Moonracer (G1)
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The name or term "Moonracer" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeMoonracer (disambiguation). |
- Moonracer is anAutobotorVelocitronianfrom theGeneration 1continuity family.
Amongst her colleagues,Moonraceris the joy and the laughter. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer is full of naïve optimism and, to the dismay of her partners-in-guerilla warfare, pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can behardcore.
According toPowerglide,Moonracer is the best sharpshooter in the galaxy.
According to herself, she's the best in the Universe.
Contents |
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformerscartoon
- Voice actor:Morgan Lofting(English),Run Sasaki(Japanese),Gu Guoyi(Chinese),Guilene Conte(Brazilian Portuguese),Catherine Lafond(European French)
Four million years ago, Moonracer tried to board theArk,while it was being attacked, with the rest ofElita One's team. The plan failed, and she and the others appeared to be destroyed.
Moonracer participated in a raid on one ofShockwave'senergonsupply stores. She questioned Elita One's order to take only one stack and got herself stuck in a booby trap when she tried to steal more. As a result, theFemale Autobots' continued existence was discovered by Shockwave, whom was tricked byChromiainto freeing Moonracer. The two made their escape and joined up withFirestaron the way back to their hidden base. Near, Elita One informed her soldiers they were being followed. Moonracer quickly located and shot down theoffender.
Trying to capture Elita One and with an idea of where the Female Autobots approximately hid, the Decepticons launched an attack.Rumblecaused the Female Autobots' underground base to collapse, with most of them in it. They survived, but were trapped inside. It was Moonracer's idea then to detonate the energon they stole in order to blast their way out. Following their escape, the team went in search of their leader and subsequently met up with a group ofEarth-stationed Autobots who had come looking fortheir commander.Moonracer teamed up with her old friendPowerglide.Things went well until Shockwave decided he had enough and nearly caused Moonracer and several others to fall to their deaths. Fortunately, Optimus Prime and Elita One made a timely arrival and chased off the Decepticons.
With the Decepticons defeated and their underground headquarters destroyed,Alpha Trionrelocated the Female Autobots to a new base of operations.The Search for Alpha Trion
MC Axis comics
Moonracer, Firestar, andArceewere strolling around on Cybertron after a battle, when they were attacked from behind by a Decepticon. Only Arcee was quick enough to respond in time, blasting the attacker before her friends came to harm. She then chided her teammates, noting that "War seems to be too tough particularly for females"[sic].The Transformers: Arcee
Later, Moonracer, Firestar, Chromia, and Elita One celebrated their victory over an absolutelygargantuanDecepticon warrior. Well, Elita brooded, but the others celebrated.The Transformers: Elita One
Wings Universe

Nine million years ago, Moonracer was one of the younger Autobots, mentally a teenager. She was locked in this mindset when Decepticons attacked the facility that was overseeing one of her upgrades, and the damage to the equipment resulted in stilted emotional growth. While she hadn't made her way to full functionality, she was still quite capable, if perhaps too impetuous for her own good. In the meantime, she functioned as an attaché to Alpha Trion.Moonracer's profile in Club magazine #33
Moonracer andRicochetstood withAlpha Trionas he implored theAutobot High Councilto put their support behind his new"Prime"initiative.The Coming Storm: Part 2
The pair, along withOutback,were at theElite GuardAuxiliary Weapons LockerwhenMagnumand the surviving members of the Elite Guard turned up to pick up guns. The trio joined the mission to locateDeathsaurus's base.Battle Lines, Part 2The group soon ran into Deathsaurus's troops and engaged them in combat. Ricochet was shot out of the air byStarscream,and Moonracer, Outback, andFlakwere at his side as he died from his wounds. They had little time to mourn before they were attacked by an enragedLyzack.Battle Lines, Part 3She watched asBig Bang,Ironfist,Rumbler,andSprocketarrived to join the battle.Battle Lines, Part 4A week after the battle, she was part of the Autobot forces atIacon's city walls as the Decepticons broke through withDevastator.Battle Lines, Part 5The battle was won, but several Autobots died in the process. To gather energy for the sapped Autobots, a crew was formed to pilot theArk.Moonracer was to be part of the crew, but a Decepticon attack blocked her and others from reaching the ship before it departed. Soon after, as their current reserve of energies was dangerously low, Moonracer joined her comrades still on the planet in stasis hibernation as an energy-saving measure.Battle Lines, Part 6
Generations Selects Special Comic
In2050,Moonracer and the Autobots were supporting theSelectors' revolution on Earth. They were assaulted with metal-eating gas, and combined into Orthia to increase their resistance.Volcanicus comic 2The gas was followed by the attackingTerrorcons.Blot'sslime gunforced the combiner to separate back into Moonracer and her teammates.Abominus comic 1
DreamwaveGeneration 1comics
Moonracer was a member of an elite squad of five warriors under the command of theQuintessons.She andFirestarwere on guard duty for their masters when they discussed the Transformer-related events of the past two Earth years.Generation 1 #0
Following a reportfrom their Autobot sleeper agent,Arcee,that the awaited situation to commence their mission had come,Elita Oneused aspace bridgeto get to theAutobaseonCybertron.Chromia and the others waited patiently for her to signal that they could follow. When it came, Moonracer went after her commander swiftly for further orders. With only Firestar still to get through the portal, the group was attacked byGnaw.Moonracer kicked him in the face towards Elita One, who punched him out. WhileChromiawas sent back toQuintessawith an unconsciousHot Rod,Moonracer joined the other two into the Autobot facility, where they foundOptimus Prime's badly damaged body in a repair chamber.Generation 1 #11
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance:Windbladevol. 2 #3
Moonracer was a native ofVelocitron,born from thehot spotwithin the body of theirTitanNavitas.Moonracer made a name for herself by racing alongside the moving cityDeltafor an entire day, though some thought of her as crazy for venturing outside.Race Against the LightWhen battlingcombinersfromCybertronbriefly touched upon the planet,Knock Outand Moonracer investigated the footprints left behind and went to report it toOverride.All That RemainsThanks to her reputation she was subsequently selected ambassador to Cybertron alongside Knock Out once the two planets'space bridgeswere linked up. While Knock Out was quick to declineStarscream's offer to join theCouncil of Worlds,Moonracer was less fond of the path Velocitron's society was heading down and met withWindbladebehind the scenes, suggested the Cybertronians convince Override herself by participating in theBenefit 500.Windblade vol. 2 #4
Upon Windblade and her party's arrival on Velocitron, Moonracer let them into Delta and brought their representative,Blurr,to the race, tasking her assistantClockerwith showing Windblade the way to Navitas'brain module.She subsequently watched with smug satisfaction as Blurr won the race with Windblade's help, deflating Knock Out.Race Against the LightHis victory convinced the people of Velocitron to join the Council of Worlds, and Moonracer and Knock Out returned to Cybertron and signed the treaty.Windblade vol. 2 #6
Approximately two weeks later, Moonracer was present for the ceremony inductingObsidianandStrikaofCarcerinto theCouncil of Worlds.The Will of the FewWhen Starscream was upset over being left out of theChosen One Dayfestivities, Moonracer and several others who were feeling the holiday spirit came to visit and at leastpretendto like him for a while.Choose Me
AfterOptimus Primeannounced his intent to annexEarthinto the Council of Worlds, Moonracer attended the first council meeting discussing this sudden change of events.New Worlds OrderThe Council also investigated a series ofmnemosurgicalattacks on Decepticons and the increasing suspicions of theBadgeless,eventually appointing Ironhide to investigate the matter.07:00:00Following the death ofa Decepticon,Iacon's population found itself on the verge of a riot; Moonracer attended another emergency meeting that saw Ironhide take command of the Badgeless.Applicable SkillsShe and Knock Out later attended a meeting where Ironhide reported on the progress of the new recruits.Things We Said We'd Never DoWhenBruticusattacked Iacon, Moonracer and the other Council delegates were temporarily evacuated.The Line Between Us
The Council later met with Optimus to hear his side of the story. Although Prime insisted that his intentions were pure, its members unanimously voted against allowing Earth a seat on the council.The Medium and the MessageFollowing the raising of a Titan on Earth, however, the members of the Council began reconsidering their verdict, much to Starscream's annoyance.No Fair Fights
When Cybertron came under threat from a fleet of undead Titans, Moonracer helped repel the wave of cityformers.PingAs the fight dragged on with no end in sight, she put her speed to good use, ferrying the woundedVanquishand his brotherFireshotto safety. Back at the Council's spire, Windblade revealed her intention to put together a strike team and breach Carcer, asElita Onehad refused to let her Titan join the fight. Moonracer was one of the 'bots who joined Windblade's crew.Desperate TimesWithTigatronand Fireshot, the group reached Carcer's brain module only for the path to be barred byObsidian.A perfect shot by Moonracer destroyed his left propeller before Fireshot ripped the other one off and the three held him down while Windblade merged with Carcer. To everyone's horror, the Titan was not Carcer butVigilem!Desperate Measures
Nonetheless the three held down Obsidian despite his repeated warnings. When Moonracer expressed the belief that Vigilem taking full control would mean Windblade being unable to talk, Tigatron insisted that Windblade would stay plugged in until Cybertron was saved. As Windblade began to lose the mental duel, Elita One entered and emptied her weapon into Vigilem's brain module though too late to stop the Titan from freeingLiege Maximo.RubiconOnce the threat had passed, Moonracer was part of a smaller meeting to discuss why Elita had hid the existence of Liege Maximo and Vigilem. Moonracer found herself agreeing with Elita's logic that Cybertron had to be united to combat Maximo's inevitable return but believed that the people had a right to know the truth that the ancient Prime was free. Starscream ultimately had the deciding vote and opted to keep Maximo's freedom a secret.Heavy
The full Council later reconvened to meet with Optimus Prime as the Autobot leader discussed sharing Transformer technology with theJunkions,who had recently arrived on Earth. Starscream shot down the proposal; as Earth was not yet a member of the Council, it would be a violation of theTyrest Accord.Behind My Bleeding Back
Moonracer was present during Earth's induction into the Council of Worlds where she sat next to theMistress of Flamebefore Starscream orderedM.A.S.K.andG.I. Joelocked up.First Strike #4After Windblade helped the G.I. Joe team escape, Moonracer was present again when the Mistress of Flame slapped Windblade and stripped her of her Camien citizenship. She also participated in the celebration after Windblade won the election for ruler of Cybertron.The Chosen OneMoonracer was once again hanging out with the other members of the Council of Worlds, receiving a shipment ofOre-13from Earth, whenOnyx Primesuddenly appeared atop theTitanNemesiswith a capturedLiege Maximoin tow.A Surfeit of PrimesWhen the member of theThirteenwas granted an audience with the Council, an explosion ripped through theSpire.In the aftermath, Moonracer helped theMistress of Flameget back up.Another MineThe Ground
WhenUnicronwaged its apocalyptic war on the Council of Worlds, Moonracer was present in the Council's war room when Starscream made his dramatic return to announce the existence of theDecepticon Vengeance Division.Stranger EonsWhen the Chaos Bringer attacked Cybertron directly, Moonracer was present inMetroplex,beingspace bridgedtoVictoria Fallson Earth.Road's End
Prime Wars Trilogymarketing material
The joyful Autobot Moonracer could enhance her sharpshooting skills by linking withPrime Masters.Power of the PrimesMoonracer packaging bio
- Prima—Grants enemies one shot at redemption before blasting them.
- Vector—Can aim her blaster down the time stream.
- Alpha Trion—Translates theCovenant of Primusfor Cybertronian youth.
- Solus—Forges a blaster that shoots a near-infinite distance.
- Micronus—Power-links to grant bots a sharpshooter's aim.
- Alchemist—Becomes a mass of raw protons to travel between worlds.
- Nexus—Grants Combiner minds a sniper's concentration.
- Onyx—Gains the ability to see to the edge of the universe.
- Amalgamous—Forms booster jets and airfoils to enhance her speed.
- Quintus—Fills the metal of dead worlds with life-giving energon.
- Liege Maximo—Knows the truth behind every lie she hears.
- Megatronus—Obliterates the spark of any foe with a single shot.
War for Cybertron Trilogycontinuity
War for Cybertron Trilogymarketing material
Moonracer was among those destined few chosen bySolus Primeto combine intoOrthia.SiegeTeletraan-1 Data Files
War for Cybertron Trilogycartoon
- Voice actor:Ellie Main(English),Serika Hiromatsu(Japanese),Pauline de Meurville(French),Anke Hillenbrand(German),Jeane Marie(Brazilian Portuguese),Gabriela Guzmán(Latin-American Spanish)
Optimus Prime recruited Moonracer as part of his team to search for theAllsparkin theSea of Rust.Led by Jetfire, the group located a valley in the wasteland and descended to search. As they ventured deeper into the valley they were attacked by theSparkless,who ripped Moonracer's arm off in their initial attack.Siege episode 5Though the Autobots fought valiantly, Moonracer's injury caused her to be quickly overwhelmed, the Sparkless tearing her to pieces. Optimus managed to extract her from the hostiles but her injuries proved too severe and she passed in Optimus's arms.Siege episode 6
2019 IDW continuity
Moonracer was considered to be brave and loyal byThunderclash,being counted among his potential recruits for theWreckers.Tread & Circuits Part 4
Transformers Legends
Moonracer was dispatched by Elita One in response to Flamewar's squad's retaliatory attacks on a number of Autobot bases.Fatal Furies: Flamewar's Revenge
Angry Birds Transformers
As Moonracer
- Squad:Wreckers
- Mission Type:Investigator
- Unlock Type:Challenge Event Prize
- On theEggspark-alteredPiggy Island,Stellafound herself fused with Moonracer, transforming into a Cybertronian hovercar. Her weapon launches force-bubbles in a strange arc that suddenly rocket towards their target with explosive force. These projectiles are equipped with anEMP effect,temporarily stunning foes, or in the case of flying ones, sending them plummeting out of the sky.Angry Birds Transformers
Accessory | Body Part | Rarity | Cost | Base Effect | Notes |
Baseball Cap | Head | Common | 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins | +10% Transform Rcharge | |
Headphones | Head | Uncommon | 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins | +10% Damage | |
Sunglasses | Face | Common | 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins | +10% Transform Recharge | |
Pistol | Back | Legendary | 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins | +10% Explosive Force | Actually mounted on her leg |
Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Moonracer took part in a series of attacks against multiple Decepticon bases, destroying them and defeating all enemies in the proccess. 1300 Armor, 1300 Blaster Strength, Score x12, Coins x4, Blaster Speed: SlowTransformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Moonracer’s bubbly, naïve personality concealed the dead-eye reflexes of a crack shot—as one of Cybertron’s best sharpshooters, she was unafraid to brag about her skills.Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
- Descent into Evil(Multi-pack,2005)
- Accessories:Launcher, missile, scope, 2 tailpipes, energon chip
- TimelinesChromia is aredecoand new-headretoolingofEnergonArcee,transforming into a Cybertronic racing motorcycle. She has multiple clear-plastic "energon"parts that form side-thrusters in bike mode, and combine to form a massive compound bow with a spring-loaded missile. She also comes with anenergon starthat can fit on thespark crystalof anyEnergon-series mold.
- The Chromia toy was originally intended to be Moonracer, butHasbrocould not secure thetrademarkon the name.Fun Publicationschanged the toy's character toChromia,the first name on their list of alternates thatdidclear, even though it was their "third or fourth choice".[1][2]As such, Chromia's toy is in Moonracer's teal and white colors and has a head that resembles Moonracer's. (The intent was for the head to be a compromise between the Moonracer and Firestar head designs.)[1][2]
- She was only available only as part ofBotCon 2005's "Descent into Evil" set, packed in with along withBuzzclaw,Deathsaurus,Dirge,Fallback,Ironhide,andRicochet.
- Her base mold was also used to makeFlamewarand thelive-action movieverseArceeandElita-One,while the Chromia-retooled version was used to makeFlareup.
Energonmold:Arcee | ||
Power of the Primes
- Autobot Moonracer(Deluxe Class,2018)
- TakaraTomy ID number:PP-16
- TakaraTomy release date:July 28,2018
- Accessories:Rifle, Prime Armor/combiner hand, Prime Master gap filler/gun
- Known designers:John Warden(Hasbro)
- Part of the second wave ofPower of the PrimesDeluxe Class toys, Moonracer transforms from a robot based on her appearance in "The Search for Alpha Trion"to a Cybertronian car. She can also form a limb for anyCombiner Wars-style Combiner (or one ofLegendsGodbomber's legs). Like all otherPower of the PrimesDeluxe Class figures, she comes with Prime Armor (redecoed from that ofJazz) with a place for aPrime Master,Enigma,orMatrix corethat can transform into a hand for a Combiner. She also comes with a piece that can fill the gap in the chest armor or be held as a gun. Her instructions,TakaraTomystock photos, and box art depict her as part ofElita-Infin1te.LaterSiegematerial would also brand Moonracer as part ofOrthia.As an undocumented feature, her gun can combine with Novastar's gun to form a larger rifle that doesn't look too out of place in a combiner hand.
- Moonracer's kibble results in averylarge backpack, due to the fact at least 75% of her car mode folds up into it despite not being ashellformer.Surprisingly, she is still fairly sturdy in robot mode as the backpack is mostly hollow.
- Moonracer's original sculpt was retooled intoNovastar,SiegeGreenlightandGenerations SelectsLancer,and was thoroughly retooled intoGenerations SelectsTentakilandScylla.SiegeChromia,Generations SelectsNightbirdandLegacy EvolutionKaskadealso reuse parts of Moonracer's mold; specifically the wheels, thighs and hipball jointsockets.
Power of the Primesmold:Moonracer | ||
Version 1 (Moonracer):
Version 2 (Greenlight):
Version 3 (Tentakil):
- Of the female Autobots introduced and named in "The Search for Alpha Trion", Moonracer is the only one whose name doesn't match with that of her beau Powerglide (a laFirevsInferno,ChromevsIron,andBest FirstvsBest First). However, her namedoesread suspiciously like a mirror ofSunstreaker.We don't have any confirmation, but... perhaps the original plan for "The Search for Alpha Trion" was to pair Moonracer with Sunstreaker, but he was changed for the similarly showoffish 1985 character Powerglide during development of the episode?`
- Despite having a distinct mold inPower of the Primes,the CG model of Moonracer used in theWar for Cybertronanimated series is a re-use of Chromia's model (based on theSiegeChromia toy), but in a new color-scheme.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Moonracer(ムーンレーサーMūnrēsā)
- Hungarian:Holdfutó( "Moonrunner" )
- Mandarin:Yuèliàng Chēshǒu(Taiwan, nguyệt lượng xa thủ, "Moon Racer" ),Yuè Jiāo(China, nguyệt kiều, "Moon Lovable" )
- Russian:Medeya(Медея)
- ↑ postbyLanny Lathemexplaining the Moonracer/Chromia SNAFU.
- ↑2.02.1Chromia toy notes at
- Featured articles
- Combiners
- Council members
- Dreamwave Generation 1 Transformers
- Female Transformers
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 cartoon Autobots
- Generations Selects Autobots
- IDW (2005) Transformers
- IDW (2019) Transformers
- Power of the Primes Autobots
- Repurposed toys
- Second Cybertron Alliance
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Autobots
- Velocitron
- War for Cybertron: Siege Autobots
- Wings Universe Autobots