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Mirage's friends

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Mirage's friends areNeutralTransformersfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.

Miragehasfriendsin high places! The main activity among their upper crust social circle is apparentlyturbofoxhunting onCybertron.Mirage would prefer to go hunting with them, but for whatever reason, finds himself in the ranks of theAutobots.[1]




When the war came to an end and Mirage could go home, he found that most of his friends had perished. Determined to pick up his life from millions of years ago, Mirage sought contact with the remaining ones and organized parties and hunting trips with them. The gap could not be bridged though. During the hunting trips in theLangton,his friends' lack of stealth finesse only made Mirage annoyed and at the parties or visits toO'Malley's,he found himself with nothing to say. Just like his friends. The gap eventually drove Mirage back to the Autobot army.Mirage'sClassicsprofile


Who else would Mirage daydream about if not one of his friends?


  1. Mirage's toy bioandUniverseprofile
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