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Onboard computer

From Transformers Wiki

Onboard computersare computers which are internalized within aTransformer,and assist them in maintaining theirstructures.


Beast Warscartoon

Voice actor:Ian James Corlett(Maximal, English),Carol Savenkoff(Predacon, English)

Onboard computers controlled a variety of functions, includingtransformation.Usually, theactivation codewas spoken aloud by the Transformer in question, but they could activate it internally.Beast Wars (Part 1)

Onboard computers also controlled scans, diagnosticsPower Surgeand initiatingstasis lock.The last component could be overridden, but it was at the Transformer's own risk.Code of Hero

PredaconandMaximalonboard computers were differently voiced; the Predacons' had a feminine voice while the Maximal onboard computer was merely effeminate.Dinobotapparently swapped his out at one point, since his own internal computer spoke with the Maximal voice.

The onboard computers may have been linked in some way with the ships used by both sides—on several occasions, the computer voice is clearly coming from the ships themselves rather than as an internal mechanism, and several cases, the Maximal computer voice comes from astasis pod.The Spark

Beast Machinescartoon

After beingreformattedintotechnorganicbodies, theMaximalslost their onboard computers, thus forcing them to find an "emotional still point" to transform. This caused some problems, initially.Master of the House

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