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The name or term "Oracle" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeOracle (disambiguation).
Oracle (The Reformatting).jpg

In the era of theMaximalsandPredacons,three hundred years after the end of theGreat Warbetween theAutobotsandDecepticons,the legendary, forgotten supercomputerVector Sigmahad evolved into something...else,transcending physical form to become theOracle,an immaterial mainframe that continued to act out the will ofPrimusto shapeCybertron's future. Where Vector Sigma responded to anyone who wielded itskey,the Oracle was responsive only to those Transformers with a "receptivespark",allowing them to access its systems, and through it, commune with theAllspark.



Beast Warscartoon continuity

Beast Machinescartoon

Voice actor:Carol Savenkoff(English),Nobutoshi Canna(Japanese),Fang Shuqiao(Chinese),Emanuela Damasio(Italian),Martina Treger(German),Isabelle Loison(French)

According to legend, the Oracle was older than all Cybertronian civilization, and predicted the coming of Transformers to Cybertron. Long forgotten by Maximal and Predacon civilization, the computer lay hidden within the planet untilMegatronconquered the planet with his Vehicon hordes. The Oracle summonedOptimus Primalto its chambers in order to talk to him, granting the Maximal leader a vision of Cybertron, mixed with vague words on "unleashing the warrior within". To protect Primal's Maximals from the effects of thetransformation virusMegatron had used to conquer Cybertron, the Oraclereformattedthem into newtechnorganicforms. On doing so, it promptly vanished.The Reformatting

"I am also know as the oracle".

Through the Oracle, Optimus Primal came to commune with theAllspark,the extradimensional source of all Transformer life to which the computer was revealed to be connected, and believed that it was the will of the Allspark that Cybertron be restored to its organic beginnings.SurvivorIn truth, Primal was incorrect—the Oracle actually desired abalancebetween the organic and the technological—but it would take the disastrous unleashing of the power buried within the computer to make him realize this. When Megatron's treacherous general,Tankor,discovered that Vector Sigma and the Oracle were one and the same, he used the sparklessDiagnostic Droneto circumvent the Oracle's "receptive spark" requirement, tapping into the Oracle's "Vector Sigma core" and acquiring from it the code for the mega-computer's legendary key, which held the power to convert organics intotechnomatter.The KeyWhen Optimus next attempted to contact the Oracle, he found himself unable to do so, due to Tankor's tampering.The Catalyst

Tankor proceeded to arm hisTank Droneswith the power of the Key to Vector Sigma, intending to use it to scour Cybertron of all traces of organic matter, but soon discovered that Megatron had taken control of the drones away from him. In order to trick Megatron into unleashing the key, Tankor had the Diagnostic Drone tap the Oracle once more and send Optimus Prime a false vision, guiding him to thePlasma Energy Chamber.Tankor gambled that Primal would never unleash the Chamber's descructive energy, but that thethreatof it in his control would goad Megatron into activating the key. Tankor gambled wrong; after Megatron triggered the key, Optimus retaliated by unleashing the power of the chamber, and two energies violently cancelled each other out.End of the LinePrimal was killed by the energy backlash and travelled to the Allspark, but chose not to join it, now understanding what the Oracle truly desired. Primal returned to reality via the Oracle, and the computer vanished.FalloutThough, it was anomalously visible again a few times.A Wolf in the FoldThe StrikeThe Siege

It would be some time before Primal realized it, but the Oracle had, in fact, transplanted itself into Primal's body. Megatron was first to realize this and targeted Primal, tricking him with a hologram of Optimus Prime and downloading a portion of the Oracle for himself.The SearchUsing the power of the Oracle, Megatron attempted to merge all the spark he had stolen from Cybertron's population with his own, but Primal's Maximals halted his scheme.The Siege

Optimus sought to consult with the Oracle one last time before his final showdown against Megatron's forces. The Oracle informed Primal that he already held the wisdom and strength of conviction to triumph and see Cybertron through to its destiny. It then relayed the strength of the sparks contained within the Matrix to give the Maximals new powers, to aid them in the upcoming confrontation.When Legends FallAs it would soon turn out, the Oracle had actually orchestrated this entire scenario, so that Optimus Primal and Megatron would both control a portion of its power: with its power split thusly, neither one would be able to obtain their goal without the other. It was Optimus Primal who ultimately claimed victory, driving Megatron into Cybertron'sorganic coreand sacrificing both of them as he activated the Oracle and triggered aplanet-wide reformattingof Cybertron into a technorganic paradise.Seeds of the Future

3H comics

"Blah blah blah, Mr. Freeman."

The Oracle was a shell program created by theQuintessonsduring their occupation of Cybertron twelve millions years ago, which they developed as a means of controlling Vector Sigma and cutting Primus off from his creations. Seeing a new opportunity to retake Cybertron, the Quintessons used the Oracle to feed Optimus Primal the visions he experienced through the computer, guilding him to orchestrate the technorganic reformatting of Cybertron in the belief it would leave the Cybertronians weak and disoriented, opening the planet up to an easy conquest.DisclosureIn truth, however, the Quintessons were unwittingly being manipulated by Primus himself, who used the greedy aliens as a means of instigating this great evolutionary leap for his children.Wreckers: Finale Part II

The Oracle gave missions to groups other than Optimus Primal's. In addition to Primal's Maximals, the Oracle called forth theWreckers,theDinobots,and theMutants.It sent the Dinobots and the Mutants on odd-sounding quests, but before it could give orders toPrimal Primeand his Wreckers, an odd bit of interference happened. Primal Prime received his orders as well, but there was something different about these orders.Departure

The Dinobots and Mutants were actually sent on fools errands. Most of the Dinobots met their doom on a remote planet at the hands of theTrans-Organics.The Mutants were sent toNew Quintessa,where they were seemingly devoured bySharkticons.Overseeing the death of the Mutants was the Predacon gangsterCryotekand theSupreme Imperial MagistrateDerodomontatus.Cryotek revealed that the Oracle was in fact a creation of theQuintessonsthemselves. Soon, Cryotek expected the planet to be reformatted into a technorganic world, all according to their plan.Betrayal

The Wreckers eventually found themselves on a planet with an exiled Quintesson namedAl-badur,who explained the history of the Oracle to them.DisclosureThe Quintessons would discover they had been tricked when Primus spoke throughIcebird,revealing toHeirodyus,that despite what the aliens thought, all had transpired according tohiswill.Wreckers: Finale Part II

One year later, the Oracle had come under the full control of Primus andAlpha Trion.When Unicron started abducting Cybertronians from across themultiverseto consume their Sparks for his resurrection, Primus used the Oracle to summon Optimus Primal back to life to serve as his champion and take the fight to Unicron.AbductionThe Oracle then sent Optimus into the depths of Unicron to rescue the captured Transformers and return them to their respective home dimensions.OTFCC Live-Action DramaAfterward, with input from Optimus, Primus and Alpha Trion used the Oracle to bringRhinoxandDepth Chargeback from the Matrix, as well as to summonOmega Primefromanother universe.Homecoming

Wings Universe

Wings Universeis based on theGeneration 1 cartoon,but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Cheetorused the lessons of his departed teacher to interface with the Oracle, becoming Alpha Trizer, living embodiment of the Oracle's ancient wisdom and spiritual leader of Cybertron.Alpha Trizer's profile

Waspscream continuity

InPrimax 208.06 Zeta,Waspscream,Terrorsaur,Tarantulas,andProtoform Xwere drawn to the Oracle while fleeing from Megatron's Vehicons. The Oracle reformatted the Predacons into technorganic bodies, which they used in their valiantSpark Waragainst Megatron's forces.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/16

Shell Game

Ultra Trionguarded the Oracle. The Decepticon tyrantMegazaraksought the Oracle, believing it to contain the location ofBase Sigma,the last pocket of Autobot resistance, but Ultra Trion gave his life to delay Megazarak a while longer.Shell Game

Legends World

WhenTigatronprayed for a chance to meet a real female Transformer, the divine Oracle granted his wish and made all kinds of females to appear and fight for Tigatron's affection. Except not really; it was all a dream.Bonus Edition Vol. 11

Ask Vector Prime

InViron 102.0 Beta,the guardians of causality known as theAlternity,communed withOptimus Primalthrough the Oracle and guided him in stoppingMegatronfrom taking over that universe's Cybertron.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/0/30

Beast Wars: Uprising

The Oracle and Vector Sigma were apparently separate entities. While Vector Sigma was destroyed during the Great War, centuries later, the Oracle dwelled within Cybertron, far beneath the surface for a "receptive spark". It found one in the rogue MaximalOvershoot,and summoned him to its chambers. It granted him a vision of Cybertron as it presently was, and told him it was in pain. When he tried explaining about thewar going on,it informed him thatthatwas necessary, designed to sweep away the evil "masquerading as good", the birth pangs of a new order, followed by a vision of seemingly unconnected vignettes of history, then told him aboutthose who sought to hijackCybertron's destiny, followed by mentioning that one day Cybertron and Earth would stand against a foe "beyond imagination". When Overshoot mentioned he thought humans were the enemy, the Oracle retorted that one hand couldn't be the enemy of the other, and that while Overshoot didn't understand him, his descendants would. It then returned him to the real world.

When Overshoot died at the hands of the threat the Oracle had warned him about, a few cycles later, it welcomed him to the Allspark. When Overshoot hesitated to enter, it warned him that his choice could prevent him ever joining the Matrix. He still chose to go back.Cultural Appropriation


  • In Japanese continuity, the Oracle and Vector Sigma are the same being asPrimus,and the Generation 1Oracle.See those articles for more details.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Oracle(オラクルOrakuru)
  • Mandarin:Shén-yǜ(Taiwan, thần dụ, "Oracle" ),Shèngxián Diànnǎo(China, thánh hiền điện não, "Sage Computer" )
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