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From Transformers Wiki

John Ford would be proud.

Nevadais a western state in theUnited States of America.It contains the famed gambling cities ofLas VegasandReno,and smaller cities such asFallon,Jasper,and (possibly)Tranquility.

Hoover Damis right on the border between Nevada andArizona.



MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.

Having lost control of himself,Snarlwent on a rampage inBlack Rock Desertin Nevada, where he wrecked ahumanmilitary base before being retrieved.Dinobot Hunt!

Autobasewas located in a basin somewhere in Nevada.SwarmUltimately, the final confrontation with theSwarmtook place there.A Rage in Heaven!


DashtackerandMachtacklewere guarding a shuttle base in Nevada when it was attacked byLeozackandHellbat,looking to steal the energy due to be launched. Despite the arrival of more Autobots and a protracted fight, the fact that the Decepticons were using containers of energy as cover meant that the Autobots couldn't fire back, as an explosion would take out a sizable chunk of Nevada. Though it looked like Leozack was going to get away,Star Sabershot the cable connecting the container of energy to his undercarriage, and the Decepticons fled empty-handed. Once the shuttle was checked, the launch was able to resume.Attack the Shuttle Base!!


After theLand Military Mini-Con Teamwas found under Las Vegas, they were brought toArea 54in the Nevada desert. They briefly escaped to the nearby town ofStillwater,but were recaptured.Blast From the Past!Several decades later,Quintheld an auction for the Land Military Mini-Cons somewhere in the Nevada desert.Sale of the Century!

The Transformers Trilogy

By striking deals with certain humans,Starscreamtemporarily conquered Las Vegas.The Transformers Trilogy

2005 IDW continuity

IHWikiFavicon.pngMain article:Nevadaon theIDW Hasbro Wiki

ScorponoksentGrimlockto Fallon, Nevada, where he was pitted against the brainwashedDinobotsMaximum Dinobots #2and then theSunstreaker clonehordes. Chuck in theMonsterbotsanddamnwas the town trashed.Maximum Dinobots #3

Live-action film series


Tranquilitymay or may not be located in Nevada.Transformers

IDW movie comics

Sector Sevenhave a secret base in Nevada, where they keep variousN.B.E.s.The Reign of Starscream #3


The Autobots operate out of an abandoned missile silo just outside the small town ofJasper.Guess where at least three children live!

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