Operation Liberation
From Transformers Wiki
Operation Liberationwas the name given to the attack on theDecepticon Headquartersby a combined force ofhumanmilitary andAutobotforces.
DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
OnMay 4,1998,the human world leaders, tired of being caught in the crossfire of theGreat War,contravened a summit. At the summit, the World Leaders unanimously voted in favor of Operation Liberation, a massive endeavor whereby the various major world powers would militarize and begin a unified assault on theDecepticons.
The final battle itself was led by the mightyOptimus Primeand despite the Autobots' greatest efforts, human casualties were incredibly high. The battle raged for days, with the Autobots' assaults unable to penetrate the Decepticon lines and the humans dying in droves thanks to the Decepticons'energon-powered laser cannons.
It was to be a self-sacrifice (and for once, notPrime's) that would aid the forces of humanity and Autobot alike. ACanadianairforce pilot,Rudy "Red" Kingsleyflew his fighter jet into the heart of the Decepticons' headquarters. The jet exploded, killing Kingsley and injuring and rattling the Decepticon forces enough that the alliance was able to defeat and capture the Decepticons, ending the Great War for good.Prime Directive #1