Noble (BM)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Noble" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeNoble (disambiguation). |
- Noble is aMaximalfrom theBeast Machinesportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.
The strange organic monster known asNobleis the only known purely-organic Transformer. He was created as an unintended, unforeseen side effect ofMegatronseeking to rid himself of the organic portions of his beast form. Once Megatron's animating spark left the beast, it retained life and became a distinct living creature in its own right. Stripped of Megatron's mind, however, the thing that remained was basically all animal and acted as such. His humanoid form resembles a werewolf, and his alternate mode is a dragon (known as "Savage"). The animalistic Noble formed a close bond withNightscreamakin to that between a boy and his dog.
Contents |
Beast Machinescartoon
- Voice actor:David Kaye(English),Yūichi Nagashima(Japanese),Han Li(Chinese),Mauro Ramos(Brazil),Michael Telloke(German),Patrick Waleffe(French),José Gilberto Vilchis(Latin-American Spanish)
When Noble first appeared, the creature was basically Megatron in disguise, his spark having been unexpectedly trapped in the organic half he had sought to purge. It is unclear whether his seemingly random violent rages were genuine or if they were a deliberate ruse. Once he seemed to gain more self-control and began speaking, Noble claimed to be a survivor of the transformation lock virus in need of help, and so he was quickly accepted into theMaximalfold and befriended byNightscream.Savage NobleNoble began experiencing "blackouts", however, when his animal mind supposedly took over his actions and led him to Megatron's Citadel, desperately clawing to get in. These "spells" fooled the Maximals long enough for Megatron to make his move. After breaching the Citadel's defenses, he used a spark extractor on himself and downloaded hissparkinto agiant warship.Prometheus Unbound
The discarded Savage/Noble entity was left a pure beast with an instinctual mind and no spark. Noble continued to follow Nightscream, helping where he could but also at times jeopardizing the team.In Darkest KnightHe lost none of his effectiveness against the Vehicons, however, thrashing a whole squadron of Motorcycle Drones when he stumbled across Nightscream under attack in the underground city of Iacon.The Search
The first time Megatron consumed all the sparks on Cybertron, Noble attacked him in defense of Nightscream; now more disgusted than ever, Megatron used his new-found power to kill Noble. This sacrifice led to the enraged Nightscream defeating Megatron.The SiegeThe ill-fated creature was later mourned by the Maximals and praised for his sacrifice.Spark of Darkness
Beast Machinestoy bio
A warrior known to boast about nature's superiority of technology, "Beast Changer"was the first of several side-effects that came about due to Megatron separating his organic and technological halves. He possessed acute senses and immense power in both modes; in his wolf mode, he could easily claw and bite through synthetic alloys, and in his dragon mode, his scales provided him with more protection than any Vehicon armor. Although he was an intelligent warrior, with an intense hatred for Megatron, the other Maximals still had their doubts about him, due to his bizarre origin. Nonetheless, he found sympathy within his fellow Maximal,Nightscream.Beast Changer toy bio
Legends World
In theLegends World,Savage was Nightscream's pet. They celebratedChristmasby watchingAge of Extinction.Merry X'mas!!Nightscream was walking Savage when he ran intoOptimus Primal,Bonus Edition Convobatand again following the reconstruction ofAkihabara.Targetmaster Chapter PrologueWhenNoblejoined theWolf Circusas an opera singer, Savage watched one performance.Bonus Edition Vol. 63
On another walk, Nightscream and Savage passed by theWolf CircusasScorponokplotted with his old subordinates inside.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part OneAfter the Legends World was destroyed, Savage was among the many refugees who ended up onBeastaboard theAxalon,where they watched asNemesisarrived.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3Savage was eventually returned to the reborn Legends World, where he joined Nightscream in watchingG1 Megatron's announcement of his return to theG1 World.Epiloge
As part of their takeover ofTera-Kura Co.for their resources, theConcurrenceusedOld Snake'sSynthoidtechnology in reverse to convertPresident Megatroninto a fully robotic being loyal to the Concurrence. The "beast portion", Noble, was disposed of, and picked up by Nightscream, who got him a job as an opera singer atWeirdwolf'sWolf Circus.OnceMayor Megatrongot wind of the Concurrence's plans and the existence of Noble, he and his subordinates were able to convince Weirdwolf to turn over Noble. By using some trickery, they were able to have Noble take Beast Megatron and combine with him, restoring his normal mind and helping chase away the Concurrence. Remaining split between two bodies, the robotic President Megatron still showed an evil streak, but Noble tried his best at setting him on the right path.Bonus Edition Vol. 63
Once Weirdwolf caught wind ofScorponok's plan to destroy the Legends World, he attempted to convince Noble, who he had grown attached to, to rejoin his circus and escape the universe's fate. Noble refused, instead suggesting that the Headmaster switch sides.Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part OneAfter the world was destroyed, Noble accompanied Megatron and other refugees toBeastaboard theAxalon,where he watched asRattrapintroduced theMonsterbotsto them.The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3On the reborn Legends World, Noble still accompanied Megatron, who was restored to his original self in the interim.Epiloge
Ask Vector Prime
In some realities, "Noble Savage" was aMutant.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/01
Beast Machines
- Beast Changer(Deluxe Class, 2001)
- Accessories:Left & right wings
- Known designers:Yuichiro Hira(TakaraTomy)
- TheBeast MachinesBeast Changer (so called due toHasbro's inability to secure theTrademarkon "Savage Noble" ) transforms from wolf-creature to dragon-creature (the packaging announces a conversion from "savage beast to noble wolf", a reference to the name Hasbro wasn't able to trademark). A spring-loaded tab on the dragon's head opens his jaws. The toy'sspark crystalhas its own unique symbol, a merger of theBeast MachinesMaximal and Vehicon insignias. Its spark-actiongimmickis a wind-up spinning claw attack which can be switched on or off by sliding the spark crystal up or down. His dragon wings cannot transform in any way; for a show-accurate werewolf mode you are required to pop off the wings and set them aside, making him a mildpartformer.
- Despite the character being fully organic, there are moving mechanical parts visible through his chest. The figure has a ridiculously complex gimmick for a Deluxe, with a switch-wound spring powered motor that drives six gears that simultaneously trigger said visible mechanical parts while driving his whirling claw gimmick. By comparison, most similar gimmicks such asArmada Megatron'sspinning turret usually top out at two or three gears, much less an entire motor. Due to its complexity and strong spring, it is prone to failure with age.
- For unknown reasons, he has no eyes in wolf mode. It appears an insert was intended for the head, but it was omitted in the final product. This may be due to clearance issues with the jaw hinge, which may have been blocked as a result.
Beast Wars Returns
- Noble Savage(Deluxe,2005)
- ID number:BR-11
- Release date:April 14,2005
- Accessories:Left & right wings
- A redeco of the Beast Changer toy colored to appear somewhat more show-accurate and released as part of theBeast Wars Returnstoyline. The red plastics were switched to a much more crimson shade, the blue plastics made less saturated and more metallic, while certainsprueswere switched between the two compared to the original release. Oddly, the red paint on the wings is still color-matched to the brighter red of the Beast Machines release. The figure wasexclusivetoToys "R" Usin Japan.
- G2 Megatron(Voyager,2018)
- ID number:LG63
- Release date:February 24,2018
- LegendsNoble is redecoed fromTitans ReturnFangry's drone accessory, transforming from dragon to bipedal wolf monster to5 mmtriple-barreled blaster.
- He was only available in a set with the larger Voyager-sizedG2 Megatrontoy.
Titans Returnmold:Fangry | ||
Titan Master:
- While "Savage" is clearly Megatron's dragon half, it is unclear where the DNA for the wolf form "Noble" originated. Some fans have speculated a connection toSilverbolt's wolf fuzor form, but nothing in the show particularly supports this.
- Given the Beast era's focus on a Transformer's life force and personality being bound up in its spark, it is questionable whether Noble, after losing its spark, was technically still a Transformer.
- TheBeast Wars Mutantsline contained prior examples of beast-to-beast Transformers.
- Mainframewould later recycle the "Noble" character model as a werewolf for the beginning ofCasper's Haunted Christmas.
- The names "Savage" and "Noble" refer to the concept of a "Noble Savage," wherein humans in a non-civilized state are thought to be intrinsically moral because they supposedly lack greed or vice. While initially serving as a critique of Industrial Era society, the concept is now seen a romanticized stereotype rather than a compliment.
Foreign names
- Japanese:Noble(ノーブルNōburu),Savage(サヴェッジSavejji)
- Mandarin:Noble(Taiwan, nặc bácNuòbó),Móhuàn Lóng(China, ma huyễn long, "Fantastic Dragon" )