megatron assured them that they would both get their own Autobot to destroy.

Autobots secret weapon prime megs.jpg

Megatron sent a second message to the Autobots, revealing that their rescue squad had also been captured. He then explained that with the four Autobots rebuilt into Decepticons, he would have enough power to defeat the Autobots whether they surrendered or not. His deadline nonetheless still stood, and he awaited morning for the Autobots' surrender.

The following morning, Megatron emerged from the Decepticon headquarters to find a life-size statue of Devastator accompanied by a letter. The message was from Optimus Prime, and it explained that the statue was a peace offering, as the Autobots had agreed to surrender to the Decepticons. Gleeful at this turn of events, Megatron ordered the Autobot prisoners to be brought before the statue. The statue turned out to be an Autobot ruse, however, and from within it burst forth Autobot reinforcements. Megatron lead the Decepticons in a counter-offensive. He first deployed the Decepticon jets to counter the Autobots' own aerial warriors. The battle took a turn for the worse for the Decepticons whenRumble's earthquake-inducing abilities backfired, and many Decepticons were swallowed up by the earth. Deciding to end the battle once and for all, Megatron fired his fusion cannon at Optimus Prime. But Optimus used a reflective piece of metal to deflect Megatron's beam back at him! Hit by his own attack, Megatron crumpled to the ground, defeated.The Autobots' Secret Weapon

Marvel coloring books

"Who's for volleyball?"

To ruleEarth,Megatron came up with the idea to raid sunken treasure. Once they obtained the treasure, Megatron decided to use a truck to take it into town and buy some factories. Unfortunately for him, the truck wasOptimus Prime,who released a bunch ofAutobotsand defeated Megatron and his men.Search for Treasure Under the SeaMegatron's next plan was to lock up the Autobots in aspecial Autobot prison.They managed to get most of their enemies captured, but while Megatron was distracted by acardboard cutout,Bumblebeefreed the Autobots and Optimus soon had Megatron wrapped in an iron bar.Bumblebee to the Rescue!

Megatron sent out the Decepticons to find factories to build more troops. They ended up falling into a trap laid by the forewarned Autobots, but Megatron refused to surrender and Optimus Prime threw him into orbit. Floating in space, Megatron promised that next time the Decepticons would win!Decepticon Patrol The Decepticons kidnappedSparkplugandBuster Witwicky,but had to retreat during the following battle because they were low on power.The Deadly Fuel Shortage

Deciding that the Decepticons should rule Earth, Megatron set about using themolecular transfer deviceto steal the planet's fuel supplies. The Autobots soon found out about it, and when they assaulted the Decepticon stronghold, Megatron was bamboozled by one of Mirage's holograms.Summertime Coloring BookAfterRavagereported on a communication device possessed by the Autobots, Megatron used a fake message to lure Bumblebee away from theArkso he could take it over. It worked, but when Optimus pulled the same trick a short time later, Megatron fell for it.A Message From Outer SpaceMegatron decided to build a factory in a forested area. The Autobots also happened to be vacationing there, and after Megatron was knocked down by a boulder, and fooled by one ofHound's holograms, he was forced to flee.Forest Rescue Mission

After the Decepticons developed a jet engine silencer, Megatron led them on an attack on the Autobot base. Thanks to Bumblebee's warnings, the Autobots tricked the Decepticons into using up their firepower on a hologram of the Autobot base.Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission

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The Big Book of Coloring Fun

Kid Stuff Talking Story Books continuity

Voice actor:Earl Hammond(English)
Megg-Ra, the Ever-Drilling!

Tricking thousands of humans into digging a large cavern underneath theKalahari DesertinAfrica,Megatron detonated them with the largest explosion the world had ever seen, transforming the coal and humans into the world's largest diamond. Transporting it to a satellite launch base inBrazil,Megatron gloated thesatellitewould use the diamond as a lens to melt theRocky Mountains.Megatron looked on as Skyfire attempted to destroy the satellite out in orbit. When the Autobot failed and fell back to Earth, burning up on reentry, Megatron had a good laugh at his expense. His tone changed when Prime countered the satellite's attack on the Rockies by constructing a square mile of polished metal, which the Autobots placed below the satellite, deflecting its beam and destroying it. Megatron and Soundwave escaped underground in aturbine mole machine.Satellite of Doom

The duo stole an enormous hovering fuel transport, butSkyfiredestroyed it, forcing Megatron to come up with a new scheme: to drill thePrudhoe Bay oil reservoir.Their drill was so powerful, it caused volcanic eruptions andSiberiato approach the US, accelerating tensions between the US and USSR. Optimus hadrazon gaspumped into the reservoir, returning theoilbelow the sea floor and rising the Decepticon device. Boarding it, the Autobots once again found Megatron had fled.When Continents CollideHe now intended to raise the oil from Brazil, unwittingly destroying the city ofMachu Picchuand much of theAndes,as well as wreaking havoc with the weather. The Autobots stopped them again, and once more Megatron and Soundwave fled.Storms of Destruction

With all these failures, Megatron grew jealous of Shockwave's success in getting oil to the Decepticon soldiers. TrackingSlag,Megatron found the Autobot oil supplies inAntarctica.Using theCrusherMegatron sliced icebergs off the Antarctic, causing sea levels to rise. Unwittingly, his actions revived hundreds of dormant Dinobots trapped in the tar beneath the ice, forcing him to flee once more.Jaws of TerrorEnslaving oil workers in the Pacific, Megatron tried to drill the oil ofBuru,buthis transportoverloaded and he took flight.Slaves of the InsecticonsFrom his submersible nearMadagascar,Megatron sank sixoil tankers.Attacking another, Megatron's submersible was completely wrecked when it emerged the oil he drained was tainted by the Autobots with corrosive acid. He escaped during the subsequent Autobot attack.Attack of the Decepticons

Megatron's relationship with Soundwave was very abusive; he dubbed him a "blundering tape-filled idiot".When Continents Collide

Big Looker storybooks continuity

MTV pimps Megatron's ride.

As Decepticon leader, Megatron was part of the forces that attacked the Autobot Ark while it was trying to eliminate asteroids that threated to smashCybertronto pieces. The Ark crashed onEarth,and four million years later, the Decepticons were first to be woken by the ship's computer. Leaving the ship, they attempted to destroy it, but their energy levels were too low, and Megatron announced they'd have to find new sources of energy. After raiding the nuclear plant at nearbyKimball,they returned to the Ark, only to find it empty. He ordered his men to split up and go in two different directions, and hence they were able to outflank the Autobots. The battle was short-lived, as the Autobots proved too much for them, and the Decepticons retreated.Battle for Cybertron

A bunch of humans set up a race for charity, and the victor would receive a year's supply of oil and gasoline. Well, the Decepticons desperately wanted that bounty, so rather than just steal it, they decided to sneak into the race.Cliffjumperwas one of the Autobots driving in the rally and was unaware that thescary black Cadillacwas actually being driven by Megatron! Megatron dogged Cliffjumper for quite a while but ended up losing to the Minibot. Cliffjumper won the race and everybody smiled, even Optimus Prime.The Great Car Rally

After a particularly damaging battle, Megatron sent theSeekersto distract the Autobots while he took a small squad to capture a broken-down oil truck nearby, claiming it would allow them to defeat the Autobots once and for all. While he and his men were implementing the plan, somehowSunstreakersneaked up and got the truck working again. Megatron furiously pursued the truck and managed to seize it from behind. SuddenlySwoopappeared overhead and Megatron proved unable to shoot him down. TheDinobotdropped a bomb on the group of Decepticons, reducing them to a pile of metal scrap. An automated signal summoned arescue squadron,who arrived a short time later to retrieve the remains of Megatron and his men.Decepticon Hijack

Megatron set his sights on raiding a power plant, and promised his men that whoever came up with a fool-proof plan would be made Decepticonsecond-in-command.He was pleased whenKickbackinformed him thatGrapplehad been captured, and even more so whenBombshellarrived back at base with thecerebro-shelledAutobot. Megatron instructed Grapple to come up with a plan to steal the energy in the power plant. When the rest of the Autobots turned up to rescue their friend, Megatron took the opportunity to gloat before battle commenced. He ordered Grapple to help them fight, however Grapple, who had been de-cerebro-shelled, called him a "big coffee pot" and threw him onStarscreamandSkywarp.Insecticon Attack!

Ladybird Books continuity

Voice actor:Blain Fairman(English)
MegatronsFightForPower Megatron takes off.jpg

WhenLaserbeakdiscovered that the Autobots were working on a device resembling a radio tower, Megatron sentSoundwaveto investigate. The revelation that the Autobots had concealed much of the tower underground made Megatron think they were up to something underhanded, but before he could learn more, he realizedStarscreamhad gone to destroy the device. Megatron and the other Decepticons caught up with and stopped Starscream, and then puzzled over the machine. The machine, in reality intended to collect lightning, released a surge of power that caused the Decepticons to malfunction, forcing them to retreat.Autobots' Lightning Strike

Impatient at the lack of the energy they needed to power their space cruiser, Megatron hadBuzzsawsent out. They soon hit pay dirt when Buzzsaw located an experimental solar power station. After surveying the station with Soundwave, Megatron ordered the rest of the Decepticons to come in force, however instead Starscream attempted to lead the other Decepticons in an impromptu mutiny. Though Megatron swiftly brought the Decepticons back under his heel, their energy collection was ultimately foiled by the Autobots.Megatron's Fight for PowerAs the Decepticons' space cruiser neared completion, Megatron was determined that they find a way to test the ion-drive, despite Starscream's protests that it didn't need testing. Luckily Ravage located an abandoned mine, so the Decepticons made use of it for testing purposes. The Autobots again got wind of their activities, and used mine cars to blow up the ion-drive, collapsing the tunnel on the Decepticons.Autobots Fight Back

Furious over the constant defeats, Megatron ordered Soundwave to send Laserbeak to find out more about thehumanswho inhabited the planetEarth.The scouting mission led the Decepticons to a unique piece of Earth technology — a windmill. During the ensuing fight with the Autobots, they discovered the windmill was immune to the null ray, and believing it to be an advanced new weapon, Megatron ordered it be captured. Instead Rumble managed to destroy it and it collapsed on top of the four Decepticons.Laserbeak's FuryAt some pointGalvatrontraveled back in time from the 21st century and took over leadership of the Decepticons from Megatron.Galvatron's Air Attack

Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity

Voice actor:?(English)

Soundwavepassed on news of DoctorHeath Blaisedale's solar reactor. Megatron immediately made plans to use the device to drain theSun's energy, despiteStarscream's assertion that doing so would result in doom for Earth. He was furious when Starscream led an impromptu attack on the Autobots at the solar plant and ordered the three jets to retreat before they damaged the reactor. He hadRavagekidnap Blaisedale in an attempt to draw the Autobots away from the plant, before leading an attack himself. Unfortunately his particle cannon was destroyed byCliffjumperand theDinobotsturned up as well, resulting in the destruction of the solar reactor. Megatron retreated empty-handed.Sun Raid (Listen 'n Fun)

Listen 'n Play audiobooks continuity

Voice actor:?(English)

Megatron devised a scheme to abduct humans by disguising the Decepticon jets as commercial airliners. Unfortunately the Autobots stumbled on the plan, freed the humans and defeated the Decepticon squad which was doing the kidnapping.Sun Raid (Listen 'n Play)

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor:Peter Marinker(English)

Thanks toLaserbeak's spying, Megatron and his men followed the Autobots toSouth America,where they foundOptimus Primetaking interest inMount Sheelah.Being unfamiliar with volcanoes, Megatron decided to investigate, but his men were unable to capture thetwohumanshelping the Autobots. After the Autobots had retreated, the Decepticons got their change to look more closely at the volcano, only for it to erupt, trapping them with lava.Terror of Mount SheelahMegatron had his men kidnap humans from towns to use as slave labor, but afterBumblebeestole the Decepticons'global crystal,the Decepticons were forced to set the humans free.Bumblebee to the Rescue

AfterStarscreamspotted a hydro-dam atStanley Lake,Megatron decided to see if it was suitable for their energy needs, and staged an invasion. A short time later, he and his men spotted the Autobots in the valley in front of the dam and attacked them. Though they appeared triumphant after the Autobots retreated, the valley was flooded with water from the dam a short time later, washing them all away.Menace at the DamFurious at the mounting defeats, Megatron sent Starscream to infiltrate the Autobot ranks. When air commander reported that the Autobots'super weaponwas being stored inMount Levram,Megatron led the Decepticons there to flatten the mountain. Unfortunately it turned out that Starscream hadn't fooled the Autobots at all, and when the Decepticons returned to their base, it had been leveled in their absence.Espionage!!!!!

Renegade Rhetoric

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Renegade Rhetoric (2)

Deadly Paradise


Megatron discovered MadameCee,a human tinkerer onCarob Islandwith estensive knowledge of mechanics. With her (involuntary) help, and a rare mineral present on the island, he began building duplicate Autobots, starting with Sideswipe. Megatron also built amegamazearound his underground base on the island to deter intruders. Megatron first sent out the duplicate Sideswipe to destroy theNova Suspension Bridgein order to frame the Autobots, then proceeded to build more clones, including a duplicate Prowl. He had nearly finished building a duplicate Optimus Prime when a group of Autobots found their way into his base. They were easily captured, but Megatron could not help but stroke his own ego, and showed Prowl, leader of the squad, the full extent of his plan. Prowl managed to overpower his escorts on his way back to his cage, and tricked Megatron into destroying the duplicate Prowl instead of the real one. Megatron was then hit by some of Prowl's acid pellets, forcing him to retreat through a secret passage, though not before taunting Prowl once more, claiming that the Autobots would never escape his megamaze. The Autobots managed it and escaped the island.Deadly Paradise

The Special Teams

Upon first awakening on Earth, Megatron immediately schemed to steal fuel from the Earth in order to build the “ultimate weapon” and in time, conquer the universe. Some time later, as the battle with the Autobots had raged for some time on Earth, Megatron was too distracted to put a halt to Starscream's underhanded schemes. His attention had been completely focused on an attempt to convert the Aerialbots to the Decepticons’ side. While pondering over how differently things might have gone if only the Aerialbots had remained allied with the Decepticons, Megatron was brought out of his reverie by Teletraan 1, alerting him that a nearby power plant had been evacuated of its human workers due to the possibilities of a landslide happening. Megatron summoned Dirge, Thrust, Ramjet, Blitzwing, Rumble, and Starscream to accompany him on a raid on the unattended power plant. He was infuriated to find that Starscream was once more absent from his post, only to be reminded by Dirge that Starscream had been absent ever since he had been sent to fetch the Stunticons from Cybertron. Wary of Autobot spies eavesdropping on their conversation and wanting to keep the Stunticons’ existence a secret a while longer, Megatron dropped the subject. Coincidently, Starscream made communication with him at that moment, and Megatron ordered him to meet the rest of the Decepticons at a well-hidden spot near the power plant.

There, Megatron dispatched the Stunticons to attack thePullen Power Plant,despite Starscream's tardiness. The Decepticons ultimately failed in their raid, though Megatron's lack of interference in the combat gave Optimus some pause, as he wondered if the victory was truly a reflection of the Autobots’ overall position in their war against the Decepticons.The Special Teams


Before the construction of Autobot City on Earth, Optimus led a convoy of Autobots to find the ideal location for their new base's construction. Megatron lay in wait, inconspicuously disguised as a giant gun on a hillside, ready to strike as the Autobots approached. The battle that ensued, in which Megatron transformed and used his stock assembly as aparticle beam cannon,later came to be known as "Digital Doom on the Highway to Destruction".Rodimus Prime remembers the Transformers greatest battle on Earth.

Evidently, the battle went in Megatron's favour, as Optimus was forced to send some of his troops away to fetch reinforcements.Transformers Combat DataThe Autobots Are Under Attack!

Highway Clash

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.
Highway Clash Megatron and Rumble.jpg

Megatron learned about the existence of a cargo of microchips that could bestow sentience onto robots. Seeking to acquire said microchips, Megatron set out into the Yorkshire Dales to intercept the convoy transporting them. From a secret underground lair, he andRumbleplanned out their assault, only to be opposed by Optimus Prime and Prowl who were secretly guarding the shipment. Whether or not Megatron succeeded in acquiring the chips depended on the decisions thatyoumade!Highway Clash

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or moremultipath adventures.Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

Megatron had been overseeing Operation Black Coral from the Decepticons' secret base inMount Lomasfor over a week before two of theInsecticonswent on their mission toHidden Valley.WhenKickbackreported thatBombshellhad successfully plantedcerebro-shellson four of theDinobots,he was thrilled!

Since Kickback leaving to report back to Megatron occurs before the first choice is made, and Megatron's reaction is documented on the back cover, we can assume that this holds true for every path in this book.

In one possible path on the following day, he rallied his troops with a speech about how the imminent completion of the machinery necessary to convertDolphin Bay'sblack coralinto superfuel would ensure the final defeat of the Autobots in a matter of hours. This conveniently told the spyingBumblebeeall he needed to know about Operation Black Coral so he could relay it toSkidsvia radio, which conveniently toldSoundwaveandFrenzythat he was right outside the doorway so Frenzy could paralyze him and leave him in the underwater tunnel.

If Skids just returns to the Ark after this, it leads to two possible outcomes in which Megatron appears long enough to witness a Decepticon defeat. In one, he ordered his warrior jets into action only to see them fall toPowerglide'sthermal beam whileJazztorched the base's lab. In another,Sludgeshowed up at Mount Lomas claiming that he and the other three Dinobots under Bombshell's control had just decimated the Autobot ranks, convincing Megatron to welcome them into their base by holding the Operation Black Coral victory party and bonfire a day early. He began to question his judgement when Grimlock suddenly ordered his team to attack, but didn't react in time to save Soundwave or Frenzy. AsSwoopnailedThrustwith a missile, Megatron fired his nuclear fusion cannon at the Pteranodon, only to have his blast redirected at the last second bySnarl'stail-strike. This caused him to blast straight down into the mountainside, creating a hole which allowed the arriving Autobots easy access to Megatron's swiftly-demolished base.

If Skids tries to rescue Bumblebee, their base is just as doomed, but Megatron does not reappear.

In another alternate path, Megatron greeted the approaching Autobot assault force with "a strange challenge to Optimus Prime": a one-on-one fight to the end! After squaring off for a few minutes, Megatron fired, but Optimus dodged the blast by splitting into his three components, gaining the upper hand. Thanks toRumble'sinterference, we'll never know if Megatron could've turned things around.Dinobots Strike Back

Battle Drive


In order to take out the Autobots, Megatron concocted a diabolical new plot. He sent out Blitzwing and Starscream to destroy acres of farmland, and pretend that the Decepticon's latest ploy was to destroy the humans' food supply, forcing the fleshlings to either become Decepticon slaves or starve to death. In reality, this was only a ruse covering Megatron's true scheme. When the Autobots would come rolling out in the open farmland, they would be without cover for the Decepticon armada awaiting them, and would then be wiped out by Megatron's forces.

In one possible turn of events, the a small group of Autobots hatched a counter-plot where they hoped to trick Megatron into thinking the whole Autobot army was attacking when in reality only a squadron was battling the Decepticons. Thanks to his spy in the field, Soundwave, Megatron caught wind of this plan and was able to wipe out the Autobot squad easily.

In another version of the following events, Megatron learns that Sparkplug Witwicky has discovered a fatal flaw in the Decepticons' circuitry, and is forced to divert the bulk of his forces into a manhunt for the Autobots' ally. the Decepticons find Sparkplug holed up in a cave in the mountains. When Swoop, Prowl, Hound and Bumblebee arrive on scene, events could play out in a number of ways.

If Swoop decided to take Megatron head-on in aerial combat, the Dinobot landed a lucky shot inside of Megatron's fusion cannon as it was charging up, causing the weapon to backfire and Megatron to be destroyed.

If Swoop decided to retreat back to Autobot headquarters after an initial assault, Megatron would allow a number of his troops to chase Swoop down while the rest of the Decepticon forces remained at the cave's entrance. Megatron would remain at the cave himself, sending volleys of lasers towards the Autobots and humans trapped inside. In one possible version of the events that followed, Megatron is forced to retreat when Swoop returns with reinforcements, and believing that the Autobots still possess the schematics for the Decepticons' circuits, is forced to redesign the Decepticons' internal workings.

In another version of the following events, Bumblebee distracts Megatron by sending a boulder tumbling at him, allowing Prowl to make a mad dash back to Autobot headquarters.

If Megatron's ploy to lure the Autobots out in the open farmland was successful, he led the entirety of his fores with the intent of destroying Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots. Whether or not Megatron succeeded in destroying his foe depended on which decisions Optimus made from this point forward. In many scenarios, Megatron manages to pin the Autobots on a nearby bridge, only for them to escape by various means.Battle Drive

Attack of the Insecticons

AttackoftheInsecticons SmokescreenMegatron.jpg

Megatron was leading a party of Decepticons on a raid to steal energy sources from the humans when Starscream learned of a new device that would solve all of the Decepticons' energy problems, the Sun-Pak. In a possible outcome of a the events that would follow, Megatron was contacted some time later by the human Buster, who explained that he wanted to offer a trade to the Decepticon leader. Megatron was offered an audio file containing conclusive proof that Starscream planned to overthrow him, in exchange for the safe release of Sparkplug, who Starscream had in his possession. Megatron could only humour the human germ to a certain degree, and said that he would only agree to such a trade if Buster were to fulfill his end of the bargain first.

If Buster agreed, and did indeed send a genuine recording of Starscream gloating about his plans to seize leadership of the Decepticons, Megatron would shortly come in person to command Starscream to release the meaningless human and then deliver an ultimatum; either Starscream face the full force of the Decepticon army for his treachery, or be subjected to reprogramming at Decepticon headquarters. After Starscream accepted the later option, Megatron shooed off the humans and the few Autobot present to put his own house in order.

If Buster refused to relinquish the sound file before Megatron issued the order to have Sparkplug released, Megatron would nonetheless arrived on scene, demanding to be informed of the situation at hand. After being informed of the existence of the Sun-Pak, and that by using a Cerebro-Shell to force Sparkplug to construct a new one the Decepticons would no longer need worry about energy supplies, Megatron allows Starscream to follow through with his plan despite Buster's protests. For all his troubles, Megatron acquires nothing but a laser-toothbrush from this venture, as the mind-control process leaves Sparkplug's memory damaged, and the hygienic device is the only invention the human could produce for the Decepticons.

In another possible adventure, Megatron is encountered in an underground cavern by Beachcomber, who is attempting to make his way to the surface in order to recharge the Sun-Pak and rescue his fellow Autobots from the Insecticons. The encounter is a short one, as Megatron quickly disposes of Mirage before making his way further below ground to destroy the rest of the Autobots.

In yet another possible adventure, Megatron having acquired the Sun-Pak is in the process of himself recharging it near Decepticon headquarters when the Autobots intrude and attempt diplomacy in order to have the device returned to them. Megatron declines, and a firefight between the two factions begin.

If Optimus Prime attempts to end the fighting by proposing he and Megatron duel for the Sun-Pak's ownership, Megatron agrees and the two of them begin a long and strenuous battle. If Optimus gains the upper hand, the Autobot leader is content with leaving Megatron vanquished, and returning to base with the Sun-Pak in his possession. However, if Megatron begins to gain ground in their duel, Optimus forfeits the duel, and begins to walk away as Megatron mocks the cowardly Autobot. When Optimus approaches the Sun-Pak, he "accidentally" trips, and blasts the device into smithereens, leaving Megatron in a furor.

Alternatively, if Optimus attempts to end the fighting by simply making a grab for the Sun-Pak, Megatron intervenes and steps forth to defend the device from falling into enemy hands. But Optimus and his Autobot lackey, Smokescreen, dupe Megatron into tossing to Buzzsaw, only for Optimus to catch the device in mid-pass, leaving an enraged Megatron impotent to stop the Autobots from retreating with the device in their possession.

In yet another possible adventure, it is Shrapnel who comes to possess the Sun-Pak, and plans to usurp Megatron's leadership with the device. But Megatron's loyal spy Ravage overhears these happenings, and informs his leader of the situation. If the Insecticons still have the Sun-Pak in their possession when Megatron arrives to confront them, he berates Shrapnel for his clandestine activities, and blasts the Insecticon for his planned coup. The Autobots arrive shortly thereafter, and Megatron decides to use the rotting trees of the forest they are in as cover for an ambush on his newly arrived foes. Unknown to him, Mirage and Buster were hiding nearby, and warn the Autobots of Megatron's ambush. Megatron along with his troops are defeated byIronhide's acid spray, and the Decepticons retreat, the Sun-Pak having been destroyed in the process.Attack of the Insecticons



Megatron's latest ploy was to destroy Center City with the help of Rumble's earthquake-inducing abilities and a Destruction Beam device.

In one possible series of events, after Windcharger and Beachcomber had infiltrated Megatron's secret spy station within the Decepticon's newest secret fortress, Megatron was tricked into making all of his troops stand down and surrender by Beachcomber.

In another possible scenario, Windcharger and Beachcomber attempted to muscle their way into Megatron's secret spy chamber, only to fail miserably. Alerting Megatron of their presence this way, Megatron then confronted the pair in his weapon mode. Megatron promptly slaughtered the two Autobots with a blast of his nuclear-charged fusion cannon. Then, after having captured Powerglide and reprogramming him to lead the Decepticons to the Autobot headquarters, Megatron led his army and felled the Autobots one by one, until only Optimus remained. Megatron gloated that he would not kill Optimus, only alter him to make him a destroyer of mankind. Optimus activated the Ark's self-destruct sequence, taking all of the Decepticons with him in a fiery death.

In yet another possible scenario, Beachcomber and Powerglide happened upon Megatron as he explained the details of his plan to Soundwave.

In one possible series of events, Beachcomber, Powerglide and Windcharger managed to uncover the Decepticons’ plot without being captured, and shortly thereafter Optimus led a team of Autobots to storm the Decepticon base. Megatron was quickly overpowered by Optimus during the ensuing fight, and forced to lead a small group of Autobots to his lab. Once the Autobots disabled and destroyed Megatron's Destruction Beam device, they took him as a prisoner of war. Megatron was eventually traded back to the Decepticons in order to guarantee the safe release of a number of captured Autobots, but the Decepticons were ultimately defeated.

In another possible sequence of events, Megatron bumped into Cosmos, wandering the confines of the Decepticons’ fortress.

If Megatron allowed the little Autobot to speak, Cosmos would tell him of how he overheard Soundwave and Starscream plotting to overthrow him. Enraged by the news, Megatron ignored Cosmos to confront the pair. The Decepticons began fighting one another, leaving the Autobots to their own devices. This would ultimately lead to the Decepticons’ doom when the Autobots managed to recall the Destruction Beam to its point of origin, annihilating the Decepticons.

If Megatron didn't bother to listen to what Cosmos had to say, he called his Decepticon troops to himself so that they could all partake in Cosmos's destruction. Before the Decepticons were able to begin, they found themselves surrounded by an team of Autobot. Though the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, they were unable to interfere with the Destruction beam. The Destruction beamed then reached its target, and Center City was destroyed. Though the Autobots were able to gain control of the Decepticon fortress and destroy the lab, they were not able to wipe out all of the evil robots, and enjoyed a pyrrhic victory at best.

In another possible scenario, the Autobots Powerglide, Windcharger and Beachcomber were captured by the Decepticons while snooping around in their secret fortress. After ordering the Autobots executed, Megatron sent out a false distress signal to Optimus, tricking the rest of the Autobots to walk into a trap. With the Autobots destroyed, Optimus declared the world to be his.

In yet another possible scenario, Megatron captured Buster and Beachcomber wandering about the Decepticons’ fortress, and tortured the pair by forcing them to watch the destruction of Center City via a view screen. The show over, Megatron then turned his cannon upon the intruders, and pulled the trigger...

Another course of action could lead to Megatron brainwashing the human Jessie into being loyal to the Decepticons. Using her as bait, Megatron successfully captured all of the Autobots.

In a final possible path, wherein Beachcomber attempted to enter the Decepticons’ fortress by himself through the front door, he was jumped by the Decepticons and disassembled. Megatron then ordered his Decepticons to rebuild Beachcomber. In the process, the Decepticons planned to swap Beachcomber's memory chip for a Destructicon chip, to create the perfect double agent.

In several other possible outcomes, Megatron gloated and laughed as his plans came to fruition, and the Earth came under his rule. In several others, Megatron's plot was foiled before it would even begin. All of this hinged on what choices the Autobots made.Earthquake

Desert Flight

When the Autobot-Decepticon civil war had yet to expand beyond Cybertron, Megatron made use of a weapon that weakened the gravitational pull within a confined area. The weapon being unreliable, Megatron opted not to use it again for quite some time.

Later on Earth, Megatron lead a Decepticon deployment stationed in a desert base. The Decepticons plotted to lure the Autobots in a trap through the use of an anti-gravity beam. Using the beam on a nearby human settlement, the Autobots would be duped into coming to the fleshliness’ rescue, only to be themselves trapped by the effects of the beam.

If the Autobots bypassed the anti-gravity field, Megatron would use hismagna-miketo deliver an ultimatum; either the Autobots surrender Optimus Prime as a prisoner of war, or the Decepticons would use their gravity weapon to make the nearby human town float off into space.

If the Autobots ignored Megatron's ultimatum, the Decepticon leader would activate his base's forcefield to stop their advance, before firing the gravity beam in all directions. This caused a ripple effect, and all Autobots, humans, and anything else on Earth not nailed down to its surface floated helplessly out into space.

In the event that the Autobots used a trojan ruse to infiltrate the Decepticon base, Megatron was one of the few Decepticons who had not gotten drunk in premature celebration, and called reinforcements to his position to fight off the Autobot intruders.

In the event that Windcharger successfully turned the Decepticons’ forcefield off, reinforcements burst into the base just as Megatron was strike Optimus from behind. His aim thrown off at the last moment, Megatron blasted a hole in his own base, revealing to the Autobots the location of the gravity gun. Though Hook successfully caught Optimus in the gun's beam, Megatron caught sight of the humanBuddynear the gravity weapon's control panel, ready to tamper with it. Megatron charged towards the boy.

If Buddy pulled the gravity gun's horizontal control just as Hook turned the weapon to full power, the weapon would swivel and catch Megatron in its beam, tearing the Decepticon leader to pieces.

In a completely different possible sequence of events, Dirge and Buzzsaw brought before Megatron the Autobot Cosmos. As the little Autobot had attempted to infiltrate the Decepticon base on his own, Megatron decided to have Hook build a duplicate of Cosmos who house aproton bomb,and would destroy the Autobots when it “reported back” to Optimus Prime.Desert Flight

Decepticon Poison


In one possible sequence of events, Megatron was accompanied by a squadron of Decepticon jets to take out the recently poisoned Autobots. They found themselves fighting against the recently cured Autobots, and Megatron was temporarily stunned by a shot courtesy of Sunstreaker. Undeterred by this display of resistance, Megatron ordered his troops to engage their enemies. A fierce battle began between both sides. Megatron was quickly able to overpower the first wave of Autobots through the use of his fusion cannon, prompting Optimus to lead a back-up squad of Autobots against him. Both sides were forced into a retreat as they sustained grievous injuries over the course of the battle.

In another possible scenario, Megatron came upon the Autobot base, quiet as a tomb. Believing his plan to poison them having worked out perfectly, he strode into the Autobots’ headquarters, unawares that the Autobots were merely playing dead, having already been cured. Megatron ordered his troops to put aside their weapons in order to carry out the Autobots, and haul them over a nearby cliff to dispose of them. Once the Decepticons disarmed themselves, they were ambushed by the Autobots, and defeated with ease.

In another possible scenario, Megatron allowed Ramjet to lead a full-scale Decepticon assault against the poisoned Autobots. The Autobots, having miscalculated on how much antidote they had taken to cure themselves of the Decepticons’ poison, found themselves falling apart, leading to an easy victory for the Decepticons.

In yet another possible scenario, where the Autobots weaponized the tainted fuel and created a toxic cloud by burning it, the Decepticons were forced to retreat before their attack was fully underway.

In another possible scenario, Megatron lead a horde of Decepticons to a the water supply facility, about to poison it when the Autobots arrived on-scene. In one possible sequence that followed, he killed Bluestreak, Hound and Mirage before confronting Optimus Prime. Ultimately, Megatron and his Decepticons were defeated, though they left the Autobots worse for wear.

In another possible path, where a small group of Autobots attempted to destroy the Decepticons’ poison in their lab, only for the resulting explosion to render them unconscious, Megatron gloated to Optimus, Prowl, Bumblebee and Mirage, now his captives, that thanks to their foolish decisions, the Autobots would die a slow agonizing death, while the humans would soon become Decepticon slaves.Decepticon Poison

Milton Bradley mini-comic

When the Autobots launched anarkto clear a path through the asteroid belt that threatenedCybertron,Megatron set an ambush and boarded the ship with his men. He grappled with the Autobot leader,Jetfirewho revealed that the ship had been set on a collision course with a nearby planet. Megatron had his own contingency plan, and orderedSoundwaveto jump clear. The crash knocked out Megatron and everyone else aboard the ark, but four million years later, a volcanic eruption jolted the ship's systems back into life. Megatron and the others were repaired by the ship's brain, and were soon ready to renew hostilities onEarth.The Transformers

Beehive Books continuity

Megatron plotted the destruction of the Autobots inCastle Decepticon.Megatron had also allied himself with aMalevolent Giant Serpentto guard said castle. When the Autobots attacked, Megatron sent out his most loyal Decepticons to fend them off.Transformers Pop-Up Book

Frito-Lay posters


Megatron and his sinister Decepticons engage in battle with the Autobots to seize a tremendous energy source from a dam. Things get worse for Megatron when Shockwave decides it is time to betray his commander and seize control!The Power Struggle

Megatron was amongst a squad of Decepticons who attempted to get to the power source withinanother dam.He dueled Optimus Prime, while his minions lit up the surrounding landscape with numerous explosions. The Decepticons were ultimately unsuccessful in gathering the data they were after.Battle in the Desert Valley

Mystery of Convoystrategy guide manga

For further information, see:#Games

Megatron, having grown to gargantuan proportions, attacked Ultra Magnus after the Autobot had defeated all of his underlings. Megatron drew first blood by scorching Ultra Magnus with his flamethrower. But Ultra Magnus recovered, and used his "Hyper Jump Shot" to shoot Megatron's forehead multiple times, defeating the Decepticon leader.Showing up at Last! It's Megatron the Leader!

PDTF Comic

This is how the movieshould'vegone.

With the discovery of a new super energy source known as theBlackballs,Megatron found himself joined by numerous Decepticons from all across the timestream, all hoping to obtain the ebony spheres. Naturally, opposing him were a team of Autobots, also gathered from all across the timestream.

In one confrontation with his eternal foe, Optimus Prime, Megatron got to relive their battle at Autobot City. Except this time around, Megatron was defeated when Prime launched his "Matrix Attack" (literallylaunching the Matrix from his chest, bonking Megatron on the noggin).You're Great! Optimus Prime!

Later,Starscreammanaged to find what hethoughtwas a Blackball. He presented it to Megatron and received much praise...until the Blackball turned out to be a cartoon bomb which exloded in their faces. As the Autobots stood astonished that their crude strategy succeeded, a badly singed Megatron was left in a smoking crater, strangling Starscream.Don't Cry! Megatron!!

During battle withVictory Leo,Megatron found himself horribly outmatched. Thinking quickly, he launched a special weapon from his fusion cannon: a ball of yarn. The giant robot kitty immediately began playing with the yarn, giving Megatron the distraction he needed to escape.Tough as Nails! Victory Leo!

After that, he had to snap a pensiveOverlordout of a trance and order him to return to a battle he had walked away from in order to look at clouds.Oh, Overlord.

Some time later, Starscream located yet another Blackball. This time, though, he decided to keep its power for himself and use it to overthrow Megatron. Then it exploded in his hands because it wasanothercartoon bomb. Megatron watched the explosion from a distance, unaware of what was going on.Good Luck! Starscream!!

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

Megatron (G2).jpg

Megatron was once a minor Decepticon, but rose to take control of the empire via right of battle and gladiatorial combat. Once he had enough followers, he struck against the Autobots and began the eons-long war between the two factions. He personally headed the initial attack against Optimus Prime's home city,Iacon.Megatron'sThe Official Transformers: Generation 2 AnnualprofileThe conflict steadily consumed Cybertron's fuel supplies, and when Megatron learned that Optimus Prime planned to seek out new energy sources throughout the galaxy, he ordered the construction of a ship to pursue his nemesis. His crew struck against theArk,with both Autobots and Decepticons becoming too distracted while fighting to notice as they entered an asteroid belt. Two colliding meteorites sent their ship crashing into the planet Earth. After eons of dormancy, the Decepticons awoke to a world populated by humans, and attacked a nuclear power plant, claiming it as their base of operations. The Autobots soon awoke as well, and took up the fight once more against Megatron's forces.From Cybertron to Earth the War Continues...

Megatron remained in a stalemate against Optimus Prime and his forces for a long time. When Optimus started building new troops better adapted for combat on Earth, Megatron countered by creating the IlluminatorHotrod.Hotrod'sThe Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annualprofile

Following one of his patrols,Starscreamreported that he had momentous news to announce. Though his crony tried to make a show of his report, Megatron quickly lost his patience and had Starscream blurt out what he had learned, threatening to blast him should he try and embellish the story. Starscream's information proved portentous indeed; the Autobots had uncovered an ancient Cybertronian ship inAfrica,containing a star-map that pointed the way back to Cybertron. Megatron led his troops toTable Mountain,where he found the Autobots guarding the spherical vessel. With surprising ease, the Decepticons managed to send Optimus and his soldiers into a retreat. But as they swarmed into the ship, they found that there were no controls within it. Too late, Megatron realized that the whole thing had been a trap choreographed by the Autobots. The ship launched blindly into space, the Decepticons its prisoners.Day of the Decepticons

When a report came in fromLaserbeak,alerting Megatron that the Autobots were investigating two new Transformer power emissions in theBrazilianrain forest, the Decepticon leader saw it as an opportunity to finally tip the scales in his favor.

Megatron arrived on-scene to find his hated enemy already struggling against tworobot dinosaurs,and knocked out the majority of the combatants with a single blast from his tank turret. Though one Autobot still standing,Blaze,tried to torch him with his fiery exhaust weaponry, Megatron simply shrugged off the flames and swatted the bothersome pest aside. But whenSoundwaveattempted to trap the dinosaurs in aplasma net,an unforeseen negative ion feedback triggered their Transformer circuitry, and restored their personalities along with their robot modes.GrimlockandSnarlquickly overpowered the Decepticons and shattered Megatron's cannon. Megatron ordered an immediate withdrawal, and the Decepticons were forced to leave empty-handed.The Dinobots!

After it became apparent that the Decepticons wouldn't be returning to Cybertron in the foreseeable future, Megatron resolved to convert Earth into a new Cybertron. He hadScrapperhead a construction project in theClarke Atoll,building giant rocket boosters that would shift the planet out of its orbit. Once the Earth had drifted away from the sun's warmth, its biosphere would become barren, making an easy task to reformat it. Hearing from his lackey that construction had come to an end, Megatron ordered the rockets to be fired up immediately, foregoing any test-trials. But the Autobots involved themselves, withJetfireandDeftwingmanaging to sabotage the rockets from within. Megatron was forced to retreat to avoid getting swallowed up by the resulting lava swell, which destroyed Scrapper's creation.Moving Day Planet Earth

Comic BomBom G-2manga

In the 1990s, the Decepticons had learned of a powerful new energy source known asforestonitewhich just happened to be located (surprise surprise) onEarth.Megatron sent his trio ofCyberjetsto Earth first to draw out the enemy Autobots. The Cyberjets made quick work ofElectrobut were soon halted by the appearance of Optimus Prime.

Megatron then entered the fray and fired his Black Hole Burn attack from his fusion cannon, narrowly missing Optimus Prime but vaporizingHooliganin the process. Prime fought fiercely but Megatron began to take the upper hand in battle.

However, Prime was encouraged to keep fighting by the cheers of a human boy namedJunpei.Megatron, surprised at Prime's resilience, attempted to finish his foe off with his Tornado Axe attack. Prime countered with his Double Wheel-Torque Mega-Ton, which trumped Megatron's attack and injured the Decepticon badly. Megatron teleported back to his ship and left Earth's atmosphere, vowing to return.The New Battle!!

Ask Vector Prime

At some point, the localArchforceofPrimax 895.0 Gammaposed a threat to Optimus Prime and Megatron alike.Ask Vector Prime, 10/08/2015

Beast Warspack in material

The pack-in fiction of the first wave of Beast Wars toys predates the development of the Beast Wars cartoon and its backstory. Instead, it presents the setting as a direct continuation of the previous Autobot/Decepticon conflict, withOptimus PrimalandMegatroncast as new forms for their Generation 1 counterparts and their battles taking place on present dayhuman-inhabited Earth rather than in the distant past. Once the cartoon launched the toyline adjusted itself to match, relegating this to amicro-continuityseparate from the rest ofBeast Erafiction.
Look out Batman, it's Killer Croc!

Megatron believed that the Predacon way of life was to prosper or perish, and that the Maximals must be wiped out if the Predacons were to prosper. As for Optimus Primal, he planned toeathim!Megatron bio (basic crocodile mold)

The Maximals' "bio-genetic morphing process"allowed them to fuse organic musculature and Transformers technology... so Megatron and his Predacons did the same thing, with the DNA of Earth's most vicious predators! When the Maximals tried to destroy the Predacons' lab, Megatron was waiting in his ferocious crocodile form. Mistaken for a harmless Earth creature, he was able to get to the drop on Optimus Primal and summoned in his soldiersTarantulasandWaspinator.

The battle was still lost, leading to Megatron destroying the lab so his enemies couldn't get its secrets. He then fled, vowing to return with new forms and new plans when the Maximals least expected it.Optimus Primal vs Megatron!

Megatron eventually succeeded in obtainingTyrannosaurus rexDNA, stolen from human research labs, and subsequently used it to re-engineer his body into a powerful new form. Amongst his artillery, he boasted "poisonous paralyzer fluids blasts" that emanated from hisbeast mode's mouth, while his tail was configured into a "powerful pincher claw" capable of slicing an enemy in half.Megatron bio (ultraT. rexmold)

Beast Warscartoon continuity

Beast Warscartoon

Voice actor:Garry Chalk(English),Wataru Takagi(Japanese),Mario Zucca(Italian),Bardo Miranda(Latin-American Spanish)
Now that's what we call a smile.

After the Autobot/Decepticon war moved to Earth, Megatron hunted down theVoyager spacecraftas it traveled through theSolar Systemand encoded a message on its disc. Should his efforts fail, he left detailed instructions to any Decepticon descendants who recovered the disc, instructions which apparently condoned use oftranswarptechnology to alter history in his favor by locating theArkbefore it was reactivated, with access codes to the Ark stored in the disk, and killing Optimus Prime before the Autobots and Decepticons reawaken.The Agenda (Part 2)

The disk (dubbed theGolden Disk) eventually fell into Cybertronian hands and was stolen by aPredaconwho shared Megatron's name.Beast Wars (Part 1)This newMegatron,later stranded in Earth's past, was able to use a recording of the original Megatron to sway one of the original Megatron's most loyal troops,Ravage,to his cause.The Agenda (Part 2)

Sure, we all need our beauty sleep, but 4 million years, now that's taking the piss.

The original Megatron himself was stranded in Earth's past on board the Ark, offline.The Agenda (Part III)Before long, Predacon Megatron was able to approach the comatose body of his namesake and steal hisspark,integrating it into his own system. Almost immediately, however, during Predacon Megatron's painful reaction to this integration, he was thrown into a pool of lava by his treacherous underlings. In spite of—or perhaps because of—this, Predacon Megatron emerged from the lava, with a new body that could now transform into a fire-breathing dragon. It is unknown how much influence the original Megatron's Spark had in this metamorphosis.Master Blaster

AMegatronwas mentioned in theCovenant of Primus,an ancient sacred text which claimed to prophesize future events, including the Beast Wars. It was implied that both Megatrons took their name from here.Nemesis Part 2

Ask Vector Prime
I was cut out?! This is Starscream's doing!

At the end of the Beast Wars, after Predacon Megatron was overcome, the original Megatron's Spark was returned to his body, restoring the flow of history.Ask Vector Prime, 23/07/2015

3H comics

Terminus Autobots Decepticons.jpg

Megatron was one of the legendary Autobots and Decepticons who resided inJ'nwanafter the end of the Great War. During the battle known asPoint Omega,Megatron was among the legends who arrived to combat the warlordShokaract.Their efforts contributed to Shokaract's defeat and the nullification of the sequence of events that had led to his existence.TerminusDeparture

After the Beast Wars had run its course, Megatron's inert form could still be seen within the Ark when theVokremoved the Matrix of Leadership from an unconscious Optimus Prime and gave it to their creation,Primal Prime.Primeval Dawn Part 1

Transformers Legendsanthology

His spark within the body ofMegatron,Megatron was able to talk thePredaconleader into a new plan. Once they had broken into theArkand implanted a fragment of Megatron's spark into Starscream, he was able to use the air warrior to attempt to return his spark to its rightful place. Unfortunately, the beast Megatron resisted and overcame Megatron in a war of wills, subsuming the older Megatron. After theBeast Warsended, theMaximalsreturned Megatron's spark to his body.A Meeting of Minds

While theVehiconMegatron was being guided through the afterlife by theMaximalRhinox,he beheld a vision of his Decepticon ancestor in the realm of "Severity". The elder Megatron severed his own arm and destroyed it as energy within it threatened his continued existence. This image then morphed into a reflection of the Predacon Megatron as the vision continued.Singularity Ablyss

Razorclaw continuity

In one splinter timeline ofPrimax 496.22 Alpha,the Predacon leader Megatron succeeded in absorbing the spark of his namesake. The Vok emissaryTigerhawkmanaged to kill Megatron, but it was too late; the ensuingtimestormconsumed reality.Unicronwould later pluck Tigerhawk from the remains of his timeline, and the hardened warrior would becomeRazorclaw.Ask Vector Prime, 07/08/2015

Beast Wars Metalscomic

The apparition of Megatron haunted the thoughts of his descendant,the Predacon Megatron,inspiring him to travel to prehistoric Earth and search for theArk.Beast Wars Metals #2

The younger Megatron eventually found theArkand merged with the spark of the original Megatron, gaining a gigantic new body.Beast Wars Metals #5Optimus Primaleventually merged with the spark of Optimus Prime and, after a battle, the merged Megatron spark was completely destroyed.Beast Wars Metals #6

DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Events fromThe Transformers Trilogynovels are in italics.
Gladiators can afford extra paint applications.

Young Megatron was a rising star in gladiatorial combat in the depths ofCybertron.As victory upon victory mounted, he began to realize that the games were nothing more than an elaborate conspiracy by theCouncil of Ancientsto divert the attentions of the masses from the dangerous truth of Cybertron's history. When Megatron began to show interest in Cybertron's buried past through exploration and research, the Council of Ancients attempted to have him assassinated—a plan that only resulted in stirring up even more discontent among Cybertronians, allowing Megatron to begin recruiting for the Decepticon movement. First his "inner circle", then many of the gladiators, and then finally disgruntled civilians answered his call to action. The Decepticons were born.The Route of All Evil

Megatron is so grass-roots.

In search of theAutobot Matrix,Megatron personally killedSentinel Prime,only to find that the Autobot leader was not even carrying the Matrix of Leadership. He then sent an assassination squad to the inauguration of the newPrime,Optimus,only for the whole squad to be killed.The War Within #1Refusing to give up, Megatron paid a visit to one of the huge planetary engines which theConstructiconswere reactivating, using it to orchestrate a disaster in the destruction of theForum of Enlightenment,all in order to lure Optimus underground. Megatron sentSoundwaveand theInsecticonsto kill Prime and bring him the MatrixThe War Within #2As Megatron explained toStarscreamhis plan to transformCybertroninto a massive warworld that would cut a swathe of destruction through the galaxy, Optimus again defeated the Decepticons sent against him. Starscream mocked his leader, not only because his plan was failing to take off, but because Megatron believed the Matrix of Leadership to be more than a mere "ceremonial bauble;" Megatron planned to use the artifact as a battery for Cybertron's engines. After striking Starscream down and telling him never to question him, Megatron finally opted to confront the new Prime personally, and headed to meet him in Cybertron's underground. The two faction leaders met atop of a bridge, but Starscream blasted this overpass in a bid for leadership of the Decepticons, plunging both Optimus and Megatron into an abyss.The War Within #3

WarWithin3 Megatron.jpg

Megatron wound up being separated from Prime in the fall, but found him quarry soon enough by blasting his way through whatever obstacles were in his path. Megatron continued to press his attack, explaining to Optimus exactly why he needed the Matrix and urging Prime to join him. Optimus refused to cooperate, something that Megatron found satisfaction in, since Sentinel Prime hadn't put up much of a fight before his demise. When Megatron drove his fist into his opponent's chest, the Matrix enveloped them both in light, and they found themselves onan alien world.The War Within #4Visions of the future, spawned by the Matrix, played out before the two warriors, even as they continued to fight. Every time Megatron came close to eviscerating his opponent, the environment would shift, forestalling his victory. Finally both combatants were returned to subterranean Cybertron, only for Prime to be teleported away, separating him from Megatron.The War Within #5Optimus returned withGrimlock'sswordand a new resolve, and began beating down Megatron. Though Optimus stopped short of slaying his opponent, Megatron was so thoroughly thrashed in battle that he lost all memory of the Matrix-induced visions he had shared with Prime. Meanwhile, Starscream had activated the planet mechaforming process too soon, resulting in the destruction of the machinery, putting an end to Megatron's plot. Megatron shambled through Cybertron's underground, eventually coming across Soundwave. The Decepticons reconvened to fight another day.The War Within #6

Roughly 7.4 million years BCE, Megatron and Optimus Prime disappeared in an early test of the then-unstablespace bridgematter-transport system.FragmentationSpending an undisclosed time on the planetQuintessa,Megatron returned with an overwhelming army of lifelessseeker clones,arriving as the planet was on the verge of peace.The Age of WrathHe quickly subjugated the planet, though he kept secret the fact that he was working with the Quintessons.The Age of Wrath Pt.2At some point during his conquest, Megatron angrily confronted Starscream for highjacking his plans while he was away, and enacting revenge against the council of elders. Though Starscream claimed he was merely following orders in spirit, Megatron grappled his underling by the throat, and made it clear through threats that Starscream shouldn't presume his own autonomy; he was to follow his orders to the letter, and nothing else.The Omega EffectAfterwards, Megatron took great delight in sealing Starscream in a tank ofPiranaconsand placing the Autobots in internment camps, while working on a plan to access Cybertron's core.The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrathceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

The Quintessons contacted Megatron, and demanded that the Decepticon deliver Cybertron's core in exchange for having provided him with his army. Megatron forestalled the deal, having commissioned Shockwave to modify his Air Warriors to obey only him, and not their creators. Growing annoyed with Megatron's excuses, the Quintessons informed him that they had detected several Autobot signatures encroaching on his work camp. Leaving to deal with the intruders himself, Megatron tracked downBlasterand his team, and began beating them down.The Age of Wrath Pt.4He was interrupted by Grimlock, recently returned from the dead, and was too distracted by the "worthier opponent" to stop Blaster from freeing all of the enslaved Autobots.The Age of Wrath Pt.5After his troops were subsequently defeated, Megatron fled.The Age of Wrath Pt.6

Four million years BCE, Cybertron was threatened by a massive approaching asteroid, so Optimus Prime led a contingent of Autobots aboard theArkto blow the rock to fragments, which were transported away by an orbital space bridge network. When this task was completed, Megatron chose this moment to strike, attacking the Ark with his troops. Crippled, the craft flew through one of the space bridge portals, and was transported to prehistoric Earth, where it crashed, entombing the occupants in stasis for four million years.

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The Autobots and Decepticons were reactivated in 1984, but specific details of their battles in the 1980s and 1990s are unrecorded. In 1999, an Autobot/Human military alliance succeeded in capturing and deactivating the Decepticons. However, theArk IIspaceship carrying them back to Cybertron exploded shortly after liftoff, and the Transformers were believed destroyed. In actuality, they had been scattered back to Earth, where they lay instasis lockacross the globe for three years.

This slumber was brought to an end whenAdam Rook(aka Lazarus), a rogue military scientist who had devised a method of controlling Transformers, salvaged many of the fallen Cybertronians and reprogrammed them as mass killing machines, which he then attempted to sell on the black market. Megatron was used to attack and destroy a rebel encampment inSouth America.Lazarus later demonstrated his voice control of Megatron to a prospective client, however though Megatron obeyed the lesser commands, he would not move when commanded to kneel.Prime Directive #1

Having sufficiently raised interest, Lazarus held an auction, beginning with Megatron. He was unprepared when the Decepticon leader demonstrated his autonomy, blasting his way out of the bunker.Prime Directive #2Megatron swiftly put into action a plan to use acyber-virusto reformat Earth into a new Cybertron, with Lazarus as its first casualty. As the Autobots arrived, Megatron outlined his plan to Optimus, suggesting that the Autobot leader simply let it happen. Prime declined, however as the two factions fought, the US Military decided to enactOperation Clean-Upand dropped a bomb on them.Prime Directive #3

The bomb's energy absorbed by the virus, the Decepticons left the area before the Autobots could recover. Megatron unleashedDevastatoronSan Francisco,resulting in mass slaughter and the devastation of the city. The Autobots arrived and engaged the Decepticons in battle, butSuperion's defeat turned the course of the battle towards Autobot defeat.Prime Directive #4Although Prime took down Devastator, he still fell before Megatron, who took the time to point out how worthless the humans around them were. He again suggested that Optimus join him.Prime Directive #5The actions of a group of humans, including ramming Megatron with fire engines, inspired the Autobots to fight back. Optimus slammed Megatron to the ground and delivered a beating, but Soundwave's news that the humans had launched anukeat their battleground in a virtual repeat of the events in Canada, provoked a peal of laughter from Megatron. Though the nuke was stopped bySuperion,the Decepticons escaped in the ensuing chaos.Prime Directive #6

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The Transformers Trilogy(Hardwired/Annihilation/Fusion)
Megatron's a bottom.

Several months later, Megatron was subliminally summoned to a remote area in Alaska along with the other Earthbound Transformers. There they battled until Megatron's former second-in-command,Shockwave,arrived and revealed that in their absence the war on Cybertron had ended. He next attempted to arrest Megatron, Prime, and their troops as war criminals. Though the Autobots escaped, Megatron, weakened by battle, was quickly defeated by Shockwave and loaded aboard a shuttle for return to Cybertron. He rebooted just in time to be conscious as Starscream jettisoned him into space on the return trip.New World OrderMegatron used the time floating in space to contemplate his existence and the Decepticon goal. Realizing that he had wasted millennia in his feud with Prime, Megatron resolved to once again conquer Cybertron as a means of enhancing the Transformer race and strengthening it from outside threats. It seemed as through he would not live to accomplish this goal, however, as death closed in on him... only for him to be retrieved by theJunkionWreck-Gar.Revelation

Back on top!

Wreck-Gar took Megatron to the planetJunkionand repaired and re-armed him, as well as digging up and reactivating a number of seeker clones that had wound up there after being dumped through space bridge portals.Generation 1 #0Megatron returned the favor by stabbing him in the back with an energy dagger.Runnin' with the Devil

Traveling to the PlanetBeest,Megatron defeated the exiled Decepticon warlords, thePredacons,and rebuilt them into the mightiest of all combiners,Predaking,to serve as his ace in the hole in his quest to reclaim leadership of the Decepticons.Welcome to the JungleMoving in stealth on Cybertron, Megatron defeated Shockwave, severing his laser arm and forcing him into servitude.Lost and FoundHe then returned to Earth to collect the remaining Decepticons under Starscream's command. With Soundwave's help, he blasted a good-sized hole through Starscream himself, before the Air Commander revealed the recent activities ofSunstorm,a figure Megatron believed was connected to theCovenant of Primus.The Route of All Evil

At some point in the future, Megatron possibly becameGalvatron.Transformers: More than Meets the Eye #2

Transformers Legendsanthology

Megatron was furious when Soundwave told him thatSwindlewas selling Decepticon weapons on the black market. After chewing outOnslaught,he commanded Skywarp to bring Swindle in, and he wasn't fussy about how many pieces the Combaticon was in.Two for the Price of One

Megatron, along withMegatronand twoMegatrons,was waitingMaccadam's Old Oil HousewhenOptimus Primeemerged from a meeting withOptimus Primeand twoOptimus Primals.Prime Spark

During the gladiatorial matches in the depths of Cybertron, Megatron encounteredGeosensus,and mistook him for a potential recruit. When Geosensus revealed he had no offensive capability, Megatron concluded he was a worthless idiot. Megatron prepared to terminate Geosensus, but was interrupted by Shockwave's warning that security forces were incoming. The two Decepticons left to plan their attack on Kaon.Parts

In one of Megatron's many attempts to take control of Earth's energy resources, he unleashed a weather machine that engulfed most of the Gulf Coast in a powerful hurricane. The Autobots managed to foil this plot, and forced him to flee.Healers, Fighters, and Transformers

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Joey Slick > Cobra Commander

WhenCobra,a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world, found a crashed spaceship full of Transformers instasis lock,Megatron proved to them that the machines weren't piloted vehicles when he briefly awoke and groaned that he still functioned. Cobra rebuilt the aliens into new vehicles and reprogrammed them to serve Cobra, with the exception of Megatron, who was rebuilt to transform into a Walther P38 handgun, but was only locked in this mode and not reprogrammed. Holstered byCobra Commanderat all times, the Decepticon mocked Cobra's decisions, such as deciding thatStarscream,Megatron's traitorous lieutenant, would serve as the Commander's choice of transport.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1

Regardless of his complaints, Megatron's only chance to be released from his state was to follow Cobra Commander's orders, such as providing instructions on how to createenergon.Things weren't all bad, though, as he still got some enjoyment out of seeing his nemesisOptimus Primebeing forced to steal and destroy.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2Megatron was also pleased whenDestroshowed up and started bossing Cobra Commander around.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3

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When the Transformers were cleared of their reprogramming thanks toWheeljack,Cobra Commander found himself face to face with a very stern Optimus Prime, and tried to use Megatron to shoot the Autobot. However, Megatron still had some control of his body and strictly refused to fire, instead bargaining with Cobra Commander to return him to normal. The human gave in, and Megatron transformed and clashed with his old enemy. With Prime low on energon, Megatron came out on top, but before he could finish Prime off, Starscream attacked him and tried to take leadership of the Decepticons. Megatron got rid of him, but the distraction had allowed several Autobots to come to Optimus Prime's rescue.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4

Ignoring Prime to focus on some more long-term plans, Megatron madeDoctor Mindbenderuse theSPS Satelliteto create large amounts of energon. However, his party was soon crashed when Optimus Prime attacked the facility and used the energon to power up. Finding the situation unsalvageable, Megatron tried to escape while Prime was busy withSoundwaveandReflector.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5He ran right intoG.I. Joe,but was unimpressed with their firepower and fought back with hisenergon mace,possibly killingMercer.Things quickly turned for the worse for Megatron; his arm was heavily damaged by a stray beam from the malfunctioning SPS Satellite, he was pounded by G.I. Joe's rockets, and Optimus Prime caught up to him and beat him to a pulp. Prime then stole hisfusion cannonand used it to destroy the satellite and smack Megatron across the jaw, defeating him and ending the battle. The Decepticon was disassembled, but unbeknownst to the victors, his remains were seized and experimented upon by the United States government.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

No one sticks out their tongue at Megatron. At least, not for long.

A few years later, the human scientists had used Megatron's technology to create theSerpent Organic Robot,a synthetic creature that combined the personalities of several ofEarth's most famous warmongers and Megatron. After being prematurely activated by Cobra Commander, Serpent O.R. flashbacked to a memory of Megatron's imprisonment and attacked the Cobra leader. He then plugged himself into Soundwave's deactivated head and learned the history of the Transformers, subsequently considering himself the son of Megatron.The Art of War #1Serpent O.R. went on to travel to Cybertron and realize his destiny of becoming the next leader of the Decepticons, while Megatron's remains were left where they lay inArea 52.The Art of War #2

Transformers/G.I. Joe

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At some point in the past, Megatron defeatedSentinel Prime.Titanium Series Megatron toy bio

Megatron and his underlings lay buried and deactivated under a temple on theFera Islandsfor some three million years, until one day in1938when they were somehow reactivated byMajor Bluddtouching theMatrix of Leadership.After learning thatCobra,like the Decepticons, were ruthless conquerors in search of power, Megatron allied himself with the humans. However, this was merely a ruse so that he could get his hands on the Matrix, which proved hard asCobra Commanderkept on his person at all times. Megatron and his troops spent the following year helping Cobra ransack various European nations, stealing energy for themselves while leaving the useless "yellow metaland painted paper "for Cobra. In the summer of1939,he took out the aerial defense of the English Channel alongsideStarscreamandSoundwave,clearing the way for an invasion of theUnited Kingdom.The Line

Hours later at the Fera Islands, Megatron was in the process of beating up Starscream for leaving his post when he spotted an Autobotrepair dronein the process of reactivatingOptimus Primeand his troops. This angered him slightly more thanDestroeyeing hisenergon cubes.TransformedDeciding that he needed a safer place to store the energy, Megatron commandeered a submarine and forced Cobra troops to move the cubes into it, which did not please Cobra Commander. However, Megatron had decided their alliance had outlived its usefulness anyway, and prepared to squish the fleshling, only to learn the hard way that Cobra Commander could use the Matrix to cause him great pain. As Megatron collapsed, the Cobra leader warned him against ever rebelling again.Trial by Fire

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The Decepticon commander decided to bide his time, and stood calmly by Cobra Commander's side as their enemies closed in on the Terrordrome. WhenShockwaverefused to follow Cobra Commander's orders, Megatron admonished him in order to further trick the commander that he had learned his lesson.TrenchesAs Cobra Commander's orders led to Shockwave breaking apart, Megatron suggested that he be given the Matrix so he could repair his underling. Unfortunately for him, Cobra Commander did not fall for it, but Megatron at least got to taunt him for wasting valuable troops like that. Shortly afterwards,Bruticuswas unleashed, causing a rockslide that crushed Cobra Commander's legs, despite his orders for Megatron to shield him. Instead, Megatron "humbly" suggested that the commander use his gun mode as a means of ending his life. Cobra Commander could not go through with it, but Megatron was simply picked up by theBaroness,who executed her former leader. Free at last, the Decepticon leader went after the Matrix, only to find it had been stolen bySnake-Eyes.Before he could kill the ninja,Optimus Primearrived and attacked him, keeping him at bay while Snake-Eyes destroyed the Matrix in an attempt to destroy Bruticus, killing all the Transformers in the process.The Iron Fist

The Beast Within

Megatron led a full Decepticon offensive, catching the Autobots unaware. With the ensuing battle going in the Decepticons’ favour, Megatron waded through the battlefield, slaughtering Autobots as he went. Ordering his troops to leave no survivors, Megatron's onslaught was interrupted when the Dinobots combined intoThe Beast,forcing him to prioritize this newest threat. He cheered on when Predaking clashed with The Beast, though it did the combiner little good. When Megatron attempted to interfere himself with The Beast as it took on several of the Decepticons’ combiners, he was tackled down and beaten up by Optimus.The Beast Within

With the Beast continuing its rampage, Megatron and his battered troops chose to flee the battlefield rather than risk being slaughtered by The Beast.The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences prologue

Q-Robo Transformer

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Q-Robo Transformer

Another Con

Megatron was transformed into asmall electrical rodent.Starscream sarcastically assured him that the Autobots would find him much more intimidating in this form.Another Con

Descent into Evil

During the first Great War,Flamewarwas an original member of Megatron's army. After the loss of Megatron, Flamewar continued to mourn him for some time, seeing the remaining Decepticon Generals such asDeathsaurusas pale imitations of him.BotCon 2005 Flamewar profile card

2005 IDW continuity


Realizing that peaceful movements could not changeCybertron,Megatron, a miner fromTarn,decided to wage a war against the corruptSenate.With help fromOrion Paxand hisAutobots,he overthrew the corrupt Autobot leader,Zeta Prime,and became new tyrant of the planet. The betrayed Orion Pax, now going by the name of "Optimus Prime", gathered the remaining Autobots and organized a rebellion against Megatron and hisDecepticonarmy. Over time, the war between Decepticons and Autobots spread throughout the entire galaxy.

Four million years later, Megatron arrived on Earth to put down a coup fronted by Starscream. Intrigued by the presence of an incredible new energy source known asOre-13on the planet, Megatron remained on Earth, and when Optimus Prime arrived as well, it became a new battleground for the war. By springing a trap on the Autobots, Megatron cast them to the despoiled,Insecticon-infestedCybertron and attempted to conquer Earth. However, aided bya human,Optimus Prime defeated Megatron at last, while Starscream took his damaged leader and retreated from the planet.

After a two-year convalescence, Megatron was revived in a new body built bySoundwaveandShockwave.Seeking revenge on both Optimus Prime and humanity, Megatron concocted a plan to shatter the already-fragile alliance between the Autobots and their new human allies inSkywatch,mind-controlling humans into his pawns through replicas of his gun form. Defeating Prime in battle, he then made the surprising move of surrendering himself to the Autobots, but his ulterior motives soon revealed themselves: by surrendering, he secured himself passage to Cybertron, and once there, used thespace bridgetechnology in his new body to teleport his Decepticon army back to their homeworld. This plan played out in the midst of an attempt byGalvatronto bring theDead UniverseentityD-Voidinto the living reality; the minds of Megatron's troops were seized by D-Void and they were combined intoa giant monster,which Megatron battled and defeated.

Galvatron's defeat was followed by the reformatting of Cybertron into a primordial state, and Megatron went into hiding in the wilderness to study the energy used to create D-Void's monster, using it to perfect the combination process. With a newDevastatorcreated through this idealized new process, as a well as a new body for himself design to interact with the combiner, Megatron laid siege to Iacon from within, but was stopped by a hidden forcefield implanted inside his body byWheeljack.

During Shockwave's attempt to destroy the universe, Megatron found himself working alongsideBumblebeeas they raced to prevent the mad scientist from completing his ascension. Although Bumblebee didn't survive the experience, Megatron had an epiphany at the eleventh hour: he had strayed so far from his original ideals of personal freedom and liberty for all, and declared himself an Autobot, donning Bumblebee's old insignia. In the aftermath, Megatron joined the crew of theLost Lightafter agreeing to postpone his trial. His presence on the ship proved controversial—not least among his former Decepticons, especiallyTarnand theDecepticon Justice Division.He later found himself inadvertently trapped in theFunctionist Universeand began working to overthrow the Functionists, this time through more peaceful means.

When the Functionists attempted to use theWarrento purge the galaxy of alien life, Megatron followed in theLast Light.After centuries of battle, during which the Functionsists had actually transformed Cybertron into an effigy of Primus, Megatron found himself back in his home universe, reuniting with his old crew, for whom it had been only a few weeks. When Rung was discovered to be the actual Primus, he forged twelves duplicates of the Matrix of Leadership which the crew opened at each of Cybertron's hot spots, the energy wave overloading Vector Sigma and destroying the Functionsists who had merged with it. When the crew finally recontacted the rest of the Cybertronian race however, Prowl decided that, since theKnights of Cybertrondidn't exist, Megatron would have to be tried by theGalactic Council.Agreeing to go quietly, Megatron was tried for his many crimes and sentenced to either eternal imprisonment or outright execution; whatever his ultimate fate, Megatron accepted the outcome, saying he deserved worse.

Lil Formers

After Runamuck had failed during his latest mission, Megatron hounded him down to punish him. Little did he know that Runamuck had repainted himself black to pass off as Runabout.

Later, Megatron declared it to be "Mega-Month," and introduced other-universe incarnations of himself. He claimed that his purple-and-green tank body was great for hiding out in Cybertron's vast eggplant fields.Lil Formers

Hearts of Steel

Megatron was leader of the Decepticons, although he was inactive while some of his troops woke in the 19th century. The awakeStarscreamplotted to destroy Megatron in the process of conqueringEarth.Hearts of Steel #2When theElder Godswoke years later, they took theDecepticonsunder their control. WhenIronhideconfronted the manipulatedBonecrusherunder the assumption that Megatron had awakened his forces, the Decepticon clarified that Megatron still slept and their true masters were the Elder Gods.Infestation 2: The Transformers #1

"Strange Visitors"establishes that events identical to those ofHearts of SteelandInfestation 2occur in the2005 IDW continuity;however, they happened toMaximalexplorers brainwashed byShockwaveinto believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Mini Mayhem!

Using an un-enlarger device, Megatron led his Decepticons in an infiltration ofBotConto track down next year's toy designs, and use them to conquer the Autobots once and for all! Unfortunately, thetoy designerhe was after wasn't in attendance, and so Megatron's plan fell to shambles.

On his birthday, Megatron found a badly-hidden bomb stuck in his cake. He was left wondering whether Starscream was putting any efforts in his coups anymore.Mini Mayhem!

Henkei! Henkei!pack-in comic

In the 21st century, Megatron attackedTokyo,planning to steal its energy and enslave the population. He retreated once the Autobots arrived and a fight with Optimus ensued.Henkei! Henkei! #1SendingAstrotrainto distract his nemesis, Megatron quietly gathered a large amount of energon cubes before being attacked byRodimus.Henkei! Henkei! #2Though the young Autobot proved able to dodge Megatron's cannon blasts, he soon found himself in Megatron's grip as soon as he attempted to charge the Decepticon leader. Rodimus kicked himself free, but was left with damaged optics and was unable to fire upon Megatron for fear of hitting the power plant behind him. But when Starscream tried to fire on Rodimus, the young Autobot dodged out of the way, and Megatron was hit by his own underling's null-ray! Megatron then chose to fleeHenkei! Henkei! #3with enough energon to transform himself into Galvatron. He nearly killed Prime andIronhideupon undergoing this transformation, before apparently overloading and exploding, reverting him back into Megatron.Henkei! Henkei! #7

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Henkei! Henkei! volume 12

Henkei! Henkei! Generationscomic

Henkei Megatron SS Ambition.jpg

Starscream's ghost attempted to overthrow Megatron once more. Blowing away the cape and crown that Starscream had doned before their confrontation, Megatron admitted that he was curious to learn how Starscream's new "body" functioned.Starscream's AmbitionBut this Starscream wasn't the one Megatron was familiar with; the spectre had come forth from another dimension. Starscream explained this to Megatron before possessing the body ofOnslaughtand beginning to tear up the Decepticon ranks from within! As Megatron demanded what the ghost wanted truly wanted, (Megatron's head and the local Starscream's body, as it turns out) the quantum OperativesSkidsandScreechwarped in on the scene and helped exorcise Starscream back to his home universe.Starscream's New Body

Henkei! Henkei! BunBuncomic

At last, I have returned in a— wait, am I aNERFpistol now?! CURSE YOU STARSCREAM!!!

When the legendaryEnergon Cubewas lost to the reaches of space, Megatron led a small team of Decepticons across the galaxy in pursuit. The cube crashed on Earth, in the Japanese town ofHoshinochō,where it shattered into innumerable fragments that were scattered far and wide. To search for the cube shards, Megatron and his Decepticons took on the forms of local vehicles and devices, so they could operate in secret.Optimus Primeand his Autobots had also followed the Cube to Earth, and so the Transformers' war continued in secret on this new world.Kingdom of Giants

Ten years later, Megatron discovered that the humans had a "secret weapon" of sorts in their quest: They had allied themselves with the human boyAkira Kihara,who possessed the incredible powers of a "Booster",one of a small number of beings in the universe born with the power to detect and manipulate the energies of the Energon Cube. Seeking the boy's power for his own, Megatron struck, but was repelled when Akira used his powers to their fullest. Alas, Akira overloaded his body and died in the process, and Prime was consumed with guilt.Time of Resurrection

One year after the battle for Akira, Megatron received word fromAstrotrainthatStarscreamandRamjetwere battling Prime's Autobots at the human structure known as theStar Dome.Enter! The TransformersJoining the conflict, he berating Starscream for his failures, using the fallen Air Commander as a shield to protect himself from Optimus Prime's shots. Chastizing Prime for not going all-out in his attack, Megatron turned his Fusion Cannon onBumblebeeand the Autobots' newest human allyWataru Hoshinoumi.At the last moment, Prime appeared to deflect Megatron's blast with a shot of his, and Megatron elected to retreat, transforming to gun mode and collapsing a large chunk of the Star Dome to cover the Decepticons' withdrawal.The Emperor of Destruction Appears!Starscream claimed Megatron's advanced age was making him weak, but Megatron suggested that he had another reason for calling retreat...Kingdom of Giants

Even if the mace's end is only a few feet from my head, it shall never hurt me!

When Starscream struck out on his own, attacking a power plant with the aid of the brainwashed AutobotSkyfire,Megatron observed the battle via a recording made by his spy,Ravage.The events that unfolded during the conflict confirmed Megatron's suspicions: Wataru was also a Booster!Wataru's PowerOnce again seeking to take the power of a Booster for himself, Megatron tracked Prime and Wataru when they went on a mission to investigate a local relic (in actuality, a cube shard), then struck hard. Taunting Prime with the memory of the last Booster that he had allowed to die, Megatron goaded the Autobot leader into a ferocious battle with their energon-axe and flail. Throughout the duel, Megatron challenged Prime's philosophy and beliefs, eventually striking home with the claim that Prime had hoped to use Wataru's power to defeat him. With Prime's focus broken by this sadly-true accusation, Megatron was able to lay Prime low and seize Wataru, informing the boy that he would not allow him to die like Akira had if he came with him willingly. Naturally, Wataru refused, and activated his powers, forcing Megatron back with a barrier shield; this, Megatron realized, was what had deflected his shot during his first encounter with Wataru, rather than Prime's blast. Wataru used his powers to heal Optimus and power-up his energon axe into a mightysword,which Prime used to tear a massive gash in Megatron's armor. The explosion that resulted decimated the surrounding countryside, and when Prime and Wataru awoke, Megatron was gone.Optimus Prime's Secret

Now that my bubble bath is ready, I shall go get mylittle rubber bathtime plaything.

The injured Megatron had been spirited away byCyclonus,who took him to a network of caves beneath a volcano and placed him in a "bath" of moltenenergon cubesto heal him.Time of ResurrectionWhile Megatron was recuperating, however, Starscream led Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to his location, in hopes that they would destroy him so that he could take his throne. As Starscream and Cyclonus battled in the air, Prime approached Megatron, and without hesitation, plunged his energon sword into the Decepticon leader's chest and broke the blade off within his body. Megatron howled in pain and fury, and the energon cubes around him began to react, rising to whirl around him and surround his body with their glow. The maddened Megatron seized one of the cubes and bit into it deeply, causing a huge energon explosion. As the light from the blast faded, Megatron stood restored, renewed and reformatted... now, he wasGalvatron!Creation! The New Emperor of Destruction!!

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

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Universetoy bios

Numerous tragic encounters with Megatron temperedRatchet's good nature.UniverseRatchet toy bio


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Numerous incarnations of Megatron from throughout themultiversewere gathered together as the "Megatron Aggregate"under the leadership ofone particular incarnationwho hailed froma universewhere the Autobots had evolved into the hyperdimensional race known as theAlternity.Shackling the power of the trans-time god-beastHytherion,this Megatron conveyed time-and-space-manipulating powers similar to those of the Alternity upon himself as his different iterations, forging them into one cross-dimensional gestalt-consciousness entity. To battle the Alternity across time and space, the Megatrons copied their methods, projecting their consciousnesses intoauto-avatars.The Megatron responsible for the scheme took control of a "Premium Le Mans Blue" style auto-avatar, while his first known ally (from an unidentified dimension) possessed a "Blade Silver" body.To Mega Therion

The third identified member of the Megatron Aggregate hailed fromuniversal streamPrimax 1286.3 Kappa.In a "Diamond Black" auto-avatar body, he engaged in battle with "Ultimate Silver"Optimus Primeacross two universal streams, striking at him from the year 2009. This Megatron was amused when Prime deduced that he had an ulterior motive for operating in that year, and so made him a wager: if he could defeat him in a game of his own choosing, he would answer a question honestly. Megatron proposed manipulating the inhabitants of his home universe in a "game full of death and suffering", and infused a portion of his power through a legion of Decepticons (including his own past self) to be pitted against Prime's lone chosen champion,Ultra Magnus.To Die Game!

With the Hytherion's power under the Aggregate's control, one Megatron and his universe's Decepticons' battle tactics changed from attacking specific strategic targets to widespread, sweeping destruction.Nissan GT-R / Ultra Magnus (Brilliant Pearl White)

Alternity beings are both individuals and a collective of separate entities. More fiction about Megatron's Alternity collective can be foundhere.


Cyclonus, if you would please fetch the nail clipper.

During the war, Megatron rose up to become leader of the Decepticons. Pursuing Optimus on his quest for more Energon, he shot down his ship. Landing, he, Starscream and Soundwave saw Optimus and his Autobots had survived, and taken disguises. Megatron's eyes turned red as he prepared to scan an alternate mode...Action Blast 1

Megatron andCyclonusset up a mining operation near an abandonedgas stationto extract Earth's natural resources and convert them toenergon.They were discovered byBumblebeeandOptimus Prime,who created a diversion and knocked Cyclonus out. Megatron then blew the mining operation up with his double-barreled arm cannon and retreated with Cyclonus.Fight for Energon

Robot Heroes

IDW I am Optimus Prime battle.jpg

Megatron was once Optimus's friend. One day, he decided he wanted to rule the galaxy and have Optimus's Matrix for himself, bringing the two of them at odds. When the Autobots left Cybertron, Megatron and his Decepticons followed them to Earth in order to bring its people peace... through tyranny! Optimus shoved him off though, forcing Megatron to postpone his conquest to another day.I Am Optimus Prime

Transformers(2010) toy bios

Lugnutwas fanatically loyal to Megatron.TransformersLugnut toy bio

Generationstoy bios

Driftused to work for Megatron.GenerationsDrift toy bio

Darkmountwas one of the few Decepticons to achieve legendary status on the level of Megatron.GenerationsDarkmount toy bio

Even Megatron shuddered at the name of the ruthlessSky Shadow.GenerationsSky Shadow toy bio


Tank Lorry(タンクローリーTanku Rōrī) was a participant in theQuiz! BeCoolshow, teamed withTrailer.However, their inability to correctly answer questions or be civil to each other cost them the winning spot. Another BeCool,Hyper Tank(ハイパータンクHaipā Tanku) was part of the audience.The Story of Quiz! BeCoolTank Lorry was part ofYellow Sports Car's explanation of BeCool marks.The Story of What Do I Know About the BeCool Mark?He was later caught in a big traffic accident when Yellow Sports Car spun out of control after slipping on abananapeel.The Story of Protecting the Signal!

It turned out that Tank Lorry was a movie director, and his filming of a movie was interrupted by the fire brigade who thought that the movie's pyrotechnics were an actual raging fire.The Story of the Fire Brigade Dispatch!


A New Battle! Megatron.jpg

Believing Optimus Prime to be dead, Megatron declared himself Cybertron's "Emperor of Destruction", and asked Starscream on the condition of a mysterious "item". Starscream only responded that the object in question would be put to better use under his control... and the conversation was cut short by the timely arrival of Optimus Prime and his troops! Ecstatic to see his old nemesis alive and fighting-fit, Megatron engaged the Autobot while Starscream urged him on. Many future battles would be had between the two rivals, with both combatants upgrading themselves into new bodies over the course of the ages.A New Battle!

At some point,Darkside Megatronwas born out of Megatron's mental insanity.UnitedDarkside Megatron toy bio

Transformers: All Spark

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Another Episode, Part 1Another Episode, Part 2The Fated Rival, Once Again...To EarthReunion and PartingPlans of the Emperor of DestructionRevengeThe False PowerRay of HopeGreat AspirationsConclusion

Transformers GT: Mission GT-R

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In a world where the Transformers' war settled into a series of competitive races known as theTransformers GT,Megatron took on a race car form and became aGT Transformerunder the nameGT-R Megatron,though he retained his ruthless nature and favored blasting other racers out of his way with his powerfulEX. Cannon.In order to put an on limit his own strength, he separated his "Dark Matrix",the portion of his soul governing his wisdom, into aGT Sisterpartner namedNoa.


Megatron had a reputation for suddenly showing up at race tracks and blowing away the competition with his incredible speed. This earned him the moniker of "The Silver Tyrant". AtNoa’s urging, Megatron interrupted a race between Star Saber, Optimus Prime and Fortress Maximus as they neared their final laps. He quickly outpaced both Maximus and Saber before challenging Optimus to battle. As the two fought, Megatron explained that he considered the competition to be a farce, as he easily outclassed all those who opposed him.Safety Primeand hisGT SisterAithen drove onto the race track, announcing they would not stand for Megatron's grandstanding. In response, Megatron swatted Safety Prime away, and claimed he would soon make his nom-de-guerre all the more appropriate by pulverizing the new arrival. Before Megatron could give Safety Prime a thorough trouncing, Optimus stepped in, claiming he understood Megatron's true motivation for coming to the race track; a dire need for the thrill of the race! Having been promised a true challenge, Megatron took on his car mode once again, and all four Transformers resumed the race.Transformers GT: Mission GT-R

Story of Transformers GT

During round 3 of the 19th Transformers GT, GT-R Megatron specifically targeted his rival,GT-R Prime.Uninterested in other racers, he had Noa lock on his EX. Cannon to any approaching racers so that he could keep them from interfering with his race towards Prime. The first victim of his weapon wasGT-R Saber.One Shot and One Kill!! –Finishing Blow–As he continued to blast everyone out of his way,GT-R Maximuswas displeased with Megatron's violent methods and set out to teach him a lesson with his own weapon, theMaster Jack Sword.A Biggest Sword! –The Last Resort–

Story pages

During round 3 of the Transformers GT, Megatron burst onto the scene from inside a black trailer and threatened to destroy the race, expressing disappointment that all races so far had failed to excite his warrior's spark.GT-R Primeunderstood the newcomer's desire for a truly thrilling race and called upon Megatron to race against him.GT-R Megatron Attacks!Like other racers, GT-R Megatron attended photo shoots alongside Noa in order to promote coexistence between humans and Transformers.The Work of the GT Sister Race Queens?When a reincarnatedUnicronattacked the Transformers GT finals intending to absorb the GT Transformers' energy, Megatron restored his true strength by using the "Matrix In" ability to recombine with Noa. He then fought and defeated Unicron alongside the other powered-up racers.The True TFGT

Starscream's New Power

Starscream's New Power Megatron.jpg

Starscream, having just driven off several other Decepticons after grabbing some weapons fromShockwave's lab,gloated that the Decepticons would soon kneel before him as their new leader. He was unaware of Megatron sneaking up on him as he did so...Starscream's New Power


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Megatron tried to shoot downBumblebeewhile he was showing off his jet mode, only forOptimus Primeto rear-end him, sending Megatron flying. The force of the impact also caused Megatron's parts to come off his chassis. Upon noticing this, Megatron covered himself in shame.Toys & App TV Commercial

Megatron was playing cards withStarscreamandSoundwavewhenPredakingattacked their base. Megatron used a nearby Construct-Bots computer terminal to upgrade both his minions. But when it came time to receive his own upgrade, Bumblebee mucked about with the computer, and Megatron got a gumball machine attached to his chest. Enraged, he threw the candy dispensor to the ground, only for gumballs to scatter about and cause him to trip. Falling to the ground, Megatron was left with a bare chassis as the impact caused all his parts to scatter!Intro!

Megatron tussled with Bumblebee. Throughout the fight, both 'bots' parts got rearranged in bizarre ways. At the end of the struggle, Bumblebee stood properly assembled, while Megatron found his chassis stripped of its parts! Humiliated, Megatron took off.Switcheroo!

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe


Starscream brought Megatron the disembodied head of Bumblebee, which contained massive amounts of useful information. As a reward Megatron gave Starscream a position of power.The Golden BoysThe information he gained allowed Megatron to achieve victory against the Autobots and caused Optimus Prime to disappear. Megatron seemed insulted that his foe had abandoned their battle.Form Follows FunctionAround this time, Megatron seized theMatrix of Leadershipand bonded it to hisblack holespark.Pax MegatronusThe Matrix led him to the face ofPrimus.Through it, the Decepticon leader began corruptingVector Sigmaand subjugated his creator to his will. Cybertron was slowly turned into a massive space ship which would utilize Primus' power to cyberform the entire galaxy.Expelled from the Garden

He then ordered Cybertron moved into the solar system ofEarth,where Starscream had retrieved Bumblebee from.I Saw Three ShipsMegatron was atop his throne inTrypticonwhen G.I. Joe began bombing Cybertron with organic matter. TheInsecticonseventually brought him the invaders, only for them to escape, along with some Autobots, whenMirageprojected an Optimus Prime hologram, causing Megatron to lunge at what he thought was his foe.TargetmastersAt some point Megatron aligned the Decepticons with Cobra. WhenDestrotranswarped into Megatron's throne room, the cyber-human impressed Megatron with both his drive and mastery of mechanical life. Megatron allowed him to handle his next mission alone and gave him a gun as a gift to slay the comatoseCobra Commander.Funeral for a FriendOutraged that G.I. Joe was aiding the Autobots, Megatron launched a full attack onMetroplex.Grimlock,recently deposed as Autobot King, tried to kill Megatron personally, only to be slain and salvaged for spare parts and war trophies. DespiteFortress Maximuscoming to aid his comrades, the Decepticon/Cobra alliance prevailed and Megatron allowed Metroplex and Fortress Maximus to slink off in their damaged states (thoughStraxusbelieved Megatron had wounds to lick).Everybody Hates Metroplex

This feels right for some reason,Yesss.

Seeking to bring all lifeforms in the universe under his command, Megatron set up a facility to study human and Cybertronian minds; his end goal being to decrypt the living mind under the supervision ofDoctor MindbenderandMindwipe.HeadmastersHe made enough progress to override motor functions and watched as Autobot and Joe were pitted against each other in the Polyhex Killway arena. To his mild interest the AutobotGalenturned out to be a human in armour. Meanwhile, Cybertron had infectedSaturnandMarswith cyberforming, and was beginning to do the same to the moon as he desired.Expelled from the GardenWhen he found Cobra Commander's son Billy, missing an arm and a leg, he grafted cybernetic limbs to him, turning him into a weapon (a great honour in Megatron's view).FCBD Funnies


When Optimus Prime returned to Cybertron, Megatron, feeling nostalgic, engaged him in one-to-one combat. Optimus got the upper hand and cleaved open Megatron's chest, revealing the corrupted Matrix. Realizing that this was the most devastating blow the fight could offer, Megatron abandoned the duel and ordered his troops to overrun the Autobots. Megatron admitted to Optimus that while he liked nostalgia, he was concerned with bigger things. Cybertron had finally reached Earth and the horn-like mega-mountains slammed into it, destroying the organic world. Megatron then shot Optimus through thesparkat point-blank range with hisfusion cannon,sending his foe down a pit while the Autobots and Joes watched in horror.Pax MegatronusMegatron celebrated Earth's destruction with his Cobra disciples, consuming Earthfoodin honour of the day the planet died. After dinner he took Trypticon upon one of the mega-mountains and used the Matrix to sprout "petals" to clear away the cloud of dust and debris created by the destruction of Earth.Earth: R.I.P.When the cloud had cleared, Megatron ordered Primus to transform to robot mode, intending for him to consume theSunand supercharge his creation abilitiesEscape from Primus

Before Primus could consume the star, Megatron was assaulted by the sparks of the formerPrimes,who mocked his background and ambition, but he refused to break. The Decepticon leader demanded Optimus show himself, only for Grimlock to appear and take control of his head, which Megatron was wearing. Megatron saw fit to quickly rid himself of the trophy. Gathering all his Decepticon and Cobra minions within Trypticon's forcefield, he directed Primus to begin consuming the Sun. The Autobot/Joe alliance was able to disable the saurian's forcefield and envelop Megatron's forces ingreen bombs.Cobra Commanderand his cabal then arrived with the human offering to rid Megatron of the plants if he gave him Mars to rule. Megatron agreed to spare Mars andDoctor Venombroadcasted the kill signal, which prompted the Decepticon to declare his invincibility.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

In the ensuing battle, Megatron combined the energies of his black hole with the Matrix of Leadership, absorbing all of the Autobots, becoming a monstrous new form he dubbed "Mega-Megatron." Unwilling to hurt their allies, the Joes retreated, but Mega-Megatron's career was short-lived; theNemesis—commandeered by Shipwreck and Polly—ploughed into the combiner, freeing their friends. Then the legendary Ultra Magnus crashed through Primus's eye, challenging Megatron to a duel. Eager to do away with the old gods of Cybertron, Megatron accepted, and the two combatants battled on the Dyson sphere that had grown around the Earth's Sun. Magnus managed to snatch the Matrix away from the Decepticon conqueror, intent on returning it to its rightful owner—Optimus Prime! Optimus Prime sprang out of Ultra Magnus's body, punching Megatron off of the nearest ledge and sending the Decepticon warlord hurtling into the core of the Sun.

There were no survivors.

Trapped in the Sun, Megatron attempted to escape his predicament by using his black hole as a dimensional gateway. The gambit was only partially successful—although Megatron died before he could escape, his body was indeed shunted to another universe. In this distant reality, a group ofdiminutive horsesinvestigated the smoldering remains of the once-mighty conqueror.

Eventually, however, Megatron would be reborn as Galvatron.The War Never Ends

Angry Birdscomic

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Megatron led an attack on theArkin an attempt to capture theAllSparkfrom the Autobots. His attack plan fell apart when Starscream broke rank, leading to Megatron's troops being repelled from the ship. After Optimus delivered a mean right-hook right into the Decepticon leader's jaw, Megatron was sent tumbling after his minions by a blast of water, courtesy ofHeatwave.Angry Birds Transformers #1

Prime Wars Trilogycontinuity

Prime Wars Trilogymarketing material

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The old ways must fall, and only I have the power to strike the final blow.

Megatron was once honored acrossCybertron.However, the mighty hero was corrupted by power, and thus he became a tyrant who launched a war of conquest which drained Cybertron of life. Not even that could satisfy his taste for conquest.Combiner WarsMegatron toy bio

Skywarp's preference for playing pranks over battle frustrated Megatron.Combiner WarsLeader Class Skywarp toy bio

Megatron was a potential bearer of theMatrix of Leadership.As a force for order, Megatron, tired of the war, planned to tear down the old system and set up a new, united Cybertron... under his rule, of course. Instead, the Matrix went toOptimus Primal.Power of the Primesfan poll

Prime Wars Trilogycartoons

Voice actor:Jason Marnocha(English)

Before he was leader of the Decepticons, Megatron fought as a gladiator, deriving his name from that ofMegatronus.All Things Must PassDuring the Great War, Megatron killed Optimus Prime and was transformed intoGalvatronby the power of Unicron, though both of these were later reversed.The Fight BeginsCountdownStarscream constantly schemed to claim leadership from Megatron, though he never succeeded.Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - StarscreamComing to the dire realization that the war against the Decepticons had become a never-ending arms race, Optimus Prime challenged Megatron to single-combat, with their troops acting as witnesses to their terrible and final clash. The battle between both faction leaders ended with Megatron beaten down and goading Optimus into delivering the kill shot.Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Optimus PrimePrime refused to kill him, however, and following the Great War's conclusion, Megatron was abandoned by his troops and ended up isolating himself, preferring to be left alone.

Hi, I'm Megatron, and you don't know it yet, but I'm your reason to keep watching.

Decades later, as he challenged the Constructicons to a gladiatorial battle in an old Coliseum, he was approached by Optimus andWindblade.Megatron immediately attacked Optimus, eager to continue their longstanding battle, but Optimus and Windblade eventually convinced him of the threat that Starscream and theEnigma of Combinationposed. Driven by his hatred of Starscream, Megatron agreed to join them in their quest to destroy the Enigma.UnforgottenThe three attempted to sneak into thecounciltower, but were spotted. Refusing to believe Starscream had no larger scheme up his sleeve, Megatron fired on him, triggering the tower's defenses.HomecomingWhenDevastatorappeared, he attempted to make him stand down, but the Combiner refused. He and the others engaged Devastator, but were interrupted by Starscream's use of the Enigma to become a super-Combiner, which Megatron realized was his plan all along.A War of GiantsHe and the others proved no match for the rampaging Starscream and were thrown from the tower, believing they stood no chance.Darkest HourWhen Windblade suddenly called uponMetroplexto hold Starscream in place, Megatron and Optimus teamed up to deliver a fatal blow from Megatron's rifle mode, destroying Starscream. As the dust settled, Megatron recovered the Enigma and handed it to Windblade before departing once more.Destruction's Dawn

How's the Pie?

As the people of Cybertron rebuilt after theCombiner Wars,Megatron silently watched Optimus from a distance.Aftermath and RebirthWhen the resurrected Trypticon began attacking Metroplex City, Megatron made his way to the battlefield, where he ran into Optimus. Sure that things would work themselves out like always, he initially dismissed Optimus's claims that the battle heralded the return of theThirteenand Cybertron's doomsday as lunacy and walked off.The Fight BeginsHowever, Prime's words stuck with him, and he later found his way to thePrimal Basilicato speak with theMistress of Flameabout it, but arrived to find her badly beaten. The Mistress of Flame was only able to revealOverlordas her attacker before finally succumbing to her wounds.At the Last SecondWithVictorionbeing the next best source of religious information, he next traveled toFortress Maximusto find her, but was accused of murdering the Mistress and attacked by the Combiners. Thanks to Windblade's intervention, Megatron finally explained what happened and asked Victorion if recent events were a sign of the end times. Victorion told him to seek answers from the one he worshipped, and he departed yet again.Desperate Actions

Megatron later turned up back in Metroplex City to watch Trypticon fight Fortress Maximus. After some persuasion from Optimus and Windblade, Megatron finally agreed to help them fight, though he insisted that Windblade now owed him and that he was only doing so to find out who was really behind recent events.ConsumedUltimately, Trypticon was defeated by the power of theMatrix of Leadership,but this was immediately followed by the return of Megatronus, the mastermind behind everything. Megatron launched into a speech condemning Megatronus in an attempt to stall for time so Optimus and Maximus could attack, but this proved fruitless and Optimus was killed before Megatronus departed with the Matrix and the Enigma of Combination. In the aftermath, despite everyone else's distrust of him, Megatron asserted that they would need to work together and asked the others to follow him, as he believed he knew where Megatronus was going.All Things Must Pass

Primal turns to violence after Megatron says "piss" justonetoo many times.

Splitting their group up, Megatron led Windblade,Perceptorand Victorion toPrimal Swamp.Having read theBook of the Second Prophecies,Megatron was certain they would find the missingRequiem Blasterthere, though his companions were skeptical. The group found themselves surrounded by theDinobots,who were convinced Megatron was behind the recent threat of the apocalypse. Despite Megatron's claims to the contrary,Grimlockattacked and sent him hurtling away.The SwampGetting back on his feet, Megatron noticed something shining within the reeds and decided to investigate.VolcanicusHe found a glowing dome and touched it, causing a door to appear. As the others arrived, he told them to wait for him and entered the dome, the door closing behind him.Without WarningInside, he found the Requiem Blaster guarded byOptimus Primal.The two battled over the Blaster, but when Megatron swore to give his life to save Cybertron, Primal recognized his resolve and relented. Megatron grabbed the gun and emerged from the dome, using it to force an enraged Predaking to stand down.Primal

Attank on Titan(s Return).

Following coordinates obtained from the dome, he led the group toCataclysm Tundra,where they unearthed the entrance to theAthenaeum Sanctorum.Pulling up a file on the Requiem Blaster, his search for information was interrupted as a vengeful Overlord pinned him to the ground, eager to destroy the one being who had ever bested him.Athenaeum SanctorumWith help from Perceptor, Megatron escaped Overlord's clutches and went toe-to-toe and tank-to-tank with his foe, fighting both him andRodimus Cron.Ultimately, Megatron was weakened by the battle, but before Overlord could finish him,Optimus Primaltossed him the Requiem Blaster and he fired at his opponent, killing him.CountdownDiscussing with Perceptor, he finally realized Megatronus's plan, as well as his goals, just as the former Prime appeared to knock him out and take the Blaster for himself. With their time of reckoning imminent, Megatron suggested they hurry to theWell of Sparksto stop Megatronus. Though he was unsure about leading the others on a suicide mission, they finally convinced him, and he mused about what Optimus would think as they pressed on.Consequences

This feelsfamiliar..

Despite nearly having their sparks drained while traversing theLabyrinth of Tunnels,he and the others reached the Well in time to interrupt the resurrection process. Giving the others orders, he watched as Solus Prime began to return, explaining the circumstances to her and reaffirming his decision to save everyone. When Megatronus incapacitated the others and prepared to finish them, Megatron moved into his way, refusing to stand down. However, their battle was interrupted by the arrival of Rodimus Cron, now under Unicron's control.Collision CourseKnowing he wasn't strong enough to take them both on, Megatron stayed to the side during their battle. He waited until they were distracted before attacking the doomsday device at Solus's behest, but was knocked aside by Megatronus. He later watched as Primal was transformed into Optimal Optimus by the Matrix.Megatronus UnleashedHaving secretly contacted Predaking, he and the others were saved by the Combiner in the nick of time. He attempted to blast Solus with the Requiem Blaster, but Megatronus intervened, only for Solus to kill him herself. Their victory was short-lived, however, as Unicron attempted to use theMatrix of Chaosto take control of Megatron and transform him back into Galvatron. Refusing to be controlled by anyone, Megatron decided to sacrifice himself for the good of the planet and his team. Optimal obliged and fired the Requiem Blaster at Megatron and the Matrix, leaving behind no trace of either one.Saga's End

Metal Earth online bios

Megatron was the founder of the Decepticon uprising. Even after his near total destruction by theAllSpark,his persevering nature allowed him to return.Metal EarthMegatron[1]

Beast Wars: Uprising

Afterthe Predacon Megatronwas able to killOptimus Primeand erase theMaximalsfrom history,Blackarachnia,in desperation, attacked the unconscious original Megatron with hercyber-venom.Whatever effect this had, it was enough to erase the Predacon Megatron from the timeline.A Change to the Agenda

At some point in time, Megatron was remade into Galvatron through the power of Unicron. Following Galvatron's death, his remains were used to create theG-Virus,which would replicate the reformatting Megatron had underwent in anyone infected by it.Micro-Aggressions

Countless years after the Great War had ended, all that was left of Megatron otherwise was hisEnergon mace,on display in theAdministrator's office.Broken WindshieldsHis memory lived on, however, as the legendary leader of the Decepticons and distant ancestor of thePredacons.Identity PoliticsSer-Ket,for example, claimed to be part of a warrior lineage that stretched back to Megatron and others.Head Games


Voice actor:Keiji Fujiwara(Japanese)

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is astuband is missing information on theirfictional appearances.You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.

Mystery of Return of ConvoyThe Road to More Popularity than Autobots

ATB Megatron

ATB Megatron art.jpg

InPrimax 096.0 Beta,Megatron upgraded himself with flight capability and the ability to combine withStarscreamduring the latter days of thethird Cybertronian war.In response,General Optimus Primeupgraded himself with heavier armor and weaponry.General Optimus Prime profile cardDuring the obligatory Battle forSherman Dam,Megatron in his ATB form battled Optimus Prime, but the Autobots ultimately won the day thanks to the arrival of the Dinobots.Ask Vector Prime, 06/09/2015At the war's final battle onMirtonia,the Autobots emerged victorious in routing Megatron'sDecepticon Star Empirewhen Decepticons accidentally blew up an experimental energon refinery and themselves along with it.General Optimus Prime profile card

Ask Vector Prime

One Megatron transformed into a shoe. His plot to stamp on the face of liberty forever was foiled with the help ofVector Prime.Ask Vector Prime, 14/06/2015

InPrimax 092.0 Beta,Star ConvoyandFire Rodimusformed Supernova Convoy to defeatStar Giantand Ultra Megatron.Ask Vector Prime, 15/08/2015Some time later, Megatron returned, empowered bynucleonbut was defeated by Optimus Prime.Ask Vector Prime, 16/07/2015

Another Megatron from a universe destroyed byUnicronwas reformatted into Unicron'sHeraldGalvatron.

Yet another Megatron, unhappy with the prospect of his universe being destroyed, killed the aforementioned Galvatron's fellow HeraldCyclonusby ripping Cyclonus's head off. His universe, however, was ultimately consumed by Unicron as well.Ask Vector Prime, 19/09/2015

Of Masters and Mayhem

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In one universe, Megatron and his Decepticons fought against the Autobots until they unleashed their ultimate weapon: the combinerThunder Mayhem.Unfortunately, the monstrous gestalt turned on its masters, and ultimately brought about the destruction of Cybertron. Megatron managed to survive the planet's reckoning, and escaped to Earth to hide. His ship's star drive was damaged along the way however, leaving him stranded on the organic world. Though the planet initially only had non-sentient fauna on it, entire cities spontaneously materialized on it at some point, soon followed by humans to populate them.
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Realizing that all of this activity would bring attention to the planet, Megatron took on aPretenderdisguise to hide among the humans, eager to plunder whatever materials he needed to repair his ship and be on his way. Then, a mysterious signal drew him to a specific group of humans.HistoryAfter witnessingtwo oftheir membersuse super-human strength to rescue a man and his daughter from a car wreck, Megatron quickly came to the conclusion that they were also robots in disguise.Assembly

SeeingMetalhawkgetting shot, only for Energon to spill out instead of blood, only served to further prove what Megatron already knew. Megatron confronted the group as they exited a police station, and announced that he was aware that some of their numbers were Cybertronians. A futile attempt to deny the accusation was brushed aside, and Megatron warned the group that a great enemy would be upon them soon.Insight

He then had the group follow him by telling them of his space ship, stashed away nearby. As they came upon it, Megatron discarded his human form to reveal his full-sized Pretender shell. He then attackedSpikeandElizabethto goad the Autobots into abandoning their disguises as well. It worked, and Megatron was soon battling Metalhawk, Vroom, and Crossblades while explaining his recent history to them. At Metalhawk's insistence, Megatron then revealed his inner-robot, allowing his opponents to know exactly who they were dealing with.HistoryThough trying to get the Autobots to trust him, Thunder Mayhem soon arrived.DivinationAs Megatron watched, Optimus Prime soon revealed himself, having also survived Cybertron's doom, and began fighting the giant. Though Megatron pondered interfering, he was stabbed in the back byRamjetonly to be saved byToxitron.Pandora's GiftWhipping out his Mini-Con servant,Spacewarp,Megatron duelled Ramjet until Thunder Mayhem was felled. While the heroes patted themselves on the back, Megatron donned his disguise once again and headed off into the sunset, content to fight another day.Finale

Age of Time


Megatron and his Decepticons attacked Ark on its course to Earth. This resulted in both Ark and Nemesis getting sucked into a wormhole that led them to analternate dimensionwhere Megatron and the other Transformers were somehow amalgamated with theirnative counterpartsto form a superior version of themselves. [2] [3]Transformers: Age of Time statue bios

Aw Yeah Revolution!

Aw Yeah Revolution! Autobots vs Decepticons.jpg

Megatron and Soundwave were duking it out against the Autobots before an earthquake made the battleground unstable, forcing both sides to retreat.Aw Yeah Revolution! #1

My Busy Books

Megatron was once honored across Cybertron for being a fearless warrior until he was corrupted by power. Now, he wants to conquer everything but fortunately, the Autobots are here to protect the Earth from him and his evil Decepticons.Transformers: My Busy Book

Bumblebeegraphic novels

Megatron kickedSwindleout of the Decepticons.Win If You Dare

Star Trek vs. Transformers


After the Autobots and Decepticons had warred onEarthfor decades, the planet fell victim toWorld War III,forcing all Cybertronians to abandon the blighted globe. Megatron led his troops back into space aboardTrypticon,having theTitanfollow the Autobots aboardFortress Maximus.After decades in space, the Autobots foundenergononCygnus Sevenprompting the Decepticons to strike. Though the Decepticons overpowered their foes, history repeated itself and the Autobot ship fell down onto the planet, the impact sending all aboard intostasis lock.When theFederationmoved onto Cygnus Seven in the 23rd century, their survey team inadvertently reactivated Fortress Maximus's autonomic systems, the Titan's repair beam striking Megatron so could investigate. Reactivated, Megatron revived his troops and was quick to order an attack on the surface.Prime's Directive, Part Two

With Federation firepower proving no match for the Decepticons, theUSSEnterprisewas called in. As the Seekers harassed the ship's away team,Optimus Primeemerged from the mine shaft only forCaptain Kirkto knock him into stasis. The Decepticons quickly surrounded the organics whereupon Megatron ordered their execution only forSoundwave's weapon to restore communications to the human ship allowing for aphoton torpedobarrage. Deciding to withdraw until they had more information, Megatron led his troops to a nearby moon where they found Trypticon being occupied byKlingons.Prime's Directive, Part One


Though initially intrigued by the human-hatingaliens,Megatron soon came to doubt their usefulness as allies untilKurirevealed their cloaking technology. After having Trypticon scan the downedwarbirdand cripple theEnterprise,Megatron led the charge back to the mining colony.Prime's Directive, Part TwoOnce Trypticon had revealed his robot mode, Megatron teleported onto the battlefield with the intent to slay Optimus Prime. Before he could finish his foe, Fortress Maximus entered the battle.Prime's Directive, Part Three

I came here with a simple dream: a dream of killing all humans. And this is how it must end? Who's thereal7-billion-ton robot monster here? Not I...

Caught off-guard by the Autobot Titan, Megatron called for air support only for Starscream to vanish. His second soon reappeared, streaking away to conquest with a cache ofdilithium.Realizing what had happened, Megatron tried to execute the Klingons (who were eager to die) only for the Autobots to swarm him. When Trypticon was sent tumbling, Megatron ordered the Decepticons after Starscream, swearing to return and crush theFederation.As Trypticon warped after Starscream, Megatron revealed to Soundwave that he was finally going to execute Starscream for all his betrayals.Prime's Directive, Part Four

Arriving at the Klingon homeworld ofKronos,Megatron crashed into the chamber of theKlingon High Counciland promptly executed Starscream before ordering his forces to raze Kronos before the Autobots andStarfleetarrived. Even with Optimus's wounds healed, Megatron still managed to best his opposite, having Soundwave unleash the audio disruptor waves. Megatron's conquest were not to be however, for the frequency Soundwave used had no effect on Klingon biology allowing them to summon a fleet of warbirds that defeated the Decepticons. By the terms of Kirk's peace with the Klingons, Megatron was left as a prisoner of the Klingons, glaring hatefully at the beasts who'd restrained him.Prime's Directive, Part Five

War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity

War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material

"Why did they change my motto?!"
Victory through strength.

Before the war for Cybertron, Megatron partook in thegladiatorial eventsatKaon,which led to his rise to power and began the Decepticon revolution.SiegeTeletraan-1 Data FilesAiding in Megatron's take over,Shockwavedesigned both Megatron's "D50-R35 Fusion Cannon" and "HPR Telescopic Laserstrike Launcher". Both of these weapons could combine and modlock into the "NFM Particle Beam Megalauncher" using theC.O.M.B.A.T. System.Decepticon weapons database on Hasbro Pulse[4]During the war, Megatron was aGround Force Infantry Generaland the Decepticon leader.Siegewebpage[5]During the final days of the war for Cybertron, Megatron's last known location was Kaon, the now-impenetrable metropolis that served as his main base of operations.SiegeTeletraan-1 Data Files

With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard theNemesisin pursuit of theAllSpark.During this period, Megatron's primary objective was conquest and his primary weapon was his Fusion Cannon.Earthrisewebpage[6]In the midst of their mission, Megatron discovered thatNemesiscrewmember Counterpunch was actually an Autobot double agent namedPunch.Once his identity was discovered, Punch escaped theNemesisin an escape pod and made his way to the nearby Disaster Planet,Dominus.Megatron, in retaliation, sentBarricadeto hunt him down.Encounter 4: Dominus Criminal Pursuit

Closer than ever to reaching the Allspark, the Decepticons awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice AgeEarth.While battling the Autobots, both sides were joined by theMaximalsandPredacons,their epic battle changing their combined destinies. With these beast-mode Transformers from the future intending of changing the fate of Cybertron, Optimus Prime and Megatron must fight their greatest battle as they come to face the consequences of their war.

During this period, Megatrontrans-scannedan Earth tank, with the Fusion cannon and his gladiatorial strength as his power and weapons. His core traits were his determination, desperation, and hunger for power, and Megatron's message from the future was that the key to the future is in his hands. As theVoyagerGolden Disk foretold,Galvatronwas Megatron's future evolution.Kingdomwebpage[7]

Megatron was one of a few 'bots with three possible destinies recorded on theVoyagerGolden Disk.KingdomGolden Disk cards

  • In one destiny, Megatron returned to the gladiator fighting pits.
  • In another destiny, he became Galvatron and wore theMatrix of Leadershipchained around his neck.

In other possible destinies recorded on theVoyagerGolden Disk, Megatron was captured by theAutobot Ark.KingdomGolden Disk cards

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Autobots vs. Decepticons stop motion

War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon

Voice actor:Jason Marnocha(English),Hōchū Ōtsuka(Japanese),Guilherme Lopes(Portuguese),Eilias Changuel(French),Sascha Rotermund(German),Dario Oppido(Italian),José Escobosa(Castilian Spanish),Gerardo Vásquez(Latin-American Spanish),Parminder Ghumman(Hindi)
Missed me?

Megatron was once a miner who toiled under the corrupt regime of theQuintessons,Earthrise episode 4toiling away in the mines along with other downtrodden 'bots likeImpactorSiege episode 3and fighting for the amusement of his masters.Earthrise episode 4Megatron joinedAlpha Trionin taking a stand against the government,Siege episode 3and befriended Trion's students becoming close withOptimus Primeand viewedUltra Magnusas a brother. Megatron and Ultra Magnus fought together in the battle ofTarn-Hauser Gate,where the two worked together rather effectively to achieve victory.Siege episode 2Megatron eventually decided that Alpha Trion was not doing enough, and killed him, forming the Decepticons so he could free Cybertron his own way. Megatron came up against the Autobots, led by Optimus and Magnus, and civil war began between the two sides.Siege episode 3

Years into the war, Megatron's forces had nearly routed the Autobots and pushed them to the brink. The Decepticon leader himself took to the front lines during an altercation with the AutobotWheeljackand the neutral scoutBumblebee;taking a moment to mockStarscream's latest failure, Megatron unsuccessfully tried to appeal to Wheeljack's sense of reason, chastised Bumblebee for not choosing a side, and eventually prepared to execute them—only for Optimus to intervene and escape afterElita-1launched an ambush that stopped Megatron from delivering the final blow. Later, Megatron made a speech to the Decepticons regarding recent events that claimed that the battle was the result of a failed assassination attempt, before Ultra Magnus arrived to discuss a possible peace conference.Siege episode 1The Decepticon leader hoped that Magnus had come to discuss an unconditional surrender, but when Magnus told him that he would agree to no such thing, Megatron had Magnus imprisoned. Later,Shockwavediscussed the possibility of theAllSpark's existence and the idea of using the mythical artifact to forcibly reprogram the Autobots into Decepticons, although Megatron remained hesitant to commit to the idea. Later, after a failed ambush resulted in the apparent death of Impactor, Megatron heldBarricaderesponsible for the bungled operation. His patience waning, Megatron returned to Magnus's cell to demand the location of Autobot headquarters, and although Magnus pleaded for Megatron to end the war honorably, Megatron gave Shockwave the go-ahead to find the AllSpark.Siege episode 2 Megatron broadcasted another transmission to his loyal Decepticons and announced Impactor's apparent death while urging any Autobots to turn themselves in, before intervening in a squabble betweenJetfireandStarscream.In-between coordinating the search for the AllSpark, Megatron oversaw Magnus's interrogation and authorized Shockwave to use whatever methods deemed necessary to retrieve the location of the Autobot base. When Magnus attempted to escape and pointed a gun at Megatron's back, the Decepticon leader showed little unconcern, aware that the Autobot would adhere to his code of honor, and when Magnus didn't take the shot Jetfire subdued Magnus and returned him to Decepticon custody, where another round of agonizing torture seemingly broke Magnus.Siege episode 3A shackled Magnus led Megatron and the other Decepticons to the old Tarn-Hauser Gate, which he claimed housed the Autobot base, but when Megatron investigated he found that his prisoner had deceived him and executed him on the spot. Disillusioned by this show of brutality, Jetfire finally broke with the Decepticon ranks and flew off; in response, Megatron ordered hisSeekersto kill the traitor. When Starscream reported that Jetfire was dead, Megatron promoted him to Air Commander as a reward.Siege episode 4


Magnus's death had triggered the remote transmission of theAlpha Trion Protocolsthe Autobot had carried for so long, and in response Shockwave engineered a computer virus that would travel through Cybertron's infrastructure to wipe the processors of everyone who had carried it. Despite Soundwave's warnings that the virus would take its toll on the planet, an undaunted Megatron ordered him to proceed. Thanks to the virus, the Decepticons finally discovered the location of theArk,and Megatron announced his intent to personally lead the final assault.Siege episode 5In the final battle, Megatron attempted to stop Optimus Prime from throwing the AllSpark through the spacebridge by destroying, warning his nemesis that removing the artifact from Cybertron would kill the planet. Indeed, Megatron nearly seized the AllSpark, only for a shot from Bumblebee to stun him momentarily and drop it. Optimus was able to put the artifact beyond Megatron's reach, and the subsequent arrival ofOmega Supremeprevented the Decepticons from destroying the starship as it rocketed through the space bridge portal.Siege episode 6

Megatron was having an internal debate with Ultra Magnus' head after Primes decision to take the Allspark off-world, when Shockwave asks for an audience. Shockwave asked if he can take Sector 12 offline and filter the resources towards ProjectNemesis.Megatron decided to visit Sector 12 himself. There he was greeted with joy from his men.Shamblegave a tour of the outpost, all the while complimenting Megatron as his leader. Shockwave sent a message to again inquire about Sector 12, but Megatron had still not decided yet. He was finally shown the infirmary, which held the majority of the workforce. Megatron left the outpost and contacted Shockwave, affirming Sector 12 can be taken off-line. Screams from the troops stationed inside could be heard as Megatron left. Shockwave explained how progress is going on Project Nemesis when Starscream brought a capturedElita-1and the rest of her Autobot group. Megatron was complimentary on resourcefulness as a leader. He was then disgusted to see Jetfire the traitor. Megatron showed the group a demonstration of Project Nemesis and then promised they will be next. Elita-1 was horrified that Megatron would commit such atrocities to his own men, but Megatron deflected all fault, blaming it on Prime.Earthrise episode 1 Megatron met with Elita-1 and tried to convince her to stop the conflict and work together. She scoffed at the idea, looking up to him at the start of the revolution, but now only seeing a monster. Enraged, Megatron ordered Elita-1 to be taken away and asked Ultra Magnus' head to stop looking at him that way, hinting at signs of madness. Megatron brought Elita-1 in-front of him and tried to convince her to join him again and rule by his side. Elita-1 declined the offer and was placed in the Project Nemesis tubes. Megatron was alerted that the Autobots had escaped and told Shockwave to harvest another sector instead. Soundwave then informed him that a message was received from the Ark. Megatron ordered Shockwave to activate the Nemesis, which descends through the cloud cover to reveal itself to the Decepticon forces below. They would use the Nemesis to leave Cybertron and hunt down Optimus Prime, who was being tracked byDoubledealer.Earthrise episode 2 TheNemesisarrived at theNebulonStation. Wanting to interrogate Prime on the Allspark's location, Megatron decided to board the station.Earthrise episode 3 Megatron blastedScorponok's hand, forcing him to drop a captured Prime. Megatron vowed that Prime is his to finish. He then ordered his Decepticons to attack Scorponok. Megatron watched Optimus pick up an explosive charge and attacked him before he could use it. Megatron easily defeated Optimus and planned to destroy him with his fusion cannon when Scorponok attacks both of the leaders. As Megatron was bearing down on Optimus, Optimus detonates his charge with a laser-blast, causing an explosion which knocked everyone to the ground. Optimus found Megatron pinned to the wall with a metal-beam. Optimus admitted to Megatron that he should not have ejected the Allspark off-world. Megatron informed Optimus about Project Nemesis. Optimus was horrified and asked about Elita-1. Megatron replied that she is most probably dead. Optimus could not bring himself to let Megatron die and decided to take Megatron with him. Megatron scoffed at the idea and told Optimus that without Megatron, the Autobots cause would most likely become victorious. Optimus retorted that without Optimus, Megatron would not have had a target to unite the Decepticons. The two leaders agreed to work together to bring back the Allspark to Cybertron. Optimus then pulled out the girder out of Megatron. Megatron, who was supported by Optimus, orders his forces to cease fire after they were engaged in battle with the Autobots. His troops then ran over to help him. Starscream stepped in-front of the wounded Megatron and decleared himself leader. Megatron blasted him with his fusion cannon, which sent him spiraling off the walkway. Scorponok then emerged and attacked again sending Megatron flying. He was caught by Prime. They then ordered their troops to attack Scorponok. Megatron was repaired by Wheeljack. Optimus was about to be stung by Scorponok's tail when Megatron blasted Scorponok, forcing him to retreat. Megatron then decided that the truce was over and condemned the Autobots to death. Optimus compared Megatron to the Quintessons, which caused an inquiring Scorponok to come back and attack the Decepticons. The gravity level was switched off, which caused all the Decepticons and Scorponok to float up and allowed the Autobots to escape.Earthrise episode 4


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2019 IDW continuity

First appearance:Transformers#1
Lugging a nut.

Megatron was forged during the great Age ofExpansion,the heyday of the Cybertronian race. Inspired by the rhetoric of hismentorTermagax,he chose to become a miner in the knowledge that his efforts would fuel the expansion of the Cybertronian hegemony.The Change In Your Nature Part ThreeIn this prosperous era, Megatron worked in the mines and spent his spare time inIacon'sgladiator pits,where he became a renowned fighter.The Change In Your Nature Part ThreeEarly in his life, he befriendedCodexa's mentee, an idealistic archivist namedOrion Pax.Orion Pax: Free FallMegatron also followed the exploits of the adventurousCryakuntil an accident forced the famous explorer into permanentimmersion.I Have No Mouth And I Must Starscream

During theWar of the Threefold Spark,Megatron served under theGreat GeneralUltra Magnus.Storm Horizon Part 1In the battle that leveledYuss,Megatron encounteredExarchonfor the first time; although the enigmatic warlord claimed that he had plans for Megatron,Strika'sartillery unitrescued Megatron at the last moment. Megatron's close call had a profound effect on his psyche: over time, he came to believe that it was not Exarchon's evil deeds or exotic technology that defined him, but hiswill,demented as it was.The Change In Your Nature Part ThreeAfter the end of the war, Megatron and Orion Pax were part of the work teams assigned to help rebuild Iacon. Over several kilocycles, Megatron was a member of the mining team who worked to hollow out and convert a captured planetoid into the massiveWinged Moon,a massive energon-harvesting facility connected to Cybertron via aspace elevator.Orion Pax: Free Fall


Although Megatron believed that they could rebuild the planet to be better than ever, the ratification of theNominus Edict,ostensibly a measure to limit the destructive reach of the Cybertronian race, shuttered mines, shipyards, and gladiatorial arenas across Cybertron, to Megatron's frustration.The Change In Your Nature Part ThreeFrustrated by what she perceived asNominus Prime's attempt to stymie the potential of the Cybertronian species, Termagax founded the "Ascenticon"party in the hopes of advocating peaceful change. On the night before the official opening of the Winged Moon, Megatron and Orion Pax met at the Tether, and Megatron revealed that he would follow his former mentor into politics, while Orion informed his friend that he would take a tour of Cybertron's colonies. Megatron stopped the elevator halfway up the Tether and invited Optimus along on his journey into Cybertron's orbit, with the intent to teach Orion what he had learned from Termagax: perfect equilbrium, the kind promised by the Nominus Edict, was a lie; to maintain balance, one had to move with the times. As their orbit decayed, the pair plummeted into theLeachate Lagoons;when Orion was unmoved by Megatron's sentiments, Megatron snapped that Orion could do as he pleased out in space—hewould stay on Cybertron and reshape it.Orion Pax: Free Fall

At some point after this, Megatron successfully ran for office and eventually won a seat on Cybertron'sSenate,a representative of the Ascenticon party alongsideJhiaxus.Despite her fiery speeches and willingness to call out the more conservative members of the planetary government, the Ascenticons still only controlled less than a quarter of the body and couldn't affect the change Termagax desired.The Change In Your Nature Part ThreeA frustrated Termagax eventually resigned from politics and recused herself from civilization entirely. Before she left, she entrusted the Ascenticon movement to her former protege in the hopes that his drive and energy would make him an effective political leader... even though some 'bots, like her friendWheeljack,worried that she'd just handed over the reins to a dangerous ideologue.Wheeljack: Orbital Decay

Free to take the party wherever he pleased, and confident that fate had chosenhimto reshape Cybertron's future, Megatron began to reshape the Ascenticon movement into an effective engine of populist change. The party's upper echelons expanded to include Strika,Ratbat,andSoundwave,All Fall Downand Megatron would turn Iacon's abandoned gladiator arena intoa headquarters;The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Onea more ominous development, however, would be his secret involvement withThe Rise,an extremist splinter faction whose acts of violence and vandalism provoked civil unrest. By selectively unleashing The Rise to inflame preexisting tensions, Megatron used their existence as a way to legitimize his movement;The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Fourin public, he would denounce their actions, and distance the public face of the Ascenticon movement from their crimes.The World In Your Eyes Part FourHowever, when the Rise proved too unpredictable to safely contain, Megatron smuggledShockwave,who'd been exiled from the planet for his crimes during the war, back to Cybertron and put him in control of The Rise in the hopes that he could keep their most notorious members under control.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four


As Megatron tightened his grip on the party, his rhetoric slowly ramped up. His speeches and broadcasts grew increasingly inflammatory, and his rallies left more and more bystanders and security forces injured. After one such rally left a dozen injured, Orion Pax met with Megatron in Iacon and unsuccessfully tried to convince him to cancel his latest speech inTarn.The World In Your Eyes Part OneAfter marching to Tarn with Soundwave and his followers, Megatron staged a false assassination attempt on his life,The World In Your Eyes Part Twoand used this as an opportunity to unveil a private security force, theAscenticon Guard.The World In Your Eyes Part ThreeMegatron was later in attendance atBrainstorm's funeral, but nearly throttledIronhidewhen the head of theSenate Guardmade a pointed comment about Termagax.The World In Your Eyes Part FourSometime afterwards, Megatron gave another speech criticizing the Nominus Edict.The World In Your Eyes Part Five

As it turned out, not even Shockwave could temper the worst impulses of the criminals who made up The Rise. Brainstorm had been murdered by Rise memberFrenzy,and when the ex-RiserQuake,during an attempt to silence aVoinwitness, went rogue and killed the newbornRubble,Megatron had no choice but to shift tactics and contain the political fallout. After first visiting Termagax to make sure that she would not come out of exile to interfere,The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part TwoMegatron brought Ascenticon Guard membersBumblebeeandElita-1along to his next Senate meeting and offered his condolences to Bumblebee for Rubble's death. To Megatron's ire, the Senate meeting brought no progress or change; when the Ascenticon leader angrily stormed out, his presence sparked a riot that forced his bodyguards to handle the angry crowd. That night, Megatron visited Shockwave to chew him out for his idiotic decisions and told him to fall into line, lest he throw him back to the authorities.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four

Megatron's troubles only continued to increase when he discovered that Soundwave had played a role in Rubble's death when he'd passed information fromBarricadeon to Shockwave, who'd in turn sent Quake to silence the loose end. WhenSecurity Operationsarrived to collect Barricade from Ascenticon headquarters, Megatron called in The Rise to launch a staged attack and collect Barricade amidst the confusion. That evening, following a successful performance, Megatron gave another speech to Cybertron, denouncing the ineptness ofSecurity Operationsand proclaiming that the Ascenticons would bring much needed order to the planet, before he unveileda new symbolfor the faction.The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five

Yeah, none ofthatthis time around, buddy.

The Rise continued to operate outside Megatron's direct control and grew into a direct threat to his political legitimacy—when a group of four Risers were interrupted while stealing energon, they fled to an immersant Titan. Soundwave attempted to peacefully extricate the four, but when it became clear that they knew too much, he instead used explosives to destroy the Titan and passed it off as a suicide bombing.The Change In Your Nature Part TwoAware that the destruction of a Titan would only further weaken his cause, Megatron set out to finally put Shockwave in his place. After first supercharging himself on energon, Megatron travelled to Shockwave's hidden bunker, ordered him to summon his lieutenantsSixshotandSlipstream,and beat Shockwave within an inch of his life. To Shockwave and his lieutenants, there could be no further confusion: it was not the Ascenticons and the Rise working together, but everyone and everything in service to the will of Megatron.The Change In Your Nature Part Three

Word of Soundwave's true actions at the Titan had reached Sentinel Prime, and he was prepared to arrest the senator on suspicion of collaboration with the Rise. Sentinel instructedHeretechof the Reversionists to inform Megatron and the Ascenticons that a special Senate debate would be held to consider a unified administration, with Megatron receiving an official voice in policy. Instead, Heretech told Megatron the truth: the debate was nothing but a ruse to get Soundwave into the Senate precincts for his arrest. Starscream also sidled up to Megatron after Heretech delivered his message and departed. Openly proclaiming he was waiting to choose sides until a winner was evident, the Head of Cybertronian Intelligence informed Megatron that Bumblebee had a deep personal debt to Orion Pax, and was likely responsible for passing on word of Soundwave's actions to the Autobots in the first place. Even Megatron was shocked by the idea, considering it a personal betrayal by Pax if it were true. His conversations with Elita-1 afterwards about Bumblebee's activities in the Guard made it clear to Megatron that Starscream was right.The Change In Your Nature Part Four

With no other way forward, Megatron was forced to put his ultimate contingency plan into play: engineering a planetary disaster that would allow the Ascenticons to use the crisis as a stepping stone to seize power. To this end, members of The Rise carried out a sophisticated terrorist attack that saw them awaken the titanVigilemand use him to deliberately bring down the Tether that connected the Winged Moon to Cybertron. After the Tether fell, Megatron ordered his fellowe Senators into action, then removed Elita from her position as head of the Guard and ordered the Ascenticons to carry out an ultimately unsuccessful assassination on Bumblebee.All Fall DownHe later gave a broadcast that denounced the Autobots branding his faction as "Decepticons" and using the recent tragedies to institute more restrictive laws. Watching the speech, Orion Pax noted that, for all his failings, Megatron had clear endgame in mind, while the Autobots could only stay the course.Tremors

"My brothers, now the next step of our plan shall commence! You must all go and spread the word of frowning!"

When Sentinel made the decision to convene the Senate without Megatron or his Ascenticons, Megatron put the final stage of his takeover into play. After arriving with his fellow Senators Strika and Ratbat, Megatron had one last standoff with Orion—who warned Megatron that his increasingly violent approach would eventaully consume him—he pushed his way into the building, took the podium, and publicly embraced the "Decepticon" moniker by arguing that they had deceived the people of Cybertron by hiding their desire to affect change by any means nessecary. After condemning the Autobot government and announcing that the Rise no existed, Megatron decreed that the Senate had failed and would be dissolved. At these words, concealed Decepticons stormed the Senate, overwhelmed the lightly armed Senate Guard, and took almost everybody inside hostage. Once he'd secured the building, Megatron prepared to bring the news to the rest of Cybertron; the Decepticons were here to stay, to bring peace and order to the planet.We Have Deceived You

Imprisoning key Senate figures in lower levels of the building, Megatron went to speak with the now-shackled Sentinel Prime. Ignoring Sentinel's warnings of the wrath a new age of expansion would bring upon Cybertron, Megatron instead wondered if taking theMatrix of Leadershipfrom the Autobot leader would grant him authority over his followers. Megatron then stopped to confront Orion Pax over his perceived betrayal in sending Bumblebee to infiltrate the Ascenticon ranks, furiously telling his former friend that Orion was now irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Soon thereafter, Megatron broadcast another holographic message across Cybertron, telling the populace to remain inside and not interfere with the Decepticons' takeover. He then returned to deliver his terms to the rest of the captive senators, but an attack on the building by the Autobots interrupted him. Megatron ordered Strika's "New Heavies"to repel them, and soon received a report fromClenchthat Sentinel Prime had been sighted leaving the premises. A frustrated Megatron ordered theRainmakersto retrieve Sentinel.Prime

WarWorldAwakenings TermagaxDenouncesMegatron.jpg

After the Rainmakers had dealt with Sentinel's escape by executing him, an unconcerned yet displeased Megatron attached afusion cannonto his arm before shifting his focus to those Cybertronians who oversaw the day-to-day functions of the planet, being informed that Starscream had requested another meeting. With Soundwave at his side, Megatron met the head of intelligence only for Soundwave to quickly grow tired of Starscream's smugness and unleash his sonic cannon on the Seeker. Just as Starscream was ready to speak, Megatron was informed that Termagax had returned. Confronting his mentor in the courtyard, Termagax denounced Megatron as an egomaniac and he promptly slew her. Just as he began to rally his troops once more, he was informed that what'd he destroyed was actually aspectrosynth drone.Awakenings

Megatron and the Decepticons consolidated control over Iacon. They used Andromeda's broadcasts for propaganda messaging, denouncing many of the past government's statements as self-serving lies. From that, Megatron was able to declare alleged-Riser Sixshot as an honored member and new leader of the Decepticon Guard. Security Operations was dismantled and the Guard became the new and only source of authority on the streets. Energon distribution and the Titan Hub were two more assets brought under Decepticon control.HuntStarscream's intelligence alerted Megatron to the presence of unthawed Titansparks under theForge Pyramid,and so that became the next target for Decepticon occupation.Strika's Heaviesand the Rainmakers led an assault on the Pyramid, opposed by Optimus Prime's remaining forces, while Megatron consulted with the Rise's techy trinity at the Titan Hub. Megatron wanted renewed access to the Titan Net, but Mindwipe's data experts informed him they had done too good a job sabotaging it during the Tether mission. Megatron ordered them to accelerate the Titans' end, bringing down the orbital Titans so they couldn't be repaired by a rival faction and used against the Decepticons. The battle at the Forge Pyramid also went poorly, as the Pyramid went into meltdown and collapsed inwards.TitansA single Titan spark survived the Pyramid's death, which Megatron kept in his custody.Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two


A final parley occurred between Megatron and Optimus Prime, conducted holographically with Strika andPyra Magnaas their stand-ins. Megatron denounced Orion Pax's authority as a "Prime", and refused to listen to his mystical ramblings about some deeper threat coming for them in the future. He ended the conversation and had Strika deploy hidden Decepticon forces to stagger Pyra Magna. Megatron's intent had been to keep Orion talking long enough for Soundwave to trace the Autobots' location. However, it turned out the Autobots had already abandoned the city, leaving Iacon and traveling beyond Megatron's immediate reach. Optimus Prime and the Autobots would continue to stymie his efforts in the future.We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness


As Megatron consolidated his powerbase in Iacon, he contemplated forming a specialized public-relations unit that would root out any Autobot stragglers operating in or near the city and met with Sixshot to discuss the proposition. Although he briefly considered appointing Starscream to the position, he ultimately decided against it and chose Soundwave instead.I Have No Mouth And I Must Starscream

Megatron met with the infamousSkywarponce the teleporter resurfaced in Iacon. He was quite leery about trusting one of Exarchon's biggest collaborators, even if Skywarp switched sides at the tail end of the war. Once Soundwave reported that Termagax had been located, Skywarp ended their debate by teleporting away to find his old comrade, Shockwave.Sea of Rust I

Following the loss of theEnigma of Combination,Megatron taskedMindwipewith rebuilding the Pyramid before he was summoned to his throne room when Ultra Magnus was brought in. When Magnus tried to warn Megatron of the Sea of Rust, the Insecticons and Exarchon, the warlord simply scoffed that such threats could be met as a united force if the Autobots surrendered to him, ordering Magnus to be imprisoned while he planned an assault on Crystal City, though he allowed Strika and Starscream to investigate the claim thatRuckushad been claimed by Exarchon.Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part TwoCyclonus later arrived, repeating the same warnings about Exarchon. Though disbelieving in such a danger, Megatron was intrigued by Starscream's suggestion that they use the rumours to their advantage and paint the Decepticons as benevolent protectors against an ancient foe.War's End Part One

Megatron was later contacted by Strika, relaying a parley from Optimus Prime who desired a ceasefire to deal with the threats of therust worms,Insecticons and Exarchon, promising that Cybertron would be Megatron's once they were dealt with.The Landscape of FearAt Starscream and Soundwave's advice, Megatron agreed to the temporary truce, sending Sixshot and Slipstream's teams to theSonic Canyonsto find and destroy the Threefold Spark.War's End Part Two


Learning from Skywarp that Shockwave was serving the Threefold Spark again, Megatron, flanked by Skywarp and the Rainmakers, made for the bunker. Meeting Exarchon once again, Megatron fired on the ancient warlord, sending him stumbling back intoSunstorm's lethal touch. After delegating Skywarp to the Canyons to steal any hidden treasures, Megatron demanded Shockwave explain himself.War's End Part ThreeShockwave proceeded to inform Megatron of the returnedConstructiconsand theircombinedform ofDevastator,Megatron offering Shockwave a conditional pardon if the combiner would serve him.Fate of CybertronAfter Skywarp returned from the Canyons with animploder,Megatron had him use it to hold Optimus Prime's position until Megatron arrived to speak with the Autobot leader.End of Time

Upon arriving, Megatron rejected Prime's plea to allow the Autobots to leave Cybertron, knowing that they would hinder his galactic conquest before he demanded theMatrix of Leadership.As the two leaders came to blows, Skywarp used the imploder to bar the Autobots from interfering while Strika held back any Decepticon who wished to help. The stalemate was broken when the Autobot combinerComputronarrived, his approach shocking Skywarp enough to have him lower his guard and be teleported away byJumpstream.Unwilling to engage the combiner without his own, Megatron allowed the Autobots to press on to theDarkmount.After he reclaimed his fusion cannon, Megatron called for the Constructicons to meet with the larger army at Darkmount.


With his army massed, Megatron led the charge on Darkmount. Though the Decepticons easily overwhelmed the defences, the tide turned whenScattershotused theCombination Coreto incorporate an additional five Autobots into Computron, the ten Autobot combiner easily overpowering Devastator. Unimpressed by the giant, Megatron ordered all Decepticons to fire on Computron, breaking him apart. As Megatron prepared to execute Computron's components, Starscream landed to warn him of the Autobots launching, their escape ships taking off before anything could be done. Aware that the war had only just begun, Megatron ordered the Autobot prisoners taken to Iacon.Fate of Cybertron

Alternate future

In the future where Exarchon returned and conquered Cybertron, Megatron was one of the bodies hosting the Threefold Spark, along with Onslaught and Shockwave.Test Flight IThe Lord of Cybertron met with Jumpstream briefly before selling her off to the mercenaries.Test Flight II

Mazinger Z versus Transformers


Megatron led the Decepticons as they battled the Autobots for control of a malfunctioningspace bridgeuntil a freak space-time warp transported Megatron and his men to theJapanof an alternate universe. Shortly after arriving, the Decepticons discovered thePhotonic Power Laboratory,which produced vast amounts of dependable energy and a potent engine with which the Decepticons could use to fuel further conquests. Ignoring a wounded Starscream's complaints, Megatron prepared to order an attack on the laboratory, until the sight ofBaron Ashuraleading an army of recently arrivedAutobotsandMechanical Beaststo attack the facility prompted Megatron to hang back and watch the battle.

Ultimately, the battle ended with the Autobots realizing that Ashura had misled them, and as Optimus and the other Autobots befriendedKōji Kabuto,Megatron hatched a scheme of his own. After retreating to the underwaterSaludefortress, Megatron teamed up with the nefariousDoctor Hell,and the pair hatched a plan to crush their mutual enemies. Soon enough, the evil alliance attacked the Photonic Power Laboratory, and as the battle raged Megatron severed the limb of one of his Mechanical Beast allies and used it to power up his own fusion cannon. However, the battle was interrupted by Starscream, who'd absorbed a dose of Photon Power, combined it with purloined Mazinger parts, and evolved into the titanic "Mazinscream". Mazinscream easily trounced Megatron, forcing the Decepticon leader to team up with Optimus in an attempt to put down the demented Air Commander for good. Using his gun alternate mode, Optimus Prime was able to blast Starscream in the head, and the subsequent storm of energy returned the Cybertronians to their home dimension, where a group of mysterious interdimensional beings observed their continued struggles.Mazinger Z versus Transformers


"Oh no! That robot is a ghost!"

When the Autobots fled Cybertron following the end of the Great War, the planet was visited byGozer,whom Starscream contemptuously attacked with anull-ray,the entity reflecting the attack back at the Decepticons. Though Soundwave found that the invader's power warranted a distress beacon, Megatron refused to stand down and, after tossingVinz Clorthoaside, confronted the being who asked him to choose the form of Cybertron's destroyer only to quickly disappear, stating that the choice had been made. Hesitatingly, Starscream revealed that he'd had a passing thought, that only he could destroy Cybertron, Gozer reappearing as a titanic version of the Seeker. After venting some anger at Starscream, Megatron summoned his army to fight the invader.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 1Even with their mightiestcombinershowever, the Decepticons could not match Gozer's power. As Megatron prepared to execute Starscream for giving the Traveller a form,Decepticon High Commandwas approached byKremzeekthe Scavenger who offered to save the quartet from Gozer's wrath. Though initially unwilling, Megatron was convinced by Shockwave to hear out the being. Agreeing, Megatron was turned into aghostalong with his servants. In return for this however, Kremzeek wanted their aid in finding and absorbing theAllSpark.Along with Soundwave and Shockwave, Megatron refused, resulting in the trio being absorbed into Kremzeek's being.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 2Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4


Roughly a thousand years later, on the planet Earth, Kremzeek's physical body was destroyed when the Scavenger made physical contact withan electricity consuming ghost,freeing Megatron's spirit. Though Optimus Prime offered to use the AllSpark to grant the Decepticons new bodies, Megatron thought only of finally ending their rivalry, lunging at the Prime.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4

Continually rebuking Optimus' offer of aid, Megatron engaged his foe in close quarters combat until he was the last Decepticon standing. When Optimus delivered an uppercut, Megatron tumbled backwards into the Autobot scientistEctotron,accidentally possessing his body. Delighted by the situation, Megatron used Ectotron's body to beat down Optimus before he was forced down withRay Stantzdumping a vial ofmood slimeinto the Autobot's body. The supernatural substance forced Megatron out though he was quick to reconstitute himself into a more monstrous form. Though Megatron dreamed of possessing Optimus Prime's body and using his nemesis's army to rebuild theDecepticon Empire,Ectotron managed to snag the warlord with hisproton packbefore imprisoning him in aghost trap.When Optimus Prime left Earth, he took Megatron's ghost with him, along with those of Soundwave and Shockwave, hoping to rehabilitate the tyrant before one day using the AllSpark to grant him a new body.Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5

Transformers vs. The Terminator


In1984,Skywarp reactivated Megatron aboard theArkby dragging him into the path ofTeletraan I's repair beam. Once the pair had reactivated the other Decepticons, they executedOptimus Primeand the otherstasis lockedAutobots before turning their attention to the conquest of Earth. Megatron oversaw a brutal campaign againstSkywatchthat led to humanity's extinction, which left only their computerized defense networkSkynetto continue the war against the aliens. Though Skynet feigned surrender, the computer used the time to scrounge together a time machine to retroactively win the war.Enemy of My Enemy Part TwoBy2029,Megatron learned of the deception and sent theSeekersandInsecticonsto attackOmega Baseand destroy Skynet for good.

In an attempt to negate this timeline, a singleT-800unit travelled back in time to 1984 and arrived at the ship withSarah Connor,just as Megatron prepared to kill Optimus.Enemy of My Enemy Part TwoThough initially unimpressed by the android, the Terminator shot out Megatron's eye and prompted the furious warlord to dispatchStarscreamandSoundwaveto kill him while he helped revived the other Decepticons. After Sarah helped revive Optimus Prime andBumblebee,Megatron ordered a retreat, but not before blasting the hold of theArkand critically injuring most of the still-dormant Autobots. The Decepticons regrouped on the Oregon coastline to gather intel and repair their leader's eye; when Megatron learned of the existence of the nearbyCyberdyne Systemsfacility, its nuclear reactor, and a suspected link between the factory and their robotic attacker, Megatron ordered an attack.Enemy of My Enemy Part Two

The worst case of heartburn ever.

After conquering the area, Megatron received a briefing fromThundercrackerbut was displeased to learn that the facility seemingly contained no connection to the robot that had attacked them. When news of the Decepticon takeover reached human media, Optimus Prime, the Terminator, and the other Autobots arrived to stop them, and Megatron led his troops into battle.Enemy of My Enemy Part ThreeAs Megatron duelled Optimus, Starscream formed an alliance with the T-800 to destroy all Autobots and Decepticons and launched the android at Megatron. Unharmed and unamused by the T-800's ineffective attacks, Megatron contemptuously hurled the interloper at Starscream, grounding both. This left him open to a crippling attack from Optimus'energon-axe,but Megatron stubbornly pressed his attack, eventually becoming the last Decepticon still fighting and finding the strength to down his opposite. Despite this brief victory, Arcee caught him unaware when she threw the bisected T-800 directly into his wound. The android fired on Megatron'ssparkand blew him apart from the inside, leaving the tyrant unable to do anything more than hurl a few feeble curses at Optimus before he passed.

With the human authorities closing in, the Autobots were forced to leave Megatron's body behind and go into hiding, leaving the warlord's corpse free to be recovered by the humans at Skywatch. From his body, the humans reverse-engineered a new version of Skynet and its Terminator army... a version that incorporated a remnant of Megatron's own consciousness, ensuring that he would live on in some form.Enemy of My Enemy Part Four

My Little Pony/Transformers

Megatron finds himself living out the private fantasies ofa different Megatron.

OnShockwave's advice, Megatron led the Decepticons to secure a malfunctioningspacebridgecapable of opening rifts to other dimensions. Though Megatron ordered his subordinate not to activate the device, Shockwave attempted to identify the coordinates at the same moment that a magic spell fromQueen Chrysalissomehow crossed realities, interfered with the spacebridge, and sucked multiple Cybertronians through to the magical land ofEquestria.After arriving, Megatron formed an alliance with the evilchangelingqueen,Transformation Is Magicand hatched a new plan to steal magical artifacts from Equestria and refine them into a powerful new form ofenergon.Finale

After establishing a secure location to regroup and marshall his scattered troops,Pet SoundsMegatron launched an all-out raid on theCrystal Empireonce he'd re-consolidated his army.Princess Cadancerefused to surrender their magic, however, and the Autobots and their pony allies arrived in time to defend the kingdom. Megatron duelled Optimus Prime, but was prevented from executing his foe byTwilight Sparkle,who used her magic to inhibit his fusion cannon. Realizing that Chrysalis had deliberately under-informed him of the level of resistance, Megatron turned on his ally before a space bridge back to Cybertron opened, through whichGrimlockandSpikeemerged. Seeing this, Twilight realized that changeling magic was not necessary to open the bridge back to Cybertron and combined her power with that of theMatrix of Leadershipto banish the Decepticons back to Cybertron. Once everyone had been accounted for, Megatron learned that Shockwave had not been able to procure any magical samples for their use, but had obtained the coordinates to Equestria and believed that he could bring Equestrian magic to Cybertron.Finale

"Decepticons! Ponies! To battle!"

Some time later, Megatron and Shockwave had secured a second space bridge, successfully reopened the portal to Equestria, and begun sending Decepticons through the portal to steal artifacts of magical power. Unfortunately, one such mission went wrong whenStarscream's patrol ran afoul of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who pursued them through the portal and accidentally revivedKing Sombra,whom the Decepticons had unknowingly transported back to their homeworld. The evil pony wound up hypnotizing a number of ponies and Cybertronians, including Megatron, and flew off with his new slaves to conquer the metal world.The Magic of Cybertron

Some time later,Vinyl ScratchandOctaviaglimpsed the mind-controlled Megatron flying by.Sick BeatsDuring the final battle to stop a Sombra-controlledScorponok,Megatron faced off with Optimus Prime beforeRainbow Dash,using her new emotion-poweredexosuit,hit him with a blast of Cybertronian emotion strong enough to break the spell. Thus freed, Megatron teamed up withPinkie Pieand led the charge alongside Optimus after first agreeing to temporarily put their differences aside. After the Cybertronians destroyed Scorponok and defeated Sombra, Megatron informed Optimus that they'd maintain their truce as thanks for freeing him... but that amnesty didnotapply to Starscream, who had sneakily tried to offline his leader under the guise of freeing him. Once Megatron chased Starscream away, he escorted the ponies back to the space bridge so that they could return home and was covered in hugs when he grudgingly allowed a cultural exchange between their two worlds to take place.Finale

Transformers/Back to the Future

BTTF damaged Megatron.jpg

In the year1985,roughly one year after the Autobots and Decepticons had reawakened on Earth to continue their war, Megatron sentRavageandRumbleon a reconnaissance mission to the small town ofHill Valleyto find a new edge against their enemies. The pair spied onEmmett BrownandMarty McFly's experimental time machine and reported the presence of trans-temporal particles—recognizing the incredible advantage thattime travelcould give them, Megatron ordered the pair to steal the time machine.Transformers/Back to the Future #1Thirty years later, Megatron received a report from Rumble, who had stowed away aboard the time machine when it traveled to the year2015,and travelled to Doc Brown's workshop to recover it. However, thirty years of fighting a losing war against the Autobots had reduced the Decepticon conqueror to a broken-down wreck, incapable of even firing a shot from his malfunctioning fusion cannon, so Rumble stole the time machine and abandoned this version of Megatron to retroactively ensure a Decepticon victory.


By travelling all the way back in time to the year1974,Rumble and his unwillinghumancollaboratorBiff Tannenspent ten years stockpilingenergon cubes,and in the year1984Rumble broke into theArkand reactivated Megatron and all of the other Decepticons prematurely. Megatron quickly blasted the still-deactivated Optimus Prime... then killed the future version of Rumble who had masterminded the entire scheme before going on to conquer Earth,Transformers/Back to the Future #2enslaving humanity and imprisoning them inenergon-producing slave camps overseen by human coordinators.Transformers/Back to the Future #1Megatron took custody of Rumble's severed head and the DeLorean he had commandeered to travel through time, and ordered the DecepticonGigawattto extract and analyze Rumble's memory banks. However, Gigawatt soon suffered a crisis of conscience brought on by watching Megatron's callous treatment of his human slaves, scanned the DeLorean, and escaped, but not before Megatron blasted him with his fusion cannon.Transformers/Back to the Future #2

After defecting to the Autobots, Gigawatt, along with the humanMarty McFlymanaged to travel back to 1984 before Rumble, reactivating the Autobots ahead of schedule while leaving the Decepticons in stasis, undoing Megatron's reign.Transformers/Back to the Future #4

Transformers Go! Go!

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Go! Go! issue 42

Megatron was the sworn enemy of the Autobots.We Are Transformers!At one point, Megatron broke into the Autobot base and stole their Energon, but Optimus Prime punched him away.Where Is the Energon? On Cybertron, Megatron and Starscream menaced Bumblebee, until Starscream inadvertently dropped the bomb he was carrying and let it bounce into Megatron's tank turret. The subsequent explosion sent the pair blasting off, while Bumblebee celebrated his completely accidental victory.The Evil Leader's Big Miscalculation

Megatron and Starscream later travelled to aPlanet of Gamesin search ofenergon,where they encountered the Autobots on the same mission.Great Adventure on the Planet of Games!Megatron ordered Starscream to set a trap for the Autobots, Starscream's plans kept going wrong and the careless Air Commander wound up accidentally throwing a pie in his leader's face. Megatron scolded Starscream for his failure, and was annoyed when he learned that Starscream had skywritten a rude message to him.Careless ScreamOn their day off, Megatron andLong Haulencountered Optimus Prime and Bumblebee in the woods. Prime and Megatron decided to hold a fishing competition, but when the time came to choose the winner, acting referee Bumblebee admitted that nobody had told him the rules. Nevertheless, the four Transformers wrapped up their day by cooking all the fish they'd caught over a campfire.Warriors' Day Off

At one point, Megatron and his forces battled the Autobots for control of the perfect barbecue spot, but ultimately came away second best.I Want to Protect This PlaceOn New Year's Day, Megatron and the Decepticons attacked Autobot headquarters for their energon until the Autobots drove them away.The Transformers' Explosive New Years' Battle!Megatron held a strategy conference with his top Decepticons to decide their next evil scheme, but was quickly frustrated by their nonsensical schemes. Shockwave's suggestion that they only fire soft pellets, so as not to injure their leader, pushed Megatron over the edge, and he wound up blasting all three of his lieutenants in a fit of rage.The Villains' Strategy Conference, Indeed!

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Go! Go! issue 26Fan Book 2023Protect Freedom! Optimus!Go! Go! issue 32Shushupopo!! part 2Search QuizGo! Go! issue 40A Tasty Trap!!Search Quiz 2Go! Go! issue 45

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2021Beast Warscomic

The ambitiousPredaconGalavartook the name of the original Decepticon conqueror in anticipation of his own victory.Savage Landing Part 1Later,Nyxtaunted the Predacon leader by pointing out that history had forgotten the original Megatron.Savage Landing Part 3

Visitors from Cybertron

When Megatron was fighting Optimus Prime and Bumblebee on Cybertron, a portal appeared above the three and warped them to theLand of Dawn.There, Megatron foughtGrangerbefore he sighted a Cybertronian pod overhead. After defeating Granger, Megatron was approached byX.BORGwho informed him that the Autobots had joined forces with X.BORG's own enemies, offering an alliance. Impressed by the organic's intelligence, Megatron agreed and the two flew off towards the pod, unaware that Granger had recovered and was in pursuit.Visitors from Cybertron

Calm Sleep Stories

Megatron started a revolution on Cybertron to possess theAllSpark,which began the Great War.Building Bridges with Optimus PrimeWhen his Decepticons proved too much for the Autobots, the AllSpark was launched off-world to keep out of Megatron's clutches, though he and his forces managed to track it down to Earth.History of the Transformers

Energon Universe

Megatron led the Decepticons in a brutal campaign to wipe out the Autobots for over 200 years.Transformers #2During the early days of the Great War, Megatron chanced across a Seeker mourning his late friendGenvo.Transforming to gun mode, Megatron offered the young bot a chance at revenge, with the Seeker introducing himself as "Starscream".Transformers #13Some time later, during the interrogation of some Autobot prisoners, Megatron offered them a chance to live in exchange for joining the Decepticons. When they refused, he transformed to gun mode and, requiring someone to use him, commanded Starscream to execute the prisoners. Though Starscream was hesitant to harm prisoners of war, Megatron told the Seeker that he belonged to him now and to act without remorse. Starscream eventually gave in and killed all the captives.Transformers #14At some point, Megatron killedAstrotrain's love, causing theTriple Changerto turn on the warlord.Transformers #16Megatron subsequently imprisoned Astrotrain in the brig of theNemesis.Transformers #8

TF EU Special 2024 – Megatron Leaps Into Action.jpg

When the Autobots attempted to flee Cybertron aboard theArk,Megatron attacked in the hopes of finishing them off. During this battle, Megatron foughtCliffjumper,Jazz,Wheeljack,andBrawn,killing the latter before engaging withOptimus Prime.Though Megatron initially gained the upper hand against the Autobot leader, as he berated the Autobots' weakness, Optimus managed to slice off Megatron's right arm and knock him away as the ship spiraled out of control. Clinging onto the door of the ship, Starscream found Megatron and shot him off, sending the Decepticon leader plummeting to the planet belowTransformers Energon Universe Special storyinto an ice field.Transformers #4

A century after theArk's crash, the ship and its passengers were discovered and reactivated byJetfire.The first to be brought back online,Starscreambegan reviving the Decepticons, prompting the few active Autobots to flee the ship,Transformers #1taking Megatron's right arm among the few parts they could grab.Transformers #4In Megatron's absence, Starscream took command of the Decepticons, refusing to tolerate anyone even mentioning their former leader.Transformers #1WhenSoundwavedid indeed despairingly compare Starscream's rule to Megatron's, the communication chief received a backhand from the Seeker.Transformers #3

In an attempt to gain the upper hand against the Decepticons, Optimus Prime replaced his missing right arm with Megatron's, complete with the Decepticon'sfusion cannon,Transformers #4which he used to destroyReflectorTransformers #5and fend offDevastator.Transformers #6

Megatron eventually wound up in the possession ofCobra-La,where his left arm was removed. His presence as outside technology made waves in Cobra-La's insular society, causing civil unrest among the populace of technophobes. While some Cobra-La scientists initially thought to learn Megatron's secrets by speaking to him, the man who would later becomeCobra Commanderopted for more invasive means of research, reverse engineering Megatron's internals to create inorganic weapons (in violation of Cobra-La law) and obtained information on Cybertron and its denizens from the data within him. Cobra Commander also (painfully) extractedenergonfrom the Decepticon leader's veryspark.Cobra Commander vowed to use the information obtained from Megatron's body to build (and command)an armyto conquer the Earth in the name of Cobra-La andGolobulus.But no sooner had the organic turned his back on him than Megatron opened his optic and grinned psychotically...Cobra Commander #1

Emerging from his slumber, Megatron broke free from his bonds as he cursed Starscream. After being pointed to his left arm, Megatron reattached the appendage before being confronted by Golobulus and hisRoyal Guard.When Golobulus declared that Megatron belonged to him, the Decepticon leader unsheathed hisenergon maceand declared he belonged to no one, slaying Golobulus's mount, though the attack left him open to Golobulus stabbing out his remaining optic. Deciding to cut his losses, Megatron promptlyflewout of Cobra-La, swearing to find Starscream.Transformers Energon Universe Special story

Eventually taking shelter in a desert, Megatron could only sit and wait for someone to find him. That someone turned out to be Laserbeak, who had been sent by Soundwave to find the Decepticon leader. Wiring Laserbeak's optics into himself, Megatron, now able to see again, commanded the recordicon to lead him to his warriors.Transformers #16

This section covers fiction that isongoing.It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isn't current, you can help byupdating it.

Commercial appearances

Megatron featured in quite a fewcommercials,mostly advertising other toys. Those that had original footage of Megatron included the following:

  • Megatron landed amid a battle on Earth and fired his cannon at incoming Autobots.The Transformers#1
This appearance used his pre-cartoon design, with the black helmet and triggered cannon. He was not properly introduced in the commercial, but simply referred to as "The Decepticon Leader". This footage was later recycled in an ad forColeco'sPower Cycle(where he and his Decepticons raided ajungle gympower plant) and again for therubsignad.
In this scene, Megatron and the other Decepticons are not animated usingcharacter models,but by tracing stop-motion animation of their toys. This is because that sequence is the commercial's transition from animation to live-action, the first visual image of the toys proper.
  • Megatron attempted to hijack a load of shoes in a South American ad forBata's licensedTransformersfootwear. He was stopped when a pair of said shoes deflected his fusion cannon blast right back at him. No, really.Transformers de Bata commercial
My purple fists are for POINTING!
  • Megatron, in his "Action Master" body, pointed at Action Master Starscream.Action Master Starscream Commercial
  • Megatron, again as an Action Master, was seen in a base futilely trying to grab a pair ofMicromaster Combiners.He got shot in the face for his trouble.Micromaster Combiners commercial
  • Once upgraded into his "Generation 2" body, Megatron tracked down Optimus Prime. Once he had his old foe in his crosshairs, he sprung in attack, and the two faction leaders dueled fiercely.Generation 2 Megatron commercial
  • Megatron barged into the suburbs in his battle tank mode, only to be opposed once more by Optimus Prime. Both transformed, and Optimus blasted Megatron's gun out of his hand. In the grappling that followed, Megatron was presumably defeated and driven off.Combat Heroes commercial
  • "Bot Shots" Megatron had many confrontations with his Optimus counterpart, crashing into each other in vehicle mode and then slugging it out in robot mode. One Bot Shot Megatron and Optimus belonged to neighbours, and taunted one another when their owners left for school. They both burst out of their respective houses, destroying the windows on the way out and colliding in mid-air.Battle for the Matrix Bot Shots commercialMegatron would continue to duke it out against Optimus, though sometimes he would appear in a different body.Bot Shots Dragon Track Commercial
Hero Mashers commercial Megatron.jpg

The Hub promos

Little did Megatron know, Cobra Commander planned to hang up in the middle of his sentence.

Cobra Commanderand Megatron had an argument involving New Year's Eve marathons of their respective television series.Cobra-palooza Megatron-A-Thon

Ironically, theepisodesfeatured in theTransformersportion of the marathon didn't feature Megatronas Megatron.(With the exception ofone flashback.)

Another Megatrondeclared the Hub his in a commercial for a marathon ofPrimeseason 1 and 2, doing certain Hub-focused jokes and gags before the commercial breaks during the marathon. One such segment showedhis home movies,during which reminisced on howyoung he looked back thenand mockedSoundwave'sdated choice of alt-mode.Megatron's Favorite Song (26 Hour Takeover marathon promo)

This is highly unlikely to be canon. For the Megatron primarily focused on the Hub, see:Megatron (WFC).

Online promotional videos

  • Megatron dueled Optimus Prime atop of an overpass in a human city. Though Prime managed to knock Megatron's cannon loose early in the scuffle, Megatron managed to turn the tables on the Autobot leader, reattached his primary weapon, and blast his old foe. When Megatron moved in for the kill, Optimus got his second wind, and knocked Megatron clear off the overpass.They were always real to me.
  • Megatron was contacted by Optimus Prime, who convinced him to attendBotCon 2009.It took some doing though, but Megatron agree to participate when he learned that his human fans would be in attendance.BotCon 2009!
  • Megatron asked Starscream if he had finished work on the Decepticons’ anti-matter gun, only to learn that Starscream had instead been spending his time gushing over his newBotContoy. After shoving Starscream over for his insubordination, Megatron asked Breakdown and Counterpunch if they could think of a place where the Decepticons could find some new ultimate weapons. Breakdown pointed out that BotCon had all sorts of Transformers-related stuff, and Megatron got the idea that he could pick up some weapons at the convention.BotCon 2010 Promo
  • Megatron addressed female viewers, asking them to compare their male companions to himself. He clarified that said males were puny weaklings compared to the mighty Megatron! Though, they could still join the Transformers collector's club to get some exclusive toys. He also showed off the Transformers club magazine, the incentive figure for 2011, and was on a jet in outer space.Mega Spice -- The Transformer Your Fan Could Be Like
  • Megatron and Starscream visited Shockwave's lab on Cybertron. The Decepticon leader asked if Shockwave has finished his work on the continuum transmorpher. He was pleased to hear that the device was nearly complete, but then got distracted by some new upgrades throughout Shockwave's lab. As Shockwave showed him around, Starscream summoned his“Animated” counterpartto their reality. Megatron came upon the pair, and they blasted the Decepticon leader together. It still wasn't enough to keep Megatron down though.Who is the Greatest Starscream Of All Time?
  • Megatron interrupted Starscream's video for the firstBotCon 2012exclusive toy review, allowing forGrimlockto step in and ruin the review.BotCon 2012: Figure Reveal!


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots'Minicartroops from the Decepticons, Megatron could hinder Optimus Prime's progress by blasting him with fusion cannons.Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

The Transformers(Commodore 64)

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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The Transformers (Commodore 64)

Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

Megatron, somehow grown to monstrous size, awaits Autobot intruders at the end of theUnderground Machine City,hovering in a dark chamber with three floating platforms. He fires massive fireballs at Autobot positions at regular intervals. His armor makes him invulnerable, save for a conveniently glowing weak spot in thie middle of his forehead. Shot enough times there, and the mighty Megatron will fall... but the Autobots' job isn't done yet!Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

In this game, the "goal" of the "story" is to discover the cause ofOptimus Prime'sdeath, as those events had not actually been told in Japanese markets at the time. Players can uncover a clue that Megatron was responsible in the earlierTime TunnelIII stage, by finding a hidden room and defeating the high-flying enemy within, which throws up an image of Megatron.

Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals(N64)

In one of several possible timelines, the time-travelingPredaconRavage broke into theArkwhile its occupants were still in stasis and downloaded protoform cloning data from Megatron, among several others. He then returned to his future, planning to revive the Decepticons in new clone bodies and begin their conquest anew.

The following story content is only available through the use of a cheat device.

In another timeline, the Predacon commander Megatron infused himself with the original Megatron's power, becomingMegatron X.Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

DreamMix TV World Fighters

Voice actor:Seizō Katō(Japanese)

As part ofDreamMix TV's attempt to pull in more ratings, Megatron and his eternal rival Optimus Prime were invited to battle bunches of other beings on the television showWorld Fighters.DreamMix TV World Fighters

The Transformers(PS2)

Voice actor:Jeff Manning(English)
TF PS2 Megatron.jpg

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The Transformers

Revenge of the Fallen- The Game (Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC)

Compare me to a cancelled toy, as I am only a skin for FlightMovieMe. I feel pain, as no one else can feelMY AWESOME POWER!!!
Voice actor:Frank Welker (English)
OnAugust 27,2009,Megatron was one of a handful of downloadable characters in a DLC pack for Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3.

Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers Battle Circuit

Megatron, one of the "greatest Transformers of all time," was part of a Decepticon team that participated in a tournament on Cybertron. If an Autobot wished to claim the title of tournament champion, Megatron was the last opponent they needed to face.Transformers Battle Circuit

Transformers Battle Universe

At the edge of time, when theMatrixneeded a new host, Megatron was among several warriors (andMegatrons) summoned from the multiverse to battle for control of the prize.Transformers Battle Universe

Transformers G1: Awakening

Megatron g1awakening stats.jpg

When the Autobots leftCybertronin theArk,Megatron and his troops gave chase, boarding the Autobot ship and causing it to crash onEarth.After a four million year stasis nap, a volcanic eruption woke the Decepticons, and they began conquering the new planet and building aspace bridge.When they foundJetfire,Megatron tricked him into joining the Decepticons. Unfortunately the Autobots soon turned Jetfire to their side, much to Megatron's displeasure, and the Autobots found out about the space bridge. Megatron returned to Cybertron and laid a trap with which he successfully captured the Autobots who came through the bridge. When the Autobots escaped back to Earth, Megatron followed them and mounted an all-out assault on the Ark. Unfortunately this was repelled, and despite Megatron's best efforts, the Autobots fought their way back to the space bridge, and attacked the Decepticon's headquarters on Cybertron.Transformers G1: Awakening

Bot Shots Battle Game!

Megatron participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself!Bot Shots Battle Game!

Construct-Bots Builder

The components necessary for building "Construct-Bot" Megatron were accessible within the Cybertron construction zone. Despite it being against protocol,youcould mix his parts with those of Autobots! (gasp!)Construct-Bots Builder

Transformers Legends

I turn into a tank now. Any problems?

Megatron was once a miner, until Senator Ratbat shut down the facility where Megatron was employed. Enraged by the maltreatment of a fellow miner by the Senator's guards, Megatron accidently killed the guard and got himself arrested. While being transported, Megatron was convinced to take over the ship he was on by some fellow inmates, and set a course for the city of Kaon. There, he joined the underground gladiatorial fights and began to plot against the government establishment that had led him down this path. Megatron rose through the ranks of the pit fights, losing an arm in the process, only to have it replaced with spare parts acquired from a defeated foe.Megatron OriginsIn the Kaon pits, the harsh conditions gave him the desire to be the strongest of all.Megatron's bioHe eventually found himself opposed by Clench, but defeated him. Megatron then proceeded to take over Kaon, and set his sights on conquering the entirety of Cybertron.Megatron Origins

Megatron formulated a plan to wipe out the Autobots by activatingCybertron'splanetary engines.WhenSentinel Primetried to meet with him to talk him out of this course of action, Megatron instead ambushed the Autobot leader and successfully slew him. Unfortunately Megatron found that Sentinel was not in possession of theMatrix of Leadership,which was promptly passed to the new Autobot leader,Optimus Prime.The War WithinDuring the early days of the war, Megatron attempted to obtain a quick victory by conquering Iacon. This plan failed due to Metroplex getting involved in the battle.Assault on Iacon

Stranded on the planetJunk,Megatron had to fight off theJunkionsuntil Skywarp arrived to rescue him.WreckageLater onEarth,Megatron's strict rule resulted in theInsecticonsgoing rogue.Harvest of the InsecticonsHe was pleased when he heard that Optimus Prime had been badly damaged by the Dinobots, but didn't have time to order a strike on the Autobot base, as the Dinobots were attacking his own base.Day of the Dinobots - Part 1

At some point, Megatron went missing in action, and Starscream took command of the Decepticons.Countdown to ExtinctionAs part of a distraction while the Constructicons attacked Teletraan I, Megatron challenged Optimus to a duel.Heavy Metal War - Part 1AfterThrustfound a Golden Lagoon ofElectrum,Megatron led the invulnerable Decepticons againstOmega Supremeand then Autobot Headquarters, only to find the latter was deserted. The Decepticons rushed back to the lagoon to find the Autobots were also invulnerable, and after the lagoon was destroyed in the ensuing battle, Megatron and his forces retreated.The Golden Lagoon

Megatron was enraged to learn that the Constructicons had somehow become friendly withHoistandGrapple,and sentShockwaveandDelugeout to bring the team back into line.The Master BuildersWhenChronogonportals began opening, Megatron devised a plan to utilize them. The Decepticons successfully sprang a trap that sent theAerialbotsback in time, and followed that up by trying unsuccessfully to prevent Orion Pax from becoming Optimus Prime.Golden AgeDuring a battle near Autobot HQ, Megatron sneaked away and sabotaged the Autobotrecharging chamberwith apersonality destabilizer device.The Autobots were turned evil the next time they recharged, and Megatron sent them toRutter Military Baseto steal a solar energy satellite.Attack of the Autobots


Megatron and Shockwave slyly suggested to Grimlock that he should be leader of the Autobots, believing that if he took over, it would make their job of overcoming the Autobots easier. As it happened, once Grimlock took over, the two Decepticons were instead captured by his forces, and only escaped once he turned the reins back over to Optimus.Me, Grimlock, KingMegatron somehow became fused to Ratchet somewhere in inter-dimensional space. The pair were attacked by a time-displacedGalvatron,however a team of Autobots rescued them and the pair were surgically separated at the Autobot base. Megatron took advantage of the subsequent celebrations to make his escape.Savage Circle

The Decepticons managed to stealNightbird,and Megatron had Hardshell reprogram her to serve the Decepticon cause. Though she succeeded in stealing theWorld Energy Chipfrom Autobot HQ, Megatron and his troops were forced to come to her aid and failed to prevent her falling back into Autobot hands.Enter the NightbirdAfter Megatron and his men found aLightning Bugon an old Autobot colony world, they found they'd contractedCosmic Rust.Back on Earth, they stolecorrostopand cured themselves, before inflicting the disease on the Autobots. The Decepticons were unable to stop the Autobots getting a sample of corrostop from theStatue of Libertyand curing themselves, however.Cosmic Rust

After Dirge crashed into a movie set while transporting a stolen Autobot weapon, Megatron sent a group of Decepticons to retrieve him and destroy all evidence. He was upset when they not only returned without having destroyed the film, but when the film turned out to be a blockbuster hit.Hoist Goes Hollywood

Megatron and his men finally managed to drive the Autobots from Earth, badly damaging Optimus in the process, and set about conquering the planet. Their reign was short-lived, as the Autobots returned once Optimus had recovered, and Megatron was himself badly damaged in the battle that ensued, resulting in the Decepticons retreating.All Hail Megatron

When the ongoing conflict with the Autobots finally came to a head, Megatron led an assault onAutobot Cityand eventually stood over Optimus Prime's broken body.One Shall Fall...Or possibly Optimus defeated Megatron.The Battle for Autobot CityA short time later, Megatron was reborn into Galvatron, thanks toUnicron.All Hail Galvatron

Angry Birds Transformers

Megatron appears as one of the first unlockable characters, though he is now called Dark Megatron despite not looking dark at all. He is portrayed by King Pig. He also appears asUltimate,EnergonandLordversions.Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Megatron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in four different bodies:

  • Megatron— This Common character could be recruited by collecting 20 units of Cybermetal.
  • Generations Megatron— Promotional Rare character
  • Megatron (Leader)— This Super Rare promotional character could be recruited through the space bridge for 1000 gold.
  • Generation 2 Megatron— This Epic character was available as a reward in the "Generation 2 Episode 1" event.Transformers: Battle Tactics
He starts out as a Common miner.
I belong to nobody!
Grant me mercy, I beg of you! - says any bot if he is the last opponent.
Constructiconsoriginal leader.

Transformers: Devastation

Voice actor:Frank Welker

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Megatron's memory of the Golden Age was clearer than most Cybertronians.Transformers: Devastation game logsHe believed there was plasma energy around causing devastation. He and the Decepticons soon learned the plasma energy came from theProudstar,a ship brought to Earth byNova Prime.Soon enough he and the Decepticons took control of ship of legend. Optimus Prime and the Autobots then had to stop him before he could use the plasma energy to take over the Earth.Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Earth Wars

Voice actor:Frank Welker(English),Masayuki Kiyama(Japanese)
I have a thumb. It's just bent.

In his own way, Megatron is as much an idealist as his Autobot counterpart, Optimus Prime, but his zeal sprang from a committed belief that beings such as they were made to conquer and rule, and that any hint of compassion or mercy was an insult to their Primus-given power.

On Cybertron, he tapped into the frustration of those like him and inflamed their revolutionary leanings.

The Megatron way was and is to rule through intimidation and fear.Megatron bio

Megatron was needed on Earth by the Decepticons, but they were too late as Optimus Prime came through theSpace bridge.Optimus then proceeded to beat Megatron to theFractal Mapand locate theEnigma of Combination.The Autobots succeeded, but Megatron found a way to artificially create the power needed to create combiners.Autobot Campaign

Megatron orderedBludgeonandStarscreamto get him aQuantum crystalpowerful enough to bring him through. Then he started on his conquest to obtain the Fractal Map, the Codex Key, and finally the Enigma of Combination. With the Enigma, Megatron then proceeded to use Devastator to destroy everything, but was stopped by Optimus and Superion.Decepticon Campaign

When Megatron first arrived on earth, the other cons were weary and afraid of the mortar that lay ahead of them. Irritated with their cowardace, Megatron led aRallying Chargethat allowed them to destroy the Autobot's outpost. Megatron then lorded over the victory.The Lost Map Campaign

During the race to find theFractal Map,Megatron ordered Bludgeon to spy on Starscream to make sure that he didn't do anything "out of line". He found out Starscream was commanding an operation consisting of Hook and Scrapper, and took command of the Op himself. They destroyed an Autobot base, and Hook had to clean up while Megatron commanded the rest of the cons to stay in line and find the Fractal Map before the Autobots.Power Play Campaign

During the final battle of the Codex Key, Megatron gathered the rest of his "most" loyal troops, including (the rest of) theConstructicons,Seekers,Combaticons,Insecticons,Predacons,andthe Stunticons(They didn't show because they were busy with...."other"Things..) and they all took part in the battle that ensued.The Codex Showdown Campaign

When Megatron got his hands on the Enigma of Combination, he eagerly used it on the Constructicons to form Devastator. With the creation of Combiner lab, Megatron had plans to make more combiners.Combiner Wars Campaign

  • Class:Special
  • Lowest Star Rating:2 star
  • Weapons:Megatron fires a blast from his Fusion Cannon before engaging a target up close and attacking it with his energy mace.
  • Ability: Inspiring Charge- Rally Decepticons to engage the target. Then charge in damaging walls along the way.
    • Cost:5 ability points +2 for reuses.

Megatron at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers Operation Omega

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
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Transformers Operation Omega

Transformers Online(2017 video game)

Megatron TFO.jpg
Peace through tyranny.

On Cybertron, Megatron quickly rose to power as champion of the pits of Kaon, where he assembled a group of followers. On planet Earth, he led the Decepticons to reside amongst the Autobots and humans in a long struggle for control. Megatron may be perceived as contradictory, for it was less likely for him to be hailed as a "hero". His power and prestige defined his heroic glory, but Megatron's treachery still posed him a threat to all. Megatron defeated the most powerful enemy, who had control over an unruly army. However, Megatron would never: betray his family, leave behind any of his comrades, or forget to restore his former homeland. Because of his unwavering faith, Megatron's will could last until his final moments.

In battle, Megatron wielded the "Gaia Chain Mace"and the heavy duty"Ruler"bazooka. His active skill was" Missile Frenzy ":

  • Missile Frenzy— (Must be in vehicle/tank mode) Megatron can fire up to 3 tracking missiles that reduce an opponent's damage by 50%. Each missile deals 800 points of damage to an opponent.Transformers Online[8]

Transformers: Forged to Fight

OH, that upgrade felt good. Now, let's go crush some hippies!

Megatron was one of many bots pulled from his universe to fight for the Quintessons. Some of them even join the Commander! As a Tactician, his Fusion Cannon charges up to permanently Fuse Special attack debuffs, which further allows him to steal opponents' buffs.Transformers: Forged to Fight

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Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Right after Bumblebee destroyed a Decepticon base, Megatron started attacking him. He gave up halfway through the fight, and decided to let his warriors deal with the Autobot. Players may encounter him once reaching a monumental 765,000,000 points.Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

World of Warships: Transformers

WoW Megatron camo 1.jpg

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World of Warships: Transformers

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Megatron was the cruel leader of the evil Decepticons, a gladiator who became a revolutionary tyrant. In the past, he had faced off against Autobots likeBluestreak,and was responsible for leading the ambush that stranded both the Autobots and Decepticons on Earth. Shortly after reactivating on Earth, Megatron led the construction of astarshipthat would take them off Earth once again, only for the Autobots to send this new starship crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, which became their new base of operations. Over the course of their war against the Autobots, Megatron and the Decepticons established several other bases across the planet, including a lunar base on Earth'sMoon.At one point, he and his troops attackedDinobot Island,but the Autobots were able to foil their plan before they disrupted Earth's timestream.Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Megatron cut a deal withCobrain the hopes of securing a backup body for himself, promising them access to alien technology in exchange for full cooperation. The result was a powerful drone code-namedFusion,which incorporated a mixture of Cybertronian and Cobra technology.Cobra/Con Fusion

Overwatch 2

He's the only Decepticon because they couldn't design anyone else to be this cool.

After ruminating on the Transformers' war for Earth, Megatron located an alternate Earth where a robot revolution was being thwarted by a group of heroes known as Overwatch. Megatron established contact with the robot leader, the OmnicRamattra,and related to the Omnic's desire for peace at any cost and his inability to achieve it. So, Megatron offered Ramattra a deal: Megatron would share his power with Ramattra, making the Omnic Megatron's avatar, and in exchange Ramattra would do anything in his power to achieve his goals. Ramattra accepted, receiving a device from Megatron which augmented his abilities with Megatron's strength. Unfortunately, the Autobots caught wind of this plan and sent similar devices to heroes of Overwatch to combat Megatron and Ramattra.Transmission


Main article:Megatron (G1)/toys



Evolution of the G1 character model. For the gun mode, the animators appear to have been instructed to reference the version from the transformation chart.
  • Bob Budianskystated in an interview that the name "Megatron" is a portmanteau derived from "Megaton" and "Electronic".[9]He suggested the name "Megatron" for theTransformersline butHasbroinitially rejected it, claiming that "mega" conjured images of nuclear bombs. Budiansky reminded them that the name was supposed to sound evil, because he's the leader of the bad guys. Hasbro responded, "Oh, right", and then approved the name.[10]
  • Megatron had the alternate working names "Death Ray", "Master", and "Slag-Maker".[11]"Slag-Maker" would be reused in Megatron's fullbio(as presented inThe Transformers Universe) as a nickname the Autobots gave him as "a title of fear and respect" that he relished; though it's been referenced every now and again (such as byan issueof IDW Publishing'sMore than Meets the Eyeongoing), it's a nickname that has largely been forgotten.
Megatron's early design. Back then, he was a little less happy to see you.
  • For unknown reasons, in the early stagesTransformersseries' development, Megatron'scharacter modelinitially wasn't based on the toy, but on concept art for an unproduced prototype version of the originalTakaraMicro Changefigure that eventually became Megatron. Unique features of this early version include a differently shaped, black helmet, a very different scope/fusion cannon, and the gun's barrel ending up on his back in robot mode. As a result of the tight production schedule, the earlier model featuring the older, black helmet appeared not only in early animation used for severalcommercials,as well as in various licensed materials, but also in early issues of the Marvel US comic book series. As time went on, his character model underwent multiple revisions that referenced the actual toy and thus dropped most of these elements, although the back-mounted gun barrel remains on his back even on the final animation model used for the cartoon. Additionally, the Marvel comic series not only kept the back-mounted barrel, but also continued to color Megatron's helmet "black" (though in reality, it was mostly blue, with some black shading) until the end of its run (by which time it was often rendered dark gray rather than blue, due to an improved printing process allowing for the use of a more diverse color palette). Cleverly, flashbacks in IDW'sThe Transformers: Stormbringerand subsequent series used the black helmet to show Megatron's younger self and his normal light gray helmet for his modern self in order to show age. By contrast, Megatron'sShattered Glasscounterparthas a black helmet in the present day.
  • Meanwhile, early issues of the Marvel UK series featuring original material (instead of reprints of the US-produced stories) didn't reference any character model, but rather the toy'spackage art.The latter was modified from the existing package art for Takara'sMicro ChangeMC-13 "Walther P-38 U.N.C.L.E. Set", which served as the basis for Hasbro's Megatron toy. For unknown reasons, despite being modified for the Transformers version, the package art retained a weird coloring choice from theMicro Changeversion that rendered the toy'schromedparts, i.e. Megatron's upper body, with a gold tint (possibly based on the stock photos featured on the back of the packaging and in theinstructions,which also make the chromed parts appear gold). This in turn influenced his look in those early Marvel UK stories, which went all the way coloring his body in various shades of gold, starting with the five-part story "The Enemy Within!",followed by the four-parter"Raiders of the Last Ark",the two-parter"Decepticon Dam-Busters!"(which gave Megatron a black helmet, like in the US comics) and the story"And There Shall Come...a Leader!"from the1985 Annual.By the time "The Icarus Theory"was produced, Marvel UK had apparently received the official Marvel US character model for Megatron, and thus applied the US color scheme (including the" black "/blue helmet) to him going forward. Despite this, the earlier design featuring the gold upper body appeared one last time in the illustration for the text story"State Games"and the comic story"Victory!",both published in the1986 Annual.
  • Similar to Optimus Prime's trailer, Megatron's Walther P38 alt-mode includes parts that materialize from out of nowhere once he transforms, which change his silhouette into a more rifle-like shape. These parts include an elongated pistol stock and an extending barrel attachment, both of which fly offscreen once he reassumes his robot mode. Megatron is never seen operating as a pistol without these extra parts.
  • When Megatron transforms into gun mode, he most oftenshrinksto a size where he can be held by either a human or fellow Transformer and has someone else aim and fire him. The exceptions are in theepisodes"S.O.S. Dinobots"and"The Ultimate Doom, Part 3",theThe Transformersvideo game,the manga issuesFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers#4and "The Battle of the Star Gate"(likely"Activation"too, but the angles makes it impossible to say for certain) as well as theG.I. Joeissue"Realignments".In the cases of" S.O.S. Dinobots ",Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers#4 and "The Battle of the Star Gate", Megatron does not shrink and has another Transformer somewhat clumsily aim and move him. In "The Ultimate Doom, Part 3", the video game and "Realignments" (and "Activation" ), he floats in the air and takes a shot at his target unassisted. The reasons Megatron chooses to transform instead of simply using his fusion cannon are seldom explained.
  • On the 1985Universal Studios Tour,a giant statue of Megatron was available for children to clamber over and have their picture taken on. It wasn't especially dignified.
  • Beast Wars Universeclaims that Megatron has been missing since the beginning ofPax Cybertroniaand it is rumored that he is deceased. This is seemingly incongruous with the open references the cartoon makes toThe Movie,where Blackarachnia confirms it was Galvatron who killed Starscream.[12]Did they simply not know that Megatron and Galvatron were one and the same?
  • Unused concept artforHearts of Steeldepicts Megatron with a variety of proposed alternate modes: a giant cannon (with big studded wheels that become shoulder-shields), a 19th-century Colt revolver, possibly aColt 1851 Navy,and another very similar revolver, with an anachronistic scope and a bulkier muzzle.
  • SomeQuébecquersloved his shiny body so much they named a communications company after him.[13]

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Megatron(メガトロンMegatoron),Megalligator(Beast Warsvs pack, メガリゲーターMegarigētā),Megatronus(Generationsvs pack, メガトロナスMegatoronasu)
  • Cantonese:Megaton( mạch gia đăngMak Gaa Dang)
  • Mandarin:Mega Wáng(Taiwan, mỹ gia vươngMěijiā Wáng,"King Mega" ),Jùwúbà(Taiwan, cự vô bá, "Colossus" ),Wēi Zhèn Tīan(China, uy chấn thiên, "Extremely Prestigious", literally "Heaven-shaking Might" )
  • French:Mégatron
  • Hebrew:Megatron(מגהטרוןMghjrwn)
  • Portuguese:Megatrão(Portugal comics)
  • Russian:Megatron(Мегатрон)
  • Serbian:Megatron(Мегатрон)
  • Spanish:Megatrón
  • Ukrainian:Megatron(Мегатрон)


  1. Megatron online bio on Metal Earth website:"[Megatron i]s the founder of the Decepticon uprising, and their most well-known and feared leader. Megatron has lost battles, but he has never been truly defeated. Even after his near total destruction by the AllSpark, he returned".
  2. Images of Prime 1 Studio "Superior Megatron"from TFSource on Facebook
  3. TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF TIME - SUPERIOR OPTIMUS PRIMEbyPrime 1 Studioon Facebook: "The story began when the Ark carrying G1 Optimus Prime and his fellow Autobots was attacked on their route to Earth from Cybertron by Megatron and his evil Decepticons. Both spaceships were sucked into a wormhole and ended up in an alternate dimension. This dimension is the cinematic Transformers universe. Different yet the same, both transformers from the different dimension amalgamated and formed the Superior version of their old self. Hence the New Generation Transformers was formed. To be continued..."
  4. "SiegeMegatron C.O.M.B.A.T. Weapons Guide "on Hasbro Pulse (via Internet WayBack Machine)
  5. Siegewebsite
  6. Earthrisewebpage
  7. Kingdomwebpage
  8. Megatron on the Transformers Online website
  9. Bob Budiansky Interview at
  10. ASM: A Little Q&A with... Bob Budiansky
  11. The Transformersepisode ofThe Toys That Made Us,at 01:11
  12. Page 37, Guest Character andG1Icons,Beast Wars UniverseISBN 978-4766938005
  13. Megatron Dot Net Forward Slash Quebec.

Primus Vanguard

Leader:Primus| Matrix:Silver Matrix| Headquarters:Ivory Towers| Fleet:Sentinel Armada| Related Group:Golden Age| Energy Sources:Star Power|Golden Power


Leader:Red Sentinel Prime
Matrix:Matrix Buster
Base:Red Planet


Leader:Yellow Splendid Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Gauntlet
Base:Yellow Planet


Leader:Green Tender Convoy|Megatron
Matrix:Creation Matrix
Base:Green Planet


Leader:Blue Brightes Convoy|Blue Big Convoy|Magna Convoy
Matrix:α Matrix|Matrix Sword
Base:Blue Planet


Leader:Purple Wicked Convoy
Matrix:Purple Matrix
Base:Purple Planet


Leader:Black Go Prime|Deadlock
Matrix:Black Legendisc
Base:Black Planet


Leader:White Gallant Convoy
Matrix:Matrix Saber
Base:White Planet

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